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WORST character send-off

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    Without a doubt, Jack in Origin.


      I can't decide between Jonas, Tanith, Jack, and one no one mentioned Katherine, from the movie. I mean they just said she was dead, and had a funeral. I mean she did play a part in starting the whole thing.

      But if I have to be really specific, Tanith was the worst. The guy got to get a hald smile then a huge blast in the face from Teal'c.


        I havent seen Origins so i cant say Jack so i went for Janet.

        Great ep.

        But id rather she resigned then got killed, at least she could have come back then...
        Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
        LOVE HIM-> DT
        ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


          it was kinda a close three-way tie between janet, fifth, and martouf... i hated how ALL of them died... but as for worst SEND OFF... i had to go with fifth... it was like he was there, then he wasn't... horrid


            Originally posted by Colonel_Sheppard
            I can't decide between Jonas, Tanith, Jack, and one no one mentioned Katherine, from the movie. I mean they just said she was dead, and had a funeral. I mean she did play a part in starting the whole thing.

            But if I have to be really specific, Tanith was the worst. The guy got to get a hald smile then a huge blast in the face from Teal'c.
            I would have put Katherine name in there, if she showed up in the ep, but she didn't only her name mentioned, so I didn't put hers there.

            Come to think about it, they should show her face (instead of her niece) in Moebius, it would be full-circle with the story beginning in the Movie, ah well.. too late now.
   : lilferret


              Jack! I missed the whole thing. He was just gone Maybe the proper send off is still to come or maybe there will be none


                I voted for Jack just because I miss him a lot.


                  Originally posted by Olli

                  Hailey! I think she disapeared into nothing!

                  I agree!!

                  I liked her aguing with Sam - it would be a very good point in a series...

                  All the images in my signatures usually come from HERE
                  How do you like my new signature?


                    I picked Janet, but Jacob came close.

                    Janet deserved her episode to be more about her, less about the really naff 'is it Jack who died' attempt at a red herring. The acting was fab, esp from MS who deserved an emmy for that scene in the infirmary, but the story was dire.




                      At first I was just plain stunned. Then I got angry.

                      I don't like that they've eliminated some of the other characters listed but at least they were sent away in a decent manner. But this is just like them saying, "Oh yeah, about this Jack guy..."


                        Among all the Jack outcry, I've gotta say one of the most disappointing and less-mentioned ones was Fifth in Gemini. In Unnatural Selection the writers emphasized his human side and while a Replicator, he may not be so much of a bad guy. Then he makes his anticipated return in season 8 working on the more "dark" part of being human. Then a mere few episodes later, he's tossed out in favor of making Carter's duplicate the lead Rep. The whole look at his "human" qualities just seemed incomplete. The fact that he betrayed by his companion just basically confirmed First's claim that he was "weak", after all of Sam's attempts to prove otherwise to him and everyone else up to that point. Just seemed like a depressing way to write him out. Then not a single mention afterwards.

                        But still, it's better for a character to actually receive a send-off than just be forgotten completely. Anybody seen Ferretti in the last 8 years?


                          Originally posted by Kanten
                          But still, it's better for a character to actually receive a send-off than just be forgotten completely. Anybody seen Ferretti in the last 8 years?
                          Well, he got mentioned in an episode in season three (I think it was Shades of Gray). That has to be worth something.


                            The more I think about it, shouldn't a poll like this be restricted to characters who are either dead or who we know will absolutely never appear again. For instance, you might say that Chaka's appearance in Enemy Mine wasn't great, but it's possible that the character could pop up again sometime. It could be a long shot, but some characters shouldn't be written off right now.


                              I chose Kawalsky in Enemy Within, because he's a good character and they should've not killed him off that early in the series.


                                I had to vote for Janet. Not because they killed her or how they killed her, but because they tried to play some pointless game to get us to think it was Jack so the focus of the show was about Jack. Duh, he’s the lead character. He wasn’t going to go out like that so why bother. Janet’s death was overshadowed by concern for Jack. She was just a side note.

                                Don’t get me wrong. I like and appreciate the episode for the message I think it implies about the sacrifice our men and women in the military make, so Janet’s actual death was not in vain for me. And the bits with Daniel were excellent. Great stuff by MS. I just don’t like the way the episode was structured to be all about Jack and then to toss in some S/J ship to boot. *Bleh* And to make things worse we never hear of them speak of Janet ever again. She is gone and forgotten.


                                Jacob in “Threads.” Most pointless death of a character on Stargate. In my mind, they killed him for the S/J ship. I’ll never forgive the writers for that.

                                Jack in “Origin.” What were these people thinking? RDA’s horrible performance, combined with he and MS not even being in the same room, mix in some cruddy lines, omit Teal and Carter, and end with a joy ride…. Yeah, that’s just how I envisioned Jack’s send off. My view of the character of Jack had already diminished do to S7 and 8. This didn’t help. Shameful to say, but I’m glad Jack is gone.

                                *Just so I’m not labeled as a Jack/RDA hater….For the record Jack was always my favorite character up until Seasons 7 and 8. And I had no problem with RDA making the choice to make his child his priority, but his sloppy, seemingly not-wanting-to-be-there acting compounded with writers trying to squeeze him into episodes killed my love of the character post-season 6. The character deteriorated horribly from the Jack that I enjoyed.*
                                IMO always implied.

