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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    So we are back in the room…..
    now interestingly enough…Cam and Vala are sitting next to each other on the same side of the table. It was Vala who has moved to Cam….because she is tired of Cam ignoring her….and she wants to drive him crazy. She knows she can brush against his leg under the table to force him to notice her….and she does it classic Vala style….very covert like….you have to look for the signs…so watch for Cam's reaction!

    They just finished with another outlandish scene where Cheyenne Mountain blows up…of course Martin thinks it’s a fab idea…..

    Martin: So that’s the end of act two!
    Daniel: The mountain blows up??
    Martin: No possible hope for survival, Cool…huh? I just wrote it based on what’s going on with the gate. I love it when art imitates life.
    Cam: Hang on….We’re alive in this. (pointing to script copy and note the intense look from Vala. Now Cam is still noticeably ignoring her...but Vala isn’t going to let him get away with that…she has something planned!!)

    Martin: Oh I just haven’t fixed that part yet..I’m thinking I can back sell it and say you were beamed out at the last second.
    Cam: (Vala brushes her foot onto Cam’s leg) *Vala…you realize you are playing with fire here??!* (Note Cam’s surprised expression and Vala’s mouth open slightly…helping her concentrate efforts on her evil deed.)
    Daniel: Beamed out??

    Martin: Sure why not?
    Teal’c: Is that not too convenient? *Even I think it is an absurd plan Mr. Martin*
    Martin: (Expounds on some more movie techno BS….blah…blah…blah)
    Cam: Really??!! *actually I'm a little hornay right I don't have much to say at the moment!*(seriously it looks and sounds like Cam has just dropped into the sex zone. He’s got the breathless, deep voice....the bedroom eyes thing going on….he is so buzzed right now sitting next to Vala….he finally feels he can let down a little because he has Vala safe with him on his side of the table and Daniel is not between them for once. A warm wave of excitement rushes up into his gut and spreads to his groin….and he allows it to wash over him… pulls away all the stress he had been holding onto all day. He can’t help but return her playfulness with a brief contact of his own as he presses his knee over against her thigh…he allows it to linger there….and it zaps every ounce of strength he had left out of him….and he feels good.)

    Martin: Oh yes the next scene is one of my favorites….( Motions for someone to read it)
    Cam: (Cam looks at her with longing) *God Vala….If we were alone right now…I’d have you on this table!*

    Vala: (Startled and unsure….she gives Daniel a brief look as if she was fessing up to her foreplay with Cam.)

    (She begins reading the next scene)

    They pop into a pseudo Star Trek scene….and Cam saunters in as Capt. Kirk….Teal’c is Spock, Daniel is Mc Coy and Sam is Ohura. Vala does not appear in this segment and while there is a brief flirt with Sam… is just good old spoofy fun. And can I say…Cam makes a very hot Capt. Kirk??!!

    And Teal’c’s shirt is just…….OMG….hot and hilarious all rolled into one…if that is even possible.

    Now they all agree that the Star Trek scene really doesn’t work for the show….Well Daniel and Sam summarily shoot it down….Cam stays quiet because he is having mind blowing sex with Vala under the table….I’ll just post the proof in the way of screen caps so you can be the judge….they are definitely going at it…..under the table…..Cam is about to O*gasm right there!!

    Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:10 AM.
    Originally posted by jelgate
    This brings much pain but SQ is right


      that is all I can manage for least we have a respite from the angst....for now!! But don't worry something BIG is coming!!

      More tomorrow....
      Originally posted by jelgate
      This brings much pain but SQ is right


        mmm he did make a very HOT Cpt. Kirk that's for sure *pants*


          Originally posted by CKO View Post
          mmm he did make a very HOT Cpt. Kirk that's for sure *pants*
          Yes he did!! *fans self*
          Originally posted by jelgate
          This brings much pain but SQ is right


            *squeak* Cam's sex face! lol... that's gonna help in fic.

            totally loving the reinterpretation of the ep. Here's some more virtual greenies:

            one thing though; I thought Daniel was supposed to be McCoy in the Star Trek bit...

            haha, interestingly enough, the cowardly lion attacked Dorothy's dog when they first met; sort of a vice versa of Daniel and Vala's first encounter.

            Anyway, loving this! You've got everyone involved with their thoughts.

            : )
            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
              *squeak* Cam's sex face! lol... that's gonna help in fic.

              totally loving the reinterpretation of the ep. Here's some more virtual greenies:

              one thing though; I thought Daniel was supposed to be McCoy in the Star Trek bit...

              haha, interestingly enough, the cowardly lion attacked Dorothy's dog when they first met; sort of a vice versa of Daniel and Vala's first encounter.

              Anyway, loving this! You've got everyone involved with their thoughts.

              : )
              Thanks so much you have a nickname? I really enjoy the feedback....constructive too...It helps to make it better...and you're right....Daniel = McCoy.... what was I thinking....*palm face* I will go back and fix. Yes please help to correct me on stuff like that...cuz I do these really really late at night...I don't have a I can post them just let me know....I appreciate it.

              I have never seen Daniel and Vala's first meeting...I heard it was in s8....ep 11 or 12...but I haven't bothered to break out my s8 DVD's to watch it....need to do that. I probably saw it first go around years ago...but it never really registered to me....that was before Cam hit the scene.

              Glad you are liking it....cuz I would hate to be doing this all for nothing!! hehehehehehe

              Hope to post a little goody soon.
              Originally posted by jelgate
              This brings much pain but SQ is right


                Hi, everyone. Thought I'd drop a fic link - my first Cam/Vala fic!

                Crazy Like the Rest of Us (rated PG-13)
                la vita nuova (fic journal)



                  ohhh C/V ficcy


                    I actually have more written, but I'm horrible with multi-chapter projects so to be on the safe side I'm calling it a one shot until I get a second part actually finished and post worthy.
                    la vita nuova (fic journal)



                      oh yummy..... new C/V fic.... off to read!

                      sig by DJgirl


                        Originally posted by dizzydame View Post
                        Hi, everyone. Thought I'd drop a fic link - my first Cam/Vala fic!

                        Crazy Like the Rest of Us (rated PG-13)
                        thanks!!! very nice... pg with a hint of smut makes me a very happy C/V fan

                        sig by DJgirl


                          Originally posted by dizzydame View Post
                          Hi, everyone. Thought I'd drop a fic link - my first Cam/Vala fic!

                          Crazy Like the Rest of Us (rated PG-13)
                          YAY loved the goodies!! Thanks so much....and was yummy too!! Very nicely done!! Thanks for keeping the Cam/Vala ship a cruisin'
                          Originally posted by jelgate
                          This brings much pain but SQ is right


                            Ok this ep is killing me...
                            so I am going to marathon post the rest to get to the end....because there is a big ol long fic at the end that ties this ep all stay tuned.....

                            So I’m skipping ahead to the part where Martin takes a break…Vala follows because she is still trying to convince him that he needs to include her into one of her wild stories….

                            Vala: We were in a cloaked cargo ship we were on a simple three hour reconnaissance mission….
                            Martin: (Interrupts) Gilligan’s Island…
                            Vala: you got all that from 3 hour reconnaissance mission?
                            So while they are talking notice how Cam is looking over his shoulder to get a glimpse of her….he can’t keep his eyes off her….

                            Martin: Piece of advice….if you are going to rip something off…think of something a little more obscure.
                            Vala: (thinks a moment and then scenes from Farscape flash on)
                            This is funny because first the Stargate franchise is trying to say that Farscape is obscure….hmmmm isn’t that like calling the kettle black or something?? So in the Farscape scene we first see Vala as Aeryn….I think this bit is hilarious in that they use everyone of Farscape’s curse words. So we have Aeryn played by Vala….then we have Daniel playing Crichton….and he does the spoof of the sexual chemistry between Aeryn/Crichton aka Claudia/Ben….but notice in this scene…there is actually no sexual chemistry between Daniel and Vala as a matter of fact, Vala looks somewhat horrified at the whole thing….and my take is that they couldn't make Cam Crichton….because there would have been so much sexual chemistry that the whole spoof would have fallen flat and failed at being funny… hence they had to make the court jester=Daniel=Crichton!!

                            The hilarity ensues when Sam shows up as Chiana and Teal’c as D’Argo….and of course they are doing nothing but cursing the whole time…. Farscape style!!

                            Then of course Cam is Stark…because he symbolizes the emotionally messed up….internally warring wounded character….just like Cam…he is emotionally torn between loving Vala and doing the right thing for his job and he stays emotionally messed up and wounded throughout the entire series. A little foreshadowing?? Hmmmm maybe you be the judge!!

                            Finally we have the Azgard as Rygel….and I have no creative thought on this…except for it just fit….so what are you going to do??

                            Martin: Ok you got me…. *I have no stinkin’ clue what the hell kind of show that was….but hey it sounded really cool…..if only we could make that Stark fella the lead character!!*
                            Vala: (Pleased with herself) Yeah Daniel as Crichton was creeping me out just a little.
                            Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:12 AM.
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            This brings much pain but SQ is right



                              So Martin informs the group that their budget was cut and they have totally screwed up the end of act three.

                              Notice Vala actively eye frakking Cam here...….she wants to know how he’s recovering from the under the table sex they just had….

                              Cam: What’s at the end of act three?? (He tries to avoid eye contact with her…..but…..)

                              Cam: (….he just can’t help it….) *Vala….why don’t you come over here and sit by me again baby??*

                              So the next scene is indeed very interesting…..It starts out and they are all on some sort of break in the room. Notice Daniel and Vala are standing next to one another….back to ignoring Cam….they’ve got their back to him. Vala is also somewhat flirty with Daniel. Cam is sitting on the table just watching them….he is not pleased….he has his arms crossed as if to show he is closing off again….he knew the under the table sex was just Vala’s attempt to mess with him and continue her emotional torture.

                              Vala: (to Daniel) What’s so bad about this?? (showing him the script)
                              Sam: (walks in)
                              Daniel: (pleading) Any idea on when we’re able to go??
                              Sam: (frustrated) Sorry
                              Notice that Cam has quit pleading and complaining….Daniel has taken over in that department….this shows just how far Cam has shut down.

                              Vala: (to Sam) Hey if you want this to be more accurate…why don’t you just give them your mission files?
                              Sam: They’re classified.
                              Vala: So? Didn’t you say that no one on your planet would believe this was all real anyway??
                              Sam: Even still do you know how many mission files there are?

                              Cam: 1,263 (pipes up with the answer showing that he was listening to Vala’s convo with Sam) hopefully 64 by the end of the day.

                              Daniel: (in another attempt to p!ss off and challenge Cam corrects him) Actually it’s 1, 264 already.

                              Cam: (insisting) No it’s 63…pretty sure I’ve read all the files recently *Don’t f u c k with me Jackson…I know I read the reports* (What I find interesting is that Cam lowers his eyes after his challenge back to Jackson…refusing to make this into a big deal….)

                              Sam: (joining in) Actually you haven’t read 30185…. (hold on Cam baby…you are in for a shock)

                              Cam: (repeats puzzled) 30185? What’s that?

                              Daniel: (gloating) We can’t tell you…. (I just love having the trump card….I’ve got the girl….and secret info…now hahahahahahaha)

                              Cam: (now p!ssed) What do you mean you can’t tell me?? *Listen you fruity little nerd….you better knock it off and tell me*

                              Cam: (continues) I have the highest security clearance known to mankind…..(Cam stands up to take on the challenge)

                              Cam: What is 30185??

                              Sam: We were sworn to secrecy… *sorry Cam….I can’t tell you either….now.....maybe if you would agree to sleep with me….then maybe…but right now….no!*
                              Vala: WHAT?? I will ***** slap you....stay away from my Cam!

                              They flash to Daniel and Vala to show Vala’s concern for Cam.
                              Vala: *Don’t worry Cam baby….don’t be upset…..I’ll try and find out….then I’ll tell ya!*
                              Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:15 AM.
                              Originally posted by jelgate
                              This brings much pain but SQ is right



                                Cam: (frustrated) Why even mention it to me if you’re not going to tell me what it is? *sleep with you? Come on Sam….we’re best buds….that would really mess with my head*

                                Sam: Sorry….*well I’m desperate….what can I say?*
                                Vala: Can you tell me??
                                Daniel: Oh yeah we can tell you! *yeah let’s really p!ss him off….I got the girl, the secret…now in collusion…that should really fry his brain*

                                Sam: Well it had to do with the gate when it sent us back to 1969…

                                Cam: That can’t have anything to do with me…I wasn’t born ‘til a year later…

                                Daniel: Actually it was nine months before he was born…. *hehehehehehe here we go…..*

                                Cam: What? (wheels spinning….) *You’re gonna be sorry about this Jackson….*

                                Sam: (so fake like…gag) You have to remember….it was the sixties…
                                Vala: (looks shocked) *OMG….Daniel if you are Cam’s father… some sick twisted timeline…I don’t want to know about it….ewwwwww*

                                Daniel: You had to have known that Jack has always taken an interest in your life. *hehehehehehe*

                                Cam: *You *******…meet me in the men’s locker again….I’m not going to hold back this time…let’s go!!*

                                Cam: Jack?? O’Neill???
                                Teal’c: Indeed! *I really wish these writers would come up with a new line for me….*
                                Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:16 AM. Reason: Asterisked again.
                                Originally posted by jelgate
                                This brings much pain but SQ is right

