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Stargate Character Appreciation Thread ( Spoilers for all seasons SG1/SGA)

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    I'm not a girl... ....or am I...MWHAWHAHAHAWHHAWHAAWHHAWHHAAA...

    I don't know what that means, but I checked, and I'm still not a girl.
    "When all else fails, there's always delusion." - Conan O'Brien


      Originally posted by Teal'c17
      No offense to anyone that posted here, but did anyone else notice how this thread decayed from respect of the characters and their acting abilites, to all the girls of the board oggling over their favorite male characters, and it went downhill quick.
      "EVERYONE WELCOME" is the point of the Thread's existence!

      I set this Thread up for any Poster to "Appreciate" any character in ANY way they see fit!!(As long as it conforms to PG standards,and no "Bashing".)

      Read the rules,come back if you've got a "Fave", and feel free to praise them in any fashion you like.

      As to whether you think the Thread itself has "Gone downhill quick",I don't think it has.

      As for the "Girls of the Board",if more Guys post their Faves,there will be a better balance,won't there?

      I'm not attacking your opinions but just setting things straight.OK?
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        Preach on, FH!

        Y'know, there was an ep of Monk once where the dippy Lieutenant guy (whom I love dearly) was standing on a desk in his undershirt (and pants, thankyou), trying to fix a leaky sprinkler. It was a background thing, but still very nice and I was thinking that Stargate needs more stuff like that.

        Maybe the water pipe can spring a leak and Siler can be in the background, getting soaked as he struggles to fix it. Only problem is, he'd probably need his wrench to do it and we all know that RDA is so insanley jealous of the size of Siler's BFW that he's outlawed it from the set, so we'll probably never see it... *sigh* such a pity.

        Water in general needs to be incorporated more. The underwater scene in Descent ranks among my favorites on the show (shallow, yes, but I also really admire the lung capacity required to get through that scene) and even the bit from Evolution 1 where Daniel is crawling out of the pit of water is quite nice. As a stand-alone scene. Try to drown you actors more often. That's MY advice.


          Originally posted by SeaBee
          I must admit that, having watched so many episodes so many times, I have got into the habit of watching those slightly out of focus background people, just for variety.
          I think the guard standing in the infirmary doorway, when Urgo is ranting on, should get a medal. How he kept his face straight when Dom was in full swing is beyond me!
          You noticed him, too,huh .When I watched it,I paid close attention to his expression.The way his jaw tensed {& other little clues} I do believe he had a fight on his hand to keep that "straight faced" look.

          greetings from the "Bluegrass State"where the grass is actually green,just like everywhere else


            Originally posted by nugglebugget
            You noticed him, too,huh .When I watched it,I paid close attention to his expression.The way his jaw tensed {& other little clues} I do believe he had a fight on his hand to keep that "straight faced" look.
            Yep, I caught that, too. Poor b@stard. And you just KNOW that Dom and the others were making it as difficult as humanly possible to not laugh.


              In general,I've gotten in the habit of watching stuff in the background.I love playing "spot the wrench" in particular.

              I'll tell you someone else who needs appreciation.That's the people in RL ,who have had their plans to walk through the park,or drive down a particular steet,or hike through a forest...thwarted,...because "Stargate,Sg-1" was shooting on location there!

              Poor guy just wanted to get some ice cream & pickles for his pregnant wife's cravings & now he's got to take the long the way around,taking exta time as a result,probably inducing a major mood swing for the "mom-to-be",cause she really wants that stuff NOW,so by the time he gets home he's gonna have to deal with that!All because WE want our TV show!
              Yep.....those are the real unsung heroes,poor shmucks....

              greetings from the "Bluegrass State"where the grass is actually green,just like everywhere else


                I love that guard at the door in Divide and Conquer when Jack knocks on the door after his little snog fest with Anise. The look that he gives Jack as Anise leaves is priceless.

                It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                  Another good underwater scene is the one in Boa Vs. Python. Lovely, lovely scene with David Hewlett. McKay is another unappreciated character.

                  How about the women who helped Sam defeat Hathor? I don't think we ever saw any of them again, but it sure was nice to have proof that Sam (and Fraiser) weren't the only females on the base! It's too bad we don't see more of them around.

                  Svarog. Wish we'd seen more of him. Think I actually got a message from him once on another board, but I never followed up on it...

                  And how about all the hapless Jaffa who serve and fight and die in the names of their gods? Some of them are quite good-looking and they all manage to look so serious, even when they're wearing the sometimes ridiculous outfits their gods choose for them. That goes for the lo'taurs, too. Lotars? Looters? Whatever. I think... was it Morrigan's "helper"? looked like he'd been outfitted by S&M Bargain Basement. hehe


                    I wonder if the extras who had to scream in "Sight Unseen" got extra pay. Is a scream classed as a speaking part?
                    Five years at Acting School, and your best job to date is to scream and drop a food tray on SG-1.


                      Actually, the girl who screamed and dropped her tray in Sight Unseen is also the girl Jonas was flirting with on the elevator in Metamorphosis. Lt. Rush. Curs'd be her name.

                      Y'know, back to the cafeteria staff... Luke's only appeared once, but I've seen Sue (the big black woman) in a couple of eps now. Wonder who she really is...

                      Screaming is a very lucrative business, especially for the horror movie industry. A good scream queen can go a long way. Just look at Jamie Lee Curtis.


                        How about Zippy/Zipacna? He's high on my list of Sneering but Cool Goa'uld.

                        Scheming,manipulative and strangely compelling,IMO!

                        The episode I'm referring mostly to ,was Season 3's "Pretense".
                        Loved his sly pro-Klorel Defence Counselling,despite a weird outfit concoction.
                        Not my usual idea of Goa'uld Male Sartorial Elegance,but the actor who plays him (Kevin Durand) was utterly convincing as the Devious Zipacna!

                        Then and in later episodes,IMO,he's been a worthy Nasty to reckon with.
                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                          How about Zippy/Zipacna? He's high on my list of Sneering but Cool Goa'uld.
                          I've probably said this before, but Kevin Durand is now on USA's Touching Evil. He has a shaggy mop of hair and plays a bit of a dweeb. He's STRONGLY reminiscent of Daniel in the movie. Love him.

                          Loved Olokun and his Zoruban Warrior outfit. Highly cool and shows off his body quite expertly.


                            He was also in the movie "Walking Tall" and the one dude that played Heru'ur was in "The Butterfly Effect."
                            "When all else fails, there's always delusion." - Conan O'Brien


                              Another Cool Big Bad Goa'uld to Appreciate:Nirrti!

                              OK,her experiments were very disturbed and nasty.She thought absolutely nothing wrong in her usage of Cassandra.She saw it as her right to use whatever means necessary to achieve her ultimate Goal of creation of the perfect Super-Human Host to give her the edge over the other System Lords.

                              Not the most likeable personality to take home to meet the Parents,IMO,but she was a great catalyst in her eps,and IMO,wonderfully portrayed by Jacqueline Samuda!

                              Because of Nirrti,Cassandra was brought to Earth,and her presence and the defence of her,was a really good plot development for all of SG-1,and gave Janet a Daughter to care about.

                              Nirrti's experiments shone some light on Jonas Quinn's enhanced mental and physical development too........

                              Anyone else see Nirrti as an ideal foil as Sam's Best Enemy? Or feel that Nirrti was really created as the writers' swipe at some Scientists' obsessions with their pet project at the expense of Morality?
                              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                                I think Nirrti was a great character show. All those really evil experiments she was doing, and the one that caused Jonas a big problem in ProphecyIt's good that Cassandra was brought to Earth, as then Janet adopted her


