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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    That's okay! They're pretty much part of the same story, so it's easy to get them mixed up. I'm actually thinking I might have to rewatch the episode to get more of a feeling for everything surrounding Jacob's death, but I really don't think I want to watch the whole episode, if you know what I mean. I might actually be able to get away without watching... I just have to try and remember exactly what he'd said about Selmak... there was a line he had that went something like "I should have been dead 4 years ago"? I remember because they had the year off. He was blended with Selmak in season 2, which was 6 years earlier, not 4. I think it was something like that. Have to refresh my memory. I wouldn't have though of it, but I'm planning on having it brought up in a conversation Sam and Daniel have.
    Pardon the intrusion. Jacob did say "4" years when he was talking to Sam about how much time he had gotten by being blended. There's a theory that he may have been referring to the events on Netu when SG1 went to rescue him. That was 4 years earlier. However, I do think whoever wrote the script for that episode didn't check thoroughly enough, since as you say, it was Season 2 when Jacob blended with Selmak, and that would have made it 6 years instead of 4.

    *quietly backs out humming*


      No worries at all! I didn't even think of the events on Netu, that's a good point. But yeah, I think you're right in that the script writer didn't check thoroughly enough.

      Thanks so much for the input! I think I may make it 6 years in my story and maybe just put a note about the confusion in the beginning.


        Yay, it's great to have you back! *hugs*

        I don't think i'll be rewatch the first five episodes of season 9 again anytime soon. I watched them but i found the whole Ori and D/V stuff pretty boring. The episode that i was looking forward to was Beachhead, i missed Sam and was glad to have her back.
        And you gotta love the scene in Ex Deus Machina where Sam and Daniel have once again forgotten about personal space when they arrive in Sam's lab.
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              Originally posted by It's A Paradox View Post
              Yay, it's great to have you back! *hugs*

              I don't think i'll be rewatch the first five episodes of season 9 again anytime soon. I watched them but i found the whole Ori and D/V stuff pretty boring. The episode that i was looking forward to was Beachhead, i missed Sam and was glad to have her back.
              And you gotta love the scene in Ex Deus Machina where Sam and Daniel have once again forgotten about personal space when they arrive in Sam's lab.
              Aw, thanks! It's great to be back! *hugs*

              Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt about those episodes. I was never a fan of the Ori, I found them pretty boring too. And of course the D/V stuff, too. Oh, same here! I had a countdown going on in my head leading up to when that one would air, I couldn't wait to see Sam again. Ooh yes indeedy, one of my favorite parts!! Wait till you see Arthur's Mantle. They are so cute in that one. I think my squeeing was off the charts, lol!

              Ooh, speaking of personal space... I love that cap from Avatar! They look sooo cozy BTW if you don't hear from me in a while, we're supposed to be getting hammered by this stupid blizzard. It's not supposed to be as bad here as it is in other areas, but of course they still hype things and tell us to prepare for power outages. *sigh* Luckily most of the trees/branches that threatened our power lines & telephone poles were gone after Sandy, and we've had big winter storms like this in the past two years and came through them fine. Keeping my fingers crossed! Any good thoughts/vibes would be awesome


                I will definitely be looking forward to the episodes without the Ori. I don't know how i'm going to get through the 'Hallowed are the Ori' chants. Oi! I was glad to see Ba'al again though!
                I had no problem with the D/V scenes in Avalon part 1 even for part 2, but after five eps. of the two arguing and Vala provoking Daniel into lose his temper it really started to grate. When she left after Beachhead I really didn't care one way or the other, which is a shame b/c i like Claudia Black a lot. I'm blaming this on the writers tbh.

                I know! I can't wait to get to Arthur's Mantle! I'm on Babylon right now, so i've got a ways to go.

                I think what i love about the Avatar cap is Daniel's look, it's so endearing, and Sam is oblivious to it.
                Oh yeah, I've been hearing about that blizzard for the last few days. The Weather Channel seem determined to call it 'Juno'. When they mentioned NY I thought about you. I hope there won't be any problems! Fingers-crossed! Power outages and winter weather are not a good mix.

                If it cheers you up a bit, I will say that i'm currently putting together a S/D video. I don't know when i'll have it finished since this is my first time making a fanvid, it's a pretty long process, but there's something to look forward to. I hope so anyways.
                Last edited by itsaparadox; 26 January 2015, 05:50 PM.
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                  Oh yeah, my friends and I would roll our eyes at the Ori and make fun of them. Back when the season was airing, we also did these little "5 minute Stargates" where we'd take the episode, do our own take on it while poking some fun. It was a lot of fun and was a way to let off steam about it, I guess. I made the Ori look like pathetic fools. I saved all of those too before I took my message board down. We also did them for Tin Man and Moebius. I also emphasized how happy Daniel was for Sam to come back in Beachhead

                  Yeah, I admit the D/V wasn't bad in Avalon (although I could've done without Vala's jokes about being pregnant and Daniel likely being the father ) but yeah, after a while it just grated. Yeah, definitely the fault of the writers. When she comes back in Crusade, I actually like her a bit more because it showed a more serious side to her, and I really did like her with Tomin.

                  Awesome! I can't remember if it's in Babylon or the episode after that, but it was that time when I noticed that Daniel seemed to be getting a bit more of Jack's personality. There was a scene ... actually it was in the ep after that, Prototype. But there was a scene where this guy was being interrogated (I think?) and said he wouldn't cooperate or something like that, and Daniel answers "Oh, but you WILL." And the way he says it, I instantly thought "Whoa, I can remember Jack talking like that."

                  Yes, me too! Poor Sam, she's so not paying attention

                  Ugh, yeah, the Weather Channel and its annoying naming of storms. Thanks so much! Luckily it ended up not being as bad as they kept saying. We got about 20 inches or so, but we didn't lose power or anything like that. I heard it was worse out to the east of us and in New England.

                  Oh wow, that's so cool! I can't wait to see it. I'd love to try and make a fanvid. I had one all planned out for the longest time, like over 10 years now. The song was "By Your Side" by Sade. It was more like a hurt/comfort type of vid. I had a list of all the clips I wanted to use, and one of my friends even ripped a few for me to use. I just always worried that I wouldn't be able to do it right.


                    I could have done without all the sexual innuendos. I thought the 'I haven't been this disappointed since i had sex with Daniel,' line was completely inappropriate.
                    I do hope they tone it down in S10. Please tell me they do.

                    I've noticed that! It's almost like they're throwing Jack lines into the script when they write for Daniel. I remember in Ripple Effect where Daniel looked annoyed with Sam when she was rambling on about something to Landry. It was really OOC for him since it looked like something Jack would do, not Daniel.

                    Yay, I'm so glad you didn't lose your power! I don't know how you feel about all the snow though. I do wish we'd some snow down here but not to the extreme like what the north got yesterday.

                    I'm worried mine won't turn out right either but i'm giving it a shot. I really do hope you decide to give it a try one day and make that video. It's one of the things this pairing is sorely lacking. I believe I've already watched them all.

                    Can you remember any scenes per season where Sam and Daniel touched? Like the hug in FIAD or Sam touching Daniel on the arm during Singularity. I could use some help finding those for the fanvid.
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                          Originally posted by It's A Paradox View Post
                          I could have done without all the sexual innuendos. I thought the 'I haven't been this disappointed since i had sex with Daniel,' line was completely inappropriate.
                          I do hope they tone it down in S10. Please tell me they do.

                          I've noticed that! It's almost like they're throwing Jack lines into the script when they write for Daniel. I remember in Ripple Effect where Daniel looked annoyed with Sam when she was rambling on about something to Landry. It was really OOC for him since it looked like something Jack would do, not Daniel.

                          Yay, I'm so glad you didn't lose your power! I don't know how you feel about all the snow though. I do wish we'd some snow down here but not to the extreme like what the north got yesterday.

                          I'm worried mine won't turn out right either but i'm giving it a shot. I really do hope you decide to give it a try one day and make that video. It's one of the things this pairing is sorely lacking. I believe I've already watched them all.

                          Can you remember any scenes per season where Sam and Daniel touched? Like the hug in FIAD or Sam touching Daniel on the arm during Singularity. I could use some help finding those for the fanvid.
                          Yeah, I found those inappropriate too. And then there was a scene in... The Ties That Bind I think? Where she's pouring her heart out to Daniel and he's actually believing her when she lets on that she was pulling his chain. I was so annoyed on Daniel's behalf. They do tone it down in season 10, but they kind of changed her personality and it was a bit odd to me. She's kind of like this sexpot with all the innuendos in S9, and then in S10 she kinda changes into this annoying child, like cutesy. Though interestingly enough, I like her more when she's not paired with Daniel (well, duh I guess... lol ). In S10 I thought she had some good scenes with Teal'c, with Cam, and even with Sam. But when she's with Daniel she's just this annoying little kid. When you get closer to that season, I'll let you know which episodes were the most cringeworthy to me.

                          Yes, exactly!!! Oh gosh, I remember when Ripple Effect first aired, I was pretty irked by that scene (and the earlier one where they're in the briefing room when Sam is trying to explain the other team's presence and Daniel just takes his glasses off and pinches the bridge of his nose, kind of like her explanation is bugging him). It was the same way Jack would react. Out of everyone, you'd think Daniel would sympathize/empathize with Sam the most when people would act confused or glaze over when you're giving a scientific explanation.

                          Thanks, me too! We've had big snowstorms before, but not many with that amount of snow. My mom said it was like the blizzard of '78, it was a few weeks before I was born and she has pics of herself pregnant and standing out in the snow so you could see how high it was. I'm actually getting a little sick of the snow and the cold. We have family in Florida & they're always trying to convince us to move down there. Sometimes I really want to lol

                          That's awesome I need a little more confidence I guess lol, plus I have to see if my video software will work okay. It's pretty old, I got it with my last computer & not sure if it'll work with this one. But I'll give it a try. Oh I know, the lack of S/D vids is so disappointing.

                          Um, there was the one in COTG when Daniel wakes up in the prison on Chulak and Sam grabs him and helps him stand up. There's also the hug in The Serpent's Lair after the rest of SG-1 are reunited with Daniel in the gateroom at the end. Oh, I think there was some touching in Bloodlines too. It was the scene after they take the goa'uld larva from the temple and they're walking back. Daniel asks Sam if these things are supposed to be fed (lol) when the blasts from the jaffa start up. Sam grabs him and they both hide behind a tree. Didn't she also touch him on the arm in The Enemy Within, the scene where she tells him he can't stay awake forever?

                          That's about all I can come up with for now. I know there are more, I'll do some more thinking


                            I'll let you know when I reach s10. I've been reading the previous posts on this thread and i've gotten to the part about Unending. I'll admit I'm contemplating just skipping the episode all together. It doesn't look like i'll be missing out on much anyways. Yep, i've peeked at the spoilers.

                            Sam touched him on the back of the shoulder in 'The Enemy Within'. I couldn't remember but i managed to find the video below for that particular scene on YT.

                            I think I might need to start a list to keep everything straight.
                            Sig by (x)


                              Sam nudges a sleepy Daniel in Chimera.


                                Originally posted by It's A Paradox View Post
                                I'll let you know when I reach s10. I've been reading the previous posts on this thread and i've gotten to the part about Unending. I'll admit I'm contemplating just skipping the episode all together. It doesn't look like i'll be missing out on much anyways. Yep, i've peeked at the spoilers.

                                Sam touched him on the back of the shoulder in 'The Enemy Within'. I couldn't remember but i managed to find the video below for that particular scene on YT.

                                I think I might need to start a list to keep everything straight.
                                Okay! Yeah, I don't blame you. To be honest I've never seen the whole episode. Back when it aired, the UK got to see it before us since we had that mid-season break (even though they started getting the season after we did, they didn't have that long break so they got to see the second half before us). There was a site that posted synopses, scene transcripts, and screencaps from the episodes. I went there when Unending aired and I literally started tearing up when I read about it & saw the pics. Maybe I was being a little melodramatic, but I dunno, in my opinion it was a disappointing episode to go out on. There was a scene between Sam & Daniel that people told me about, so I saw the snippet of that. And then I just saw the very last scene on TV while I was waiting for Atlantis to come on. I maybe saw one or two other scenes online, but that was about it.

                                Yes, that's exactly it! Aw, I always liked that show of care between them so early on. Oh, there's also the scene in Torment of Tantalus when Jack and Daniel finally come through the gate. After Daniel says "close one" and Sam says "you don't know how close," she helps him up off the ramp.

                                Have we mentioned this one yet? There's the scene in Forever In a Day when Daniel comes back to the SGC just in his civvies and I believe they're in the gate room when Sam touches him on the arm.

                                Ooh good one, Late2theGate, I almost forgot about that one.

