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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    DAW! Thank you guys!!!


    No worries about not liking smut. I just thought I'd throw in Cam's towel and see what the muse could do.


      Originally posted by Yasureyoubetcha View Post
      No worries about not liking smut. I just thought I'd throw in Cam's towel and see what the muse could do.
      LOL. I like the way your mind works Of course now I am thinking of a scene from BSG involving a towel *cough*


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        LOL. I like the way your mind works Of course now I am thinking of a scene from BSG involving a towel *cough*

        *giggles* Or rather a lack of one.

        BTW, Stef. I was just perusing your LJ, and GIRL. O_O You are SO talented! I'm gonna steal like, EVERY banner.


          Originally posted by Yasureyoubetcha View Post
          *giggles* Or rather a lack of one.

          BTW, Stef. I was just perusing your LJ, and GIRL. O_O You are SO talented! I'm gonna steal like, EVERY banner.
          LOL. Thanks It's only because I'm an art freak. I'm working on some icons right now, so I might have those out soon


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Originally posted by SpetzAU
            G'day people! It's my understanding that this is the SamCams Anonymous Thread.

            I am here to admit SamCam issues that I have suppressed for a couple of years

            Put simply, I admit that the SamCam scene in the infirmary, at the end of AoT was..... *cough* cute

            This admission is the first step in dealing with these SamCam issues.

            Right, I'm off to another thread to discuss the viability of special forces units in Stargate Atlantis. Then I'll relax by swilling cans of beer, crushing the empty cans on my forehead then chopping firewood. Oh, I'll then hunt my dinner using only my bare hands as hunting implements
            Hi, Spetz! *waves* Admitting you have a problem is the first step in...
            completely giving in to it! Hope you like it here. We all understand the weakness.


              Originally posted by SpetzAU
              G'day people! It's my understanding that this is the SamCams Anonymous Thread.

              I am here to admit SamCam issues that I have suppressed for a couple of years

              Put simply, I admit that the SamCam scene in the infirmary, at the end of AoT was..... *cough* cute

              This admission is the first step in dealing with these SamCam issues.

              Right, I'm off to another thread to discuss the viability of special forces units in Stargate Atlantis. Then I'll relax by swilling cans of beer, crushing the empty cans on my forehead then chopping firewood. Oh, I'll then hunt my dinner using only my bare hands as hunting implements
              LOL! Welcome. I have to say the scene in the infirmary was my favourite part of AOT (although I guess that is not saying much as I didn't find the movie all that great).

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by SpetzAU
                G'day people! It's my understanding that this is the SamCams Anonymous Thread.

                I am here to admit SamCam issues that I have suppressed for a couple of years

                Put simply, I admit that the SamCam scene in the infirmary, at the end of AoT was..... *cough* cute

                This admission is the first step in dealing with these SamCam issues.

                Right, I'm off to another thread to discuss the viability of special forces units in Stargate Atlantis. Then I'll relax by swilling cans of beer, crushing the empty cans on my forehead then chopping firewood. Oh, I'll then hunt my dinner using only my bare hands as hunting implements
                You're bravery in confronting these issues puts me to shame Welcome to the Cam/Sam "Anonymous" thread. Hope the beer can crushing and bare-handed hunting goes well for you!

                Last edited by Stef; 29 March 2008, 11:51 AM.

                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Originally posted by SpetzAU
                  Right, I'm off to another thread to discuss the viability of special forces units in Stargate Atlantis. Then I'll relax by swilling cans of beer, crushing the empty cans on my forehead then chopping firewood. Oh, I'll then hunt my dinner using only my bare hands as hunting implements
                  Pft. That's not so cool. I'm going to be opening my Beer bottles with my eye sockets, drinking them in one gulp, smashing them across my forehead, then I'm going to tape the glass to my hands and go street fight in a Thai prison. I'm known as White Thunder over there.

                  After that, for dinner, I figure I'd swim over to Canada, then kill me a Moose with my bare hands, cook it using some more of that glass that's still taped to my hands, then eat it.

                  But hey, that's just how I roll. WELCOME!!!!!


                    LOL. Wow, suddenly I feel so girly. I don't even like beer


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      LOL. Wow, suddenly I feel so girly. I don't even like beer

                      Me either!


                        Here are the last 2 months worth of Sam/Cam vids from Youtube I thought I'd share. Nothing from Ark of Truth if you're worried about spoilers, but I'm kind of disappointed because of that. I'm looking for a really actiony Sam/Cam vid that takes advantage of all the great stuff from the movie.

                        Tourniquet by Sue600

                        The Secret's In The Telling by javajunkielove

                        I Don't Know If I Should Stay by demelza81

                        Untouched by Kisara Productions (note: she says it's unfinished so be prepared for the abrupt ending)

                        Your Guardian Angel by rockchick2325

                        This vid is kind of interesting, it's a Sam cheatin on Jack with Cam vid from Jack POV.
                        Don't Stay by HOLM3N

                        And Stef, I cam across your vid Stay With You but the poster is valamd. Is that you? Here's the link:
                        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                          Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
                          Here are the last 2 months worth of Sam/Cam vids from Youtube I thought I'd share. Nothing from Ark of Truth if you're worried about spoilers, but I'm kind of disappointed because of that. I'm looking for a really actiony Sam/Cam vid that takes advantage of all the great stuff from the movie.

                          Tourniquet by Sue600


                          And Stef, I cam across your vid Stay With You but the poster is valamd. Is that you? Here's the link:
                          Hey, thanks I've watched I think *blushes* all of these. Yes, I like vids My name on YT is in fact valaMD so no worries about someone taking my vid and posting it without permission...which actually has happened before, and I don't have a huge problem with.

                          Action, you say? Looks like you won't be happy with any of the 50 vids I started for C/S I actually really wanted to do an action one but *sigh* I couldn't find the right song for it. Of course right now my primary concern is to finish ONE of those 50 vids...which is no guarantee at this point given my wandering mind

                          Anyway, thanks for the heads up!


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by Sorne View Post
                            Pft. That's not so cool. I'm going to be opening my Beer bottles with my eye sockets, drinking them in one gulp, smashing them across my forehead, then I'm going to tape the glass to my hands and go street fight in a Thai prison. I'm known as White Thunder over there.

                            After that, for dinner, I figure I'd swim over to Canada, then kill me a Moose with my bare hands, cook it using some more of that glass that's still taped to my hands, then eat it.

                            But hey, that's just how I roll. WELCOME!!!!!
                            Hey, leave our moose alone!

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Hey, leave our moose alone!
                              Pft. Your moose is my moose. I'm from Vancouver.


                                You guys is skeering me.

