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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
    You know, we should just camp out here in the gutter...I mean, we NEVER get out although we may think we do
    Heh, I don't fool myself on that one - I'm 100% in the gutter, doings backstroke laps (or whatever stroke GACK PG paddle!) 24/7!!!!!

    Ahem. Now where was I? Oh yes, pants. I believe these fall under the catagory of "Action Pants." Or "Runnng Pants?"

    Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


      T - DanielJackson, why are you taking such a defensive stance? Most of those you refer to as Hussies should be asleep by now.
      D - It seems a certain Hussy whose name I won't mention -
      T - Would it be Chelle?
      D - Yes, she's the one - She seems to be fixated on my pants at this ungodly hour.
      T - How is holding your hand in front of your.... Nether regions.... Going to protect your pants from Hussy theft?
      D - It's something I learned from Oma - it's called "Mental cod-piece."

      Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


        Oh but Danny boy...Chelle is not the only hussy awake and fixated on your pants...I to have been staring at your pants (and behind) too


          well...g'night all you pond dwellers...and g'night Danny boy..and just remember, i will be watching you and your pants in my dreams


            ROFL @ "mental cod-piece"....great pants piccies Chelle....

            Have staggered to computer after an extremely late night on msn with mates having an hilarious convo about "men you're embarrassed to admit you fancy".....Naturally our boy was NOT among the list because ....a) there's no embarrassment in my mind about fancying Daniel and b) well they wouldn't dare with me around.....

            It may be double-thunk Monday but I feel the urge to start off with "Ascended Pants"....

            Dee Dee xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              okay more post on this thread and then i will head off to bed with danny in my mind so that i can have some fine dreams like i always do

              i love the "ascended pants" piccy Dee Dee

              of course, and be honest everyone, what do you *really* look at when you see the pants piccies

              G'Night all!


                J - Daniel, threatening Chelle and DeeDee with Chaka is not having the effect you're working at.
                D - Mfffffummmphummmmm....
                J - And sticking out your tongue at them is only going to incite more harassment. Now STOPPIT!
                Last edited by Chelle; 05 September 2005, 01:25 AM. Reason: can't see wihtout contact lenses!

                Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                  I tend to be partial to "Pants Ready For Remodelling" myself!

                  Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                    Dang it are making it hard for me to leave...*tries to pull herself away from GW but has no luck*


                      *channelling Erin for a moment*

                      Eeeeeeevil pants! Eeeeeeeeevil, I say!

                      I love evil Dan-iel!

                      Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                        Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                        Dang it are making it hard for me to leave...*tries to pull herself away from GW but has no luck*
                        *Hold hands in the air* I'm not doing a dang thing to ya, PM! Nope, not forcing you to stay or anything. It's the PANTS fault, I'm tellin' ya!

                        Ah, desert camo pants. Yummy!

                        Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                          okay...okay...i am just gonna have to click the 'X' at the top of the screen and go to bed...i will have to force myself...even tho i don't wanna leave the pants party, but i have to get some sleep for else i will never be able to get up in the later morning...

                 sweet dreams all and i wish ya all happy thunking and i will return after having a few hours of sleep and when i return home later tonite...

                          G'night once again!


                            Did somebody say today is double-thunk Monday?

                            Does this count?

                            Hey, I finally cropped a few of my Vancouver con photos - it only took me 5 months!!! I know it's not the greatest quality, but it's a great smile anyway! (At least I think so.)

                            Thanks for the VanCon sig, Nathan!


                              Hey OJen! Is it Vancouver yet? I was just pricing airfare and hotel, and daydreaming..... Then had a Pants attack. Go fig, right?

                              I think this might be my last pair of pants for the night though.... It's 242am in my neck 'o the woods!

                              Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Notice how they are laughing as he says that....
                                Whoops, maybe not the best picture for that caption.

