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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Sorne View Post
    Before I work on a written outline for this though, I have a few questions which pertain to the backstory before the fic actually takes place.

    1) So far, to my knowledge, Ark and Continuum happen BEFORE Sam goes to Atlantis. Is this true?

    2) While in Atlantis, has Sam or anyone else mentioned anything about Cam/how he is doing?

    I don't watch Atlantis, never got into it, but these questions really play into what I have in mind.

    Edit: 3) Also, why did Sam join Atlantis. (Sorry, noob questions I know)
    Bummer about the smut, but okay. I get smut elsewhere anyway. Me likey fluff.
    As for you Atlantis questions....
    1) I don't know, haven't seen AoT yet
    2) No. Sam has conveniently forgotten her past except for Teal'c who was just in Atlantis.
    3) All they ever said was that the IOA wanted the next Atlantis team leader to have more of a science background. That was it. *shrugs*


      The timeline for the movies has been changed so many times, I'm not even sure about it anymore. Originally, AOT and Continuum were just going to be on a completely seperate timeline from SGA...but now that AT is leaving, there's speculation that AOT might have happened before SGA and then she might be leaving SGA for the events of Continuum...but nothing is solid at this point. All I would say is that AOT is before SGA.

      And like Neelan said, there's really been no mention of anyone from SG-1 on SGA...only an appearence by Teal'c.
      Not even a mention of the team when Teal'c recently had to stop the wraith from taking over the SGC...


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        Thanks guys, that will help alot. I figured Ark was set before Atlantis, I'll have to put Continuum before as well to avoid plot holes in what I'm cookin up.

        And I didn't say there wouldn't be smut, just that it would be later on, and would be after a while of "courting" I guess you would call it.


          Originally posted by Sorne View Post
          Thanks guys, that will help alot. I figured Ark was set before Atlantis, I'll have to put Continuum before as well to avoid plot holes in what I'm cookin up.

          And I didn't say there wouldn't be smut, just that it would be later on, and would be after a while of "courting" I guess you would call it.
          That's cool, too. If there's a promise of smut and the writing's good, I'll be able to put in the time for a long fic


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
            That's cool, too. If there's a promise of smut and the writing's good, I'll be able to put in the time for a long fic
            I can write it, it just feels a bit weird to me.

            I always feel bad for an actor who finds him or herself reading a graphic sex scene about him/her and one of their colleges, written by some person who lives half way across the country. To me, if I were in that actor's position, I would be a little creeped out.

            That being said, it will probably work its way in later.


              Originally posted by Sorne View Post
              I can write it, it just feels a bit weird to me.

              I always feel bad for an actor who finds him or herself reading a graphic sex scene about him/her and one of their colleges, written by some person who lives half way across the country. To me, if I were in that actor's position, I would be a little creeped out.

              That being said, it will probably work its way in later.
              If it makes you feel any better, most actors, especially those who also write, like Ben, don't read fan fic... ever. They don't want it to influence them. That's what I've heard several actors (and writers, too) say at various cons. Besides, if it's well written, I doubt they'd really care. It's not like you're writing about them just thier characters.


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                If it makes you feel any better, most actors, especially those who also write, like Ben, don't read fan fic... ever. They don't want it to influence them. That's what I've heard several actors (and writers, too) say at various cons. Besides, if it's well written, I doubt they'd really care. It's not like you're writing about them just thier characters.
                Oh you know they do. Where do you think they come up with ideas

                I've honestly seem some fan fics that are soooooo well written, they end up being better than most episodes of that show.

                I know I'm a huge nerd, (I accept that) but I watch a lot of anime, and read a lot of manga. I read a Naruto fanfiction online, that was sooooo well written, it was basically an online novel. And now practically everything that was written in it is starting to happen in the series. Makes me wonder......


                  Originally posted by Sorne View Post
                  I've honestly seem some fan fics that are soooooo well written, they end up being better than most episodes of that show.
                  Oh I agree. For the most part, the science fiction (nerd ) community is full of very smart, very creative people, many of whom are fantastic writers.


                    While we are on the topic of fanfiction:

                    Just a headsup. I recently stumbled across the best (sarcasm) fanfiction writer I have ever had the privilege of reading. His use of prose as well as lyrical satire is truly inspiring. The way he eloquently addresses the current plight of mankind is nothing short of moving. All in all, this author is able to capture the very essence, and spirit, of what it means to be human, fighting for survival in this crazy world we live in.

                    But in all seriousness, if you want a good laugh (was crying, I was laughing so hard), check out Peter Chimaera on fanfiction. He's become quite popular amongst the gaming community. And don't forget to read the reviews. They are even funnier.
                    Last edited by Sorne; 26 February 2008, 11:04 PM. Reason: grammar


                      Sorry I don't know how to link but the S/J Ship thread recently had some photos of S/C from AOT. You might want to check it out. Maybe someone can post a link.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Sorry I don't know how to link but the S/J Ship thread recently had some photos of S/C from AOT. You might want to check it out. Maybe someone can post a link.
                        If they're the same ones from the new eMedian site, we got 'em


                          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                          If they're the same ones from the new eMedian site, we got 'em
                          Yeah! Let's see some links!
                          Last edited by Sorne; 01 March 2008, 07:28 PM. Reason: stupidity


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Sorry I don't know how to link but the S/J Ship thread recently had some photos of S/C from AOT. You might want to check it out. Maybe someone can post a link.
                            Do you mean this post??


                            Or do you mean one with AOT Promo Stills? Either way, love all of the C/S pictures When I get my DVD copy of AOT, I will cap the hell out of AOT for everyone.


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                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              Do you mean this post??


                              Or do you mean one with AOT Promo Stills? Either way, love all of the C/S pictures When I get my DVD copy of AOT, I will cap the hell out of AOT for everyone.

                              I love the caption:

                              "Sam cares for her friends. A nice kiss on the cheek, nothing else."

                              Already on the defensive and the movie isn't even out yet


                                Originally posted by Sorne View Post
                                I love the caption:

                                "Sam cares for her friends. A nice kiss on the cheek, nothing else."

                                Already on the defensive and the movie isn't even out yet
                                LOL. Yeah, but I would probably do the same thing in their position so I can't say anything against them for it That's what I think is great about this ship, they're not always written as blatantly romantic. So we see the more romantic side of them while others see a friendship side. I don't think either is wrong, it's just a matter of perspective. And to be honest, I like that I'm shipping a couple that doesn't have as big of a rabid throng of detractors claiming that C/S' romance is ruining the show

                                Last edited by Stef; 01 March 2008, 11:58 PM.

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