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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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      miss these guys


        multi thunk with shorts!





            Hi girls! I'm back home from Chicago now. I actually got home about one Sunday morning since I was only there Saturday, but then Sunday morning was church and we were busy yesterday afternoon too, so I couldn't get on the internet. Not to mention that don't know if I could have said anything coherent yesterday...I was still in dead to the world, stuttering, puddle of goo mode. I still kinda am. Omigosh! LOL

            I'm happier than I've been in months! Though also of course, a little sad its over...For a first convention, that was awesome!

            When billions vanish, including one of SG-1's own, the team looks for answers. What they find changes their lives forever, and throws them into the battle of the ages. What happens when SG-1 stands in the way of the most evil enemy they will ever face?
            Read "Left Behind: SG-1" for excitement like never before in Stargate fanfiction!
            Left Behind: SG-1
            The rest of my fic:


              Oh, hey Sue. I see you here. So I assume you had a safe trip home? That's good. LOL, like I said, still kinda in puddle of goo mode and looking for something to say, so why not say hi to you? HI!

              When billions vanish, including one of SG-1's own, the team looks for answers. What they find changes their lives forever, and throws them into the battle of the ages. What happens when SG-1 stands in the way of the most evil enemy they will ever face?
              Read "Left Behind: SG-1" for excitement like never before in Stargate fanfiction!
              Left Behind: SG-1
              The rest of my fic:


                hello everyone
                I was reading a fic that was LONG spent most of weekend with that Too many pages for me to catch up with so I'm just going to start at the end!

                I looked in my photobucket to see anything could post I need to check with people what is group feeling about manip pictures?
                I made a few about a year ago I posted elsewhere and then forgot they were in photobucket until now
                NONE of my pictures I have made are adult nature I would put a Daniel face into picture using paint program so my pictures are basic really
                Themes of holding puppy, wearing outfits, even some Danny Bears... silly nature that's the general idea anyway
                I will put a picture here inside spoiler wrap as an example Let me know what your feeling is I won't post any more if people don't like ok?


                “it makes an interesting hula hoop” Mr Shanks’ opinion of the gate January 2004


                  Originally posted by ChristianGateFan
                  Hi girls! I'm back home from Chicago now. I actually got home about one Sunday morning since I was only there Saturday, but then Sunday morning was church and we were busy yesterday afternoon too, so I couldn't get on the internet. Not to mention that don't know if I could have said anything coherent yesterday...I was still in dead to the world, stuttering, puddle of goo mode. I still kinda am. Omigosh! LOL

                  I'm happier than I've been in months! Though also of course, a little sad its over...For a first convention, that was awesome!

                  Sounds like you had a great time!!
                  I'm not jealous..nope not at all!........I want to see my puddle of goo in reall life!!
                  Glad you had a wonderfull time and just keep up that mode girl!



                    Originally posted by ChristianGateFan
                    Hi girls! I'm back home from Chicago now. I actually got home about one Sunday morning since I was only there Saturday, but then Sunday morning was church and we were busy yesterday afternoon too, so I couldn't get on the internet. Not to mention that don't know if I could have said anything coherent yesterday...I was still in dead to the world, stuttering, puddle of goo mode. I still kinda am. Omigosh! LOL

                    I'm happier than I've been in months! Though also of course, a little sad its over...For a first convention, that was awesome!
                    (((CGF))) I'm so glad you had a great time! It's such a great experience, isn't it? Heheh, that's just how I felt after my first con. I was literally shaking after I met Michael (thankfully not in front of him, LOL). Before that I saw him walking down the hall and he said "Hi!" to me! I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle... was so glad that I was standing up against the wall or I would have literally been a puddle! Heehee

                    Can't wait to hear all about it! I'm getting more anxious for the NJ con now (is it November yet? LOL).


                      Originally posted by LoopyMowse
                      hello everyone
                      I was reading a fic that was LONG spent most of weekend with that Too many pages for me to catch up with so I'm just going to start at the end!

                      I looked in my photobucket to see anything could post I need to check with people what is group feeling about manip pictures?
                      I made a few about a year ago I posted elsewhere and then forgot they were in photobucket until now
                      NONE of my pictures I have made are adult nature I would put a Daniel face into picture using paint program so my pictures are basic really
                      Themes of holding puppy, wearing outfits, even some Danny Bears... silly nature that's the general idea anyway
                      I will put a picture here inside spoiler wrap as an example Let me know what your feeling is I won't post any more if people don't like ok?

                      As long as your pics are just funny and not shocking, or asulting I think it will be fine to post them.


                        Originally posted by cindyz

                        tried in vain to put my name on these...kinda worked poorly! oh well. I am n00b when it comes to paint.
                        Hi Cindy! It was great to meet you! I'm so glad you have a good camera. I didn't really get any pictures 'cause the camera I had totally sucks...but ah well-we can all thunk over the ones you took! Awesome!

                        When billions vanish, including one of SG-1's own, the team looks for answers. What they find changes their lives forever, and throws them into the battle of the ages. What happens when SG-1 stands in the way of the most evil enemy they will ever face?
                        Read "Left Behind: SG-1" for excitement like never before in Stargate fanfiction!
                        Left Behind: SG-1
                        The rest of my fic:


                          Originally posted by LoopyMowse
                          hello everyone
                          I was reading a fic that was LONG spent most of weekend with that Too many pages for me to catch up with so I'm just going to start at the end!

                          I looked in my photobucket to see anything could post I need to check with people what is group feeling about manip pictures?
                          I made a few about a year ago I posted elsewhere and then forgot they were in photobucket until now
                          NONE of my pictures I have made are adult nature I would put a Daniel face into picture using paint program so my pictures are basic really
                          Themes of holding puppy, wearing outfits, even some Danny Bears... silly nature that's the general idea anyway
                          I will put a picture here inside spoiler wrap as an example Let me know what your feeling is I won't post any more if people don't like ok?

                          Hello Loopy! Aww I love the pic!! I think it's just adorable. Any pic of Danny is fine, especially creative ones! And yours are very creative, I always love them.

                          Keep up the great work!



                              Originally posted by JessM
                              (((CGF))) I'm so glad you had a great time! It's such a great experience, isn't it? Heheh, that's just how I felt after my first con. I was literally shaking after I met Michael (thankfully not in front of him, LOL). Before that I saw him walking down the hall and he said "Hi!" to me! I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle... was so glad that I was standing up against the wall or I would have literally been a puddle! Heehee

                              Can't wait to hear all about it! I'm getting more anxious for the NJ con now (is it November yet? LOL).


                              Oh, girl, I totally know what you mean! I was shaking before I met him the first time! So, I guess here's my little spur of the moment com report only about things involving Michael. K, here I go...Well, before that I had worked up the courage to go to one of the microphones and ask a question. I just about jumped out of my skin when he got done with the question before me on the other side of the stage and then turned to me and said "Hi!" I had to stumble through a "Hi!" of my own and several "uh"s before I could go on with the question!

                              So there was that, and then I saw him up close the first time when I went for my single photo op, before the group photo. I was so freaked. But when I walked up to him he smiled really big and said hi and so when he put his arm around me I calmed down, thank goodness.

                              Oh, but the best part was after the group photo op with Michael! I guess I got excited suddenly cause I jumped up and down a couple times and told him Daniel was my favorite character. He said thanks, but no more caffine for me. By now the rest of the grls were laughing, of course. Then I said I hadn't had any caffine that day. So he said, "Well then definately no more caffine for you!" LOL. Wow, and actual conversation, no matter how short, I had a conversation with Michael! Yay! Not to brag, though. I don't want to. I'm just still high from the experience, lol.

                              And then, as more of us started to drift out of the room I turned to him again and did something that was probably stupid and I hadn't exactly planned, but it turned out well. It all started when my friend who hates Stargate (Isn't she insane?) said something to me before I left...

                              I turned around, and said. "Michael? One more thing. My friend who hates Stargate didn't think I could get a kiss from you..." And then of course I felt like an idiot cause I'd actually said it, but you know what he did? He took my face in his hands and kissed my cheek! Squee! Wow, didn't see that one coming. Then I hugged him and said thank you and he said you're welcome or something and then I had to go.

                              I saw him one more time in the autograph line and thanked him again. He said you're welcome, and then signed the picture, said "Here you go, Sweetie", and handed it back to me. I said thank you again and floated out on cloud nine. I don't think I've come back down yet.

                              So that's how it. went. Overall, it was great and it was so cool meeting all of the other gateworld girls that were there! Especially my good friend Kerri(Switch 42)!! Yay! I can't wait 'till nexy year! I don't have many pictures, and what I have isn't that good, but as soon as I can get them off the camera I'll post them...

                              One of my favorite fun multis!

                              When billions vanish, including one of SG-1's own, the team looks for answers. What they find changes their lives forever, and throws them into the battle of the ages. What happens when SG-1 stands in the way of the most evil enemy they will ever face?
                              Read "Left Behind: SG-1" for excitement like never before in Stargate fanfiction!
                              Left Behind: SG-1
                              The rest of my fic:


                                Originally posted by ChristianGateFan
                                Oh, hey Sue. I see you here. So I assume you had a safe trip home? That's good. LOL, like I said, still kinda in puddle of goo mode and looking for something to say, so why not say hi to you? HI!
                                Hello there glad you had a good time; girl I wanted whatever you were on; you talk a mile a minute just like Daniel it was cute you were very excited.

                                And when Cindyz gets a chance to give hubby pics to scan you can get the jpg from her

                                I would say you had a very nice con.


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