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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by figment View Post
    Here is the link its the Stargate Continuum Sneak Peek in the 'Behind The Scenes' section. Warning there is a spoiler in there about Daniel and why he is not shown with Sam and Cam.
    I'll have to wait until I get a break here at work, but thanks for sharing!

    --and thanks for the compliment on my fic!


      Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post
      Ooooo. Of course, you're right!
      She has to keep her love secret, so she can't have his picture right there on her desk so she can be caught mooning over it!!!
      Good point, Anuna!
      I like the way you think
      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      I know what you mean. At one point I stopped going to the Sparky thread bc there is always some new rumor about S4 that brings everybody down, and I want to have fun most of the time. I can't ignore so many people being so upset; it always affects me.
      Anyway the atmosphere here is different and I like it. Sam and Cam are cute, and I'd like to imagine she would never go to Atlantis anyway (I should make up my own AU).
      Honestly, if it weren't for this thread and the Daniel/Vala one, I think I'd be pretty down on SG-1. I have enough to deal with with the anti-"change" people, I wouldn't be able to handle negativity in the ship threads too! I can't blame the other Sparky fans....the outlook just does not look very good at this point The ship wars doesn't help either.

      Oh, and I'm pretty sure I just got greened by a S/J shipper for saying sarcastically "I guess she doesn't like Vala and Cam..." earlier. Interesting.


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        The way I see it....

        Two type A personalities stuck on a ship together are not going to go 50 years without some kind of sexual release. And there is only so much alternating hands will do.


          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          I like the way you think

          Honestly, if it weren't for this thread and the Daniel/Vala one, I think I'd be pretty down on SG-1. I have enough to deal with with the anti-"change" people, I wouldn't be able to handle negativity in the ship threads too! I can't blame the other Sparky fans....the outlook just does not look very good at this point The ship wars doesn't help either.

          Oh, and I'm pretty sure I just got greened by a S/J shipper for saying sarcastically "I guess she doesn't like Vala and Cam..." earlier. Interesting.

          I'm not so hot about those changes myself, but in happy threads like this I'm not going to spread bad vibes if I carry them around. On the other hand I do understand anti - change people, and the people who are upset about the prospects of the ship and can't discuss anything else, which often results in dragging the general mood down. it's how people work and I understand. When I can't cope, I pull back and look for my shippy fun elswhere. I also don't like ship wars. It's killing all the fun, and ship is supposed to be fun.

          Oh you got greened by S/J shipper too?

          I like this thread because you people know how to have fun with this ship. That floats my boat. *is happy to be here*
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
            And now I'm looking forward to seeing the movies, especially after seeing the interview with Ben and Amanda over on MGM's Stargate site!
            Originally posted by figment View Post
            Here is the link its the Stargate Continuum Sneak Peek in the 'Behind The Scenes' section. Warning there is a spoiler in there about Daniel and why he is not shown with Sam and Cam.
            Thanks for the link, but ... does anyone here have the ability to snurch those vids? There seems to be some fundimental clash between my browsers (both of 'em) and that site. I have yet to see a single vid They just don't wanna open for me.


              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
              Thanks for the link, but ... does anyone here have the ability to snurch those vids? There seems to be some fundimental clash between my browsers (both of 'em) and that site. I have yet to see a single vid They just don't wanna open for me.

              Neelan, in the Sam thread, RealmofX has a post with a link to a download
     Hope it works for you.

              Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Oh just don't mention S4 of SGA. It's messing up with so many good things.
                So many things....

                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Ugh. I remember reading that and going...
                ...where are your other two teammates?! There should have been a team picture at the very least Apparently she doesn't like Vala and Cam...

                Just one of the many things that is going wrong with this cross-over.

                You're right about the many things going wrong with the cross-over. I still can't figure out where in the grand Stargate timeline the movies and season 4 fit in... I'm thinking after the movies.... despite the fact that we'll see season 4 first....

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                I don't think that's the case. Blame it on TPTB and inconsistency we saw so many times on the show.

                And maybe

                she has picture of Cam on her night table?

                Okay, there goes my mind again... stop me before it's too late and I start writing tons of fan fiction
                I love the way your mind works Anuna.....

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Hanging around Sparky thread these days made me grow rino skin. When I set my mind on something (like a ship hehe ) nothing can stop me, not even TPTB. If you have enough of imagination (and kinky mind like mine, and I'm still being very nice here); you can find ship anywere. And this ship is definately very cute and seems so right!
                Oh I know what you mean 'bout Rino skin- I'm about ready to regulate my self to the Dala thread and this lovely Camantha thread...

                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Honestly, that's what I love about C/S. There doesn't seem to be a heated debate raging over them all the time. I think even if people don't ship them, they're able to see a solid friendship there They're not blatant, just a nice under-the-radar ship....a refreshing change for me!

                There isn't a heated debate because everyone *knows* that they're friends.... it's only us cooks who think that there is something more there and we're not about to go mucking things up.....

                Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                I think the hand-holding scene at the end there is more of a pointer to them being close. I mean, in all technicality, he didn't "need" to take her by the hand and walk her to where he was standing....he could have just said "come on over here, I've got an idea, and you need to see it to believe it". Well, better than that....but hopefully I get my point across here
                Eh.........? What scene are you talking about and how did I miss it?

                Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post
                Based on some words from the previous page, I wrote this little fic...

                A PICTURE

                Oops. Don't read my fic!

                What is the sparky thread?
                Greened ya! The Sparky Thread can be found here....


                ...and it deals with the relationship between Elizabeth Weir and John Sheppard. You might want to be a little careful though, the zen is no where to be found in that thread....

                Originally posted by figment View Post
                Here is the link its the Stargate Continuum Sneak Peek in the 'Behind The Scenes' section. Warning there is a spoiler in there about Daniel and why he is not shown with Sam and Cam.
                GREENED YA ^_^ I love that! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for the movies- despite the fact that we've got to wait till the new year.....

                ....and you know what I don't like??? I don't like how whenever I see pictures of Amanda in Atlantis I get all *grr* inside yet when I see pictures of her with SG1 I feel all *giddy* inside.... I WANT to like Amanda in Atlantis, and I WANT to like Carter in charget but I just.... *sigh* ..... I just need to stick to my nice little Zen place, that's what I need to do.

                Oh, and I know that I've done it before, but I'm pumping my one (and so far only) Camantha fic for ya'll.....


                And I think that I'm going to work Camantha into my Everlasting fic (Sparky Season 4) you know- to give the characters a good chance.... ^_^
                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                  Hey guys... here's a little Camantha sneak peak for you. Note it takes place in Atlantis Season 4 and will be inserted sometime into my Everlasting story... ^_^

                  A very HEATED conversation between one John Sheppard and one Samantha Carter...


                  Sam- No, you listen. Now I understand that you don’t want me here- but here’s news for you John Sheppard. I don’t want to be here either. I had a life back home on earth. I had friends and a family and after saving the world from the Ori do you know what I got? Promoted. And my promotion came with this post. And you know what, I could have turned it down…

                  John- why…

                  Sam- Why didn’t I? I didn’t turn it down because I KNEW what was going on here. You may find it hard to believe but Rodney kept me informed. And I knew all about losing Dr. Beckett and I knew all about the plans for the first strike as well. Not only that, I but I knew about the fact that as far as the IOA was concerned, Elizabeth didn’t deserve to run Atlantis anymore- so you know what I stepped up. I accepted my promotion and this post even though I knew that it would take me away from everything and everyone that I love.

                  John-Lots of people…

                  Sam- Lots of people left lives on Earth. I know that, and I understand that. But there is something that you need to understand. Despite what he told you. Colonel Caldwell was not next in line for this job. No, it was going to go to some brain from Washington who had never, I repeat never been off world before. Now, I’m not saying anything about the choices of the IOA, but he would have been a political replacement and he would have… well lets just say he would not have been so understanding as I have been, nor would he be as understanding as I will be….

                  John-Colonel Carter…

                  Sam- Sheppard, listen to me. I’m not your enemy, and I can’t have you being mine. I need your support. You’ve been in charge of the military here in Atlantis for almost four years now, and you have the support of the scientists. I need you behind me.

                  John- I understand, it’s just-

                  Sam- I have big shoes to fill I know…. Dr. Weir was very much loved around here, and McKay won’t let me forget it.

                  John- Yes she was… *trails off and Sam catches a look*

                  Sam-So what do you say? Truce?

                  John- Truce. Colonel.

                  Sam- If we’re going to work together you’re going to have to call me Sam.

                  John- Alright. Sam.

                  What do you guys think????
                  Personally I love this little convo that jumped into my brain....
                  Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                  |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                    there's a new h&h sam ship thread, but this one's excluded s/j because they'd beat everyone. but anyhoo, go there and vote for sam/cam!!




                      Wow, I should have come here first when I was having problems with those vids. It took me three days. I downloaded something called VLC Media Player and the vid finally played. I may not have done that if I would have known about that other link.


                        Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
                        Wow, I should have come here first when I was having problems with those vids. It took me three days. I downloaded something called VLC Media Player and the vid finally played. I may not have done that if I would have known about that other link.
                        Yeah, I'm still having problems... finally decided to uninstall QuickTime then reinstall the latest version cleanly. Eventually, I'll watch the bloody things!


                          Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                          Eh.........? What scene are you talking about and how did I miss it?
                          *grins* I was hoping to post some Unending caps that little bit more of a reason to

                          It's a scene right near the end, after Landry has died, and when Sam says she's figured out how to get them back. Well, around then. And Mitchell has that idea on how they can get enough power, inspired by events when they were out of phase (in LitS).

                          I may have to divide this between posts, but hopefully not......



                          Cam walks over....

                          And a random flash of Teal'c, my question is why him? Why not Vala or even Daniel?

                          And I just love this one:

                          There's more caps from Unending, and a small few from Line in the Sand in the same directory (
                          Last edited by DropsOfAngst; 25 June 2007, 07:40 PM. Reason: because i'm stupid and forgot to include a link ;)

                          MULTI-SHIPPER, AND PROUD

                          My command is this: Love each other as
                          I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
                          this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
                          - John 15:12,13


                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                            Yeah, I'm still having problems... finally decided to uninstall QuickTime then reinstall the latest version cleanly. Eventually, I'll watch the bloody things!
                            Can you not see them on the site itself, or is it after you download them that you can't see them?

                            Because I've converted the Continuum one from MOV to WMV for anyone who can't view it as a MOV file, either on the MGM site or on their own pc's:

                            Last edited by DropsOfAngst; 25 June 2007, 07:50 PM. Reason: added a link :D

                            MULTI-SHIPPER, AND PROUD

                            My command is this: Love each other as
                            I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
                            this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
                            - John 15:12,13


                              Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                              *grins* I was hoping to post some Unending caps that little bit more of a reason to

                              It's a scene right near the end, after Landry has died, and when Sam says she's figured out how to get them back. Well, around then. And Mitchell has that idea on how they can get enough power, inspired by events when they were out of phase (in LitS).

                              I may have to divide this between posts, but hopefully not......



                              Cam walks over....

                              And a random flash of Teal'c, my question is why him? Why not Vala or even Daniel?

                              And I just love this one:

                              There's more caps from Unending, and a small few from Line in the Sand in the same directory (
                              Right- I remember now... I saw that and was like *squee* Camantha! ^_^

                              And speaking of Camantha- two wallpaper's for ya'll. One I found in a random file...


                              The other I made tonight

                              Both in spoilers for size rather than content- nothing too spoilery.
                              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                              |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                                Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                                Right- I remember now... I saw that and was like *squee* Camantha! ^_^
                                So was I! Squeee!! And the mistletoe kiss scene (however brief) I always wanted that particular scene for another of my ships (in a different show), so it was nice getting it for S/C, considering it's every shippers dream.......isn't it?

                                And speaking of Camantha- two wallpaper's for ya'll. One I found in a random file...


                                The other I made tonight
                                Oooh, those are absolutely gorgeous!! And I so agree, "Camantha All the Way". Wonderful job with them both!

                                MULTI-SHIPPER, AND PROUD

                                My command is this: Love each other as
                                I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
                                this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
                                - John 15:12,13

