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Vala Mal Doran/Claudia Black WOW Thread

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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

    ECVala: Maeve's birthday party is coming up on the 30th.
    ECam: I thought Darling was hosting that one.
    ECVala: I have no clue. *shrugs*
    ECam: Hey, Integrabyte! You want to trade places for a while?
    Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
    How are you?

    You need to ask. ****looking for the door to that room **** .

    B-DAY? Yay, another partaaaay!! Lots of lots of cookies and cakes...and cookies...and cake again .

    Fruitie: Oh that's right. I will have to check with Darling on that one. *sees Integrabyte* Hello, gorgeous. *kisses* We will make sure there is tons of cakes and cookies at this party just for you. *winks*
    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

      Fruitie: Oh that's right. I will have to check with Darling on that one. *sees Integrabyte* Hello, gorgeous. *kisses* We will make sure there is tons of cakes and cookies at this party just for you. *winks*
      Gorgeous? How come you are the only one to see that? . I gained so much weight these past weeks...oh well..I'll gain some more with those cakes you promise me . Yeeehaaa...tons of running in the summer to be back to my chipper self .



        Originally posted by Darren View Post
        When we came back online after 2 hours of downtime, the forum clock was set wrong. Unfortunately it is the middle of the night for Greg (he stayed up very late to get us back online), so it will have to wait a few hours for him to come back online and fix.


          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
          How are you?

          You need to ask. ****looking for the door to that room **** .

          B-DAY? Yay, another partaaaay!! Lots of lots of cookies and cakes...and cookies...and cake again .

          ECVala: The party will be in the lounge, yes. *smiles*

          ECVala: Let me get the keys to the cuffs.

          ECam: Thanks, Integrabyte.'ll need to have Fruitie strip you to your underwear. *winks at Fruitie*


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

            ECVala: The party will be in the lounge, yes. *smiles*

            ECVala: Let me get the keys to the cuffs.

            ECam: Thanks, Integrabyte.'ll need to have Fruitie strip you to your underwear. *winks at Fruitie*

            I love this game!!! ****getting three jackets...2 pairs of pants...this will be one hell of a stripping session . ****


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              ECVala: The party will be in the lounge, yes. *smiles*

              ECVala: Let me get the keys to the cuffs.

              ECam: Thanks, Integrabyte.'ll need to have Fruitie strip you to your underwear. *winks at Fruitie*

              Fruitie: *grins at ECam, then looks to Integrabyte* Come here, darling. I promise I won't bite....hard. *winks*
              Sig made by me


                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                Fruitie: *grins at ECam, then looks to Integrabyte* Come here, darling. I promise I won't bite....hard. *winks*

                If you think you will have an easy task...think again .**** Taking another pair of socks . *****


                  Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                  If you think you will have an easy task...think again .**** Taking another pair of socks . *****

                  Fruitie: I love a good challenge. *grins, grabs Integrabyte, starts to take off his layers of clothes*
                  Sig made by me


                    ECVala: *gets keys, walks back, uncuffs ECam* See you later. *kisses*

                    ECam: I'll be watching from home. *kisses Val, swats Fruitie on the bum, beams out*
                    ECVala: I'll just warm the cuffs for IB. *puts them down the front of her shirt*


                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                      Fruitie: I love a good challenge. *grins, grabs Integrabyte, starts to take off his layers of clothes*
                      *ponders...* I admit...I love people who love a good challenge. Yay, tis gonna be fun!!! I am all fluffy...can't wait for you to get to my pink undies .


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                        ECVala: *gets keys, walks back, uncuffs ECam* See you later. *kisses*

                        ECam: I'll be watching from home. *kisses Val, swats Fruitie on the bum, beams out*
                        ECVala: I'll just warm the cuffs for IB. *puts them down the front of her shirt*

                        This is definitely where I parked my car .

                        ***Teee heee heee heee ***


                          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                          *ponders...* I admit...I love people who love a good challenge. Yay, tis gonna be fun!!! I am all fluffy...can't wait for you to get to my pink undies .

                          ECVala: Pink with ruffles of lace?


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                            ECVala: Pink with ruffles of lace?

                            No cheating!!! You still have a few layers to talk off .


                              Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                              No cheating!!! You still have a few layers to talk off .

                              ECVala: Patience is not one of my more common practices. *winks*


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                                ECVala: Patience is not one of my more common practices. *winks*
                                Patience is a virtue . How is the strip process going? How many socks left?

