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Cameron - Discussion and Appreciation

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    Not really, as far as I recall.

    On another note, I learned from a recent interview that Ben has a college degree in psychology. This made me appreciate the man even more. The visible emotional intelligence I see in his acting makes even more sense now. Imagine that kind of insight into a character! As time goes on and TPTB get more confidence in Ben they should really allow space for his input.

    Originally posted by Toresica
    Does it have a lot of season 10 spoilers?

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      Originally posted by andi_b
      Not really, as far as I recall.

      On another note, I learned from a recent interview that Ben has a college degree in psychology. This made me appreciate the man even more. The visible emotional intelligence I see in his acting makes even more sense now. Imagine that kind of insight into a character! As time goes on and TPTB get more confidence in Ben they should really allow space for his input.
      That is why John Crichton is such a wonderful character I think. Ben is a smart man and draws from all areas of his life. Ben's portrayal of Crichton is absolutely wonderful. Ben takes John down many roads of insanity and does a brilliant job of it.

      I hope the PTB will use him the way the Farscape people did. He has such a great insight and wonderful timing. Hopefully the Stargate writers will give him some leeway. Right now he says he is going by the scripts. Hopefully the writers are not too egotistical to let Ben have some say into who Mitchell is. He is very good at knowing his character but the writers have to give him some say or the character is not his but theirs. And that would be a shame to leave all of that talent wasted.



        Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
        ShardsofGlass posted a link to a new Ben interview over in the news section.

        Ben was his usual warm, charming, articulate and diplomatic self. I'd love to be that blanky!

        I want to be his blanky, too!

        From that article:

        “I think it’s a natural progression for Mitchell to be more settled than he was at stages during the beginning of his tenure with the SGC,” Browder replies to these comments about his character in its sophomore season on Stargate: SG-1. In the beginning, Browder says, Mitchell was lying in the background more. As Mitchell has progressed within his position on the team, there were times when he over-stepped his bounds and times where he under-stepped them, as well.

        “If you look at it from Mitchell’s perspective, it was a very daunting task. He didn’t want the job, and, finding the boundaries within that job, while dealing with the existing people on SG-1 who are essentially legendary people, it takes a while to find that range which is comfortable for him to be in. I think that to a certain degree the writing finds its range as the character finds its range. I think this is a natural progression, too.”
        Yes! Why did some fans find this realistic progression to be so hard to take!!!

        ..he needs to get into his SG-1 clothing. With an apologetic smile Browder tells our reporter it’s been a great chat, but he has to kick her out now. “I’ve changed in front of male reporters before, but…” he trails off with another smile. Not to worry, he is assured as our reporter thanks him for his time.

        EM isn’t quite ready for that level of a ‘Ben Browder Revealed’ story!
        Stupid girl.


          Originally posted by Toresica
          Does it have a lot of season 10 spoilers?
          I don't recall any. Unless you consider that 'gunshots will be heard' a spoiler.

          Actually, it depends on your level of spoiler. Ben talks generally about his character changes for season 10. If you've even skimmed the posts in this thread, you already know what he is talking about. Very general stuff, in my opinion.

          edited: And, oops, I already quoted that in my previous post!


            Okey dokey. I'm taking a few days off work and won't be back until Monday. I may get on the home computer, or may not...

            Anyway, Everyone enjoy "200" - I hope it is as great as I'm expecting it to be!!!


              Enjoy your time off.



                Originally posted by andi_b
                Not really, as far as I recall.

                On another note, I learned from a recent interview that Ben has a college degree in psychology. This made me appreciate the man even more. The visible emotional intelligence I see in his acting makes even more sense now. Imagine that kind of insight into a character! As time goes on and TPTB get more confidence in Ben they should really allow space for his input.
                He didn't get the degree at just any old college, like I did, although I do claim to be smarter than 99% of the people on the planet. He got his degree from Furman University. A very private and recognized university.


                  Originally posted by SylvreWolfe
                  He didn't get the degree at just any old college, like I did, although I do claim to be smarter than 99% of the people on the planet. He got his degree from Furman University. A very private and recognized university.
                  Yep. It is a very good university.



                    Hi -- don't know if some of you are aware that Ben is going to make a personal appearance at the Farscape Convention in Burbank the first weekend of Nov. He is showing up on Sunday and will come to the Breakfast, will do a 1 hour stint on stage and is signing autographs and doing photo ops.

                    Its like being in Benaholics Heaven.

                    Last year he talked a lot about his role in Stargate so don't think he'll be Farscape-centric this time around too.

                    Here's the link for more info

                    IS IT FRIDAY YET ???? !!!!!


                      Yup, already got my tickets for the con...


                        Just dropping by to say that I've updated my story "Family Day at SGC".
                        Click here for version
                        Click here for GW version


                          Originally posted by Sasusc
                          Just dropping by to say that I've updated my story "Family Day at SGC".
                          Click here for version
                          Click here for GW version
                          YAY! I will read it when I get home today. I loved the first part so far.



                            Originally posted by scifi woman
                            Hi -- don't know if some of you are aware that Ben is going to make a personal appearance at the Farscape Convention in Burbank the first weekend of Nov. He is showing up on Sunday and will come to the Breakfast, will do a 1 hour stint on stage and is signing autographs and doing photo ops.

                            Its like being in Benaholics Heaven.

                            Last year he talked a lot about his role in Stargate so don't think he'll be Farscape-centric this time around too.

                            Here's the link for more info

                            IS IT FRIDAY YET ???? !!!!!

                            I will be there. Hope to get to meet you. You too Sylvrewolfe.



                              Originally posted by Toresica
                              Does it have a lot of season 10 spoilers?
                              No it's mostly speaking about things in general rather than specific.


                                Originally posted by andi_b
                                Thank you for the link, Dream-a-Little! Why oh why did they have to stop the interview there?
                                Ain't that the truth!

                                BTW I've just caught up with the thread after finally seeing Uninvited. I'm actually not as impressed with the episode as I thought I would be. I enjoyed seeing Mitchell out of uniform and in more casual situations. But personality-wise Crichton, heart-on-his-sleeve gives me so much more than Mitchell the adrenaline junkie... This is nothing against Ben, I think I just enjoy watching characters like Crichton more and I'm just realising that. Also, this is the first time that I've crossed over to another show from one where I became really attached to a character and it's a weird emotional process

                                But anyway, yay for a Mitchell-centric episode with character development and civvies! And Sasusc, don't forget to tell us what you think of the Farscape eps!
                                This season the writers just seem to have a clearer direction of where they want to take the character. Because of that I sort of feel like F&B was actually Mitchell's first episode of Stargate. That said they seem to have kept a lot of the things that, IMO, worked about the character in season 9. And there were quite a few things that IMO did work in season 9.

                                In this episode, they firmed up Mitchell's foundation with some inner conflict and made him a little less straight and narrow with the AJ aspect. They also reaffirmed the physicality of the character. Because this really feels more to me like Mitchell's season one, I tend to look at all of these things as starting points rather than arrived at destinations.

                                Maybe I have fewer problems with Mitchell not being John because I tuned into Ben as an actor before Farscape. This was someone, who back in 1993 caught my eye and made me think “you know if you could just hook him up to the right vehicle he's going to rock.” Farscape was that vehicle. As much as I love Farscape for itself, and I do, the real payoff for me was that it was that opportunity for him, and oh of course that I was right.

                                Stargate is never going to provide the same kind of playground for him that Farscape did. Those gigs are few and far between for all actors. Right now I'm willing to take the venue for what it is, put my feet up and see how things play out for Mitchell over the remaining episodes. I'm looking forward to seeing what Ben and the writers build over the rest of the season.

