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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by GateWarrior
    Thanks for the info. I'll have to let you know if I can get tickets. I've gone back to school, and money is really tight right now. I'd really like to go though. Have you bought your tickets yet? Has anyone else here who's going bought theirs? I would just die if I could actually meet Michael in person. I'd have to actually not say anything because I would just make a fool of myself. I met Bruce Campbell many years ago, and totally made a goof of myself. And I'm a much bigger MS fan. Can you imagine?!

    And I'd love to meet some of you girls!

    Now... to make sure that I'm on topic...

    BodyPorn!!! Take your pick...

    The way to do it? Take me with you. I'll deflect all attention off you and he'll come away thinking 'WHO THE FRELL WAS THAT CRAZY WOMAN AND WHY WAS SHE THROWING PEANUT BUTTER?? DON'T LET HER NEAR ME EVER AGAIN!! Oh but her friend was very nice'


      Back porn!
      Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


        Appy scar porn!
        Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


          Originally posted by Scarym1
          Hey there Cindyz. EVERY DAY IS LIP DAY!!!!!!

          !!!EVERY day is LIP day!!!

          Oh those luscious luscious lips..... *thunk*

          ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


            Originally posted by GateWarrior
            !!!EVERY day is LIP day!!!

            Oh those luscious luscious lips..... *thunk*

            Oh yeah.


              yum.. great danny piccys


                Thanks to all the hussies here for a few days worth of thunkin pics...I just can't seem to keep track of it many new posts and pics...I am still on my lip fix, and am now distracted by arm and the neck. by the way, it sounds like some of you are going to a convention?? I am going to the one in columbus ohio, near me!! I will meet the man himself... oh geeze...what do I say?? what don't I say...I hope to get good photos to convention happens in August...sooo long to wait!! I will surely explode by that time...thank god for dvd's and the scifi channel. God Bless the women who post those gorgeous piccs, everyday! oh, now I forgot what wed's are.....
                Last edited by cindyz; 08 June 2005, 08:13 AM. Reason: missspelled words


                  Originally posted by blingaway
                  Note the modifier. By that time I knew you were mostly nuts, but the beefcake incident wrapped up all doubt in a pastry crust, fried it, stuffed it in a chicken and threw it to an alligator in Lake Pontchartrain.
                  If I look hard enough, I'm pretty sure I'll find a compliment in there somewhere. I'll start with the chicken.


                    Originally posted by blingaway
                    For Dee Dee, a lovely shot that could have come straight from the Pants Emporuim catalog...

                    Oh my oh my oh my!...... (((Bling))) am in Pants heaven.....beautiful models, beautiful poses, beautiful lighting!.....

                    Mmmm..beautiful boy!....

                    Dee Dee xx
                    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                      Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                      The way to do it? Take me with you. I'll deflect all attention off you and he'll come away thinking 'WHO THE FRELL WAS THAT CRAZY WOMAN AND WHY WAS SHE THROWING PEANUT BUTTER?? DON'T LET HER NEAR ME EVER AGAIN!! Oh but her friend was very nice'

                      LMAOROFL!!! Perfect! I'll drive. I'll even provide the peanut butter.

                      D: Oh God... these girls are bringing peanut butter. I hope it's creamy. Otherwise the peanut chunks just get everywhere! I wonder if they'll bring jelly? I'm partial to strawberry girls.

                      I think I'll be bringing strawberry jelly! PB&J. Yum. Who needs bread when you have Michael! *thunk*

                      ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                        Originally posted by discodiva
                        Oh my oh my oh my!...... (((Bling))) am in Pants heaven.....beautiful models, beautiful poses, beautiful lighting!.....
                        Well now I'm singing Heaven, I'm in Heaven/Every time I look into your...pants... (There's my day shot. )

                        So beautiful. *sigh*


                          Strangers in the night, exchanging glances...strangers in my pants, taking chances...

                          "I'm not listening...I'm NOT listening..."


                            Oh oh! *waves hand frantically* I'm going to the Chicago Con GateWarrior! You must come we will all have so much fun .

                            Okay now where was I? Oh yes, body porn, then work *sigh* Oh perchance to dream, to thunk all day...

                            Ahh yes, that'll do...that'll do...

                            "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                            The Universe is Mad


                              Right, have updated lists. What do you want to see next?

                              D: Errrmmm, I'd quite like Urgo. There was pie, wasn't there?
                              And coffee and jello, too.


                                Dear Dr Jackson,
                                There is no way you're meeting my grandmother.
                                She's far too short for you anyway. By a good
                                couple of feet. I, on the other hand, wear rather
                                stacked platforms and can break six foot if I also
                                put a big hat on.
                                Yours oddly, Mazz.

