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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor
    And definitely for cute baddies.

    Bad!Sam/Bad!Cam =
    HA! When I first read this, I could only see the first line and I wondered, "What is she doing bringing Ba'al into this thread?" Then I scrolled down. Hee. Bad!Sam and Bad!Cam are definitely cute baddies!!!


      Ack! All these story links lately inspired me to write a Cam/Sam fic, but the upload function on Gateworld's Fanfic area is broke. I'm sure it was more fun writing it than it will be for y'all to read it, but I plan on subjecting you to it anyway. Whenever it's back up. Unless I read it again before then and recognize it for the crap that it is.


        Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
        Ack! All these story links lately inspired me to write a Cam/Sam fic, but the upload function on Gateworld's Fanfic area is broke. I'm sure it was more fun writing it than it will be for y'all to read it, but I plan on subjecting you to it anyway. Whenever it's back up. Unless I read it again before then and recognize it for the crap that it is.

        I want to read it. Please post as soon as you can.



          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
          Ack! All these story links lately inspired me to write a Cam/Sam fic, but the upload function on Gateworld's Fanfic area is broke. I'm sure it was more fun writing it than it will be for y'all to read it, but I plan on subjecting you to it anyway. Whenever it's back up. Unless I read it again before then and recognize it for the crap that it is.

          FIRST) Do you need a beta?

          SECOND) Is there smut?


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
            FIRST) Do you need a beta?

            SECOND) Is there smut?
            LOL. No smut. If you want to preread it for me, I'd appreciate that, but only if you can be brutal enough to tell me not to post it if it's garbage. I'll cry, but I'll listen. Well, maybe. I've done stupider things in my life than post a bad story. haha. Should I email it to you?


              Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
              Ack! All these story links lately inspired me to write a Cam/Sam fic, but the upload function on Gateworld's Fanfic area is broke. I'm sure it was more fun writing it than it will be for y'all to read it, but I plan on subjecting you to it anyway. Whenever it's back up. Unless I read it again before then and recognize it for the crap that it is.

              the GateWorld fanfic sunmissions are still out of commission because of the upgrade, as far as I know. You could get yourself a free LiveJournal account and post your story on it (

              (LJ is nice'n'easy from the inside really, Chillin )


                Originally posted by scarimor
                the GateWorld fanfic sunmissions are still out of commission because of the upgrade, as far as I know. You could get yourself a free LiveJournal account and post your story on it (

                (LJ is nice'n'easy from the inside really, Chillin )
                Ha! I love your confidence in my computer un-savvyness!

                Okay, I did it, but somebody else has my username!!! I had to be Chillin13.

                I haven't put the story there, yet. That will be my next big surge into the 21st century. haha.

                Later that same day...
                [same day! I'm an internet genius!!! ]

                Okay, I posted it, but I have no idea how to let you know where it is. I know it's under my username chillin13. Well, I think it is. I may have put it under scarimor's username. Well, there goes her reputation! Does this get you there?

                [I had a picture to put in, but couldn't figure out how to do it.]
                Last edited by ChillinTheMost; 28 September 2006, 06:39 AM.


                  Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                  Ha! I love your confidence in my computer un-savvyness!
                  You did it! I've read it and commented. Cuz it was good

                  Does this get you there?

                  [I had a picture to put in, but couldn't figure out how to do it.]
                  If you're talking about userpics, there's a FAQ entry on how to do that here:

                  If you're talking about inserting a picture into the entry you just posted ( of Sam/Cam), this one:

                  You can also putt long entries (e.g. stories) behind an LJ cut tag, so that your journal introduces the story for people to click on without filling up their Friends-list of entries. It's really easy, you just put the tags around the body of the entry. FAQ here:

                  Now, I'm gonna Friend you. Heh


                    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                    Ha! I love your confidence in my computer un-savvyness!

                    Okay, I did it, but somebody else has my username!!! I had to be Chillin13.

                    I haven't put the story there, yet. That will be my next big surge into the 21st century. haha.

                    Later that same day...
                    [same day! I'm an internet genius!!! ]

                    Okay, I posted it, but I have no idea how to let you know where it is. I know it's under my username chillin13. Well, I think it is. I may have put it under scarimor's username. Well, there goes her reputation! Does this get you there?

                    [I had a picture to put in, but couldn't figure out how to do it.]
                    Hee hee, that was cute! I found it very easy btw. In the future you could direct link to the specific entry like this
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                      I left a comment Chillinthemost. A great story.



                        Left a comment over at your LJ Chillin. And green for you


                          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                          LOL. No smut. If you want to preread it for me, I'd appreciate that, but only if you can be brutal enough to tell me not to post it if it's garbage. I'll cry, but I'll listen. Well, maybe. I've done stupider things in my life than post a bad story. haha. Should I email it to you?
                          ABSOLUTELY! And I've taken enough creative writing classes to know how to give criticism without being mean. Email me at [email protected]. Can't wait to see it!

                          ETA: nevermind I see you already posted and I can't read it till I get home! Stupid work computers!
                          Last edited by Neelan_Liquor; 28 September 2006, 10:02 AM.


                            Fun story, Chillin.
                            Keep writing.
                            I'll leave a comment when I get my own LJ crap figured out. lol


                              Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                              Does this get you there?
                              Thanks for the story.


                                Thanks for the helpful links, scarimor! I checked them out quickly, but I'll spend more time on them after I actually get some work done!

                                Thanks, also to aaobuttons. I'll try to remember that.

                                And a big thanks to scarimor, aaobuttons, shester, evenstar, cajnjirl, and figment for their kind comments.

                                And an apology to Neelan_Liquor, for my impulsiveness. Once I get excited about doing something, I just have to do it NOW. I'd still like to hear your critical comments, though, so I can apply your ideas to my next fic.

