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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Where are you from? You're doing great with the English! Considering that for many Americans it's our only language and some of us still haven't mastered it; I'm impressed with the writings of those for whom it is not their first language. [And that sentence was kind of convoluted, so maybe I need a few grammar lessons, myself ]

    Anyway, we welcome any and all Sam/Cam contributions!!!


      Yeah, I've noticed the same thing in this forum, Chillin. There are several people for whom English is a second (or third or fifth) language and their mastery of the written word is OUTSTANDING! I'm constantly impressed by it.

      Syren, your English is fabulous!


        Thanks and for the record I'm from switzerland. Thats why my location says chocolate land, its the first reaction I usually get when I say where I'm from.
        Btw I'm working on a sam/cam sig, this ship is fantastic it makes me wanna learn new things ( I've had photoshop since ages but never used it) I blame this ship for making me a better person
        Follow the Syren's call


          Originally posted by syren View Post
          Thanks and for the record I'm from switzerland. Thats why my location says chocolate land, its the first reaction I usually get when I say where I'm from.
          Btw I'm working on a sam/cam sig, this ship is fantastic it makes me wanna learn new things ( I've had photoshop since ages but never used it) I blame this ship for making me a better person
          I blame a lot of people for "making me a better person"
          I think of clocks when I think of Switzerland... I like my choccy from Germany


            Yeah clocks and cheese usually follow pretty fast. German chocolate... I need to corrupt you to swiss chocolate mmmmhhh speaking of where's mine... it like up and disapeared
            Follow the Syren's call


              Naw... I have a friend in Germany who sent me Swiss chocolate (it's her fave) but I still like my German choccy better. But then, I'm odd... just ask anyone.


                to everyone its own I guess, I didn't actually like chocolate until a year ago. Try explaining that to people lol
                Follow the Syren's call


                  Originally posted by syren View Post
                  Btw I'm working on a sam/cam sig, this ship is fantastic it makes me wanna learn new things ( I've had photoshop since ages but never used it) I blame this ship for making me a better person

                  Great Sig Syren, it looks great!
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                    Naw... I have a friend in Germany who sent me Swiss chocolate (it's her fave) but I still like my German choccy better. But then, I'm odd... just ask anyone.
                    Um, no comment....
                    Is German choccie darker or richer?? I have heard such things. Just give me my Tim Tams and all is well.


                      Originally posted by syren View Post
                      to everyone its own I guess, I didn't actually like chocolate until a year ago. Try explaining that to people lol
                      GREAT sig, by the way! It's perfect!!


                        dropping off some pics...


                          I always liked that scene. Thanks for the caps


                            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                            I always liked that scene. Thanks for the caps
                   your siggy.


                              a few screencaps from The pegasus project
                              Love how Mitchell threatens rodney with the lemon
                              Attached Files
                              Follow the Syren's call


                                Originally posted by syren View Post
                                a few screencaps from The pegasus project
                                Love how Mitchell threatens rodney with the lemon
                                That lemon gag was AWESOME! David said that the lemon thing between Cam and Rodney wasn't scripted, so he was all dumbfounded when Ben whipped it out... the reaction we see on screen was David trying his very best not to laugh!

