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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by blingaway
    Gawd how I missed you guys!! You burned candles for me I hope.
    Why, every day, of course. (Now I must REALLY go to work...sigh )


      Originally posted by blingaway
      I thought I was doing 'Teeth' and all that that implies...?
      Teeth, mouth, pout, it's all the same... All part of the **BEEP** This part of the message has been censored in consideration of the PG Paddle.

      So, as I was saying, it's pretty much all in the same vein, so whatever you have I'm sure will be fine.



      We've missed you around here. It's been very lonely while you were gone.



        I'm sorry I haven't stopped by lately. It's been crazy busy at work. I miss you all, pond hussises! Thunk extra hard and think non-PG thoughts for me. Mwwaaa! I miss Danny!

        Goa'uld queen in possession of Daniel, Jonas and Martouf clones
        Lovely signature courtesy of Admiral Q O and Skydiver.


          Originally posted by jerin
          ...think non-PG thoughts for me.
          Is there another kind?

          Ever just want to sit and stare? Man, my day is getting away from me...


            Originally posted by blingaway
            I thought I was doing 'Teeth' and all that that implies...?
            Humph, my clones tell me Mei Mei knows a thing or two about teeth too...

            Ses, get back to work!

            FF - in a pre-Worldcon tizzy


              Originally posted by jerin
              ...think non-PG thoughts for me.
              Originally posted by blingaway
              Is there another kind?

              Ever just want to sit and stare? Man, my day is getting away from me...

              No other kid of thoughts around here, anyway!

              Staring? Um...........Yeah!
              Last edited by Chelle; 28 July 2005, 10:41 AM.

              Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                Originally posted by Chelle
                Gah! You and your bucket of con pics! *dreams of next March and browses digital cameras*

                Non-PG thoughts happening here...


                  Originally posted by blingaway
                  Gah! You and your bucket of con pics! *dreams of next March and browses digital cameras*[/CENTER]
                  LMAO!!!! Are you kidding? These cons have definitely inspired quite a few visits to my local camera store - They've grown to love me quite a bit.

                  And you say "You and your bucket of con pics!" like it's a bad thing!..... You mean I should stop posting such distractions as this????

                  Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                    Originally posted by Chelle
                    LMAO!!!! Are you kidding? These cons have definitely inspired quite a few visits to my local camera store - They've grown to love me quite a bit.
                    I'll be visiting mine this weekend to test a few more digital cameras and annoy the sales staff.

                    It's not Thursday for me without a nice rock piccie.

                    BTW, I have AIR CONDITIONING AGAIN, thank the gods!!


                      Hey guys! I've missed you guys!!! And this place! RL is a *cough*. Anyways I'm back now

                      Congrats to Ses on 2500 posts!

                      Yay First Prime now.... Danny come here and congratulate Ses!

                      Daniel? Danny? Danny! Hmm that's weird I swear he was here just a sec ago....

                      Congrats Gate Horse on 800 posts!!

                      Arm porn!

                      And to everyone else who hit milestones while I was gone.

                      And welcome back to everyone who was gone lol

                      (((hugs all around)))


                        Btw Mazz! I found the Ben and Jerry's (I think) ice cream in the store today! And I immediately thought of your Danny ice cream! (or mine heh) hahaha I didn't even know it was a real ice cream untill now.


                          Originally posted by Switch42
                          OK. I also need some help with some of the "Common Terms." Anyone, please feel free to chip in with definitions. As an example, here is how I have defined HAHA: One of the factions of the Headgear Wars, the Hussies Against Headgear Association prefer Daniel to be bare-headed. Please see Part 5 of Section 2 for more info.

                          So, here's what I need help with:
                          Peanut Butter
                          THE POND

                          OK. Thanks!!

                          Accursed HAHA members and their vile anti headgear filth *spits* BOONIEBOONIEBOONIEBOONIE

                          Peanut Butter - Because Turkish Delight isn't spreadable.

                          I think pineapple has to do with Evolution. Spatula is Deed's domain. Hmmm... Spatula: Kitchen implement used in cooking and baking. Becomes deadly in the hands of a hussy.


                            Originally posted by Seshat

                            BTW, I have AIR CONDITIONING AGAIN, thank the gods!!
                            Teeny bit on the warm side is it?
                            Please send some over here, it's a bit parky this side of the pond.

                            FF - and Mazz, you are buying the wrong sort of Turkish Delight if you can't spread it... just don't try it with the nuts varity... There's a rather splendid Turkish grocer round the corner from my friend's house in Walthamstow which does superb Turkish Delight and baclava to die for. Hm, off with visions of dark honey dripping onto Daniel's milk white skin... rolling slowly down the curve of his shoulder...


                              Argh. I really need to get something done about my computer. I have a memory leak somewhere and it makes it VERY sluggish, even with all my superdeduper amounts of ram *kicks computer*

                              Until I can make it work better, I'm going to have to severely curb pc time *sobs* But not before I say YAY SESHAT for getting however many posts you have and posting a nice OD pic for you.

                              He's not breathing. Oh no. It's the Daniel Death from S4 - Heroes 1 was on Sky last night... I love that line where the guys from SG13 go 'Dr Jackson's going to just DIE when he sees this' ... 'What, again?'


                                Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                                Accursed HAHA members and their vile anti headgear filth *spits* BOONIEBOONIEBOONIEBOONIE

                                I don't even want to hear about it, you asked for this one trashing HA-HA.

