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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Space Monkey52
    I can't remember what happened here, but Michael kind of looks like he's doing an impression of a frog
    *snerk* He IS making a frog face! Isn't it hilarious - you take all of these pics, get home, edit and play with them, flip thru them over and over..... Then you can't remember what was going on, but there's this FACE being made!

    Like this!

    Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


      Originally posted by Chelle
      *snerk* He IS making a frog face! Isn't it hilarious - you take all of these pics, get home, edit and play with them, flip thru them over and over..... Then you can't remember what was going on, but there's this FACE being made!

      Annoying, isn't it? He must have been reacting to some weird question or comment because while he's making the face, Chris is laughing in the background. Those pics were hard to get too. I was stuck in the third row (after all the money I had to cough up for the seats ) and there were two taller people in front of me. I ended up having to hold the camera up over my head to get pics, and you can still see the backs of their heads!

      EDIT: Holy ****! I finally got 100 posts! YAY!

      "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

      Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
      Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


        Originally posted by Space Monkey52
        And the last:
        Michael and Chris cracking up
        Thanks so much for sharing.
        I love it.


          Congrats to
          Spacemonkey on 100 posts
          Cindyz on 200!!!

          and now for monday...

          Just love the expressions!!! Is it Chicago yet?

          There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them!
          (Time in a bottle by Jim Croce)


            Good morning hussies...and well done SM52 on reaching your first 100 posts!... You'll find the next lot creep up even quicker and before you know it you're on the 1000!...

            Danny/Teal'c Tuesday for me I think....the sun is shining, the coffee is perking and I'm putting the cases away for at least a month!...No more travelling for me till mid-September and October now...

            Dee Dee xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              Oooo how adventurous of me - I've been dipping my toes in the ponds of other thunk threads I really have to go and do some work so one more Danny/Teal'c (with a side of Jack and Sam thrown) courtesy of Mazz's WoO caps... *mwa*

              Dee Dee xx
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Originally posted by cindyz

                and there was no food fight (thank god) cuz Chris Judge was unable to be there at that time.
                Chris instigates foodfights?

                Happy Tuesday everybody!

                ~bling, entirely too chipper on only five hours of sleep...


                  apparently so. but MS picked up a muffin and feigned throwing it at us. they do this quite often, i hear.

                  glad they didn't waste food, with so many in our world who routinely go without.


                    Originally posted by cindyz
                    apparently so. but MS picked up a muffin and feigned throwing it at us. they do this quite often, i hear.


                    glad they didn't waste food, with so many in our world who routinely go without.
                    I lost count of how many mini-muffins took flight across the room in Burbank. That was MS, CJ, and Torri Higginson that time around. And they all had dead-eye aim on each other! My sis and I asked Michael later about who the culprit was, and his answer was, "I started it this time. But it was a preemptive strike - Chris ALWAYS starts it!"

                    *starts thinking about muffins..... MS.....muffins......*

                    And as Danny is so nice to point out, there's only two more days 'till me and the sis take off for Chicago!!!!

                    Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                      Originally posted by cindyz
                      Jilly, Jilly, Jilly.....

                      there was no begging or pestering of michael done by me at that con. that was my only question for him at breakfast. properly done, not like a frantic fan, googly eyed shameless hussy. I was not suprised by his answer, either. the man's got a lot of people to hang with, not just me.

                      and there was no food fight (thank god) cuz Chris Judge was unable to be there at that time.

                      a quiet and dignified breakfast, shared by all.
                      You missed the entire point of my post, Cindy, which was NOT aimed solely at you, despite how it looked.

                      I spent much of yesterday in conference with several of the senior hussies, and we agree that things on this thread have simply gotten out of hand. There are a few who have gone so far as to step away and stop posting for a while because they simply don't enjoy being here any more. I'm not going to name names, either of the disgruntled or the disgruntlers (is that even a word?? ) but suffice to say there is great unrest in the hussy ranks.

                      So what I'd like to do is remind everyone to stop and think a minute before you post. Could it possibly be construed as hurtful or offensive? Are you spamming? (Yes, we still have hussies guilty of that, but I've let it slide because I'm sick of being called Post-Nazi.)

                      As as for cons...I'm not your mother, I can't dictate how you should behave, but as one hussy suggested, "Remember that they're people too, and stick to the idiotic small talk you practiced in front of the mirror, then get out of their face." I'm proud of the Hussy Handbook, it's funny, and Mazz's fable was a riot and I'm glad she got it signed, because it was her creation, but, really, girls, he doesn't need to be expecting some shameless hussy bombshell each time he turns around. I realize that everyone wants to make an impression, to have their favorite celebrity remember them for something fantastic and amusing, but we've learned from one hussy's experience that can backfire, too. When did it become taboo to simply take something meaningful TO YOU to sign? I personally have been considering what I'd ask him in Vancouver since we started discussing buying tickets, and if I can't ask him something insightful, different, and interesting, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show. At any rate, I meant what I said, I'm very worried he's going to become fed up and stop attending cons and that won't be fair to anybody. (Granted, Joe Flanigan is cute, but he's no Shanks. )

                      I know you lot will have fun in Chicago, and make us proud. Now, I'm going back to bed.


                        HEADGEAR TUESDAY!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!

                        Aww, crap. I said I wouldn't post any. Shoot. Guess I'll have to go the headshot route cos the only Teal'c/Daniel stuff has headgear in it, too.

                        Daniel: The Handbook's almost done? Excellent!



                          he was posing right in front of our table which was really really nice of him lol!


                          Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                            and here is another one i am slowly getting the ones up from brekkie!


                            Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                              Originally posted by Suebsg9
                              he was posing right in front of our table which was really really nice of him lol!
                              Ooooh, nice piccies Sue!!!!! More more more more more!!!!!!!!

                              Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                                Hubba Hubba Sue!.....nice piccies!...

                                Back from the shops with lots of "tidy up" boxes to complement my resolution of having a mess-free house for the first time in years.....I'll let you know if this resolution holds or crashes in flames like most of mine....

                                Dee Dee xx

                                D. *So Dee Dee's tidying up?*
                                T. *It would appear so DanielJackson*
                                J. *I'd watch your pants Dannyboy, or they'll end up in a box marked "Alterations"*
                                D. *Oops, gotta go, people to see, things to do*
                                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks

