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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    That's what I like to think.

    Bump to get this thread up a little more! Where is everybody? Come on, let's show them that S/D shippers are out there and have plenty to discuss (or at least as much as the other shippers).

    So, what does everyone think is the quintessential S/D episode? How about the episode that started it all for the S/D ship?


      Originally posted by JessM
      Like I said at the Pond, I don't see it as promoting yourself at all You do some great work, fics and artwork, and I know I'm always happy to see something new, especially if it's S/D.

      And please post the wall when/if you do it. I'm sure we'd all love to see it!
      Thanks. It does make me feel better to know that. That day I was flamed by someone who called me unkind things and accused me of things that were untrue. I just had to make sure that my postings didn't seem like self-promtion, one of the things I was accused of...

      I really do like to share things... It isn't feedback that I look for necessarily, but a sign that I brightened someone else's day by sharing them... More happiness in giving, that kind of thing...

      As for the wall, I've been too sapped of creativity to work on it... I haven't accomplished anything much creative, and almost nothing s/d...
      The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


        Originally posted by debbycake
        I don't see it as promoting yourself at all. When I finish something I am excited about it and like to share it with other ppl. That is how I look at it. It doesn't bother me in the least. Go ahead and post away.
        Thanks, Debby. That's how I feel about it, too. I will definitely post when I have something s/d to share...

        I hate writer's block... Of course, this is a bit more than that... I feel like all my creativity is gone...
        The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


          Originally posted by fishyone
          Thanks. It does make me feel better to know that. That day I was flamed by someone who called me unkind things and accused me of things that were untrue. I just had to make sure that my postings didn't seem like self-promtion, one of the things I was accused of...

          I really do like to share things... It isn't feedback that I look for necessarily, but a sign that I brightened someone else's day by sharing them... More happiness in giving, that kind of thing...

          As for the wall, I've been too sapped of creativity to work on it... I haven't accomplished anything much creative, and almost nothing s/d...
          You're welcome, and I'm glad. And I know how you feel... I'd probably be the same way.

          See, that's how I feel about it. I like to know that I made someone happy by sharing something. I'm not looking for self-promotion or to be showered with praise, or anything like that.

          That's too bad. I hope that you can come up with something. This poor thread almost seems to be dying... we need to pump some life back into it. It depresses me when I see all the other ship threads way on top of it. Yeah, I know I sound silly... or paranoid...but it makes me wonder if the others are laughing at we're not a legitimate ship or we're nothing because we're not as active as they are.


            Originally posted by fishyone
            Thanks, Debby. That's how I feel about it, too. I will definitely post when I have something s/d to share...

            I hate writer's block... Of course, this is a bit more than that... I feel like all my creativity is gone...
            Hope we won't have to wait too long! I'm at a dry point as far as my creativity goes, too... just haven't had any ideas strike me yet. I'm thinking of starting my Memories sequel... actually have started it already, but need to try writing out the first part now.


              Originally posted by JessM
              That's what I like to think.

              Bump to get this thread up a little more! Where is everybody? Come on, let's show them that S/D shippers are out there and have plenty to discuss (or at least as much as the other shippers).

              So, what does everyone think is the quintessential S/D episode? How about the episode that started it all for the S/D ship?
              Okay... Hmm... Best s/d episode? Probably Singularity, with Jolinar's Memories a close second. Singularity has Daniel as Sam's constant companion, the one who tells her that she doesn't have to do this alone. He's right there with her, watching Cassie and looking so sympathetic...

              Jolinar's Memories, too, has the moment where he sits next to her and talks to her about the memories and actually asks her how she feels, which is more than the other men in that cargo ship do.

              Arguably, the s/d ship started in CoftG, where they met, and that scene in the cartouche room. There was a spark and connection there, even though Daniel was married.
              The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                Originally posted by JessM
                You're right, I don't think I saw any either, just that Daniel and Sam were standing together in the fake gateroom.

                I bet when she first saw Daniel, she thought.. *sigh* Why did he have to have it cut??

                I know that's what I wondered. I wish the show had given some explanation for that... It was rather severe a change, and it was never even commented on...

                But I guess that covers Out of Mind and brings us to Into the Fire...

                We have some nice teamwork with Daniel and Sam when they escape from the Jaffa with SG-3's help.

                Then we have a part I can't stand, where Sam tells Daniel to go with the group attacking the gate because he's wounded... while she goes back to rescue Jack. Granted, he would slow her down, but he was safer with her than attacking the gate. It'd make more sense if she told him to stay put in the tunnels until the gate was secured and the field was down...

                I think that's most of the interaction there...
                The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                  Originally posted by JessM
                  You're welcome, and I'm glad. And I know how you feel... I'd probably be the same way.

                  See, that's how I feel about it. I like to know that I made someone happy by sharing something. I'm not looking for self-promotion or to be showered with praise, or anything like that.

                  That's too bad. I hope that you can come up with something. This poor thread almost seems to be dying... we need to pump some life back into it. It depresses me when I see all the other ship threads way on top of it. Yeah, I know I sound silly... or paranoid...but it makes me wonder if the others are laughing at we're not a legitimate ship or we're nothing because we're not as active as they are.
                  Well, I am here to pick up the mantles of discussion again. (I'm hiding out so I don't have to watch Stuart Little 3 again... What can I say? At least it's not Spongebob. )

                  I won't say I don't love to hear that my stuff is good... I have problems with my self-esteem and to have people say that is a gift that I cannot describe. But since I almost never think anything I do is good enough, I share it so I can see what others think... If they like it, it is a blessing I don't feel I deserve.

                  I seem to be on a period kick again, and I've returned to the distraction I had before... The S/D piece set in the past... I skipped ahead quite a bit, but at least I'm writing again... Even if it's only a sentence or two here and there...

                  It's true that we may not be as active in our thread as other shippers are, but then again, a lot of our fellow shippers don't have an account here. Others are too busy to post. And don't let's start on legitimate ship. Just because s/d isn't the canon (gag) ship, doesn't mean it's not legitimate. There's friendship at the very least that's canon, and to me, there's moments that seem more than friendship.
                  The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                    Originally posted by fishyone
                    Okay... Hmm... Best s/d episode? Probably Singularity, with Jolinar's Memories a close second. Singularity has Daniel as Sam's constant companion, the one who tells her that she doesn't have to do this alone. He's right there with her, watching Cassie and looking so sympathetic...

                    Jolinar's Memories, too, has the moment where he sits next to her and talks to her about the memories and actually asks her how she feels, which is more than the other men in that cargo ship do.

                    Arguably, the s/d ship started in CoftG, where they met, and that scene in the cartouche room. There was a spark and connection there, even though Daniel was married.
                    I have to agree. I knew I was becoming a S/D shipper when I started watching the reruns, but Singularity just solidified it for me. I loved how Daniel was there for Sam, being her constant companion and giving her support. How I wish that we could still see moments like this in the most recent seasons (including the upcoming one).... *sigh*

                    Agree there... and it's due to 5 words: "I knew I'd like you."


                      Originally posted by fishyone
                      I know that's what I wondered. I wish the show had given some explanation for that... It was rather severe a change, and it was never even commented on...

                      But I guess that covers Out of Mind and brings us to Into the Fire...

                      We have some nice teamwork with Daniel and Sam when they escape from the Jaffa with SG-3's help.

                      Then we have a part I can't stand, where Sam tells Daniel to go with the group attacking the gate because he's wounded... while she goes back to rescue Jack. Granted, he would slow her down, but he was safer with her than attacking the gate. It'd make more sense if she told him to stay put in the tunnels until the gate was secured and the field was down...

                      I think that's most of the interaction there...
                      I did, too. I knew it was coming before I saw the ep for the first time, since I saw screen caps on some website, but I just figured that maybe it would be explained.... and of course it wasn't. I guess that's what fanfic is for, right?

                      I can't stand that part either, and I agree, it would have made more sense if she told him to stay in the tunnels (though I can't remember...was anyone else in them at the time?).

                      I guess we can move on to Seth, then. I don't remember very much from there. Maybe they were walking around in the tunnels of the complex together?


                        Originally posted by fishyone
                        Well, I am here to pick up the mantles of discussion again. (I'm hiding out so I don't have to watch Stuart Little 3 again... What can I say? At least it's not Spongebob. )

                        I won't say I don't love to hear that my stuff is good... I have problems with my self-esteem and to have people say that is a gift that I cannot describe. But since I almost never think anything I do is good enough, I share it so I can see what others think... If they like it, it is a blessing I don't feel I deserve.

                        I seem to be on a period kick again, and I've returned to the distraction I had before... The S/D piece set in the past... I skipped ahead quite a bit, but at least I'm writing again... Even if it's only a sentence or two here and there...

                        It's true that we may not be as active in our thread as other shippers are, but then again, a lot of our fellow shippers don't have an account here. Others are too busy to post. And don't let's start on legitimate ship. Just because s/d isn't the canon (gag) ship, doesn't mean it's not legitimate. There's friendship at the very least that's canon, and to me, there's moments that seem more than friendship.
                        LOL... my dad seems to like Stuart Little... he thinks the "little mouse" is cute... yeah, dad is a big kid, lol. You're right though, it is better than spongebob.

                        Oh, I know what you mean... I feel like that sometimes and it's like the same thing with my writing. Sometimes I think that what I've written is no good and I should stop... but if other people comment on it and think it's okay, it keeps me going.

                        Sounds good...looking forward to reading anything that you've written.

                        Yeah, I guess you're right... and friendship is canon. I was just worried that we wouldn't get to see any this coming season...from all I've heard and read so far anyway. But I guess I worry too much.


                          Pics to caption, anyone?



                          (I personally think the second one is so cute! )

                          By the way, I was making more screen caps of Thor's Hammer the other day and I noticed something I missed during multiple viewings. When they're in the gateroom and Daniel explains to them about the sagan box, he sounds almost excited and then when he goes to put it up on the FRED (he does this little tongue flicking thing that makes me grin every, Sam kind of looks at him and smiles widely. It's like she finds his enthusiasm endearing. I thought it was nice to see.


                            Originally posted by JessM
                            I have to agree. I knew I was becoming a S/D shipper when I started watching the reruns, but Singularity just solidified it for me. I loved how Daniel was there for Sam, being her constant companion and giving her support. How I wish that we could still see moments like this in the most recent seasons (including the upcoming one).... *sigh*

                            Agree there... and it's due to 5 words: "I knew I'd like you."
                            I first saw the s/d spark in Fallen, but I think that Singularity is the shippiest episode for them. I hope we get nice interaction, too.

                            Yeah, those words really do suggest something, don't they?
                            The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                              Originally posted by JessM
                              I did, too. I knew it was coming before I saw the ep for the first time, since I saw screen caps on some website, but I just figured that maybe it would be explained.... and of course it wasn't. I guess that's what fanfic is for, right?

                              I can't stand that part either, and I agree, it would have made more sense if she told him to stay in the tunnels (though I can't remember...was anyone else in them at the time?).

                              I guess we can move on to Seth, then. I don't remember very much from there. Maybe they were walking around in the tunnels of the complex together?
                              I remember the first time I watched Out of Mind thinking that they had replaced the actor (the difference was so extreme to my eye). Yeah... at least there is fanfiction.

                              I can't remember for sure, but it wouldn't have been too hard to leave someone with Daniel if they needed to, but then Daniel was also capable of defending himself, so...

                              I don't remember much in Seth, either. It was more a Jacob/Sam episode than anything else... Very big on Sam, like how she had to use the hand device to kill Seth. I think when they're captured, Daniel is next to Sam, but I can't remember too clearly.
                              The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                                Originally posted by JessM
                                Daniel: You see, I knew they wouldn't take kindly to our elopement.
                                Sam: Figures.
                                The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.

