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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by cindyz the caps of the face fuzz! which ep are they from?
    Origin It's funny cos I hate the beard really lol, but I can stand it if he's not wearing his glases


      So I was looking through my old caps I can't for the life of me find a cap of Danny boy with anyone else heehehe.....and I can't find one far enough away for a pants post uh...Danny I heart you so!

      sig by chlex


        Originally posted by Starbird
        Just had to tell the people that REALLY understand because I'm about to burst with happiness ..................

        I've booked for Vancouver 2007.

        Now I have to sell all my worldly posessions, diet like mad and never go out for 12 months but if the reports from this year is anything to go by it will be worth it.

        This will be added to the list of 50 things I'm doing before I die
        currently: -
        1) meeting Michael Shanks at Collectormania
        2) Going to Las Vegas, and flying over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter
        3) Going to see pyramids in Egypt in 3 WEEKS!!!
        4) Going to Rome twice 2 years ago,
        5) 1st convention at Gatecon UK in August this year,
        6) ...............still thinking!

        Anyone else want to share their wish list - keep it clean!!!
        Great list! And aw I wish I could go to Vancouver too...

        I love traveling too Woohooo for Egypt! One of the best places I've ever visited, I so wanna go back there, and this time I'm not gonna miss the ancient temples in Karnak! I was so much like Daniel running around the old ruins and looking at every rock along the way lol . I would love to go to Rome too, never been there

        Just wondering have u seen Michael... or are u going too?




            Originally posted by Frostfox

            This is the utterly wonderful bracelet blingaway made for me, she made one for each of the old trouts (senior hussies).

            From left to right -

            Pair of Mars signs (for my love of pretty men together)
            A mad cat (for Max, my mad cat)
            A rocket (for my Hugo awards)
            A pyramid
            A castle (because all English people live in castles, apparently; mine appears to have shrunk somewhat)
            A fox
            Totem pole saying Vancouver

            It's one of the nicest, most thoughtful presents I've ever had and will forever remind me of the con and of blingy.

            xxx blingaway xxx

            It's beautiful! aw I want one of those Blingy!


              Originally posted by OregonJen
              Oh, are we celebrating April anniversaries? Congrats & blessings to DJF and Erin!! Mine is coming soon too - next Sunday, April 9. 18 years for us.

              Ok, now I really have to get back to work - no photo for the moment, but hopefully later this evening.

              I have my anniversary next week as well (4/12). We definitely had april showers on my wedding day. It poured!



                Originally posted by JessM
                So sorry for my absence...couldn't get on Friday and then I had relatives visiting this weekend... way too busy. But I will try in earnest to get caught up.

                Thanks! Um... why can't you give me green? I'm not on here long enough?
                It's okay! No, I have to spread it around first... GW has a limit on how much jello u can give in 24 hours + u have to give to a few people inbetween before u can green that person again I can't remember exactly how many tho...

                Edit: Oops just saw that Neelan answered already... oh well

                And thanks yeah I had a wonderful time! Didn't get much sleep but it was great
                Last edited by Ronja; 03 April 2006, 02:45 PM.


                  Originally posted by Suebsg9
                  Whomever is going to chicago; I am chicago bound bought ticket again once Michael was announced so whose going again; I know Kerri is anyone else?

                  I know someone else was counting down to chicago con; that will be my next one after Toronto

                  No Chicago for me. I'm waiting for Nov when he comes to NJ. I know Jess is planning on that one too. I'm looking forward to meeting Sue there as well.
                  Any other hussies thinking of NJ?



                    Originally posted by Chelle
                    I am really off on my thunking this past week. I just about recover from the Vancouver con, and now I have no voice! Isn't that great for someone who spends a minimum of 50% of her day on the phone? Love it! I think I need a con piccie to make me feel better.......

                    Don't remember what he was talking about here (I'm sure one of my fellow Con-going Hussies will!),
                    but the look on his face made me giggle so bad!

                    MS - Ooooooh boy Deeds, put DOWN the wisk! Gooooood Hussy!
                    I LOVE your pics Chelle!! What camera are u using?


                      happy anniversary to all that is so exciting....well my anniversary of watching Stargate for 1 whole year is coming up soon(chlex wanted me to watch an episode and I reluctantly said yes from that point on I was hooked)...I can't remember the exact date but it is sometime in April lol....I watched 8 seasons within two months and then proceeded to watch them over and over and over and now I have my own copies of almost all the dvds....and then I went to a convention...met MS among others...and well the rest is history

                      sig by chlex


                        *phew* okay...

                        Thanks for all the wonderful con pics everyone!!

                        CONGRATS ON 900 POSTS STRIDER!!

                        CONGRATS ON 100 POSTS STEPH!!


                          Originally posted by strider6
                          No Chicago for me. I'm waiting for Nov when he comes to NJ. I know Jess is planning on that one too. I'm looking forward to meeting Sue there as well.
                          Any other hussies thinking of NJ?

                          Will see you in New Jersey will tell you seat number as con gets closer all I know right now is I am in Row D; after that can't remember number have 16 or 17 going through mind lol


                          Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                            Originally posted by Starbird
                            Just had to tell the people that REALLY understand because I'm about to burst with happiness ..................

                            I've booked for Vancouver 2007.

                            Now I have to sell all my worldly posessions, diet like mad and never go out for 12 months but if the reports from this year is anything to go by it will be worth it.

                            This will be added to the list of 50 things I'm doing before I die
                            currently: -
                            1) meeting Michael Shanks at Collectormania
                            2) Going to Las Vegas, and flying over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter
                            3) Going to see pyramids in Egypt in 3 WEEKS!!!
                            4) Going to Rome twice 2 years ago,
                            5) 1st convention at Gatecon UK in August this year,
                            6) ...............still thinking!

                            Anyone else want to share their wish list - keep it clean!!!

                            Wish List-hmmmmmmmmm

                            1.My kids will get good jobs after they graduate from college, thereby making me believe all that tuition money really was worth it!!
                            2.Hubby and I will be healthy enough to celebrate a 50th anniversary.
                            3. Kids will meet good people to marry and have healthy children.
                            4. Travel and more travel. Of course Vancouver 2008 would be a priority if SG-1 is still around and MS will be there (as well as hussies and set tours).
                            5. No money worries.
                            6. I'll say world peace but I don't know if any of us will live long enough to ever see that happen (crazy world we live in!)
                            7. Women rule the world and maybe #6 will become a reality.
                            ok, enough for now.

                            a notable woman leader


                              Chelle- love the candid con piccies



                                Here is an embarrassing question... does anyone know if Michael has signed up for any cons in Europe yet?

