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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    This Sam vid by kir_fect for Line in the Sand has more Sam/Cam than you can shake a stick at!

    Very spoilery.


      I made a very, very, very....very simple icon out of a screencap I found in the Cameron Mitchell Thunk Thread

      Shippy picture
      postet by Neelan_Liquor (from "Beachhead")

      Someone with better skills can definitley do better. Its rather a hint what it might look like.

      I like how the friendship between Cam and Sam is portrayed. There is a big, big "maybe", but I can see them also simply staying friends. Because there is no hint of attraction so far, only respect and care for each other.
      Refreshing to see something like that.


      Found it in better quality on my computer:

      Under tags because of its size

      And an icon with this picture:

      Last edited by Gwin; 01 February 2007, 05:07 AM.
      That's all folks.


        Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
        It's sure hard finding finished Cameron/Sam romance storys I've read all the ones over at Can anyone else give me a link to some different ones? And yes Adult fics are more then welcome
        Sam/Cam is pretty popular on livejournal, with a lot of people writing the pairing. Here's a few fics I've read recently that I really liked:

        Kindness Falls Like Rain which is sequel to the awesome Recovering the Satellites by Synecdochic (PG).

        Not Expecting Pardon by Rydra Wong is a cool AU about the fate of the Black team after the events in 'Ripple Effect' (R).

        The Long Pause Between
        by Kellifer has some fun Sam/Cam banter and a bit of angst (PG).

        ETA: I've also read some surprisingly good Cam/Sam/Daniel fics, but I'm not sure they qualify for this thread though.

        Banner by angelfire east


          I found the sequel Kindness lastnight. And as far as I am concerned I am such a fanfic hound I don't care if you post the links here or PM me with them. LOLOL


            Originally posted by Jades View Post
            Sam/Cam is pretty popular on livejournal, with a lot of people writing the pairing. Here's a few fics I've read recently that I really liked:

            Kindness Falls Like Rain which is sequel to the awesome Recovering the Satellites by Synecdochic (PG).

            Not Expecting Pardon by Rydra Wong is a cool AU about the fate of the Black team after the events in 'Ripple Effect' (R).

            The Long Pause Between
            by Kellifer has some fun Sam/Cam banter and a bit of angst (PG).

            ETA: I've also read some surprisingly good Cam/Sam/Daniel fics, but I'm not sure they qualify for this thread though.
            Thanks for the links... and go ahead and post the Cam/Sam/Daniel links, too... those who don't wanna read don't have to.


              Here's some of the Cam/Sam/Daniel fic links. This grouping was also fairly popular for the I saw three ships ficathon on LJ.

              Against All Enemies by surrealphantast (NC-17)

              Penumbra by Minxy (NC-17)

              Banner by angelfire east


                Originally posted by Jades View Post
                Here's some of the Cam/Sam/Daniel fic links. This grouping was also fairly popular for the I saw three ships ficathon on LJ.

                Against All Enemies by surrealphantast (NC-17)

                Penumbra by Minxy (NC-17)
                Yeah! More naughty fics!!! Thanks, Jades!!!


                  Here are some Icons I worked up

                  Feel free to use, just credit when you can

                  And here are some other Stargate Icons (as well as The Office and Dragonriders of Pern) I posted with those on my LJ,
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    Originally posted by Jades View Post
                    Sam/Cam is pretty popular on livejournal, with a lot of people writing the pairing. Here's a few fics I've read recently that I really liked:

                    Kindness Falls Like Rain which is sequel to the awesome Recovering the Satellites by Synecdochic (PG).

                    Not Expecting Pardon by Rydra Wong is a cool AU about the fate of the Black team after the events in 'Ripple Effect' (R).

                    The Long Pause Between
                    by Kellifer has some fun Sam/Cam banter and a bit of angst (PG).

                    ETA: I've also read some surprisingly good Cam/Sam/Daniel fics, but I'm not sure they qualify for this thread though.
                    Thank you for the links

                    Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
                    Very nice!
                    Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                      Originally posted by Jades View Post
                      Against All Enemies by surrealphantast (NC-17)
                      Oh my freakin'... YUM! Just finished reading this one and... I repeat... Oh my freakin' YUM!!!
                      Can I please be Sam now?
                      Thanks again for those links, Jades


                        Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
                        Okay everybody, I am in the icon mood, but I'm having trouble locating great sam/cam caps. So here is the challenge. Everybody post their fav Sam/Cam caps and I will icon them tomorrow! Heck, I might even make a signature or two. And if you have words or quotes you want added, go ahead and throw those out I may use them!
                        I don't have any pictures to post and I don't think I can use personalized icons here, yet, but I'd love to see what you come up with!!!


                          Thanks for all the links, everyone! I've been busy at work, but I hope to get to them soon - and hope to remember where to find the ones with spoilers [like Scarimor's video recommendation] after I've seen the appropriate episodes!


                            Lam: I'm getting sick and tired of covering for the two of you.
                            Sam: Sorry...but it's not my fault.
                            Cam: It was your idea to try the trapeze move.
                            Sam: Yeah, but you're the one who couldn't handle it and sent us crashing to the floor.


                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                              Lam: I'm getting sick and tired of covering for the two of you.
                              Sam: Sorry...but it's not my fault.
                              Cam: It was your idea to try the trapeze move.
                              Sam: Yeah, but you're the one who couldn't handle it and sent us crashing to the floor.
                              But I have a feeling that Cam could handle a trapeze just fine.


                                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                                But I have a feeling that Cam could handle a trapeze just fine.
                                Yeah...probably...if he hadn't drank all that tequila first.

