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The Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread X

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    Originally posted by sacme
    I hope we do get to see Carter using the ribbon device again. I always wished she'd used her "power" a bit more in the field. And if she used it to defend Jack, even better!

    ships sistah
    Me too, I was watching Seth the other day and I thinking how cool it was that she could use the hand device. (ugh, did I just say cool?) Anyhoo.....I think she should use it more. Bring her back to the old kick a$$ Sam - which definitely came back in New Order. Have I mentioned I'm really exicted about this season?


      Originally posted by Ship Nana
      I think we should try to keep the cost down, especially if we want to try to do the coffee cups also.

      White t-shirts using the thermal transfer method of printing would be the most economical. I checked around...we're looking at about $15-$20 (USD)/shirt.
      Mandy _|,,|


        Originally posted by J Sockie
        Hey everyone! I'm not totally new here, back when this was on the old forum I used to read the thread a lot, but only posted once or twice. When it switched over to this new thread I seemed to get out of it for a little while (didn't really understand all the new things on the thread....probably got scared...) but now that the season has started back up I really want to get back into this. Maybe even earn membership in the shipper family??

        Does anyone have any Sam/Jack spoilers for this next season? I've been trying to read through all the posts, but there's so many, so I'm sure I missed a ton of them, and I apologize if all the spoiler info has already been posted. I was thinkin....

        Spoiler Space for Season 8
        I read somewhere that Sam says yes to Pete, but we don't actually know if they get married....well isn't there supposed to be an AU episode this season? Maybe Sam will see herself married to Pete and unhappy, or better yet married to Jack and completely happy...just a thought. Anyone else thinking along these lines? Or am I way off base..

        Anyway, classes for me don't start for another month, and even then I have several hours in between each class, leaving plenty of time to keep up with this thread. It's good to be back, and I'm looking forward to jumping into conversation with you guys!
        Welcome Sockie Post Lots and make sure you get hooked on the all the cookies (but be careful they are very addictive)!


        McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

        TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

        McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?
        MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


          Originally posted by J Sockie
          Hey everyone! I'm not totally new here, back when this was on the old forum I used to read the thread a lot, but only posted once or twice. When it switched over to this new thread I seemed to get out of it for a little while (didn't really understand all the new things on the thread....probably got scared...) but now that the season has started back up I really want to get back into this. Maybe even earn membership in the shipper family??
          Welcome to the new forum! We are having lots of fun with the new features. Lots of smilies and dazzling sigs! Jump right in the ship water is calm now! Our family is easy (not in that way ). Post once, and we have you for life!

          Does anyone have any Sam/Jack spoilers for this next season? I've been trying to read through all the posts, but there's so many, so I'm sure I missed a ton of them, and I apologize if all the spoiler info has already been posted. <snip>
          Well, there haven't been any good spoilers so we're not talking about them. This is the positive thread! In Thread XI we may be forced to confront "issues". We are all in our own little Happy Place! You know, the one in Southern California.

          Anyway, classes for me don't start for another month, and even then I have several hours in between each class, leaving plenty of time to keep up with this thread. It's good to be back, and I'm looking forward to jumping into conversation with you guys!
          Get your exercise! It's not easy keeping up with the family!

          Token ~


            Since ShipDaddy hasn't been on GW in a tad over a week (or w/his Family in more time that that....)
            Allow me to present.......

            MiniOde to ShipDaddy
            (to the tune of “Where oh Where”)

            Where oh Where
            has our ShipDaddy gone
            Where oh Where
            Could he be?
            The shiplets need love and
            his guidance too
            we wish he had some time free……

            Please come back
            Oh ShipDaddy come back
            We miss you
            Ohhh can’t you see….
            The Family has grown
            from the seeds you’ve sown
            To see you, oh how nice that would be…………
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              That was too cute ShimmeringStar! I'm sure he'll be so proud of you.

              Well, I'm gonna try to sign off before 9:00 tonight. Ah! too late....well, anyway, I'm gonna go before my eyes start to bleed from all the fics I've been reading. Hope to hear a great report from Marimba tomorrow. Night all! Happy chatting!


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                Since ShipDaddy hasn't been on GW in a tad over a week (or w/his Family in more time that that....)
                Allow me to present.......

                MiniOde to ShipDaddy
                (to the tune of “Where oh Where”)

                Where oh Where
                has our ShipDaddy gone
                Where oh Where
                Could he be?
                The shiplets need love and
                his guidance too
                we wish he had some time free……

                Please come back
                Oh ShipDaddy come back
                We miss you
                Ohhh can’t you see….
                The Family has grown
                from the seeds you’ve sown
                To see you, oh how nice that would be…………
                Nicely done!!!! Btw, where is our ShipDaddy???


                McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                  Originally posted by J Sockie
                  Hey everyone! I'm not totally new here, back when this was on the old forum I used to read the thread a lot, but only posted once or twice. When it switched over to this new thread I seemed to get out of it for a little while (didn't really understand all the new things on the thread....probably got scared...) but now that the season has started back up I really want to get back into this. Maybe even earn membership in the shipper family??
                  to the family! You only need be a shipper to "earn" membership-- no matter what mad_gater tells you. There are no "dues" for beer and pizza! Although, we're working on a shipper tee, if you're interested. Have fun here! And welcome back!

                  Spoiler Space for Season 8
                  I read somewhere that Sam says yes to Pete, but we don't actually know if they get married....well isn't there supposed to be an AU episode this season? Maybe Sam will see herself married to Pete and unhappy, or better yet married to Jack and completely happy...just a thought. Anyone else thinking along these lines? Or am I way off base..
                  As JM told us, post 721 in S/J Thread (of hell) 8, we can jump to small conclusions but not big ones. We'll see and weather it together.

                  your ship sistah

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by meimei
                    In Entity, the entity was flipping through everyone's personnel records and stopped on Jack's file. The birthdate was cut off at the bottom but appeared 20/10/52 or 53.
                    Oh how sweet is that? My bday is 10/20!
                    Mandy _|,,|


                      Here's another shippy way to take care of ol' Blubber Ba'al:

                      *Jack is in the commisary pounding shots of whiskey to brace himself to interrogate Ba'al when Daniel and Teal'c come in *

                      *Suddenly the alarms go off*

                      Intercom: Intruder Alert!! Stand clear of all level access points!!

                      Jack: What the----?
                      Teal'c: Ba'al must've escaped and is headed for the surface.
                      Daniel: Damn it!!!!
                      Jack: I was about to say that!!

                      *They are tracking down Ba'al, who's nowhere to be found when they find Sam badly beaten unconscious in the hallway. The wounds are consistent with a ribbon device coupled with fisticuff beatings*

                      Jack (head toward ceiling): BA'AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

                      *The Earth rumble's with that shout and is felt throughout the entire base*
                      *Jack brings his head back down and Daniel and Teal'c can see his eyes glowing GREEN!!!! *

                      Daniel: Jack---? Teal'c what's happening?!?!?!?!

                      Teal'c: It is said through old legends that when a man of Celtic heritage such as O'Neill becomes enraged, he will channel an ancient power strong enough to defeat any Goa'uld on the ground. This is how the Celts helped overthrow the Goa'uld on Earth thousands of years ago. This is known as "Celtic Rage." Apparently the legends are true.

                      Daniel: Wow!!

                      *Jack runs off to the armory and comes back with a staff weapon, which is now glowing green, along with his whole body!! Oh boy!! Ba'al is definitely toast now!! Jack starts making his way to the surface when Sam wakes up!!*

                      Sam (wide-eyed): SIR?!?!?!
                      Daniel: I think we'd better follow him!!
                      Teal'c: Indeed.

                      *Jack, Daniel, Sam, and, Teal'c run up to the surface, Sam being supported by Daniel and Teal'c as she is still hurt. where Ba'al is seen escaping the front gate*

                      Jack: BA'AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

                      *The earth rumbles again*

                      *Ba'al turns to face Jack with a self-satisfied smile which quickly turns to a look of pure horror when he sees Jack and the staff weapon glowing green!!*

                      Jack: You hurt the woman I love!!!!!! Prepare to have your a$$ kicked!!!!!

                      *Jack points the staff weapon at Ba'al. A green energy bolt shoots out of it and envelops Ba'al, penetrating his personal shield. This energy is so bright that everyone present must shield their eyes. The energy bolt ceases, revealing only a pile of ash where Ba'al once stood. The glow fades from around Jack and the staff weapon as he faints from the sheer amount of energy drained from him.*

                      Sam: JAAAAAAACK!!!!

                      Jack: It's OK. I'll be fine. Just a little tired is all.

                      Sam (crying): Oh Jack!! Don't ever risk yourself like that again!!!!

                      Jack: He hurt you Sam! He hurt the woman I love!!!! I was pi$$ed!! It could'nt've gone down any other way. I vowed to myself if Ba'al ever hurt me or anyone else close to me again I would toast him! Looks like I did more than that!! You are very close to me Sam!! I love you!! The pain of seeing you hurt like that made me mad enough for me to do what I did to that snakey-a$$ed SOB!!

                      Sam (still crying): Oh Jack!!!! I love you too!! Which is why I'm pi$$ed at you for risking your own life like that!!!!

                      Jack (sitting up): C'mere Sam.

                      *Sam moves closer to Jack. Jack grabs Sam's chin and kisses her full on the mouth. Sam is responding in kind. Daniel and Teal'c leave them in peace, jaws still hanging from what they witnessed*

                      Jack (breathing heavily, eyes full of lust): place or your's?

                      Sam (also breathing heavily, voice husky): Your place. Definitely your place. I want to see that cabin you talk so much about. And I want to go fishing!

                      Jack (grinning): My place it is then!!

                      *Sam gives Jack one of her naquada-enhanced megawatt smiles*

                      *Jack picks am up and puts her into Jack's truck and they drive off to Minnesota, where the famous O'Neill cabin awaits. The end.*

                      Phew!! This'll be one of my longest posts yet!!!!
                      Last edited by mad_gater; 21 July 2004, 05:24 PM.


                        Originally posted by getcarter
                        That was too cute ShimmeringStar! I'm sure he'll be so proud of you.

                        Well, I'm gonna try to sign off before 9:00 tonight. Ah! too late....well, anyway, I'm gonna go before my eyes start to bleed from all the fics I've been reading. Hope to hear a great report from Marimba tomorrow. Night all! Happy chatting!
                        Thank you!
                        G'night getcarter.... I'm probably not too far behind you.... made a promise to myself I'd only stay on til 9:30...... we'll see if I keep to it!
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Spoiler Space Season 8
                          Originally posted by Token
                          Well, there haven't been any good spoilers so we're not talking about them. This is the positive thread!
                          There are too good spoilers!

                          Sam gets promoted. Ishta's back. We're gonna see Maybourne again. And Thor! And, even better, Jacob!

                          You say this is the ship thread? Hmmm.... topic. Know I left that around here somewhere.

                          Right! There it is. Sam's doubting her relationship with Pete and PDL recently said something about how they were still going to address the whole Sam/Jack thing and basically insinuated Pete was there to keep Sam from looking like she was pining away her life. So, clearly he has a defined purpose and we know what happens to tertiay characters once they've filled their purpose.

                          Let me find that quote. Ah right, it was in TV Zone. Here we go with the key bit: "Whether they stay together, or even if Pete gets killed, or even if Sam realises the end of the day that he's just not Jack and returns to O'Neill, all avenues will be fully investigated. it won't just be that she sat there pining away, and that's what we felt was most important."

                          Yup, all avenues will be investigated. They haven't forgotten the ship. They're gonna address it and, the reality of tv is, there's gonna be a twist. Pete's pretty obvious. Having her stay with him, not all that exciting or interesting. A big, emotional realization and change of plan, yea, that's drama. That's a rollercoaster ride.

                          Gee, where have we heard that term before?

                          Worried? Nope. This ship's gonna sail.
                          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                            Originally posted by J Sockie
                            Hey everyone! I'm not totally new here, back when this was on the old forum I used to read the thread a lot, but only posted once or twice. When it switched over to this new thread I seemed to get out of it for a little while (didn't really understand all the new things on the thread....probably got scared...) but now that the season has started back up I really want to get back into this. Maybe even earn membership in the shipper family??

                            Does anyone have any Sam/Jack spoilers for this next season? I've been trying to read through all the posts, but there's so many, so I'm sure I missed a ton of them, and I apologize if all the spoiler info has already been posted. I was thinkin....

                            Spoiler Space for Season 8
                            I read somewhere that Sam says yes to Pete, but we don't actually know if they get married....well isn't there supposed to be an AU episode this season? Maybe Sam will see herself married to Pete and unhappy, or better yet married to Jack and completely happy...just a thought. Anyone else thinking along these lines? Or am I way off base..

                            Anyway, classes for me don't start for another month, and even then I have several hours in between each class, leaving plenty of time to keep up with this thread. It's good to be back, and I'm looking forward to jumping into conversation with you guys!
                            Those RED SHIPPER COOKIES are great aren't they?!?!?! Welcome and Tec'ma'te (from my Tok'ra symbiote Kel'dor)!!

                            Welcome to the family!!!!

                            Here's your official shipper family medallion. Hope you post lots!!!!
                            Last edited by mad_gater; 21 July 2004, 05:27 PM.


                              Welcome J Sockie & Aligater & blueiris!

                              <Sorry for the belated welcome…. better late than never !>

                              Welcome back col aga… we missed you! Good luck at whichever university you choose.

                              And for anyone else I forgot (& I know I probably have!)…..
                              (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((new shiplets)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
                              Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 21 July 2004, 05:36 PM. Reason: forget, forgot, forgotten.........
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by sacme
                                to the family! You only need be a shipper to "earn" membership-- no matter what mad_gater tells you. There are no "dues" for beer and pizza! Although, we're working on a shipper tee, if you're interested. Have fun here! And welcome back!

                                As JM told us, post 721 in S/J Thread (of hell) 8, we can jump to small conclusions but not big ones. We'll see and weather it together.

                                your ship sistah
                                HEY!! Who's been spreading these filthy rumors?!?!?! I never charge for beer and pizza!!!! I freely share my beer and pizza with all those who are interested!!!!

