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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Discussion Thread

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    The best body switch episode of any sci-fi genre is Farscape (bar-none). There's nothing quite so hilarious as Claudia Black acting like Ben Browder. Egads, if SG-1 had been a little edgier I think it would have been pretty funny.

    That said, watching T & Jack switch was great - especially since it gave CJ a chance to be a bit more 'loose' so to speak.

    But as for S/J? I think Jack would totally peek

    Good thing that can't happen IRL (because THEN I don't know that I'd be able to look the other person in the eye. Ever. Again).


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      The best body switch episode of any sci-fi genre is Farscape (bar-none). There's nothing quite so hilarious as Claudia Black acting like Ben Browder. Egads, if SG-1 had been a little edgier I think it would have been pretty funny.

      That said, watching T & Jack switch was great - especially since it gave CJ a chance to be a bit more 'loose' so to speak.

      But as for S/J? I think Jack would totally peek

      Good thing that can't happen IRL (because THEN I don't know that I'd be able to look the other person in the eye. Ever. Again).
      Well, of course, Vala DID body switch (essentially) with Daniel. In Season 9, I think it was, when she came back to tell them that she was pregnant with the Orici, she used the stones to take over Daniel's body.

      Jack's kind of old school, though. I think he'd feel REALLY guilty about peeking--but I still think he'd do it.
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      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        The best body switch episode of any sci-fi genre is Farscape (bar-none). There's nothing quite so hilarious as Claudia Black acting like Ben Browder. Egads, if SG-1 had been a little edgier I think it would have been pretty funny.

        That said, watching T & Jack switch was great - especially since it gave CJ a chance to be a bit more 'loose' so to speak.

        But as for S/J? I think Jack would totally peek

        Good thing that can't happen IRL (because THEN I don't know that I'd be able to look the other person in the eye. Ever. Again).
        What about Sam, would she peek on Jack? I personally don't think she would unless absolutely necessary (um, like using the bathroom?) But we sooo don't want to go there!

        Stargate played it safe not switching the woman and man which I think was a good idea, as it is a family show. Unlike Farscape, which is more racy and could really get down and dirty (the scene when John was jumping up and down while in Aeryn's body so he could check out the ladies was hilarious.)


          Back to my Season 2 re-watch....

          : I forgot how much I enjoyed this episode, not shippy, but fun and nice to see Kalwasky again.

          Thor's Chariot
          : Sam and Jack share a cute look in the beginning when they all come forth with reasons why they should go back to the planet and Sam just says, "I was there".

          Message in a Bottle: The hand squeeze that lasted longer than between just comrades. Also, when Jack falls over after the alien leaves him and goes through the Stargate, did you notice that when Sam rushed over to help him up, her hand went to his thigh? This seems to be common practice when either of them is helping the other up!


            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
            What about Sam, would she peek on Jack? I personally don't think she would unless absolutely necessary (um, like using the bathroom?) But we sooo don't want to go there!

            Stargate played it safe not switching the woman and man which I think was a good idea, as it is a family show. Unlike Farscape, which is more racy and could really get down and dirty (the scene when John was jumping up and down while in Aeryn's body so he could check out the ladies was hilarious.)

            I just got this really hilarious mental image of Sam in Jack's body, in the bathroom, doing that total girl thing of sitting down and then looking anywhere *but* down, her (his?) expression screaming "this is SO awkward!"

            Hahahah! Oh man! RDA woulda been totally hilarious in a situation like that!


              Family: Not a fan of Teal'c episodes (no offense). Not shippy. Liked seeing Jack in the serpent guard outfit. Didn't remember that. Also, he wore his BDU's tucked in with a belt, I personally like the looser style. Ryac was a cute little kid in his mini Jaffa outfit!!

              Secrets: Enter Jacob! Yay. Jack calls Carter Sam... twice! Their easy camaraderie while walking through the streets of D.C. Both in dress blues. I liked the Daniel/Sha're story too. Part of Sha're was still there protecting her Danyel in the end.


                Originally posted by Lucycat View Post

                Secrets: Enter Jacob! Yay. Jack calls Carter Sam... twice! Their easy camaraderie while walking through the streets of D.C. Both in dress blues. I liked the Daniel/Sha're story too. Part of Sha're was still there protecting her Danyel in the end.
                One word for yah: HAWT.

                (I'm sucker for blues, even if they're not USMC-issue. Air Force Blues are my fave non USMC uniform.)


                  Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                  One word for yah: HAWT.

                  (I'm sucker for blues, even if they're not USMC-issue. Air Force Blues are my fave non USMC uniform.)
                  I totally agree!! This is why I mentioned it... I meant to write *nice* after the comment! They are both so attractive, and the uniforms really add to it.


                    Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                    I totally agree!! This is why I mentioned it... I meant to write *nice* after the comment! They are both so attractive, and the uniforms really add to it.
                    And I'm gonna be a lech and point out that the camera angle of being below them as they descended the steps gave us a great view of Carter's legs. Yowza! Okay, done now.


                      Originally posted by HayleeDex View Post
                      Wow, thanks Sara for the link to the Shiptionary. Looks like I've got loads of studying to do!
                      No studying required -the crew on this site are helpful and forgiving to probies -I was a newbie just this May. I thought the Shiptionary would be interesting and helpful on the lingo (we tend to use the terms without thinking about them).

                      Originally posted by muziqaz View Post
             image was in my browser for more than couple of weeks. It is not mine.
                      Done by David Munoz Velazquez, Granada, España thanks to him, very nice image
                      Thank for sharing, muzi! It is a beautiful image.

                      Originally posted by HayleeDex View Post
                      Okay, I have a somewhat silly/random question:
                      Are there two versions of Stargate Continuum? Because I was reading the comments about the Shippiness of Continuum a few days ago, and someone mentioned and showed pics of the glance Jack makes to Sam after Baal asks how he as been. And from the pictures, it's a pretty deliberate glance! So I wanted to check it out on my dvd, but I didn't see it
                      He didn't glance at Sam at all. Just sort of diverted his eyes a bit before focusing on Baal again. Am I completely insane or what?
                      Again, it's a bit off topic and random, sorry for that but I didn't know where else to post this question...
                      Originally posted by JackSnakeskinner View Post
                      Nothing on my copy either I feel cheated. I want a better version!
                      Originally posted by muziqaz View Post
                      better version is always in our minds
                      It's shippier in my head.

                      Shippy things (dependent on the strength of your shippy glasses):

                      * Daniel, Vala, Cam, and Teal'c are loosely grouped together, but Sam and Jack are turned toward each other -almost a little group unto themselves.

                      * As Jack is dying...his "go to the gate" and Sam shaking her head negative and saying "not without you."

                      * Sam stunned to inaction after they get through the gate and Cam asking her to compartmentalize, even though he says "Look, I know what happened back there"

                      hedwig -I completely missed the look by Ba'al -next time I watch it, I'll be looking for that.
                      sig by Ikorni

                      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                        And I'm gonna be a lech and point out that the camera angle of being below them as they descended the steps gave us a great view of Carter's legs. Yowza! Okay, done now.

                        Haylee -I forgot to mention...this is the perfect thread to post those kind of questions/observations!
                        sig by Ikorni

                        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          It is whatever you see it as. There are some folks who can see huge significance in what is barely a glance, and make it into something overly shippy, when it isn't. I haven't looked at that movie in awhile, so I don't recall the look. Maybe I'll watch it today and see for myself.

                          I popped in my DVD to look at that scene. I really don't see anything shippy about it. Jack did glance at Sam a couple of times, but it didn't seem to be anything more than a casual glance.

                          However ... after Ba'al asked how Jack was, and Jack replied that he was doing good, I noticed (for the first time) that Ba'al's eyes slid over to Sam just after Jack said he was fine. Now that could mean nothing or it could mean that Ba'al suspects that Sam and Jack are involved; otherwise why glance over at her at that point? I had to replay that bit several times to be sure, because it could be missed completely.
                          Great catch! I hadn't noticed that before. Perhaps Baal is a closet shipper himself =P

                          I just had to make sure I wasn't crazy. It seemed that people were seeing more than I was, however, I see it all now thanks to the observations made here.

                          I had not intended to love him; the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; and now, at first renewed view of him, they spontaneously revived, green and strong! He made me love him without looking at me. - Jane Eyre


                            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                            It's shippier in my head.

                            Shippy things (dependent on the strength of your shippy glasses):

                            * Daniel, Vala, Cam, and Teal'c are loosely grouped together, but Sam and Jack are turned toward each other -almost a little group unto themselves.

                            * As Jack is dying...his "go to the gate" and Sam shaking her head negative and saying "not without you."

                            * Sam stunned to inaction after they get through the gate and Cam asking her to compartmentalize, even though he says "Look, I know what happened back there"
                            I like the way you see things!! I think I need a stronger prescription of shippy glasses, because I would have missed most of that. I do love Sam's reaction after they had already gone through the gate though, it broke my shipper heart! AT did an excellent job in that scene.

                            I had not intended to love him; the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; and now, at first renewed view of him, they spontaneously revived, green and strong! He made me love him without looking at me. - Jane Eyre


                              Hm, there is no glance from Ba'al to Sam in my copy :/

                              Also Sams 'Sir' is like a dagger through my heart.
                              If in that particular moment she would have shouted 'Jack' it would have gone great with her emotional shock in the ship after they travelled back to the ship. And that would have been a definite answer for this question if they are together, at least for me It would have been subtle and not pushing. But oh well
                              Last edited by muziqaz; 30 September 2011, 09:25 AM. Reason: added some thoughts


                                I dunno if I'm allowed to put this link in here, but I am. If I'm not, let me know, and I'll remove it. This is the first part of the continuum movie as posted on youtube by completestargate2. If you go to the 6:00 mark, you can see what they're talking about ^^. It's totally subtle, but I can see it now!


                                Nice shipping goggles there!

