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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    I'm headed to Manhattan again tomorrow. My 2 best friends are taking me to lunch and to see the broadway show The Wedding Singer for my birthday. (it was the first weekend all three of us were available). Of course, NY is expecting to be deluged with rain. Figures!!



      Originally posted by Ronja
      For some reason Daniel don't believe you

      Edit: Wow Strider is going congrats crazy... watch out


      I decided to post the congrats separately cuz when I try to use different color font in the same post, I inevitably mess it up!! I'm so limited with the computer, it's ridiculous!
      Aww (((hugs))) I'm sure you're not that bad






            Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
            I'm completely innocent!!! can't you see the halo?? lol


            no and Daniel's got the scars to prove it!


              Originally posted by strider6
              Aww (((hugs))) I'm sure you're not that bad
              Actually, I am. I'm the person who lurked on the thread for over a year before I finally asked my kids to show me how to set up a PB acct and upload pics. Son made my siggy and avatar. Believe me, when I say I'm limited with the computer, I'm being kind to myself.



                some random lipbite



                  Originally posted by JessM
                  Thank you! I've made a few animated smilies (and am in the middle of doing a "sleeping Daniel" one...not sure how it will turn out), but I made the avatar by trial and error pretty much. I'm more apt to doing things that way than following directions LOL

                  I'll probably upload it to my site...just trying to figure out how to make it look right in PB...

                  Can't wait to see it must be big if PB is trying to resize it have u tried changing the "Images larger than xx kb will be automatically resized" option? To, say 1MB?


                    Anyone have any nice plans for the week-end?



                      My mom is completely computer illiterate - she can't even do email. My dad is supposed to set her up with his old laptop so she can learn - but no one's had time lately...

                      Anyway, I think I've finished my Daniel smiley! It's more of a "sleepy Daniel" than "sleeping Daniel" - and it's one of my very first attempts at an animated smiley.

                      more blue eyes

                      ETA: Sorry, I looped the smiley wrong for it to play only once... I fixed it!
                      Last edited by JessM; 23 June 2006, 04:37 PM.




                          Originally posted by Ronja

                          Actually, I am. I'm the person who lurked on the thread for over a year before I finally asked my kids to show me how to set up a PB acct and upload pics. Son made my siggy and avatar. Believe me, when I say I'm limited with the computer, I'm being kind to myself.

                          Aw okay but u can always learn right? I'm sure u know more now then before u joined?

                          oh and have fun in Manhattan!


                            Originally posted by Ronja
                            Can't wait to see it must be big if PB is trying to resize it have u tried changing the "Images larger than xx kb will be automatically resized" option? To, say 1MB?
                            Ah! *slaps head* Can't believe I didn't think of that...Thanks Ronja! I only saw that they resize if it's less than 1MB... and this one is about 230 KB I believe. Okay I'll give a link to it:


                            Warning, it might be shippy (though I really mean it as friend-shippy)!


                              Originally posted by JessM
                              My mom is completely computer illiterate - she can't even do email. My dad is supposed to set her up with his old laptop so she can learn - but no one's had time lately...

                              Anyway, I think I've finished my Daniel smiley! It's more of a "sleepy Daniel" than "sleeping Daniel" - and it's one of my very first attempts at an animated smiley.


                              more blue eyes

                              Wow, your mom does know less than me. I can do email!!! I asked my kids to help me create an e-vite for a barbq I'm having later this summer. I figure it's a positive that I'm willing to learn some new things.



                                Originally posted by strider6
                                Anyone have any nice plans for the week-end?

                                I had a good day today... celebrated Midsummer over here Went to the park and got drunk *snortle* nah now just that, it was great fun

