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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Discussion Thread

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    Great review!
    I think AT was amazing! You can always see the little differences when she plays Sam or the Entity (or RepliCarter or AU Sam).

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        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        thanks alot forum for ignoring my question but i'll ask it again. When are we going to do signups for season five reviews?
        We didn't ignore your question. It was answered here:

        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        Now that we are coming to the end of Season 4 I wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be taking a break from the rewatch for a while. I have lots of other projects going on with the shippy holidays, S/J Secret Santa, the regular holidays in RL, etc.

        I'm happy to put together a Season 5 rewatch schedule after the New Year, but if anyone wants to do it sooner or take over altogether that's fine with me.


          Thanks Starship Trooper for an excellent review!

          Entity is one of my all time favorites because of the intensity involved. I've long loved the stand alone/bottle shows because they show us what SG1 is good at as a show (space race, revisions, etc). It's the emotional story here that grabs us. The bond between them. If there wasn't that bond, there'd be no story. It starts off "normal" SG1 - Daniel wanted to talk, Jack says no, and veers off unexpectedly, adding the extra layer to the cake () by having Sam host the entity.

          Amanda really carries the bulk of the show here - even from a hospital bed, with a fake speech synthesiser, she managed to portray so many different things. We saw the progression of the entity's thought process through her. And everyone's reactions to her are what add that extra bit of special! All those reactions convey what Jack and Sam themselves could not to the viewer.

          I really wished we could have gone back and maybe come across these particular aliens again, since they seem so different from your run-of-the-mill transplanted humans/jaffa/gou'ald. Energy based lifeforms. Cool.


            Great review, ST! SJ_green.gif

            I agree with most of what you said but I do think the whole no extraordinary measures could have been discussed by the entire team, probably after their experiences with the Goa'uld (and possibly what happened with Kawalsky and others who they've seen get snaked) and may have expressed a wish to rather die than go through something similar to that.
            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
            On FFnet or AO3

            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


              Originally posted by fems View Post
              Great review, ST! [ATTACH=CONFIG]38810[/ATTACH]

              I agree with most of what you said but I do think the whole no extraordinary measures could have been discussed by the entire team, probably after their experiences with the Goa'uld (and possibly what happened with Kawalsky and others who they've seen get snaked) and may have expressed a wish to rather die than go through something similar to that.
              I knew I'd forgotten to comment on something

              I always thought that this probably came up after Jacob was diagnosed with cancer/became tokra. I agree that the team might have discussed having each other's power of attorney since none of them have really close relatives nearby. Sam does have Mark, but he's far away and doesn't know about the 'gate and I don't think they were THAT close. Besides, she trusts Jack.

              I can also see Sam and Jack awkwardly having a non-discussion about this. Maybe watching someone else go through it and having a "If I'm ever..." moment. sounds like a ficlet...


                Great review!

                All this talk put a scene into my fron. Sam is in the ER and Pete and Jack are having a showdown. Pete's newly minted boyfriend status versus Jack's medical power of attorney.
                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                  Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                  Great review!

                  All this talk put a scene into my fron. Sam is in the ER and Pete and Jack are having a showdown. Pete's newly minted boyfriend status versus Jack's medical power of attorney.
                  Oooohhhh! I like the idea!


                    Thanks everyone! I was writing that until about 3am so I'm surprised it was even coherent.

                    I suppose it would be feasible that the whole team discussed power of attorney at some stage - it never actually occurred to me. I'm obviously too focused on Sam and Jack.

                    Does anyone remember if Janet discussed anything about Daniel's preferences with any of the team during Meridian?
                    sig by Jper

                    "It's just a little airborne... It's still good, it's still good!"


                      Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
                      Thanks everyone! I was writing that until about 3am so I'm surprised it was even coherent.

                      I suppose it would be feasible that the whole team discussed power of attorney at some stage - it never actually occurred to me. I'm obviously too focused on Sam and Jack.

                      Does anyone remember if Janet discussed anything about Daniel's preferences with any of the team during Meridian?
                      No, nothing was mentioned about Daniel's preferences but at the time he was still coherent, so perhaps that's why. It's also possible that it's mandatory for military personnel to list such things (like next-of-kin) but not for civilian contractors, like Daniel.
                      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                      On FFnet or AO3

                      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                        Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                        Great review!

                        All this talk put a scene into my fron. Sam is in the ER and Pete and Jack are having a showdown. Pete's newly minted boyfriend status versus Jack's medical power of attorney.
                        Are you in the mood to write that scene? Is anyone?
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                          Great review!

                          All this talk put a scene into my fron. Sam is in the ER and Pete and Jack are having a showdown. Pete's newly minted boyfriend status versus Jack's medical power of attorney.
                          Pete would have no authority whatsoever in any medical situations. He's only a boyfriend; that doesn't come with any special authority; he might not even be allowed to see her without someone else's okay. Though he might try to drag in Mark to try and get his way.


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            Pete would have no authority whatsoever in any medical situations. He's only a boyfriend; that doesn't come with any special authority; he might not even be allowed to see her without someone else's okay. Though he might try to drag in Mark to try and get his way.
                            This is true. And as far as her wishes being carried out, Jack, as MPA, would have the say in what happens, even over Mark.

                            I still want to see someone write that scene, though!


                              This review is up a day early because this weekend i'm busy working on a speech for my speech class so i'm going to be incommunicado.


                              SG-1 arrives on the planet Juna, and immediately comes under attack from a group of Jaffa and local Juna warriors. One of the local leaders, a young man named Darian, recognizes them. He knows all their names, and tells the Jaffa that these are the ones who led them ina rebellion against Heru'ur, banishing the Goa'uld's servants from their world. The team has no memory of these events. Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson and Teal'c are imprisoned, but Jack O'Neill manages to escape. He captures one of the Juna warriors, and steals his uniform.

                              The team is led into a large pyramid as a Goa'uld mothership enters orbit, and forced to their knees as the powerful System Lord Cronus transports to the surface. He recognizes them, of course, but reminds them that the treaty between the Goa'uld and the Asgard protects the planet Earth -- but not S.G. teams who are found offworld. He will show them no mercy. Jack enters the room disguised as a Juna warrior, and watches in silence as Cronus orders Darian to kill Daniel. Though Dr. Jackson sees Colonel O'Neill watching, he shakes his head -- telling him not to reveal himself and attempt a rescue. Cronus shouts at Darian, who fires the staff weapon. Daniel's head flies off, and his body falls limp to the ground. The local warriors, the Jaffa -- even Cronus himself -- are shocked at what they see. Daniel is not even human. He is an android.

                              Back on Earth, the real SG-1 watches as a signal is received through the Stargate. It is a single word sent on the I.D.C. frequency: "Comtraya." They recognize it as the greeting used by Harlan, an artificial lifeform from PX3-989 ("Tin Man"). Hammond orders the iris opened, and Harlan arrives. He tells them that SG-1's robot duplicates did not bury the Stargate on their world, as they had agreed to do. Instead, they have been going on missions to other worlds, fighting the Goa'uld and exploring the galaxy. But now they are 16 hours overdue, and will run out of energy in just 8 hours.

                              The team refuses to go after their duplicates, until they learn that the world they went to is Juna (P3X-729) -- a planet formerly under the control of Heru'ur, which SG-1 helped to liberate. A probe is sent through just in time to catch Colonel O'Neill's double fighting off a group of Jaffa. Darian joins him, having realized that Cronus is not a god. Cronus has taken over the planet, and the real SG-1 has an obligation to help (though Daniel is already offworld on another mission). When they arrive, the two O'Neill's are less than happy to see each other. O'Neill blames the android for lying to him and leaving their planet; the duplicate blames O'Neill for having left the people of Juna ripe for Goa'uld picking.

                              But with no time to argue, the team infiltrates Cronus' mothership. Meanwhile, Cronus is fascinated with the android versions of Teal'c and Carter. He orders them studied, that he might benefit from the advanced technology. The two refuse to cooperate, even under torture. The android Teal'c requests an audience with Cronus, to bargain for Carter's life. The Goa'uld accepts, though he knows that the Jaffa has a blood oath to get his revenge for the murder of Teal'c's father ("Fair Game," "Crossroads"). It is a mistake; the super-strong and fast android Teal'c overpowers the Jaffa guards and grabs Cronus.

                              Carter's robot duplicate manages to escape, and meets up with the real team. Teal'c goes to look for Cronus on the command level, and Carter's double helps Carter and O'Neill to lock down the ship. It costs the android her life, though: after reaching through a force shield to shut down all the compartment doors, she collapses. Cronus overpowers both Teal'c's, and turns to kill the real Jaffa in the same way he killed his father years ago. He reaches into Teal'c's symbiote pouch, and begins to slowly crush the larval Goa'uld within. But Teal'c's robot double has not been completely disabled. He shoots the System Lord in the back with a staff weapon several times, and Cronus falls dead.

                              "For our father," Teal'c's double says to him. He collapses, apparently dead himself. The team has eliminated one of the galaxy's dominant System Lords, seized control of his ship, and saved the planet of Juna again. But as they reassemble on the surface below, Jack's robot double also succumbs to his battle wounds and failing power supply, and dies.

                              Favorite Scenes
                              • Cronus getting his butt handed to him by robo-teal'c.
                                Jack and Android-Jack interacting with one another was just amusing to see.
                                Android-Jack calling Hammond "George"
                                SG-1 gaining a mothership.
                                Jack admitting to Robo-Jack that Android-Jack's SG-1 aren't so different from the regular SG-1 after all.

                              Favorite Lines

                              (when Robo-Daniel, Carter and Teal'c are in the cell)
                              That Darien guy called me Major.
                              Well, this was a major screw up.

                              (when Hammond is asking what Comtraya means.)
                              It says 'Comtraya'.
                              What does it mean?
                              Ahh, it's kinda like shalome or aloha, that stuff.

                              (when our SG-1 gates to Juna and are on their way to meet Android-Jack)
                              Listen, for what it's worth, I'm sorry about what's happened here.
                              [Clone O'Neill steps out from the undergrowth.]
                              Clone Oh I'm sure that makes him feel better.
                              Hey. What the hell do you think you're doing?
                              Clone Same thing you do. Only better.
                              What does that mean?
                              Clone Better? It means bet-ter, stronger, faster.
                              You're not me and you don't work for the Air Force.
                              Clone No. But that doesn't mean I can't do the job.
                              What job?
                              Clone Explore the universe. Fight the Goa'uld.
                              Oh what, like now?


                                (review continued)
                                Clone Hey! You made this mess.
                                What we did was help these people.
                                Clone Oh come on, I know you better than that. You screwed up and now you're embarrassed.
                                That's not the point.
                                Clone And like I'm going to spend my eternity on that lame ass planet? Sheesh.
                                You gave me your word.
                                Clone Oh is this the first time you've lied to yourself? I told you what you wanted to hear. Besides, what were you going to do? Destroy me?
                                I might have.
                                Clone All right come on, bring it on flyboy. Let's go. Come on.
                                Oh, you little!
                                [O'Neill and Clone O'Neill start to fight.]
                                Sirs. As much as I'd like to see how this plays out, don't we have something more important to do?
                                Clone We're not done, pal!
                                I so own you!

                                (when cronus dies by Android-Teal'c's hand to Teal'c)
                                Clone for our father.

                                General Analysis

                                This episode serves as a sequel to the season 1 episode "Tin Man" as it deals with Harlan and his SG-1 android duplicates. This episode was also directed by Michael Shanks. This episode really starts off a 4-episode arc when dealing with the Goa'uld mothership that SG-1 gains at the end of the episode. This episode was just one of my favorites because this season was more story-driven than action driven and this episode does a good job at delivering both story and action, especially when SG-1 is taking out ole chronies' Jaffa on the mothership.

                                Jack & Sam

                                There are some Sam and Jack scenes that I thought were shippy. One of them was near the beginning of the episode where Robo-Sam shows concern for her own Jack about how they haven't heard from him since they were captured. The second one is where Jack and his double are getting into it and she has to remind both of them of the mission even though deep down she probably would've love to have seen who would have won the fight.
                                Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 31 October 2013, 07:32 PM.

