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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Love the pic, Sotogether! Thanks for dropping by! I haven't seen you around these parts for quite some time now.
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      Yep, I know how much you love Singularity! It's such a great episode, especially for us S/D shippers.

      Bounty was good. I loved seeing Vala paired up with someone else from the team and that scene where they're having lunch with Cam's parents was pretty funny. Poor Cam had no idea what Vala told his parents. Sam's reaction to Bill mingling with those two women at the conference was funny too. Yeah, i remember Daniel quoting that Scooby-Doo line. The cute little grin they shared afterwards was adorable. As for that bus scene, I automatically thought of this Mean Girls scene:

      Only the character doesn't die like the woman in Stargate does.

      And I finally finished Stargate Sg-1. I watched Unending today.
      Sig by (x)


        First, love the pic SOtogether!! Thanks so much for dropping by


        Me too. Those scenes with Cam's parents were pretty funny. Oh yeah, Sam at the conference with Bill... lol, he can be quite a character sometimes.

        LOL oh gosh, it does kind of make me think of that!

        Oh wow, so what did you think?


          Um, it was okay. I watched the whole thing minus a few seconds of that kissing scene and it felt more like of a filler episode than the very last one. I really didn't like the fact that they killed off the Asgard just so Earth could get all their tech. I feel like the Tau'ri are still not ready for all that power just yet. I don't know why General Landry was on the ship with them. I like that we find out he has a green thumb, but his death wasn't all that emotional for me. To be honest, this was a pretty rushed episode and we only get clips of what goes on with the team as time goes by. I felt nothing. The little scene between S/D was nice but we've had better between them during the earlier seasons. I did notice that after time went by Daniel sat closer to Sam at the table. I didn't like that Cam didn't have many scenes with anyone. He was always off alone dealing with his cabin fever. To put it plainly, this really wasn't a big team episode and anyone looking for that might come away disappointed.

          And I'm guessing you probably want to know how I feel about the D/V scene.
          Well, let's just say this episode just showed me why these two are not right for each other. I mean, I felt pretty bad for Vala while Daniel went on a tirade about how wrong she is for him. I think the best thing she could have done would have put him in his place and walked out his door. No one deserves to be shamed like that. And no, someone who really loves you does not go so far as to insult you only to kiss you to try to make it better a minute later. I actually wondered for a moment if this was a Daniel from an alternate universe. It reminded me of S7/S8 Sam where i was wondering where the 'real Sam' had gone to. I know some ppl say Tomin physically abused Vala that one time in 'Line in the Sand', (again that was wrong) but they over look the part where Daniel does so verbally to her right here and she acts like nothing happened at all. Daniel is not the type of person to not be in touch with his feels. He's always been open and honest with ppl about his views and feelings and I believe that what he said right there to Vala was what he actually thought. But he could have gone about telling her in a far more polite manner. Now Vala knows better by now that Daniel is not interested/annoyed at her seductive techniques and yet she went ahead and tried to seduce him anyways, but i believe he could have told her "not now, not ever" with a little more finesse. To me this was just the writers giving the shippers what they want but, not giving them what they want because there's a big reset button at the end and none of it ever happens. And frankly, if i was a D/V shipper I would have been pretty disappointed with how it was handled. I do wonder what the S/J shippers thought about the implied ship between Teal'c and Sam at the end there. I remember AT and CJ saying something about how they tried to imply that there had been an intimate relationship between the two characters during those 50 years on the Odyssey.

          Also, where did that cello come from? Did Sam have it with her somewhere or was she able to transport it on the ship somehow?
          Last edited by itsaparadox; 27 February 2015, 10:48 AM.
          Sig by (x)


            You pretty much said all I felt about it, but in a more tactful way. I do agree it didn't really feel like the finale. And yeah, I really didn't like that they had to kill off the Asgard. They told Jack back in S2 that they were on their way to becoming "the fifth race." Then we didn't hear about it in a long time, but now they actually think the Tau'ri are ready?? I honestly didn't think they were either.

            I didn't understand why Landry was there either. I'm wondering who was back at the SGC taking over for him while he was up there. And another thing that really annoyed me was that Jack wasn't in the episode. For the final one ever he should have been, or at the very least been mentioned! Anyway yeah, the episode did feel pretty rushed and just... empty I guess. Yep, people were telling me I should have been happy that they had an S/D scene in there, but we've still had way better ones in the earlier years.

            The really laughable thing to me is how they said they were trying to make the people who want more team episodes happy (someone said this in an interview, I can't remember which one of them it was), so they said "hey, we'll throw the whole team up there and have them stuck together for 50 years!" But there really wasn't any "teaminess" to it, except those little scenes where they were all sitting together. To me that was hardly anything. It was mainly D/V off together, Cam all alone going nuts (yeah, I didn't like that he was hardly with anyone either), Landry with his plants, Sam working on a solution, and Teal'c... um, doing other stuff? lol.

            Heh, yeah, I was wondering...

            YES. That's it completely. I hate to say it, but it seemed like Vala lost some self-respect when she let Daniel go off on her. She should have just told him off and then left. Yeah, a bunch of us here were wondering that too. Someone even theorized that Daniel was possessed by Anubis or something, lol. Exactly! I couldn't buy the idea that he was just keeping his feelings inside for fear of getting hurt again. And actually the way he said that he never thought he'd get over his wife, and now for the first time in years he feels he could finally be with someone... Kind of a slap in the face to all the fans who've shipped him with different people throughout the seasons (except Sha're of course), though I know that we rely on subtext and nothing really concrete, anyway. But yeah, I agree and I think he was actually saying what he felt to her about them being so different and wrong for each other. Good point too about the reset button. I can see D/V shippers being disappointed by that, although a few have said that the idea is still in their heads, like they assume it'll eventually come to that. We know better, though. And I didn't believe Daniel for one second when he told her before the reset that he'd be in love with her even if they weren't stuck on that ship. Um, no! Different situation, I don't believe it would have played out that way. I'm curious about that, too. I remember AT saying in an interview that she and CJ did a nice, subtle thing about their relationship and she really enjoyed it. I loved that Teal'c was there to comfort her when Landry was dying (especially because I was annoyed Daniel wasn't and was probably off being cozy with Vala... *snorts*)

            Oh! And I don't know if you've heard this before, but it's really icky. You know the scene during that montage where Vala's huddled on the floor crying and Daniel reaches over to her or tries to hold her and she starts crying again? Someone said on the DVD commentary for it (can't remember if it was Cooper or Mallozzi) that it was because Vala had a miscarriage and Daniel was trying to comfort her. *searches for vomiting smiley*

            I think she created the cello from the Asgard technology?

            A bit off-topic, but I heard a song on the radio in the car today, and it made me think of a nice music video idea for S/D. It's called "Touched by an Angel" by Grace Kelly. I don't know if you've heard of it? But listening to it made me think of Sam during Meridian and Revelations, and maybe leading into some AU situation in S6 where Daniel does visit her. It's funny how I instantly thought of that when I first heard the song.


              I believe we could have done without the episode. Like i said it was just a filler until 'The Ark of Truth' movie came out. Speaking of which, I finished both movies and while I didn't like TAOT very much I enjoyed Continuum a lot.

              I did hear about a miscarriage in the episode somewhere and when i saw it i just put one and one together and assumed it was that scene. Yeah, i know. The ick factor from thinking about that alone...grabs some brain bleach. A question does come to mind though. If they were on that ship for fifty years, then that would mean that they had tried more than once to have kids. Does that mean that the Ori possibly did something to Vala that makes it impossible for her have any more children?

              Honestly, I wouldn't have minded it if Sam and Teal'c had gotten together during those 50 years. It made a lot more sense that the other pairing we got in this episode.

              Oh, yeah. That line he says to Vala at the end that it wasn't b/c they were trapped on the ship. Yeah, right! We know that is exactly what happened. The situation was what brought about the outcome. It's not like everyone had many dating options since they cut off from earth.

              Really? I must have missed something b/c i was baffled as to how she got a cello on board the Odyssey.

              Oh, i'll be sure to check that song out. I know how some songs make you instantly think of your OTP.
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                    Yeah, it really felt like a filler ep to me. Even with the way they did that ending scene, it just didn't feel like a series finale. Oh, cool. Yeah, I wasn't too thrilled with TAOT. I guess I just didn't find it very interesting, though I did like that Vala and Tomin were together a bit in it. I enjoyed Continuum too. I actually liked Vala as Qetesh and she had some interesting interaction with Teal'c. And it goes without saying that I really liked the bits of interaction that Sam and Daniel had. Like when Sam went right over to Daniel's side when he was lying in the sick bay. I loved how he sounded so happy to hear her when she called him later on too, after they had to go their separate ways. I also loved the part at the end when Vala wanted to stay back and help Ba'al's host cope with getting the goa'uld extracted, and as they're all walking away Daniel says "he's in for an interesting afternoon."

                    Yeah, when I first heard about that I thought it was just some weird fandom conspiracy. But when they said Cooper or Mallozzi confirmed it I was like "ewwwww." That's a good question and I do wonder if that had something to do with it. Maybe after having Adria, they had made it so she couldn't have more kids? Kind of interesting to think about.

                    You know something? I wouldn't have minded it either. Even though I never shipped them, I always loved Sam and Teal'c's friendship. I almost thought Daniel came off as a bit selfish in this episode where we hardly saw him interacting w/anyone but Vala (except again for those little scenes of them all around the table). I thought Teal'c would have treated her a lot better. And yeah, it would have made a lot more sense than that other pairing.

                    Yes!! I don't see how it could have been anything else. That's exactly the reason why. It still makes zero sense to me how Daniel could just go off on her like that (and again I believe those were his true feelings about why he could never be with Vala) and then just turn around and decide he wants her.

                    It's been forever since I've watched it (and really no desire to again, lol) but I always thought that was how it got there. Now that I remember, after that episode aired a bunch of us were talking in that S/D list I was active in, and someone said that it only makes sense that she created with the Asgard technology. I guess it makes more sense than just bringing the cello on there for whatever reason.

                    Cool, let me know what you think. Me too. I'd never heard the song before and as I listened to it, it just made me think of that. Back when S10 was airing and I was so depressed about the state of S/D I'd hear these really sad songs about unrequited love or something like that and it totally made me think of them. One day I heard Mariah Carey's "Can't Let Go" in the car back then and it made me think of Sam's thoughts seeing Daniel with Vala. I was pathetic, lol


                      Just my random thoughts about TAOT movie, nothing else...
                      I just expected more out of it since it was suppose to be the conclusion to the Ori storyline. I was very disappointed that RCC brought back the Replicators AGAIN. Why? They were defeat back in S8. I don't want to see more Replicators. It got boring, fast.

                      I was expecting an actual battle between Earth and the Ori but we got nothing. Apparently gazing at the ark was all it took to defeat such a formidable enemy. Anyone else getting some Raiders of the Lost Ark vibes here? Adria's power levels may have gone up but her IQ dropped since the last time we saw her. She was defeated way too easily and it all felt so rushed. And do you remember that childlike persona you keep talking about concerning Vala? Well, i saw a lot of that whenever Daniel had a large artifact around. 'Nah, let's not try to translate what it says, too boring. Let's break it open instead and not think about the possible ramifications something that dumb could do.'
                      I did love the V/T moments though. The smile he gives her when he sees her again was adorable. The scene where Teal'c walks the mountaintops had some lovely shots in it.

                      All of those were great! I also loved that moment where they were in the Arctic and Daniel tells them to leave without him and the look between Sam and Daniel was heartbreaking. She already lost three teammates she really didn't want to chance losing him too.

                      Yes, CB did an excellent job as the evil Qetesh, not a trace of Vala anywhere. Oh, yes, Ba'al's former host is in for an extremely interesting afternoon. I wonder if there's a fic for that somewhere.

                      I just couldn't help but think that maybe the Ori impregnation had something to do with her miscarrying, because I mean, from the looks of it D/V never had any kids.

                      Teal'c would have definitely treated her right, probably better than OC Daniel. I may not be a Sam/Teal'c shipper, but the fact that they are very good friends who respect and care about each other makes me completely fine with it. I could see why someone would ship it.

                      Ah, well I'll just accept your head cannon then. She made it with Asgard tech.

                      I listened to Touched by an Angel and tbh it was a bit hard to find. I don't think she's a well known artist just yet so that might explain that and the fact the you've never heard her song before. Anyways, the song does remind me of Meridian and Revelations! Are you sure you don't want to give vidding a shot? This song would go great with those episodes/seasons. *puppy dog eyes*

                      Nah, you're not pathetic, Jess.
                      Last edited by itsaparadox; 02 March 2015, 06:17 PM.
                      Sig by (x)



                        Yeah, I was never a big fan of the Ori and was glad that they were going to wrap it all up, but it did seem like there should have been more to it. I have no idea why he brought back the Replicators. He should have just stuck with the Ori. And the Replicator guy in this one was lame... that big fight Cam had with him, I thought it would never end, lol

                        It did seem way too easy. I did too! Yeah, Adria annoyed me so much and she was taken care of way too easily. It's like they just wanted an easy out with her. Yes!! That bugged me so much. It reminded me of that annoying way she acted in Pegasus Project when they were talking to Morgan Le Fay.

                        Yeah, I have to be honest that the V/T moments were a big reason why I actually decided to watch it in the first place. This movie was leaked online before it was released and a few of my friends saw it. I of course asked about the S/D moments and when they told me there really weren't any, I really didn't have much interest in it (didn't help that I didn't care for the Ori anyway). But when they told me about V/T I just had to get it. I loved that smile he gave her so much. Oh, I loved that scene too... very nicely done.

                        Oh, yeah. Sam looked like she was going to cry, I bet she started to. And then how relieved she was when they were reunited with him.

                        I'd love to know if there was a fic for that! The last SG-1 convention I went to, Cliff Simon (Ba'al) was asked if he could add any Ba'al scene to the show (and maybe the movies? I don't quite remember), what would it be. He said he'd add a love scene between Vala and Ba'al. That just kinda made me think of that.

                        That would make some sense to me.

                        Absolutely. Same here, they both had a great respect for each other. I actually started to cry when Teal'c hugged her like that when Landry was dying. Not just because it was touching and showed their friendship so well, but because I think she really needed it and of course OC Daniel wasn't even around. *sigh* I do too!

                        lol, awesome I did wonder at first for a while how it got there.

                        Yeah, I think she's kinda new on the scene. The only other song I heard from her on the radio was a couple years ago. Aw... doesn't it? Gosh, I'd really love to, I need to get over my fear of messing things up (especially with syncing the clips to the music). I just have to find enough time, too. I'm going to be starting a new job soon (YAY!) so might not have as much free time as before. It's going to be part-time to start, though, so we'll see.

                        Hehe, thanks Oh BTW, I saw those gifs from Thor's Hammer that you posted on Tumblr. I liked/reblogged them. Love them!


                          I won't be watching Ark of Truth again anytime soon, that's for sure.

                          As for Continuum, how did Daniel avoid Cascade Failure? I must have missed that too.

                          Hm, makes you wonder if Cliff Simon was a Vala/Ba'al shipper and for how long.

                          Yay!! *throws confetti* Congratulations on the new job! I remember you being down about trying to find one a few months back. So that's good to hear!

                          Thanks! I just figured those gifs had hanged around in my drafts long enough and it was time to post them.

                          Btw, I'm trying to find a S/D fic that takes place after Unending and i'll search for it one more time, but if i can't i might have to ask you about it. I thought I had bookmarked it for later but apparently not.
                          Sig by (x)


                            I don't blame you. One of my friends got me the DVD for my birthday the year it came out and I've only watched it twice since then.

                            I was thinking about that too. I must have missed it too because I don't remember them ever addressing it. The only thing I could think of was maybe he was too far away from his other self? I wonder if there are any rules regarding distance from your counterparts. I know that in Point of View, the AU Sam was dealing directly with our Sam. Was it ever explained in Ripple Effect when all those AU versions of the teams were there? It's been so long since I watched it. If not, then maybe they made an "oopsie" in Continuum and hoped we'd all handwave it. :eyeroll:

                            lol, I did wonder about that!

                            Thanks so much!! Yeah, I was going nuts trying to find one. Thought I had found one a couple times, but it didn't come to pass. Sounds like I'll be starting next week sometime. Just have to get everything finalized.

                            You're welcome! I loved that you posted them. Some of my other fandoms get a little crazy, so it's nice to have that lovely S/D goodness to get a break from that.

                            Sure, go ahead and ask if you need to! It makes me crazy when I can't find a fic that I was sure I had.


                              Um, i think Sam spends most of her time trying to explain how all the teams, mainly SG-1 keeps showing up at their SGC. I don't remember them ever explaining the possibility of cascade failure. In Continuum it wasn't just a few days or a few weeks that there were two Daniel's walking around on the same planet. It was a year. I was worried for a while that our Daniel would die because of it. I'm glad he didn't.

                              Yeah, from what i've heard Stargate use to be like most of the active fandoms now. Lots of drama when it came to ships and such, but since then it's died down. One of the reasons i'm glad i got into the show long after it was finished.

                              As for the fic, I found it! It's not escaping my grasp this time.
                              Sig by (x)


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