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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Ok so here we go.....a nice confrontation scene between Cam and Daniel....because you know this just had to happen...and because you have such a differing range in their mood toward one another.....apparently between commercials....that unless they are bi polar....NOT...they had to have one of these!!

    This is PG13 for Language....
    Click for transitional fic....
    Daniel turns quickly ….and beats feet towards the men’s locker leaving Vala standing with mouth agape….looking towards Cam….Cam shoots Vala a glare…and pulls in a breath…and as his heart flutters for just a moment at the thought of losing her….he spins on his heel to follow Daniel.….with intent….

    As Cam rounds the corner…..his heart quickens as the lights in the hallway blaze through his brain like a laser….his thoughts are lost…..his reason…lost…..and he’s not sure completely what to do when he finally meets up with Daniel…..but he knows….something needs to happen….something needs to be said….he steps into the locker room and Daniel meets his eyes squarely…not lacking in complete surprise….it’s just the two of them….but Cam makes a visual sweep to ensure they are indeed alone….

    Cam: (walks slowly toward Daniel….clenching his teeth….every time he exhales he feels a wave of heat emanate from him….the white flashes begin again…and this time a new spark of red obscures his vision temporarily….he summons all the control he has to bellow out….) Jackson….What the **** is up with you? You need to dial it down a notch!

    Daniel: (blanched with fear….as he backs into the lockers…. until he realizes Cam has completely come unhinged and he’s not sure why…because he knows Cam only curses when he is insane crazy mad….which rarely happens…..white knuckled…he grips his glasses...that are now securely tucked in the palm of his hand….) Are you asking me to step down from the team?? Because….it was you who wanted me here….so what the **** IS YOUR problem….anyway??

    Cam: (scoffing just a little which sort of takes the edge off) What’s my problem?? (laughs) The problem is…..You and Vala…. that’s the problem….what do you think you are doing Jackson….fraternizing with a team member?? Necking in the locker room?? What the hell Jackson…you can’t be doing that here….on base! (Cam had no other alternative but to pull rank and regs…maybe then he could convince Daniel to take his flirting with Vala off base where he at least didn’t have to see it.)

    Daniel: (shocked) What?? Necking?? We were just teasing around…..we have fun together…..sure there may have been some innocent flirting….and playing round….but come on….Why is it all work and no play with you??… know what they say….that makes for a dull boy……(laughs nervously)

    Cam: (steams) Look…’s not my actions in question here…..all I’m sayin’ is….don’t **** where you work….when you’re here….Jackson….we have a job to do… put your toys away…especially your dick …and wake up ..….(Cam drives his finger into Daniels chest….his eyes pierce through him….he’s mere inches away from his face…..the heat bleeds from them as their frustrated anger culminates into a gridlock….. you could almost taste the testosterone thick in the air….Cam wiped his eyes across Daniel’s startled expression…..he could see the guilty fear laced with a true unknowing….almost an innocence of thought with respect to Cam’s relationship with Vala….Jackson couldn’t see it…he was ignorant to Cam’s deep feelings for her…and genuinely didn’t understand Cam’s violent reaction…..This realization caused Cam’s anger to falter….he swallowed hard and stepped back….his hand swiped away the beaded sweat that was forming along the edge of his hairline….as he waited with curiosity for Jackson’s response…to this mess they were in….he drew in a tentative breath)

    Daniel: (swallows hard and steps up as if to challenge Mitchell) You know….what’s it to you anyway?? Why do you care so much about what Vala and I do?? I mean you have no problem as long as my nose is in a book….but the minute I look up and play with Vala….it’s a criminal offense….(Daniel searches deep into Cam for an answer…..perhaps blinded by his own feelings for Vala…he has yet to see Cam’s deep passion for her…..his look pulls on the only thin thread he’s got and waits for Mitchell’s retort….)

    Cam: (steps up….with a renewed rage at his recent challenge….he presses in….their noses almost touching….chest to chest….eyes piercing) You have no idea Jackson!! No **** I n g idea…….I have my reasons….now BACK the Hell OFF! (Cam feels the pressure to back down…as he realizes Daniel is truly clueless of his feelings for Vala…and he doesn’t want to make them known to him as that would only further complicate the matter even more….he looks down…and with a step back he shoves his hands on his hips in line with his utility belt and just waits…there….)

    Daniel: (pulls in a deep breath) Is that an order…..sir??.....You know I’m civilian technically I don’t have to take orders from you…(he shifts nervously and awaits his response….Daniel now glaring….at a somewhat neutralized Cam…..knowing that something is up….but not sure what….)

    Cam: (looks up quickly and...sneers) I wouldn’t think of using my rank to force you to do anything…..but just for the record….when you are part of this team….and we’re on mission….you’re under military code…and that puts me in charge ……got it?? (Cam hated pulling rank…but he knew it was one of his only alternatives…and the only weapon in his arsenal at the moment…his eyes dance around the room…the white flashes now fading….diffusing out of sight….he shifts his weight and glances in Daniel’s direction a look of ….man we’ve got to work this out….for the team….for the benefit of the universe! Too many lives are at stake.)

    Daniel: (nervously) Got it! But….you know I don’t need this crap….I can just go back to doing what I was doing…..before you dragged me into this….and that would solve everyone’s problem. (Daniel now realizes the corner Cam has put himself in….he knows Cam can’t push him out completely it would prove devastating to the SG program….so for the moment Daniel holds the trump card and both men know it!)

    Cam: (worried….he sees that Daniel truly has the ball…..he can’t afford losing him…. he is forced to tap dance so he musters up some sort of response to make sense of this most bizarre set of circumstances they are in…..) Look…Jackson….all I need is for you to get your head on …..straight ….focus on your job…..and just do it…..leave Vala out of it….what you do on your own time is up to you….but I don’t want to know about it… that clear? (Cam leaves an almost pleading look on his face just long enough for Daniel to recognize the dilemma they are in….)

    Daniel: (stands down) Yep…..loud and clear……..sir!!

    Cam: (relaxes his stance and shakes his head with a faint smile gracing his parched lips…. an icy cool chill penetrates his body….tingles rush over him and a flushed feeling of anxiety tries to take hold….he gathers his senses….clears his throat)…..You can cut the sir… can we just be civil towards one another?….or at least act like we can get along?….you know for the team’s benefit….for Vala’s benefit?….let’s not make this harder than it needs to be……

    Daniel: (Confused and frustrated) Whatever….Mitchell…just know that….anytime I feel it’s getting too hot in here….I’m gone….I don’t need this…..any of it!! I’m here to loan my expertise….but hey if you have a problem with me….I can pack up my toys as you say….and leave…..anytime! (Daniel crosses his arms across his chest…with an almost knowing that he has boxed Cam….right there….he won this battle….and it is over….and Daniel made it out unscathed….and to Daniel that was enough…..for now anyway…..)

    Cam: (trying to smooth things over) It’s no secret Jackson…that we need you here….your skills are vital and necessary to help save this Universe….we can’t do it without you….so stay here for that reason….no other….not because I’ve asked you…..or because Vala is here…….do it because so many lives hang in that balance…that should be enough… whatever this is….here between us…..we’ve got to suck this up and move forward….So…..can we do that?? (he stares at Daniel with that look….that look that usually melts Vala instantly….it takes you apart and exposes the very core of you… no part of you is left untouched….)

    Daniel: (stunned silent and paralyzed by Cam’s words…..he manages to muffle out….) Yep….you bet!

    Cam: (makes a stifled sigh under his breath….he doesn’t want to seem too relieved because that would just allow for gloating….because he could never survive flirting and gloating in the same room…..that would be completely unbearable….. and Cam knows even though Daniel has won this battle….the war is far from over….and he will let him have this victory…..for the benefit of the team….for the universe….and most of all for Vala... .he does it because Cam knows how hurt Vala would be to learn of any ill that fell between them….or how crushed she would be if he were responsible for driving Daniel away….Cam recognizes that he and Daniel are the two most important men in her life right now…and he wouldn’t jeopardize that for anything….because Vala has lost too many people in her life already……and he couldn’t let that happen again…..But his greatest realization is the irony in that it was because of her he went raging toward Jackson in the first place…..ready to go over the edge with jealousy and desperation…..but too it was because of her…that he is retreating amicably….with his anger stifled and diffused….she is the only person who has that kind of power over him….and while part of himself fears that….part of himself can’t think of what life would be like without her force inside of him……so he takes comfort in knowing….that this is not the hill to die on today…..someday soon….maybe…..but not today…..)

    So in a moment of clarity….both men exchange that look of relief….one that ensures a treaty of future interactions to be met on more agreeable terms…but nothing is ever a guarantee….especially with Vala in the mix….she is the wild card….and they both know it!
    Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:02 AM. Reason: asterisks inserted...
    Originally posted by jelgate
    This brings much pain but SQ is right


      nice now how bout on to the good stuff


        Originally posted by CKO View Post
        nice now how bout on to the good stuff
        Patience my dear grasshopper!!
        I still have to finish the all helps with the set up tho....remember.....the golden rule....we will get to that angry make up just has to fit with the story!!
        Originally posted by jelgate
        This brings much pain but SQ is right


          Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
          Patience my dear grasshopper!!
          I still have to finish the all helps with the set up tho....remember.....the golden rule....we will get to that angry make up just has to fit with the story!!
          *rolls eyes*

          i so suck at the patience thing *sighs* but oh well, and it does... after all it has to lead up to all the fun


            Originally posted by CKO View Post
            *rolls eyes*

            i so suck at the patience thing *sighs* but oh well, and it does... after all it has to lead up to all the fun
            yeah....I'm the same way...but if we rush through the story then it will all be over.... *sniff* and we have to savor every moment.
            Originally posted by jelgate
            This brings much pain but SQ is right


              mm yes savor the moment is good


                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                mm yes savor the moment is good
                mmmmmm good!!
                Originally posted by jelgate
                This brings much pain but SQ is right


                  Continuing on with ep6 200.....

                  In the next section…. they show a mock mission of the team (minus Vala) fighting the replicators with some ridiculous….impossible doomsday scenario……and then we’re back in ~the room~. Notice how Vala is back behind the guys, away from both of them and Daniel and Cam are right next to each other. Now….I thought it interesting that Cam is in a subordinate position to Daniel…as Daniel is sitting on the table above Cam who is lower in the chair. This reflects the previous scene indicating that indeed Daniel won the first face off with Cam. Notice how Cam is not pleased and his body language is one of doubt and despair. His back is to Vala…again indicating he is shutting her out and actively ignoring her. He is doing that thumb to the mouth thing….because that is his nervous habit…when he wants to say something but can’t.

                  Daniel: (talking about the mock mission) Are you serious??
                  Martin: What??
                  Daniel: How did we escape?? *OMG this is beyond stupid*
                  Vala: They!! (Oooo she just had to correct him….and Daniel wasn’t pleased)
                  Daniel: Fine, they, they, they, they!! How did they escape! *Yeah thanks for that Vala…did you have to correct me right in front of Cam?*

                  Martin: Isn’t it obvious?
                  Cam: Even if the valley wasn’t filled with Jaffa we could never have made it to the gate and dialed out in under 10 seconds! (Cam looks annoyed….he’s generally p!ssed and not in a very good mood right about now…. Wonder why?? )

                  Martin: Good. See that’s why we’re here. So, what do you think? 30 seconds? Maybe not such a round number.
                  (At this point you have Cam doing the exact opposite of what he was doing in the last meeting….he is disinterested…..falling asleep….like Daniel did in the first meeting ….and you have Vala eye frakking Daniel. Apparently for some reason she isn’t concerned for Cam at all….which breaks my heart and makes me just a little stabby.)

                  Martin: How about 38?
                  Daniel: What difference does it make? I mean, it’s not like you’re going to have an actual ticking clock on the screen.
                  Martin: That’s brilliant!
                  Daniel: That’s ridiculous.
                  Martin: Trust me….jeopardy plus ticking clock is box office. It’s the E=MC squared of the entertainment world. Ask any executive.
                  Cam: (gives Martin the look) *You have got to be kidding me….someone hold me back….I’m about to murder this guy!*

                  Vala: (pipes up) Except I think you’ve replaced jeopardy with certain death. *numb nuts!!*
                  Daniel: (takes an opportunity to eye frak Vala….apparently he’s been taking lessons from Cam)

                  Martin: Oh come on…you guys have escaped situations more dire than this before….
                  Cam: *Hey Daniel….leave the eye frakking Vala bit to me….K?* He has a point!

                  Daniel: So show the actual escape… *you really have no escape…do you Cam?…so you need to shut the hell up!*
                  Cam: (chanting) *I will not punch him…I will not punch him….I will not punch him!*

                  Martin: Oh No…no….No….you really can’t give away too much too early…it’ll step on the ending. *Hey Dr. Jackson…if I were you….I would watch it….Col. Mitchell is likely to step on you!*
                  Teal’c: *Indeed! And I am likely to hold you down while he does!*

                  Cam: Maybe if my character doesn’t say “This is a problem”….he could say something like…. “This should be easy” *yeah…why is this so hard all of a sudden…I used to like my job! :sigh:*

                  Martin: How many times do I have to tell you? It’s not you….Colonel Danning is based on Colonel O’Neill
                  Cam: *OUCH!! Ok….why doesn’t someone call Hallmark and deem this the official Shoot Down Cameron Mitchell Day??...I'm sure they would make a fortune*

                  Cam: *I got wounds here Vala….care to lick them??.....If only…. * (Cam shuts down even more and no matter what he tries…he just seems to be digging the hole deeper and deeper…It’s pure and utter torture!)
                  Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:05 AM.
                  Originally posted by jelgate
                  This brings much pain but SQ is right



                    Sam: (walks in….)

                    Cam: (spins around…looks at her with desperation and seeking) Please tell me you have the gate working again…*Sam….please help me…I’m drowning here….*

                    (Notice how Cam’s body is facing and squared up….on Vala….but his eyes are on Sam…he so desperately wants to look at Vala…and is seemingly magnetically drawn to her…but he just can’t allow his eyes to touch her….so he stays focused on Sam at the moment)

                    Sam: We’re running another diagnostic….(apparently that is the only thing they know how to do) But right now we’re stumped. The power is getting through to the capacitor but for some reason the charge isn’t holding….blah….blah….blah (insert techno babble here)
                    Martin: Whoa…that was awesome….say that again….
                    Sam: NO! (I just have to say....I loved it when Sam said No here)
                    Martin: *wow that turned me on almost as much as the time when Charlie and I….nevermind…* Ok everyone take five…I have to get that down before I forget.)

                    Cam: *so basically we’re screwed….actually I’m screwed with a capital S….sitting here in hell with no way out!*
                    (Everyone goes to leave…but Cam stays paralyzed….there facing Vala…burning his body into hers….he finally had to look at her….and he just allowed his eyes to stay there and dance along the curves of her body….it felt good….He misses her so much!)

                    Vala: (pretending not to notice Cam’s intense stare….she finds herself drawn to him…and her eyes shift to look at him for a few seconds….and you can see a glimpse of wanting….of guilt…. of passion….she misses him too…you can tell)

                    Cam: (doesn’t move a muscle…he just sits and watches her…as she glides past him…)

                    (He takes delight in watching her….and waiting for the scent of her whisking past to grace his senses. He closes his eyes to focus on it...and it hits him like a jolt of tingling barbs prickling his skin all over....he breathes in deeply as if to hold onto her smell.....knowing that is something Daniel can’t ever take away from him.)

                    (So, everyone appears to leave except for Cam….he stays in the chair…because he wants to be with her…even if it is by proximity only.)

                    (He watches and listens as she talks with Martin about her story ideas. He loves the way she moves her hands and tosses her head when explaining something. The animated way she gets her point across always manages to send a rippled sensation through him warming his soul….she gets to him in ways she could never imagine.)

                    (So here is a man that was dying to leave the room….in the last meeting when it was over…he sprinted out so fast in order to be the first to exit. Here…because everyone left except for Vala and Martin…he felt compelled to stay there….with her….watching and listening to her.
                    He sees the back of her and just memorizes it....her hair...he wants to touch it....he wants to be the one to release it from it's bindings and watch it flow down around her face.....he wants to run his fingers through it again....he wants to grab her up...spin her around and force her to kiss him....he wants to gobble her up with every sip of her....and he can't seem to break free from her spell. So he just soaks her up as much as possible… was five minutes of true bliss!)
                    Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:07 AM.
                    Originally posted by jelgate
                    This brings much pain but SQ is right



                      (Vala goes through a variety of story ideas….she is bound and determined to get in this production some how…. Her first idea she spins some reprocessed idea of the Wizard of Oz….here she appears as Dorothy….)

                      (She introduces her companions and she says they each have their own the men in her life appear as the Scarecrow: Cam…. who needs a brain….because he thinks with his heart …and other organs….too much when it comes to Vala and he can’t even begin to think straight when he’s around her….this is symbolic for the fact that he has totally fallen head over heels in love with her….beyond all rational reason. Also note….in the Wizard of Oz…Dorothy met the Scarecrow first and it is a well known fact that she had formed a stronger bond with him than the others.)

                      Then you have the Lion: Daniel….who needs courage….to truly stand up to Cam for the right reasons and not use extortion to force him into submission…and to truly take a stand for Vala which we will see he fails to do over and over again…unlike Cam who is always putting himself in danger for her. This is symbolic for the fact that Daniel…despite his feelings for Vala…can’t handle her….he just doesn’t have the courage or the strength to truly keep her….happy and satisfied.

                      Then lastly, you have the Tin Man: Teal’c…who needs a heart…he is the epitome of the “true warrior” but he can’t seem to get or keep a girlfriend. He is the one who tries to keep everyone rational and that is why Cam gravitates towards Teal’c so he can help Cam stay grounded especially when it comes to actions involving Vala. Teal’c as the Tin man is symbolic for their raw reality that continues to creep up into their lives and freezes them over with rust….so that you have to either break free from it… or apply oil (salve) In order to make it supple so you can digest (accept) it.

                      (They zoom out to show you all three men....)

                      (Then they overlay it to show the men out of costume…so you can see how they have been reflected in Vala’s story….it also shows that Daniel and Teal’c have returned from break so now they all are taking part in listening to Vala…Cam pines for her here….because Daniel has returned and he no longer has her to himself…..and so he takes this opportunity to eye frak her just a little….to try and convey to her just how much he misses her)

                      Martin: That’s the Wizard of Oz…(he feigns receiving a phone call to get out of talking with Vala….)
                      Vala: (attempts to chase after Martin exclaiming) I can sing.

                      Meanwhile….Cam has to get a break….he runs to Sam to get an update because he just has to end the nightmare he is in…
                      Cam: (thinking) *Vala….I swear you are going to be the death of me!*

                      Cam: (to Sam) So how’s it going?? *Please tell me you have some good news!*
                      Sam: (frustrated) Not well…. (Damn….what is wrong with you?? You’re a messll)

                      Cam: (voice cracking) Samantha!! 200 is waiting! *You have got to get me out of there so I can get off world one more time….and have my little celebration to get my mind off the misery I’m in.*
                      Sam: Right now I’m just hoping we haven’t done anything to permanently damage the gate….*Cam what is the problem….you are more agitated than normal….what is up with you?*

                      Cam: How can something work perfectly fine for ten years and then it doesn’t work anymore….*Yeah…I’ve been meaning to talk to you…..things were going along fine and then suddenly…..I’m in too deep Sam….how can this be happening?….*
                      Sam: I don’t know…*So What is up?? Talk about damaged permanently…you look like hell!*

                      Cam: (hangs his head in grief) *It’s Vala….she’s with Daniel….and it seems more serious than before….if you could only feel the ice daggers I’m getting…you’d look like hell too!*
                      Sam: *I wish I had some way to fix this for you….I just don’t know what to tell you!*
                      Cam: (sadly) *But Sam…you’re the go to girl….you fix stuff…..can’t you fix this!??!*
                      Sam: (commiserates with him) *I'm sorry Cam....wish I could*
                      Last edited by squirrely1; 22 August 2009, 11:08 AM.
                      Originally posted by jelgate
                      This brings much pain but SQ is right


                        Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse....hehehehehehe that's all for now....hopefully more tonight....hang in there.....
                        Originally posted by jelgate
                        This brings much pain but SQ is right


                          *snicker* i cant wait for the scape part.. NOW that's FUNNY!


                            Originally posted by CKO View Post
                            *snicker* i cant wait for the scape part.. NOW that's FUNNY!
                            oh geeze I was thinking of skippin over that part....cuz....seriously......Daniel as John Crichton?? I mean that is just blasphemy!!
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            This brings much pain but SQ is right


                              yea it was but i was also crackin up at it too


                                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                                yea it was but i was also crackin up at it too
                                yes I know it was how do I make that funnier?? But I will recap it....just's funny and I have some nutty analysis to spin on it!!

                                more stuff coming up soon.....
                                Originally posted by jelgate
                                This brings much pain but SQ is right

