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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by StargateDanielJackson View Post
    Yes, overall we are a positive group of fans that support each other through the negative. Hope everyone is having fun today after such a strange day yesterday. Love, kisses, and 5 stars.
    What happened yesterday? What did I miss?

    I take off ONE day................


      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Wow, I'm so happy to see the free love that's going on! If he-who-shall-no-be-named's goal was to cause conflict between groups, it certainly backfired! This is the first time I've seen this kind of open comraderie since joining the board!! Yay for all threads. I just added my votes to Sam and S/J I would do BB, Vala, and D/V but they already had my stars. I didn't witness what hwsnbn said, so I'm not sure who I should be helping out beside those few I mentioned. I only know what he said about AT and Sam, and how he was trying to hurt each thread. I didn't even know he attacked other actors!! How could you? I mean, he doesn't even know these people. And from what I've seen, they all seem to be generally considerate and nice individuals.

      I missed whatever happened yesterday. I know a while back that peteperson admitted that he/she had tried to cause havoc, but what happened yesterday?

      Anyway, personal green rep to everyone I was able to give rep to, and if there is any thread that needs reciprocation, let me know. I'll go rate the threads Stef mentioned above, since it seems like they may also have been hurt by someone trying to be nasty.


        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
        SUPER HUGE THANKS to the
        Sam/Jack shippers who came in to re-rank our little thread.

        You guys didn't have to do that. We woulda been fine knowing that we think our thread's worth five stars. The love-spreadin' is much appreciated.

        I second this! No matter what the star count above says, I know we are a 5-star thread, too. I have found the folks here to be extremely friendly and we accept those that just like Cam & Sam as friends as well as those that want a more romantic relationship.

        Even before whatever happened yesterday, our star count wasn't high and I think it was because someone didn't like Sam or didn't like Cam or didn't like the combination, because I can't believe anyone thought this thread was unfriendly. I guess everyone has their own voting criteria, but when I vote a thread, it's about the actions of the people posting in it, not what the topic is about. If I wasn't interested in the topic [either pro or con], I wouldn't bother with the thread and certainly wouldn't be bothering to vote on it. It's just silly, to me, to vote negatively about a thread because you don't like the topic.


          Thanks for the welcome from those of you who said to me that Sam/Cam *friend*shippers are welcome here. I had some issues with some of how Cam was presented, especially early on, but he does have endearing qualities. And I've really liked his interactions with Sam. I just wish they had developed it more & in a way that was beneficial for both characters more often.

          I really liked them in Line in the Sand and even tried my hand at a fanfic dealing with that ep. (spoilered for those who don't care)
          I'd be interested in what you Sam/Cam people think of it, should you care to comment (positively or negatively).


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            Thanks for the welcome from those of you who said to me that Sam/Cam *friend*shippers are welcome here. I had some issues with some of how Cam was presented, especially early on, but he does have endearing qualities. And I've really liked his interactions with Sam. I just wish they had developed it more & in a way that was beneficial for both characters more often.

            I really liked them in Line in the Sand and even tried my hand at a fanfic dealing with that ep. (spoilered for those who don't care)
            I'd be interested in what you Sam/Cam people think of it, should you care to comment (positively or negatively).
            Ahhh, that was great, jckfan55!!! I love the thoughts you put into Cam's head. They were quite realistic. There were sweet moments, moments that made me smile and the last two lines put a huge grin on my face! I'll put my more specific thoughts in spoilers:

            I like your version of how Cam and Sam met. Usually, when I'm imagining it, I make it earlier in their careers, but your interpretation is certainly possible. "A geek and a fighter jock". Loved it.

            I got a big smile when you said Sam brought Cam cookies when he was laid up - yep, we all know how that is going to end up! haha.

            I also love your interpretation about Sam coming back to SG-1: "she did less science and more paperwork than she liked". It may not have been the reason, but I bet it helped her accept the change!

            I just like everytime you make Cam berate himself. He's a great guy and probably his own worse critic.

            And of course, those last two lines... "No, Cam! No! Not the macaroons!" <<<shaking my head>>> We all know how this is going to turn out. LOL. Still, it is a sweet scene. They are both so adorable in it.

            And we definitely welcome friendshippers here! That they are friends is, I think, canon. Everything else we just make up. And it's fun to fantasize about both the romantic and/or the 'just friends' part.


              Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post
              Ahhh, that was great, jckfan55!!! I love the thoughts you put into Cam's head. They were quite realistic. There were sweet moments, moments that made me smile and the last two lines put a huge grin on my face! I'll put my more specific thoughts in spoilers:

              I like your version of how Cam and Sam met. Usually, when I'm imagining it, I make it earlier in their careers, but your interpretation is certainly possible. "A geek and a fighter jock". Loved it.

              I got a big smile when you said Sam brought Cam cookies when he was laid up - yep, we all know how that is going to end up! haha.

              I also love your interpretation about Sam coming back to SG-1: "she did less science and more paperwork than she liked". It may not have been the reason, but I bet it helped her accept the change!

              I just like everytime you make Cam berate himself. He's a great guy and probably his own worse critic.

              And of course, those last two lines... "No, Cam! No! Not the macaroons!" <<<shaking my head>>> We all know how this is going to turn out. LOL. Still, it is a sweet scene. They are both so adorable in it.

              And we definitely welcome friendshippers here! That they are friends is, I think, canon. Everything else we just make up. And it's fun to fantasize about both the romantic and/or the 'just friends' part.
              Oh count me as one of those Sam/Cam friendshippers

              Have another question that I am sure you guys all will be able to answer ... The mini series that Ben is a part of... Is he and the director from Farscape part of the writing team for the mini series?


                Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post
                I guess everyone has their own voting criteria, but when I vote a thread, it's about the actions of the people posting in it, not what the topic is about. If I wasn't interested in the topic [either pro or con], I wouldn't bother with the thread and certainly wouldn't be bothering to vote on it. It's just silly, to me, to vote negatively about a thread because you don't like the topic.

                Yeah, I don't even bother giving any "ranking" to a thread that I don't actually read and/or use. I'm pretty sure I've ranked every thread with four or five stars, just because I tend to avoid "negative" threads and everywhere else has been pretty fun.

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                Thanks for the welcome from those of you who said to me that Sam/Cam *friend*shippers are welcome here. I had some issues with some of how Cam was presented, especially early on, but he does have endearing qualities. And I've really liked his interactions with Sam. I just wish they had developed it more & in a way that was beneficial for both characters more often.

                I really liked them in Line in the Sand and even tried my hand at a fanfic dealing with that ep. (spoilered for those who don't care)
                I'd be interested in what you Sam/Cam people think of it, should you care to comment (positively or negatively).
                Oh there are lots of us who can easily see them as friends, and just because some of us like naughty fics *coughmecough* doesn't mean we necessarily "ship" any of the characters on the show. Heck, I've seen some really good Cam slash out there, but that doesn't mean I'd want to see it on the show!
                Yea! new fic! *runs out to read new fic*


                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  Oh count me as one of those Sam/Cam friendshippers

                  Have another question that I am sure you guys all will be able to answer ... The mini series that Ben is a part of... Is he and the director from Farscape part of the writing team for the mini series?
                  YEA! We love Sam/Cam friendshippers!

                  Ben is writing and starring in Going Homer, SciFi's 6-hour mini... He'll play the father of a 12-year old boy who sees Greek and Roman gods walking among us. Andrew Prowse, the FarScape director is his writing partner... tv guide link

                  The article also mentions another movie that it appears that Browder and Prowse wrote and Ben will star in as an investigator trying to solve horrific murders in a small town.

                  I'm sooooooooooooo excited. I didn't know about that second one! Action hero Ben - always my favorite!!!
                  Last edited by ChillinTheMost; 16 August 2007, 01:14 PM.


                    Hey, JCKFN55! I wrote a review for ya on
                    Thanks for sharing the link here.

                    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post
                    Ben is writing and starring in Going Homer, SciFi's 6-hour mini... He'll play the father of a 12-year old boy who sees Greek and Roman gods walking among us. Andrew Prowse, the FarScape director is his writing partner... tv guide link

                    The article also mentions another movie that it appears that Browder and Prowse wrote and Ben will star in as an investigator trying to solve horrific murders in a small town.

                    I'm sooooooooooooo excited. I didn't know about that second one! Action hero Ben - always my favorite!!!
                    Yeah, I don't think Ben's actually IN Going Homer... I think he's just co-writing it for Prowsy to direct. According to Ben at Comic Con, he's still working on the details and hasn't actually written it yet, but it's supposed to be a mini series for skiffy. The other one sounds like it'll have more meat for him.


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      Thanks for the welcome from those of you who said to me that Sam/Cam *friend*shippers are welcome here. I had some issues with some of how Cam was presented, especially early on, but he does have endearing qualities. And I've really liked his interactions with Sam. I just wish they had developed it more & in a way that was beneficial for both characters more often.

                      I really liked them in Line in the Sand and even tried my hand at a fanfic dealing with that ep. (spoilered for those who don't care)
                      I'd be interested in what you Sam/Cam people think of it, should you care to comment (positively or negatively).
                      Wow, I really enjoyed that. I don't want to repeat myself because I left a comment for you under the name "valamd." Quick summary: great job!!

                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      Oh count me as one of those Sam/Cam friendshippers

                      Have another question that I am sure you guys all will be able to answer ... The mini series that Ben is a part of... Is he and the director from Farscape part of the writing team for the mini series?
                      We welcome all forms of Sam/Cam fans here. I know that when I started out, I was more of a friendshipper, it's only through reading fics and watching vids that I've morphed into a full-time shipper. In the end though, I think we all appreciate the strong friendship between Sam and Cam, even if we don't see a romantic connection there. They just have such an easy friendship, and it's been a pleasure to watch that develop over the past two seasons.

                      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                      Oh there are lots of us who can easily see them as friends, and just because some of us like naughty fics *coughmecough* doesn't mean we necessarily "ship" any of the characters on the show. Heck, I've seen some really good Cam slash out there, but that doesn't mean I'd want to see it on the show!
                      Yea! new fic! *runs out to read new fic*
                      That's true. I love Cam/Sam as a couple, but I'm not sure if I want them to get together on-screen. Part of what I love about them is that they have such a fun, angst-free relationship...I don't want to see that destroyed with the inevitable drama that would ensue from the whole star-crossed lovers idea. It's great in my head, but I'm not sure how well it would translate on-screen. I reserve Cam/Carolyn for my actualized on-screen Cam pairing Mostly because they're relationship/friendship wouldn't be butchered if things went wrong. I just like watching Cam/Sam share long as I get that, I'm okay


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                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

                        Yeah, I don't think Ben's actually IN Going Homer... I think he's just co-writing it for Prowsy to direct. According to Ben at Comic Con, he's still working on the details and hasn't actually written it yet, but it's supposed to be a mini series for skiffy. The other one sounds like it'll have more meat for him.
                        I didn't think he was in Going Homer, either, from stuff I read, but I'm hoping the article above has it right!


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          That's true. I love Cam/Sam as a couple, but I'm not sure if I want them to get together on-screen. Part of what I love about them is that they have such a fun, angst-free relationship...I don't want to see that destroyed with the inevitable drama that would ensue from the whole star-crossed lovers idea. It's great in my head, but I'm not sure how well it would translate on-screen. I reserve Cam/Carolyn for my actualized on-screen Cam pairing Mostly because they're relationship/friendship wouldn't be butchered if things went wrong. I just like watching Cam/Sam share long as I get that, I'm okay

                          Well said, and I agree - although I don't really 'ship Cam/Carolyn, but I'm not adverse to the pairing.


                            Dropping off 5 stars.


                              Thanks to everyone who read my story and commented on it. And nice comments too. I hesitated to self promote, but thought it might be up your guys' alley.

                              Sounds like in Continuum there will be some times where Sam and Cam are together. Here's hoping for some nice friendship interactions.


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Thanks to everyone who read my story and commented on it. And nice comments too. I hesitated to self promote, but thought it might be up your guys' alley.

                                Sounds like in Continuum there will be some times where Sam and Cam are together. Here's hoping for some nice friendship interactions.

                                Don't hesitate to self promote! Otherwise, we would not have known.

                                Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs

