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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post


    I love Tangent. It's effectively Apollo 13 done Stargate SG1 style.

    The bit I absolutely adore is the bit where Jacob beams Sam and Daniel aboard the cargo ship and reams them out as though they're kids. It's just incredibly funny and real. Admittedly, Daniel and Oz is just funny. There is a moment where they revisit the Daniel/Jack/Anise/Freya business as its Anise who gives away the info that allows them to get to Jacob (although Daniel doesn't realise that at the time and mentions he may have replied less than diplomatically).

    For me, it's very much a team episode - just as Solitudes was. Here we have Sam and Daniel doing absolutely everything they can to save Jack and Teal'c to the point of going into Goa'uld territory in search of Jacob. And in the ship we have Teal'c and Jack being awesome and Teal'c telling Jack how much he means to him.

    Love this episode.

    Sam and Jack

    While there is the sense from the moment everything goes wrong that Sam is just incredibly worried and incredibly determined to do anything and everything to get Jack back, it's kind of there in the wider sense too that it's not just Jack, it's Teal'c and Daniel is also doing the worrying.

    Mostly, the "overt" shippiness for me is confined to that scene where Sam is so kind scared/angry with the "we did not come all this way for you to die on me", and when Jacob nudges the glider and Jack wakes up and sees Sam. His look is just so goofy and pleased to see her. And that moment where she asks him to trust her and he just does so absolutely.

    Did I mention I love this episode?
    Just chiming in to say I totally agree with this post, I adore Tangent. For me, it's Stargate at its finest, putting a Stargate twist on an existing concept, wonderful team camaraderie and affection, situational humor, references to previous episodes, and great recurring characters. Love it.



      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      Umm, yes, but first...

      *Gibbs slaps Shannon for being a numpty!*

      (although backtowork madness is an acceptable excuse )

      Probably easiest if we just push things back a few days so, if we pick up from tomorrow with whichever episode was origincally on Monday... is that ok with everyone?

      New Schedule:

      Mon 8th Feb, Tangent: Twilight506
      Wed 10th Feb, The Curse: Josiane
      Fri 12th Feb, The Serpent's Venom: Fri Rachel500
      Wed 15th Feb, Chain Reaction: Twilight506
      Fri 17th Feb, 2010: Josiane
      Mon 19th Feb, Absolute Power: Cags
      Wed 22nd Feb, The Light: Rachel500
      Fri 24th Feb, Prodigy: Josiane
      Mon 26th Feb, Entity: Twilight506
      Wed 1st Mar, Double Jeopardy: Cags
      Fri 3rd Mar, Exodus: Josiane

      If anyone is going to have any real difficulties doing those dates, please shout and we can, maybe do a swap shop or draft in reserves.
      Tsk! Twilight506 now has a new name now (same person, new name). Some of us will get confused if the former name gets used instead of the new name.


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        Tsk! Twilight506 now has a new name now (same person, new name). Some of us will get confused if the former name gets used instead of the new name.
        Cor there's just no pleasing some folk...

        I realised that rright after I hit the "post" button but I am so exhausted (mentally, physically, emotionally) today that a quick cut and paste job is about all I am up to right now. I reckon Shannon's a bright girl and will get it. And by using her real name I have just confuzzled you all further.


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Cor there's just no pleasing some folk...

          I realised that rright after I hit the "post" button but I am so exhausted (mentally, physically, emotionally) today that a quick cut and paste job is about all I am up to right now. I reckon Shannon's a bright girl and will get it. And by using her real name I have just confuzzled you all further.
          Wait. What's my name? Maybe that's why I missed it - I blocked my old name out of my memory and now am unable to process it. Sort of like trying to run something on Windows Vista. :: badoom chink ::

          I think probably the reason I enjoy Tangent is because Jacob shows up. I love watching dad/daughter interactions And hey, he saved the man his daughter loves but doesn't know she loves him yet or something - can I second the brain fried rice thing?


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Cor there's just no pleasing some folk...

            I realised that rright after I hit the "post" button but I am so exhausted (mentally, physically, emotionally) today that a quick cut and paste job is about all I am up to right now. I reckon Shannon's a bright girl and will get it. And by using her real name I have just confuzzled you all further.

            I'm just ornery that way.


              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              Cor there's just no pleasing some folk...

              I realised that rright after I hit the "post" button but I am so exhausted (mentally, physically, emotionally) today that a quick cut and paste job is about all I am up to right now. I reckon Shannon's a bright girl and will get it. And by using her real name I have just confuzzled you all further.
              Hey as long as she knows it her...

              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
              Wait. What's my name? Maybe that's why I missed it - I blocked my old name out of my memory and now am unable to process it. Sort of like trying to run something on Windows Vista. :: badoom chink ::

              I think probably the reason I enjoy Tangent is because Jacob shows up. I love watching dad/daughter interactions And hey, he saved the man his daughter loves but doesn't know she loves him yet or something - can I second the brain fried rice thing?
              Ok, this might be an issue
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                I lOVE Tangent! Though the part of getting to Jupiter so quickly is little "so and so" for me, but S/J Shippyness makes me forget that little detail there. Jack is soooo adorable when he sees that Sam has arrived to their rescue, as well as when he wakes up. Awwh.


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  I think there's also an element that Jacob likes Jack for who he is too. POssibly a lot of this is because they do have a lot of very similar personality traits and I think they are both fairly straight talking guys who like other guys to be straight talking with them (and possibly this is one reason why Jack's relationship with Daniel has always been slightly antagonistc - because as much as they respect and care for each other, they are almost polar opposites personality wise.)
                  Oh, this is absolutely true. As much as people dislike Seth, I love it simply for the Jack/Jacob interaction and his, to paraphrase: "Are you going to let your subordinate talk to me like that?" "He does that so I don't have to."



                  My point is/was that I think it's Jacob and Jack's similarity that is part of the reason Sam is attracted to Jack from the get-go. Not in a weird Grecian I-love-my-father sort of way, but I actually think a lot of those traits are also present in Sam - at least who Sam *really* is when she's being *Sam* and not trying to distort herself to fill a role. Which is one of the many reasons I adore the beginning scene between Sam and Jack in Continuum... I think a lot of Sam's joking and relaxed manner after Threads isn't so much she's becoming more 'Jack-like' as she's becoming more 'Jacob-like' which is also more 'Sam-like'

                  Or, more simply put, Jacob and Jack have compatible personalities, Sam is a lot like Jacob, ergo Sam and Jack have compatible personalities. The reverse is also true.


                    *jumps out of mean, Lurkdom*

                    I love Tangent! It's one of my favourite episodes of all time, because it's such a team episode. And because it's a dad episode. I love that Danny has an Oz reference (really shows just how much Jack rubs off on them all) and I love the Sam/Jack interaction, though I wouldn't call it shippy, per se

                    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                    Hmm, interesting. I never questioned whether he'd wake up as such, but I do think that the line "Do you trust me?" is a very interetsing choice of phrase for Sam given the situation. I know Jack's supposed to be oxygen deprived but I would not have thought that disorientation would cause paranoia enough to question his unyielding and blinding faith in Sam to pull the impossible out of her... head. As she does. I think Sam's just about desperate enough at this point to say anything to get him to do what she needs him to do to save him.

                    See, I think the whole reason she asks this question is because she is completely aware of Jack's blinding faith in her, and she knows that Jack trusts her implicitly. Though he has absolutely no idea what's going on, oxygen deprivation can't take away his trust in her. He will trust her to the end, whether he is disoriented or paranoid or loses his mind, he will trust that she knows what is best for him, so IMO the question "Do you trust me?" isn't asked in desperation but more Sam reminding Jack that she will do what is best for him, and that even though he might not understand what's going on, she will save him if he follows her lead.

                    I suppose that's a bit shippy...Sam knows that Jack has complete and utter faith in her, and she knows that he will follow her

                    ...although, the same could be said for any of SG1...ok, not shippy. But teamy. I like teamy

                    ...does that make sense?...


                      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                      *jumps out of mean, Lurkdom*

                      See, I think the whole reason she asks this question is because she is completely aware of Jack's blinding faith in her, and she knows that Jack trusts her implicitly. Though he has absolutely no idea what's going on, oxygen deprivation can't take away his trust in her. He will trust her to the end, whether he is disoriented or paranoid or loses his mind, he will trust that she knows what is best for him, so IMO the question "Do you trust me?" isn't asked in desperation but more Sam reminding Jack that she will do what is best for him, and that even though he might not understand what's going on, she will save him if he follows her lead.

                      I suppose that's a bit shippy...Sam knows that Jack has complete and utter faith in her, and she knows that he will follow her

                      ...although, the same could be said for any of SG1...ok, not shippy. But teamy. I like teamy

                      ...does that make sense?...
                      I think it's both shippy and teamy because actually the team doesn't have *blind* faith in each other. At various times its been shown that they question each other's viewpoints and courses of action.

                      But Jack a lot of the time (99% of it) does have blind faith in Sam. From very early on he just comes to trust that whatever the issue/problem/situation, Sam will fix it.

                      One of the few things I enjoy about Fragile Balance is mini!Jack's bald statement to Sam when she sees him for the first time of (to paraphrase) "yes, it's me; I'm mini; now fix me!"

                      So I agree with your interpretation. Sam's question is that prompt of "you know you trust me and I'll take care of you". So it is shippy for me.

                      I also do hear some desperation in her voice but I usually put that down to the time issue - they're already past the time when the two of them (Jack and Teal'c) should have died (if not for the awesomeness of Teal'c) and they need to get them out asap - and Jack's just not with it.
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post


                        I love Tangent. It's effectively Apollo 13 done Stargate SG1 style.

                        The bit I absolutely adore is the bit where Jacob beams Sam and Daniel aboard the cargo ship and reams them out as though they're kids. It's just incredibly funny and real. Admittedly, Daniel and Oz is just funny. There is a moment where they revisit the Daniel/Jack/Anise/Freya business as its Anise who gives away the info that allows them to get to Jacob (although Daniel doesn't realise that at the time and mentions he may have replied less than diplomatically).

                        For me, it's very much a team episode - just as Solitudes was. Here we have Sam and Daniel doing absolutely everything they can to save Jack and Teal'c to the point of going into Goa'uld territory in search of Jacob. And in the ship we have Teal'c and Jack being awesome and Teal'c telling Jack how much he means to him.

                        Love this episode.
                        The above sums up my feelings perfectly. I love Tangent (although it was an acquired taste) and IMO it's one of the team-est episodes ever.

                        I also love S/J interaction but I tend to see it in a more team-y than shippy light. It doesn't really make sense because this is the first time when Sam's about to lose Jack after they got so close in BtS so it's a huge test of their feelings and restraints, and a lot of their interaction can be seen as incredibly shippy (like how worried, scared even, Sam seems to be at times) but somehow I still feel more team love here than anything else..*shrug*

                        And Jacob of course. You gotta love Jacob.
                        As a side note, I tend to think he'd known what was going on between our couple before they themselves realised it, and if he didn't encourage it, he was at least in favour of them getting together. That's how I've always seen him and I don't understand all those fanfics that have Jacob as an arch nemesis of S/J relationship, trying to separate them, blackmailing Jack to keep him away from Sam etc.

                        *oops...sorry for going off on a tangent here..*
                        There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                        awesome sig by Josiane


                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          Oh, this is absolutely true. As much as people dislike Seth, I love it simply for the Jack/Jacob interaction and his, to paraphrase: "Are you going to let your subordinate talk to me like that?" "He does that so I don't have to."

                          Or, more simply put, Jacob and Jack have compatible personalities, Sam is a lot like Jacob, ergo Sam and Jack have compatible personalities. The reverse is also true.
                          I really like Seth for that reason toooooo

                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          *jumps out of mean, Lurkdom*

                          I love Tangent! It's one of my favourite episodes of all time, because it's such a team episode. And because it's a dad episode. I love that Danny has an Oz reference (really shows just how much Jack rubs off on them all) and I love the Sam/Jack interaction, though I wouldn't call it shippy, per se

                          See, I think the whole reason she asks this question is because she is completely aware of Jack's blinding faith in her, and she knows that Jack trusts her implicitly. Though he has absolutely no idea what's going on, oxygen deprivation can't take away his trust in her. He will trust her to the end, whether he is disoriented or paranoid or loses his mind, he will trust that she knows what is best for him, so IMO the question "Do you trust me?" isn't asked in desperation but more Sam reminding Jack that she will do what is best for him, and that even though he might not understand what's going on, she will save him if he follows her lead.

                          I suppose that's a bit shippy...Sam knows that Jack has complete and utter faith in her, and she knows that he will follow her

                          ...although, the same could be said for any of SG1...ok, not shippy. But teamy. I like teamy

                          ...does that make sense?...
                          I like that Jack says "Sure" to her "do you trust me?" ok to work I go....


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            Umm, yes, but first...

                            *Gibbs slaps Shannon for being a numpty!*

                            (although backtowork madness is an acceptable excuse )

                            Probably easiest if we just push things back a few days so, if we pick up from tomorrow with whichever episode was origincally on Monday... is that ok with everyone?

                            New Schedule:

                            Mon 8th Feb, Tangent: Twilight506
                            Wed 10th Feb, The Curse: Josiane
                            Fri 12th Feb, The Serpent's Venom: Fri Rachel500
                            Wed 15th Feb, Chain Reaction: Twilight506
                            Fri 17th Feb, 2010: Josiane
                            Mon 19th Feb, Absolute Power: Cags
                            Wed 22nd Feb, The Light: Rachel500
                            Fri 24th Feb, Prodigy: Josiane
                            Mon 26th Feb, Entity: Twilight506
                            Wed 1st Mar, Double Jeopardy: Cags
                            Fri 3rd Mar, Exodus: Josiane

                            If anyone is going to have any real difficulties doing those dates, please shout and we can, maybe do a swap shop or draft in reserves.
                            Huh? OK so I completely forgot I was doing The Curse And now it's today, d'oh! *headdesk*
                            Thankfully it's still early enough that I can do a quick viewing and write-up - will be back with it in a bit!

                            And for Tangent, what Jenn said, plus...

                            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                            *jumps out of mean, Lurkdom*

                            I love Tangent! It's one of my favourite episodes of all time, because it's such a team episode. And because it's a dad episode. I love that Danny has an Oz reference (really shows just how much Jack rubs off on them all) and I love the Sam/Jack interaction, though I wouldn't call it shippy, per se

                            See, I think the whole reason she asks this question is because she is completely aware of Jack's blinding faith in her, and she knows that Jack trusts her implicitly. Though he has absolutely no idea what's going on, oxygen deprivation can't take away his trust in her. He will trust her to the end, whether he is disoriented or paranoid or loses his mind, he will trust that she knows what is best for him, so IMO the question "Do you trust me?" isn't asked in desperation but more Sam reminding Jack that she will do what is best for him, and that even though he might not understand what's going on, she will save him if he follows her lead.

                            I suppose that's a bit shippy...Sam knows that Jack has complete and utter faith in her, and she knows that he will follow her

                            ...although, the same could be said for any of SG1...ok, not shippy. But teamy. I like teamy

                            ...does that make sense?...
                            ... the bolded bit here, too, is exactly how I see it. And makes Tangent an excellent example of how the ship is there woven into the fabric of Sam and Jack's relationship throughout. Nothing overt, but their bond is just there, like SG1's bond as a whole but just that bit more.

                            *runs out to find her DVDs and really quickly watch the next episode*
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Hi all , I´m new here and a huge S/J Shipper too and I actually believe that they have been together since threads, but I think it´s strange that she still calls him "Sir", even when they are alone. In "The Shroud" she calls him sir, in continium too and even at the beginn of the ep möbius. I really wanna believe that they are together, but that "Sir" confuses me I think it must be hard to call his own boyfriend "Sir"

                              And what do you think how much time is between jacobs death and the fishing?


                                Originally posted by Florena View Post
                                Hi all , I´m new here and a huge S/J Shipper too and I actually believe that they have been together since threads, but I think it´s strange that she still calls him "Sir", even when they are alone. In "The Shroud" she calls him sir, in continium too and even at the beginn of the ep möbius. I really wanna believe that they are together, but that "Sir" confuses me I think it must be hard to call his own boyfriend "Sir"

                                And what do you think how much time is between jacobs death and the fishing?
                                Remember, we only see her call him 'sir' (well.. we only see *them*) when they're together and in uniform and old habits die hard... My SGU, however, even in public, she's dropped the 'sir.'

                                And Welcome! Glad you found us. Here's my evidence they're together. And here's a present for delurking:

                                A to how much time passed. There's the question that launched a thousand fics. Personally, I think it was only a few weeks at most.

                                Also, you might want to check out the S/J ship appreciation thread. While there's nothing wrong at all with posting here, this one is used mostly for episode-by-episode discussion and the other is a lot more active and you'll get more responses to your questions.

