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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Yeah, I had an idea for an Unending fix-fic but never got the time to write it. Oh well, someother time maybe.


      Hope you do get the time, having read your writing it should be great.


        Yep, I'd love to read one as well.

        I planned to do an Unending fix-it too but it fell by the wayside when I got distracted by other projects. I may pick it up again though.


          Have you seen this one yet jess?
          there is a T and a M this one is the M. Read the the authers stuff at the beginning it will save you a heart attack
          Last edited by SciFiFan; 23 June 2007, 07:24 PM.


            Thanks SciFiFan... off to read....

            Here's something I stumbled across. A GW farewell to SG-1


            Grab the kleenex...


              Thanks SciFiFan I know the author and she told me she was planning a fic like this, but I wasn't sure when she was going to post it. I am glad that she put the note at the front.

              And I am glad that she has Vala with Cam at the end

              *sniffle* That farewell....

              I love how CB and BB are hugging here...



                Ben always sniff Claudia.
                I have to go now but i'll post some sniff pics later.


                  I did need the tissues, kate .

                  your cat is at fault? yea cat. i like the pic they put with your comment.

                  jess i think that pic is my favorite, (maybe she really does scent her hair)

                  i need to go sniffle more


                    Tis true SciFiFan... one day I was cleaning my house and as usual had the TV on some drivel as there was nothing else on.... Arwen (the kitten) has a thing for chewing on just about anything and took a fancy to the remote. Bit off the Channel up/down button and I was too lazy to go change the channel.... Got intrigued and sat down to watch.... was addicted ever since. Was a bit shocked when I saw my comment at the bottom of the pic. I loved all the pics but poor Amanda... I wanted to give her a hug...

                    It's a beautiful tribute....

                    ETA: This just crossed my mind... but Arwen was also the one that when New Order pt 2 aired she ran up to the TV and started batting Pete's head whenever he was on the screen... only other thing she's done that for was the Edmonton Oilers...


                      AT and CJ are breaking my heart.

                      Understand Arwen, we have 3 dogs 2 cats, one recently aquired, no bigger than my palm. They all have very different personalities.

                      Arwen has very good instinks, Pete wasn't working.


                        Wow, sounds like a full house! I have my hands full with 2 cats and trying desperatly to figure out how I'm going to get them to settle for a 3 hr drive next week... thinking on letting them loose in the car with some strategically placed blockages so they can't get under the brake/gas/clutch pedals....

                        ok, to save this post from being completely off topic....
                        spoilered for size



                          I love that pic

                          Full house is right, they go from ankle, knee, thigh, waist in height.

                          I've tried to travel with a loose cat before, not pretty. If you can get a carrier you and them would be much happier.

                          I love these two together so much

                          Last edited by SciFiFan; 23 June 2007, 10:31 PM. Reason: found the pic


                            Ben sniff Claudia



