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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Hearts of Spring (fka Mommy Bloggers) will air on Saturday, March 26 @ 9:00 pm on the Hallmark Channel. (additional airing Sunday, March 27 @ 3:00 pm)


      For those of us in the UK, we can hope that one of the film channels "might" take it up, but afaik we don't have a dedicated "Hallmark" channel over here - unless I've missed it - so we will have to "look out for it" elsewhere I guess....

      Deeds xx
      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


        Other news...both Michael and Richard Dean Anderson are headed to Armageddon Expo in both Christchurch and Manukau, New Zealand at the beginning of March....along with doing a double photo op, they will be appearing on stage together at one of the panels...they won't be quite alone for it as Corin Nemec will also be appearing with them.... *tightly seals lips*

        There are many other variations on panels, photo ops etc and as I don't have the resources to travel to New Zealand sadly I haven't made a complete note of everything.....if you head to this link it will give you the different links to click to find out any info...

        Hopefully some pics, video and/or a transcript of this interesting panel will emerge once they have attended...

        Deeds xx
        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


          On top of good news, comes sad news...

          Michael has now cancelled his appearance at Armageddon Expo, New Zealand giving "change in filming commitments" as his reasons....Christopher Judge will now replace him with RDA and Corin Nemec (who has also cancelled one of the venues he was due to appear at)

          Deeds xx
          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


            Some nice stills and bio now up on Hallmark Channel's webpage for Michael's MOW "Hearts of Spring" which looks like it will air around the March-April time...the dates seems to be a bit "wobbly" for this's either end March or first week in April...sites tend to differ with the info atm...


            And guess who's playing another Doctor?

            Deeds xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              WOW!!...Gateworld sure is dead now....I think that it won't ever recover tbh.....oh well, I plan to celebrate this week because lots of importance to me we'll start 3 days back...

              On March 19th it was Samuel David Shanks' birthday...I have had the pleasure of sharing the company of this lovely young man and "apple of his daddy's eye" 2 years ago on the Walk for MS in Vancouver...he didn't want to walk, but daddy spared him the "exhaustion" a lot of the way, whilst I held his coat...*snerk*...

              Happy 10th Birthday Sam!...Daddy loves you....

              Deeds xx
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Thanks for sharing all of Michael's new updated news Deeds!

                I just found Saving Hope on Ion TV here in Virginia, late at night on Fridays! So excited to start watching it! I feel like I know the storyline from all of the posts that you have shared over the last few years-THANK YOU!
                Thanks to the talented Bailey1ak


                  It's 10 years to the day that I first met up in real life with some of the truly great Hussies on this thread...we all attended the 2006 Vancouver Convention - for many of us our first - and had the most awesome time.....I'm sure if you trawl back through the pages you will find all the hilarity of that weekend....

                  I miss you guys very much on here...I know we've all moved on to other things and places but I will NEVER forget the profound effect you, and the Stargate Fandom had on me a decade ago in Vancouver.....

                  HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY HUSSIES!!!


                  Deeds xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    So 10 years ago today I got my first ever photo op with Michael Shanks...see post above ...

                    I also saw him on stage and at the Saturday Night Dessert Party....

                    All at Vancon 2006...

                    Sort of got me hooked on going to see him at Conventions...for 9 solid years I saw at least once a year until 2 years ago...I last saw him at Fedcon 2014 and haven't been able to meet him, or go to a Con since (apart from a quick 1 day trip to LFCC) ..I hope it won't be my last but at least I have many happy memories of meeting him...

                    Deeds xx
                    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                      One Hour Reminder..

                      Season 3 of Saving Hope starts on Sony Entertainment Channel UK at 9 pm tonight....which is 55 minutes away...

                      Deeds xx
                      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                        ^ Thank you so much for all the updates!
                        You're awesome And so is Michael, of course


                          Saving Hope Season 5 begins filming in Toronto today..


                          Michael will once again be directing an episode....something which he seems to be getting very good at...a great "actors' director" which seems to be the consensus of his fellow Saving Hope cast mates and friends from his previous episodes..

                          Check out the various Saving Hope actors', writers', fansites' etc Twitter accounts and the 3 Facebook pages devoted to Michael...his official MSOL one and the Michael Shanks Appreciation Page and Michael Shanks Spoiler Zone.....Michael is fairly quiet atm but I'm sure will be ramping up those Tweets very soon...


                          We wish them all well for Season 5 and a peaceful Summer in Toronto...

                          Deeds xx
                          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                            A GORGEOUS new picture of Michael, taken by his co-star Benjamin Ayres on location for the filming of Season 5 of Saving Hope....Ben has been taking a lot of "night shoot" shots this week of his various co-stars and location surroundings...and as S.4 ended on a cliffhanger and this pic "might" be considered spoilery I'll hide it....but those that dare enter the spoiler tag, enjoy.....


                            Deeds xx
                            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                              Smoking hot...literally

                              And props to Ayres, indeed fine work behind the camera.


                                Short Q&A with Michael re directing an episode of S.3 Saving Hope, which is showing on both ION TV in the US and Sony Channel UK also uses the Behind the Scenes interview with him on the S.3 DVD and shows him in "Director's Action"...

                                Of which he's pretty damn good I must say.....Double Jeopardy was always one of my favourite episodes of SG1 and he jumped in the deep end with his first ever directorial debut and did some amazingly difficult work with all those scenes with the SG1 team and their robots....I applaud him...and the Saving Hope eppys that he has directed have been excellent as he gets every last ounce out of his acting team, who from their comments obviously LOVE being directed by him...a true Actor's Director imho...may he do much much more in the future.....just as long as we get to see him on both sides of the camera equally of course


                                Deeds xx
                                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks

