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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Back from Vancouver, and I return with a very nice prize. I got a Danny-Cat at one of the charity auctions and it comes with an SG uniform plus Daniel's outfit from "Fallen" and "Reckoning".

    Two days till I leave again to see Michael.

    "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

    Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
    Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


      Just another randon multi-thunk, since it's still Monday where I'm at!

      And since I'm not sure just how many people had the chance to see the Sci-Fi Friday special, and it's kinda season 9 spoilery..... I guess I'll link the pic for now, unless otherwise instructed!

      Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


        Yay! Tuesday!

        Ronja, the hair is for the gerbil you posted earlier.


        lj here if you're interested.


          Originally posted by Space Monkey 52
          Back from Vancouver, and I return with a very nice prize. I got a Danny-Cat at one of the charity auctions and it comes with an SG uniform plus Daniel's outfit from "Fallen" and "Reckoning".
          Too cool! You have piccys of it?
          Did you get MS/Con piccys too?

          Can we see? Can we, huh? Huh, can we?

          Living vicariously strikes again!

          D: Somebody get this girl to a Con, please, so she'll stop bugging all the hussies.

          ~GW, acting her shoe size again.

          ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


            Originally posted by GateWarrior
            Tuesday? Already? You know what that means?!



            Awww... Isn't he cute in his boonie?!
            He may not be happy about it, but I think he does.
            NO!!! Not the boonie!!!


            lj here if you're interested.


              Tuesday? Already? You know what that means?!


              Awww... Isn't he cute in his boonie?!
              He may not be happy about it, but I think he does.

              ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                Huh? Ok, that's odd, I know that last post was after, GW's, I quoted it!!!

                More long hair.


                lj here if you're interested.


                  Originally posted by Ronja
                  Thanks guys!!! (((hugs)))

                  The most amazing thing happened last night... I went to bed at 1 am That hasn't happened for the entire summer me thinks lol Will catch up later... RL calling sigh

                  Congrats on #1000, Ronja!

                  Lovely pic!


                    Originally posted by Blingaway
                    Lovely! Now post your mountain of con pics and I'll print them all out and roll around in the pile of them.
                    Been a little too long at the bathroom cleaning with the bleach methinks...
                    Youthinks, mesure.

                    Originally posted by Seshat
                    One of my favorite multis because I am going absolutely MAD at work today...
                    (as if anyone would notice)

                    No comment.



                      Originally posted by Scarym1
                      It is great to hear you are having a great time, Dee Dee. Vancouver is an absolutely amazing city!!! Have you popped by Bridge Studios yet?

                      *cough* I might have accidentally done such a thing when I was in Vancouver for the con... Was supported in fan-geekiness by 5 others *cough DJF cough* To be honest I was quite mortified to be so blatantly lurking out in front of the studio (when I knew I'd be ON it two days later!), but then I realised I wasn't allowed a camera on the set, so I went nuts around the outside...

                      Got to see Walter arrive for work and be let in. Apparantly a number of people each year book into the motel across the street and then sit out on the front lawn on deck chairs waiting for the actors etc to come driving into work.... has it's attractions once you get over the mortification of being that much of a fan (altho let's face it, if you're in Vancouver for a con, you're a lost cause anyway, mayaswell enjoy it as much as poss!).
                      and to compensate, a gratuitous MS one

                      "That Kiwi, she just can't quit with the camera can she...."


                        Originally posted by kiwigater
                        *cough* I might have accidentally done such a thing when I was in Vancouver for the con...has it's attractions once you get over the mortification of being that much of a fan (altho let's face it, if you're in Vancouver for a con, you're a lost cause anyway, mayaswell enjoy it as much as poss!).
                        KG: I'm not sure where 'lost cause' begins and ends, because I just snurched your studio piccies and put them in my Vancouver Con 06 folder so I'll have an idea of what I'll be looking at next year. I just prefer to label myself 'prepared'.... thanks!


                          Okay, Teal'c and Danny and Headgear, oh my...



                            I just love seeing them in their widdle snowsuits.


                              Originally posted by Seshat
                              I just love seeing them in their widdle snowsuits.

                              I'd prefer to see them in their little tropical beach outfits, but sadly, my collection is missing this all-important category. Darn.

                              Suits and sneers will have to suffice.


                                Let's see.... Headgear......... I don't think I have any screen caps, but I think I have some elsewhere.......

                                *Digs around in her bucket 'o con pics*

                                Here's something nice!

                                Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!

