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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Love the picspam, SOtogether! That scene was the best.
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                      Hey all! I know no one is one right now, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi and kinda check back with JessM and see if you've heard anything about the shipping site? I'm really sorry to bug, as I'm sure everyone is pretty busy with RL. I really don't want to be a bother and I truly appreciate your help with this, I've just been pulling my hair out trying to find the site again...

                      Annnnd I'm rambling again. *Sighs* An EXTREMELY bad habit of mine. Sorry!

                      And once more to Paradox, I <3 the pics again! But really, you just can't go wrong with any scene where Daniel and Sam invade one anothers personal space! I'm sorry that I can't identify the scenes, though. Its been a while since I watched the series. Just been kinda living in the shipping universe instead.


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                            Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a little while... family drama had me hopping But things are settling down a bit now.

                            Originally posted by SkywiseLM View Post
                            I know. It extremely frustrating when there is a story (no matter the fandom) that suddenly disappears. I go so tired of it that I have started to save every one that I like. I don't post them as my own -- which I can't understand why anyone would do; it undermines the hard work of the true writer and just makes the person plagiarizing look bad -- but I keep it as a safety net just incase the author decides to take the story down.

                            And thank you again for going through all this trouble. To be honest, I feel rather dumb for not realizing that it was the amazing Maureen Thayer who ran the site (it was her 'Alliance of the Heart' story that got me hooked on Daniel/Sam shipping) cuz there is a link right at the bottom of her SG-1 shipping page to scientificminds site that I never noticed!

                            And to Paradox, I love those pix, too! They all show just how close those two are, no matter the situation!
                            I've done that too. And I know what you mean, I usually won't post an author's story unless I have their permission. I figure sometimes they might not want the story online anymore. One of the other sites I run, this one girl had posted this great story and I later found out she'd taken her site down (I'd just linked to the story). I still had her email addy from the forum where we'd talk, so I sent her an email and asked about it. She still had the file saved, so she sent it to me and gave me permission to host it on my website (with her author info, of course).

                            No problem at all! I'm always happy to help out a fellow shipper. Aw, no need to feel dumb at all! Scientific Minds used to be run a long time ago by a couple of other people. They couldn't keep it up, so Maureen offered to get it started again. Oh, I know that story too! Not long after I became a S/D shipper, I joined a Yahoo list called The Sam-Daniel Rebellion. She would post regularly on there with the chapters of her stories. That was one I read early on and I read all the others as she posted them.

                            Anyway, I just heard back from her. She's been busy with some personal stuff, but she will see if she can get the site up and running again. She said there's a lot she has to do with it, the archive software is pretty old, so it might take a while. I offered to help her with it or take it over if she couldn't do it anymore & she said she may take me up on that in the future. So it sounds like it will be going up again at some point.

                            And yup, Paradox, those pics I posted were from that two-parter I love when they work together as a team. I love all the classic S/D pics you posted, they were so cute together! And those two from Endgame... love how it's Daniel that goes after Sam to save her and eep, so cute together in that scene where they're captured!

                            I love your pics too, SOTogether! Thanks again for posting them




                                Hey, Jess! It's great to have you back!

                                Thank you for posting that pic, SOtogether! I'll never get tired of that image.
                                Sig by (x)

