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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Kales View Post
    [rolleyes] It's necessary research into the post-modern condition The post-morning experience I'd rather skip.

    Ah, you did mention some WIP vids when last we spoke. Did AoT spark any for you?
    My brothers say you should drink a thing of Gatorade the night before, and then another one when you wake up in the morning. No idea if that works of course. I've never had particularly bad hang-overs.

    Oh, AOT sparked many, many vids. Unfortunately, it's not enough to get me to finish any I really am quite bad at following through on ideas. It's been hard finding a really good song for C/S and usually when I do it's a nice, sweet, but ultimately slow-ish song...and I can't seem to make a non-action oriented C/S vid. One day! (did you happen to see my latest D/V vid?)


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      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      My brothers say you should drink a thing of Gatorade the night before, and then another one when you wake up in the morning. No idea if that works of course. I've never had particularly bad hang-overs.

      Oh, AOT sparked many, many vids. Unfortunately, it's not enough to get me to finish any I really am quite bad at following through on ideas. It's been hard finding a really good song for C/S and usually when I do it's a nice, sweet, but ultimately slow-ish song...and I can't seem to make a non-action oriented C/S vid. One day! (did you happen to see my latest D/V vid?)

      I've never suffered too badly. Mostly bc I tend to sleep through the worst of it and see the afternoon

      Hehe, you're not that bad. You have many finished vids Ah... I like the action ones, though, the pace always hooks me. I like fast paced vids with fast cuts (attention span of a toddler, me). (yes! loved! *grin* commented on your LJ )


        Originally posted by Kales View Post
        I've never suffered too badly. Mostly bc I tend to sleep through the worst of it and see the afternoon

        Hehe, you're not that bad. You have many finished vids Ah... I like the action ones, though, the pace always hooks me. I like fast paced vids with fast cuts (attention span of a toddler, me). (yes! loved! *grin* commented on your LJ )
        *smacks head* I just remember you commented on my vid

        Yeah, I feel the same way. Plus, while C/S have several nice, sweet moments...they don't have many. It's easier to make a ship vid for them when you can use action sequences...and their MANY glances at each other But during my recent attempt at a vid, I just realized that C/S have a special place for their cute/sweet scenes....the infirmary! F&B, LITS, and AOT. It's their spot


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          Hee. Infirmary vid. What song would be crack!y for that? ... according to google there are actual songs called "Hospital Love." I would be surprised, but I'm not.


            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            Hee. Infirmary vid. What song would be crack!y for that? ... according to google there are actual songs called "Hospital Love." I would be surprised, but I'm not.
            If I were a giggling person, the idea of a C/S vid to a song called "Hospital Love" would make me giggle I can only imagine. Ack! Why isn't AOT out yet on DVD?! This really is insufferable.

            Oh, did I tell you that I was was watching S10 with my dad (yes, I am trying to get every person, whether family, friend, or foe to watch at least S10) and he said he didn't think C/S had chemistry - in regards to Insiders. I was about ready to disown him. But since I didn't see sparks until LITS, I suppose I can't completely blame him. Besides, he also doesn't like what does he know?!

            But there is hope...we just watched Memento Mori and he said Vala doesn't annoy him like she used to. Progress!! Now I just need to turn him to the way of C/S. Hmm....we so need a ship name. I already came up with one for D/V (devilish), now I just need to christen one for C/S. No name combos...sorry, Camantha is too long for my tastes and reminds me of Clamato juice...which I don't like

            Wow, did I just cover like 5 topics in one paragraph? Oh, how my mind wanders.

            Last edited by Stef; 28 January 2008, 07:29 PM.

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              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              If I were a giggling person, the idea of a C/S vid to a song called "Hospital Love" would make me giggle I can only imagine. Ack! Why isn't AOT out yet on DVD?! This really is insufferable.
              *clenches teeth with willpower not to bootleg it* God, I know. I'm craving like mad. And there are spoiler tags *everywhere* on the SG-1 threads.

              Oh, did I tell you that I was was watching S10 with my dad (yes, I am trying to get every person, whether family, friend, or foe to watch at least S10) and he said he didn't think C/S had chemistry - in regards to Insiders. I was about ready to disown him. But since I didn't see sparks until LITS, I suppose I can't completely blame him. Besides, he also doesn't like what does he know?!
              Doesn't... like.... Vala?! Madness! Seriously. And no chemistry?! Hmm. How many times has he watched them? You could tape his eyes open and put them on repeat until he sees it? Disclaimer: I am of course a sensible person and wouldn't actually do this and know people who don't ship who I ship and I still love them. *nods* And yay on the campaigning!

              But there is hope...we just watched Memento Mori and he said Vala doesn't annoy him like she used to. Progress!! Now I just need to turn him to the way of C/S. Hmm....we so need a ship name. I already came up with one for D/V (devilish), now I just need to christen one for C/S. No name combos...sorry, Camantha is too long for my tastes and reminds me of Clamato juice...which I don't like
              Progress! She did mellow after MM a little. And also, scenes with she and Sam (look! it's almost on topic) are Win. And I like to think they talk about the boys in a girlie way sometimes I can see Vala (a la an Isa fic) taking Sam out dancing- or helping her pick out that dress that made Cam's eyes pop out.

              Wow, did I just cover like 5 topics in one paragraph? Oh, how my mind wanders.
              *nods* But your mind is a wonderful place


                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                *clenches teeth with willpower not to bootleg it* God, I know. I'm craving like mad. And there are spoiler tags *everywhere* on the SG-1 threads.
                That is exactly why I had to watch it. Maybe...maybe I could have resisted watching it until March (and I would have preferred to have seen the finalized version) but my willpower would have all but disappeared after seeing more than a few spoiler brackets. They're like the Sirens, calling to me...I just can't resist! I mean, you were there when the back half of S10 was airing in only the UK. I couldn't even wait the 6 hours before I got home from class to watch the episodes, I just had to read your summaries every Tuesday before Cognitive Psychology

                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                Doesn't... like.... Vala?! Madness! Seriously. And no chemistry?! Hmm. How many times has he watched them? You could tape his eyes open and put them on repeat until he sees it? Disclaimer: I am of course a sensible person and wouldn't actually do this and know people who don't ship who I ship and I still love them. *nods* And yay on the campaigning!
                To be fair, he only watched the first four episodes of S9 before we started watching S10 (he didn't seem that enamored...he HATED TTTB). I do get the feeling though that he prefers stand-alones...if his reactions to Uninvited, Insiders, 200, and MM are any judge. But don't worry, I will turn him. I just have to wait until LITS. I mean, I see C/S in older episodes now as clear as day...but that is partially due to LITS opening up my eyes to their awesome potential. Let's see how things work out after that. I failed to get one friend into C/S (although succeeded in making her a hardcore D/V shipper).

                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                Progress! She did mellow after MM a little. And also, scenes with she and Sam (look! it's almost on topic) are Win. And I like to think they talk about the boys in a girlie way sometimes I can see Vala (a la an Isa fic) taking Sam out dancing- or helping her pick out that dress that made Cam's eyes pop out.
                Nicely done with getting back on topic Oh, I love to think that at the end of FT, Sam and Vala were sitting there with their wine glasses getting a little inebriated and discussing Daniel and Cam Come on, you know they had to have rated the attractiveness of all of the guys by now. I'm glad they each have someone to talk to about that kind of stuff.


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                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  That is exactly why I had to watch it. Maybe...maybe I could have resisted watching it until March (and I would have preferred to have seen the finalized version) but my willpower would have all but disappeared after seeing more than a few spoiler brackets. They're like the Sirens, calling to me...I just can't resist! I mean, you were there when the back half of S10 was airing in only the UK. I couldn't even wait the 6 hours before I got home from class to watch the episodes, I just had to read your summaries every Tuesday before Cognitive Psychology
                  LMAO, this is very, very true. I'm managing to hold out by playing mainly on SGA threads at the moment, but it's still causing me physical pain to know the spoilers are out there - LJ's just as bad

                  To be fair, he only watched the first four episodes of S9 before we started watching S10 (he didn't seem that enamored...he HATED TTTB).
                  *blinkity blink* Oh, my. It's not my *favourite* Vala ep, but I don't hate it. Hee hee I have faith in you, my friend I don't know about you, but i tend to like the ones that're part of the arcs better - although there have been a few standalones I've loved too, but as a general rule, the arc eps have it for me.

                  Nicely done with getting back on topic

                  Oh, I love to think that at the end of FT, Sam and Vala were sitting there with their wine glasses getting a little inebriated and discussing Daniel and Cam Come on, you know they had to have rated the attractiveness of all of the guys by now. I'm glad they each have someone to talk to about that kind of stuff.
                  I love that Sam and Vala can be friends, and that TPTB took the time to give hints of it *grin**giggles* I can hear Vala leaning in and saying in this conspiratorial voice... "Remember when I was in Daniel's body? How... Cameron brought me to your lab? Well, you wouldn't guess what I managed to see first..." Sam wouldn't quite know whether to grin and listen or to be embarrassed


                    Originally posted by Kales View Post
                    *blinkity blink* Oh, my. It's not my *favourite* Vala ep, but I don't hate it. Hee hee I have faith in you, my friend I don't know about you, but i tend to like the ones that're part of the arcs better - although there have been a few standalones I've loved too, but as a general rule, the arc eps have it for me.
                    I do really like stand-alones but I love arc episodes as well. I posted about this in the Pro-S10 thread how I think S10 especially did a great job mixing the two and giving us strong outings for both. My favorite episode is MM, but TQ2 and LITS are constantly duking it out with 200 and Bad Guys for my second favorite. Speaking of awesome are C/S?

                    Originally posted by Kales View Post
                    I love that Sam and Vala can be friends, and that TPTB took the time to give hints of it *grin**giggles* I can hear Vala leaning in and saying in this conspiratorial voice... "Remember when I was in Daniel's body? How... Cameron brought me to your lab? Well, you wouldn't guess what I managed to see first..." Sam wouldn't quite know whether to grin and listen or to be embarrassed
                    LOL. Oh, you know she'd be all embarassed but would sooo want to know And I can see Vala nudging Sam about Cam. I see Cam/Vala almost as a brother/sister relationship so I can totally see her wanting to hook up him with her best friend. And just imagine what a double date would be like? (that's my subtle hint for you someone to write one ).


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                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      I do really like stand-alones but I love arc episodes as well. I posted about this in the Pro-S10 thread how I think S10 especially did a great job mixing the two and giving us strong outings for both. My favorite episode is MM, but TQ2 and LITS are constantly duking it out with 200 and Bad Guys for my second favorite. Speaking of awesome are C/S?
                      Insanely so. I think my favourite thing in that ep is Cam showing how invested he's become in the team- that line about

                      "We've already lost Jackson" gives me shivers each and every time.

                      LOL. Oh, you know she'd be all embarassed but would sooo want to know And I can see Vala nudging Sam about Cam. I see Cam/Vala almost as a brother/sister relationship so I can totally see her wanting to hook up him with her best friend. And just imagine what a double date would be like? (that's my subtle hint for you someone to write one ).

                      I hear the hint, missy, and when i finish fighting it out with post-mod myth retellings, there may be fic. I'm feeling bad for neglecting my SG-ficing atm anyway.

                      It'd be like any other night with the team, except with more fluff Since Sam and Cam put together are very right and IC *nods* But, oh man,
                      Atlantis s4 spoilers!

                      Talk about long-distance.
                      How does s4 affect our ship? Do they email via the data-bursts? I can see Sam reading his emails about Vala's latest madness and so on... *happysigh*


                        Originally posted by Kales View Post
                        Insanely so. I think my favourite thing in that ep is Cam showing how invested he's become in the team- that line about

                        "We've already lost Jackson" gives me shivers each and every time.
                        Totally. I like how it was Mitchell who mentioned really showed how much he cares about his team. BB delivered it wonderfully too

                        Originally posted by Kales View Post
                        It'd be like any other night with the team, except with more fluff Since Sam and Cam put together are very right and IC *nods* But, oh man,
                        Atlantis s4 spoilers!

                        Talk about long-distance.
                        How does s4 affect our ship? Do they email via the data-bursts? I can see Sam reading his emails about Vala's latest madness and so on... *happysigh*
                        I happen to think that every time Cam knows that Sam is supposed to call or check-in with the SGC, he just happens to be in the control room I can only imagine how things with the team are going with just Vala and the boys Poor Cam, he'll have nobody to give knowing and/or frustrated looks to like he did with Sam when Daniel and Vala started acting up. Of course, he could do it with Teal'c...but Teal'c already knows something that the rest of the team doesn't Aw, now see this is making me sad! Cam lost his closest friend on the team!! He must be heartbroken. I wish they had shown the Sam/Cam send-off rather than Teal'c/Sam (why Teal'c and not Daniel at least?).


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                              *giggles at that last cap* Sam looks so over something. And about ready to kill if she can't drag Cam off to the latest free room.


                                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                                *giggles at that last cap* Sam looks so over something. And about ready to kill if she can't drag Cam off to the latest free room.
                                LOL. I like where your mind is at How often it looks like they're just waiting to get out of a briefing so they can go make out somewhere.

                                Oh, and nice avatar, Kales


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