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Stargate Character Appreciation Thread ( Spoilers for all seasons SG1/SGA)

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    Lets hear it for all those people in the background who are trying to look busy & look like they know what they're doing!That's a hard thing to do!Trust me,I've had to do that at different times at my old job .

    Oh yeah thanks to certain ones around here, I've developed a bit of a "David Hewlett/McKay fixation.It's not quite like my RDA fixation.......but it's certainly getting there

    greetings from the "Bluegrass State"where the grass is actually green,just like everywhere else


      Originally posted by Nolamom
      Let's sing the praises of those unsung airmen who point guns at the gate when an unscheduled offworld activation occurs!
      Yay! I love those guys! Every time they man those guns, they know it could be for the last time. They never know what's going to come through the gate, but they're still there, every time. And even when it's a false alarm 99% of the time, they're still there and ready for action. Gotta love that.
      Last edited by ShadowMaat; 26 May 2004, 02:16 PM.


        Hoo-Ya! Good examples Nola and Nugglebugget!

        Also praise unto the Infirmary staff,and the poor SFs who jog around the SGC in summons to the Alarms!

        As for McKay,Resistance is Futile............
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          How about the custodial staff? Think about all the messes that alien attacks at the SGC generate?!?! They must be constantly scrubbing off staff blast marks from the corridor walls, bloodstains from the floors and who knows what in the gateroom itself. Somehow the briefing room always looks tidy, and you know that the General isn't picking up coffee cups from anyone.


            Originally posted by Nolamom
            How about the custodial staff?
            And don't forget all those muddy bootprints. And not just any mud, it's alien mud! God knows what kinda critters or other natural horrors might be found in that stuff...


              And, let's face it, there are some FAR nastier jobs than mopping the floor. I really can't see Jack cleaning under the rim!


                It might not even be mud, it could be that OTHER brown substance....*gasp!* They need a raise in pay.........
                "When all else fails, there's always delusion." - Conan O'Brien



                  You couldn't mean............gravy???

                  *Looks around for Luke!*
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    And who does all the decorating? And the plumbing? And changes the lightbulbs? And empties the waste baskets? I think we have a right to meet these un-sung heroes of the SGC, without whom the Great and Good would be up to their necks in it, literally!

                    On a completely unconnected matter, the gate would be a great way of getting rid of your unwanted trash. Just dial some uninhabited rock and sling it through. And there would be no problem with it piling up, cos the next time you dialled, the kawoosh would vapourise it!


                      No offense to anyone that posted here, but did anyone else notice how this thread decayed from respect of the characters and their acting abilites, to all the girls of the board oggling over their favorite male characters, and it went downhill quick.
                      Regardless of what you all may think I am not Superman!-

                      Was anyone here seriously thinking that?-


                        Originally posted by Teal'c17
                        No offense to anyone that posted here, but did anyone else notice how this thread decayed from respect of the characters and their acting abilites, to all the girls of the board oggling over their favorite male characters, and it went downhill quick.
                        From a bloke.
                        OK. So who are your favourites?
                        Go on, try to get it back on topic, I dare ya!

                        I've just re-read the whole thread,(I had nothing better to do) and I can't see your problem.
                        Now, if you really want to see a thread going downhill, just log onto any with RDA, MS, Jack or Daniel in the title. Now they are downright dirty, sometimes!
                        Last edited by SeaBee; 27 May 2004, 01:49 PM.


                          Oh, I think that there's still a lot of's just for all SORTS of characters at the SGC now. When you consider it, SG-1 isn't the whole ball of wax (even with a really big wick as Jack might say). I like the idea of recognizing the contributions of minor characters, even the extras who try desperately to appear busy and intent upon the moment.


                            Originally posted by Teal'c17
                            No offense to anyone that posted here, but did anyone else notice how this thread decayed from respect of the characters and their acting abilites, to all the girls of the board oggling over their favorite male characters, and it went downhill quick.

                            oggling, who's oggling??? Well, if you don't want it to be just us 'girls' then you need to speak up.....
                            No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                              I must admit that, having watched so many episodes so many times, I have got into the habit of watching those slightly out of focus background people, just for variety.
                              I think the guard standing in the infirmary doorway, when Urgo is ranting on, should get a medal. How he kept his face straight when Dom was in full swing is beyond me!


                                Originally posted by Teal'c17
                                No offense to anyone that posted here, but did anyone else notice how this thread decayed from respect of the characters and their acting abilites, to all the girls of the board oggling over their favorite male characters, and it went downhill quick.
                                Oh yes, just look at how we drooled over the hot bods of the custodial staff.

                                Just because we aren't saying anything you want to listen to doesn't make our posts any less valid, any less interesting, or any less fun. If you were TRULY interested in the spirit of this thread, you'd post YOUR OWN thoughts rather than belittling ours. Or don't you HAVE any thoughts of your own? Huh?? Huh?? Do ya?? Huh??

                                Although I've never ventured into the RDA thunk thread or the Daniel appreciation thread, I think it's pretty safe to say that there is a hell of a lot more "oggling" going on there than anything you'll find here. And that's perfectly fine! That's what the threads are there for! If you don't like it, either don't post there (shocking concept) or start your OWN thread about what YOU think is "right".

                                And to get back on topic, I should think that the security people would be up to their ears in headaches as well. Every time something goes wrong, they get blamed for the "breach". Every time Daniel or someone else loses their keys, they have to trot along and open the door. Every time someone makes a crank call (*cough*Jack*cough*) to the base, they have to listen to it and assess the threat level. And worst of all, every time a new alien visits, they have to explain about "paperwork" and make sure everything gets filed properly! Poor buggers.

                                And what about all those researchers and assistants, tirelessly plugging away at mounds of data and trying to make it make sense?

