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The Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread X

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    Originally posted by Ship Nana
    Here's your Pink Shipper Cookies! These should definitely increases your creativity and brain power for Shipping.
    Thanks! I'll need them. I have never written a humorous story before. And I need to do this one just right to get the Shipper Seal of Approval!!

    It's a dangerous subject, but somebodies gotta do it!


      Originally posted by Mala50
      Do we need spoiler space here too? Lost City P2....7
      Last 'conversation' between Jack and Sam just after The Boyz showed up:

      Jack: "Funny..."

      Just wondering, if he says in New Order that he doesn't remember anything after he got his head sucked into that thing again, does that mean he doesn't remember Sam's visit or when they 'talked' on the ship??

      OMG, you're right! Grrrr. One step forward, two steps back.

      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by mad_gater
        Premature threadifications, ShipSistah? Premature would describe your drinking binges I think!

        I was just being efficient in opening up the new place so that you guys could just come on in!!
        I was wondering when you'd catch that one ...ship sista, over here, HIDE!!


          Originally posted by GoneShippin'
          Checked out the website...rather pricey events, aren't they. I'll have to live vicariously through you two; August (back to school month) is usually a bit tight financially under normal conditions, I really can't see prioritizing mom's SG1 obsession over school uniforms and books. Well, I actually CAN see, it, but the repercussions wouldn't be pretty .

          Will get a letter to you, though.
          Yeah, they are definitely pricey. But I figure I have friends and friends family to camp out with (can't afford a hotel room!), and I can drive from home, so really its just the price of the ticket. Besides, at some point in the not too distant future I'll be moving back to New Zealand, and then trying to go to a con is REALLY expensive!!! I'd be glad to take anything with me (and I'd love to wear our t-shirt "Shipper and proud of it!!").
          If anyone else is thinking of going, we should meet up. PM me


            Originally posted by meimei

            Of course I am willing to see Sam have any close contact with Jack. Maybe he needs to administer a good spanking for the whole fooling around with the wrong guy incident!!!
            now that could turn into an NC-17 fanfic.................



              Originally posted by sacme
              OMG, you're right! Grrrr. One step forward, two steps back.

              ship sistah
              Calm down. Although he said he didn't remember anything since his head got stuck in the Ancient's thingy, I am almost certain that Thor said his memory would return eventually!

              My VCR is on the blink so I didn't tape it but someone out there must have!!


                Originally posted by Mala50
                I don't know if many here have seen it, but go watch "THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT" with Geena Davis (as an assassin w/amnesia) and Samuel L. Jackson....

                Kick-Butt! is right! And her character's name is SAMANTHA CAINE!!

                Very underrated, strong-woman action film. And funny, too.
                I agree, critics hated it, but I liked it...good pick Mala....
                you know, I've been thinking about those 2 crazy gals, Thelma and Louise...I liked how they broke out of their boring lives, realized what they'd been missing and raised hell, but going over a cliff? um, NO!! Sam wouldn't do that unless she'd outfitted the engine with a naquada powered hyperdrive.



                  Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                  now that could turn into an NC-17 fanfic.................

                  Ain't that the truth!! LOL!

                  Have to try to keep them down to an R rating. GW doesn't post NC17. The one Tame is working on may have to be toned down a bit...

                  I think I got carried away! Wishful thinking?

                  I will wait for Tame's opinion...


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    Premature threadifications, ShipSistah? Premature would describe your drinking binges I think!

                    I was just being efficient in opening up the new place so that you guys could just come on in!!
                    LOL! I told you he'd find you out Ship Sistah!!

                    I think everybody in here has some semblance of a waste heap in their minds!! We probably have enough waste heaps to create a mental landfill!!
                    Heeey ! Speak for yourself! My mind is as pure as the driven snow........
                    *kiwigater looks puzzled* "why is everyone laughing????.....


                      Originally posted by meimei
                      Ain't that the truth!! LOL!

                      Have to try to keep them down to an R rating. GW doesn't post NC17. The one Tame is working on may have to be toned down a bit...

                      I think I got carried away! Wishful thinking?

                      I will wait for Tame's opinion...
                      That's why we like Heliopolis.....


                        Originally posted by JSDT
                        Okay, while I was sitting here folding laundry, a thought occured to me...

                        Spoilers-S8...just New Order, I think

                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack
                        Sam and Jack

                        Not that I want in any more episodes, but what if the replicator Sam, the real Sam, Jack and were in some sort of confrontational situation and Jack was the only one able to tell which Sam was the REAL Sam? I just thought that may make an interesting revelation as to who really knows Sam better and would show Sam her true connection is with Jack.
                        I like!

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          I slightly disagree, Di. In Heroes 2, Sam came into that room looking for affection and she wasn't going anywhere until she got some. I mean, a hug. It may have been passive, but she stood there in the middle of the room waiting for Jack to come over. She could have, after getting upset, excused herself. But she knew what she wanted and what would make her feel better. Oh, how I would love to have seen how they got out of that clinch! Lots of shippy awkwardness!

                          ship sistah

                          p.s. And don't forget the Broca Jack attack!

                          Sam was initiating more than a 'hug' in Broca Divide...not that there's anything wrong with that ..but ok, I see your point.



                            Originally posted by *HailDorothy*
                            I posted this in the other thread, but thought it wouldnt hurt posting it in this one too. I would like to introduce you guys to the "Say no to Pete" website. is a site where anti-pete people can come and voice their opinions about the character with out being called tacky, petty, and childish. Please join and please spread the word! We would like to get recognized by the powers that be, and maybe just maybe, they might listen to us. join and tell me what you think!
                            I don't think I'd want to join the group cuz I belong to enough things already. But I'll tell ya why I don't like :

                            is a selfish untrustworthy, stalkerish SOB. Sam couldn't tell him about his job cuz it was classified, but he wasn't content with that answer. So that pice of horse dung went behind her back to find out!! That shows he didn't trust her enough to let her worry about her own job and her own life!! And then to top it all off he botched a stakeout cuz he he wasn't content to keep his big fat nose out from where it didn't belong and nearly got Sam killed. If I were Sam, I wouldn't want a bf like that. A good boyfriend is just there for her, good or bad, classified or non-classified. That's another thing!! That SOB walked out on her after their night together!! That alone set off warnings about in my head. I'd want my sig other to actually be there when I woke up in the morning, given what we would've shared the night before. A good bf doesn't need to know about his gf's job to comfort her if the job's got her down!! Jack would be much better. I know Jack, if he was in 's shoes, i.e., not knowing anything about her job, still would've been there for Sam in the morning and would've made her breakfast and stuff and would've trusted her to take care of herself and would'nt've run a background check on her when he got her "classified" answer when he asks her about her job and would've stayed out of her business. Jack knows how to be a good BF. doesn't. Jack would know not to press and run background checks and follow her on her stakeouts whenever he's faced with "classified" from Sam.


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              OMG! Imagine if Sam met P's family: one brother looks just like an airman who's always hanging around the SGC, another looks like the Colonel in "Wormhole X-treme!" and his father looks exactly like Urgo!
                              LOL! Mala's the greatest.

                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Ain't that the truth!! LOL!

                                Have to try to keep them down to an R rating. GW doesn't post NC17. The one Tame is working on may have to be toned down a bit...

                                I think I got carried away! Wishful thinking?

                                I will wait for Tame's opinion...

                                Hey, after Tame edits it, send me the original version, before you "tone it down"..I'm a big girl, I can handle it


