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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    I think it's easy to get carried away from time to time. And such friendly reminders are appreciated, Bling and Feli!!!
    Some of us have been spoiled so long by broadband or DSL, we forget about the considerations for our dial-uppers. We want everyone to be able to join in the craziness!!.


      Hey Ronja where did all these spectacular clips come from?

      To keep on topic for today (I think it's Wednesday?)

      "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

      The Universe is Mad


        Originally posted by blingaway
        I've been getting lessons from Foxy. Please don't get fired because of me!!

        Don't go blaming me, I think you're mad as an earwig.


          Originally posted by Jillybiehn
          Indeed, I think Bling and Feli are right, and we've ALL been guilty of a little spamming. Runs to a big number are one thing, but yeah, the frame-by-frame runs (NOT singling anybody out) even take my DSL a long time to download. I'm all for capping, but restricting your capping spree to a few REALLY good, new, intriguing shots might be a better way to go. Spamming ALSO goes for the three-word posts, like "ooo great piccies" and "yeah me too." We love everybody's contributions, but we really need to work on not being so lax about the rules. Okay, geez. I'm done now. [/mod]
          Awwww. So, does that mean no more 400 post cap runs? It's gonna take me a lit longer to catch up to Bling that way. But I do understand and will try to restrict my cap runs to 50 or so. Is that acceptable? hehe.



            Originally posted by Switch42
            Awwww. So, does that mean no more 400 post cap runs? It's gonna take me a lit longer to catch up to Bling that way. But I do understand and will try to restrict my cap runs to 50 or so. Is that acceptable? hehe.


            Kerri, spanked by the post Nazis. I'm afraid none of us will ever catch up to Bling, why even try? She's our goddess anyway.

            Appreciate your understanding though. Thanks. Mwa!


              Originally posted by erinanderson
              Hey Ronja where did all these spectacular clips come from?

              To keep on topic for today (I think it's Wednesday?)

              The Lowdown between s.6 and 7
              Last edited by Ronja; 01 June 2005, 10:16 AM.


                wonderful danny piccys as ususal


                  Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                  Indeed, I think Bling and Feli are right, and we've ALL been guilty of a little spamming. Runs to a big number are one thing, but yeah, the frame-by-frame runs (NOT singling anybody out) even take my DSL a long time to download. I'm all for capping, but restricting your capping spree to a few REALLY good, new, intriguing shots might be a better way to go. Spamming ALSO goes for the three-word posts, like "ooo great piccies" and "yeah me too." We love everybody's contributions, but we really need to work on not being so lax about the rules. Okay, geez. I'm done now. [/mod]
                  Ishk, I know what i've been guilty of... oops

                  I do try and restrict my runs... or any posts really... to the really good caps that I find and just leave the rest in my albums for people to browse through at their leisure. I know we have pictures that are our favourites, but I do get tired of seeing the same things again and again, and I hope I do bring different and unusual caps and shots to the table.

                  Mind you, I think that we're very civilised in here, compared to other threads I've seen

                  And Ronja, those Lowdown caps are gorgeous. I just want to bundle MS up and take him home! So cute!


                    Originally posted by wirthless
                    I think it's easy to get carried away from time to time. And such friendly reminders are appreciated, Bling and Feli!!!
                    Some of us have been spoiled so long by broadband or DSL, we forget about the considerations for our dial-uppers. We want everyone to be able to join in the craziness!!
                    Well said, everyone who has posted re: this topic! Speaking as someone who, for example, enjoys a good >zat< piccie as much as the next hussy, too much of anything at once can be a bad idea. (Okay, there's NEVER too much Daniel, I'll grant you THAT!) But remember that a little of a good thing goes a long way.

                    I also know that until I learned the rules I posted a piccie or two in my time that broke the boundaries for dimensions or size limits. I was happy to go back and fix it because every hussy should be able to thunk equally, and these rules make it better for everyone, DSL, broadband or dial-up. This is just showing respect for your fellow hussies. I don't think that's too much to ask. Remember gals, if you can't live with the thought of resizing your absolutely fabulous Danny piccies you can always post a URL link to them as Mazz has done (thank you for those albums, Mazz!! I have them bookmarked!).

                    Now, back to our regularly scheduled thunking! And since I can't even remember what day it is due to the 4-day work week screwing with my mind, I give you: TRAVELLING PANTS!!


                      Oh goody, I'm finally surrounded by others who do so enjoy the gorgeous MS/DJ. It took me a while to get of my favorites...

                      see you all around..


                        Mazz promises to be good now. See, smaaaaaallll *makes squishy motions with hands*


                          Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                          (((Mazz))) You're always good, and we love you. *snog*

                          Weapons Wednesday! (Since I'm here slacking off and not planting in the snow... Yes, you heard me, SNOW. In JUNE.)


                            LOL@Mazz! It's very small indeed!


                              Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                              (((Mazz))) You're always good, and we love you. *snog*

                              Weapons Wednesday! (Since I'm here slacking off and not planting in the snow... Yes, you heard me, SNOW. In JUNE.)

                              Snow in June??? You poor thing! And I thought it was cold here *Shivers* we only had 13C today, in june! Bleh. You must live in Canada right?


                                Originally posted by cindyz
                                Oh goody, I'm finally surrounded by others who do so enjoy the gorgeous MS/DJ. It took me a while to get of my favorites...


                                see you all around..
                                Hi, Cindy! Glad you joined us!

                                And all the rest of the new faces!

                                Snurched with pride from Ang's Photobucket

