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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Bumpity bumpity bump...

    I won't be online tomorrow so I wanted to take a moment to wish my fellow Lab Rats a Happy New Year!! Here's hoping we get some more Sam/Daniel goodness in 2008! Not that I expect TPTB to grant us that wish, but let's hope we get more fan-made S/D stuff anyway

    (thanks Zuz!)

    I've finished my ultra long Sam/Daniel meta and posted it on LJ. Ultra long as in 14 pages So I've broken it up into four parts. I tried to keep it mostly within the realm of friendship and I think I succeeded, though there were a few times I veered over into ship. Heh.

    Part 1: I Knew I'd Like You.

    Part 2: Sha're's Death to Daniel's Descension (Both Times)

    Part 3: Season 9 and Beyond

    Part 4: The Whole Brother-Sister Thing

    Any questions/comments/suggestions to add, let me know.

    Last edited by JessM; 30 December 2007, 04:07 PM.


      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      Bumpity bumpity bump...

      I won't be online tomorrow so I wanted to take a moment to wish my fellow Lab Rats a Happy New Year!! Here's hoping we get some more Sam/Daniel goodness in 2008! Not that I expect TPTB to grant us that wish, but let's hope we get more fan-made S/D stuff anyway

      (thanks Zuz!)

      I've finished my ultra long Sam/Daniel meta and posted it on LJ. Ultra long as in 14 pages So I've broken it up into four parts. I tried to keep it mostly within the realm of friendship and I think I succeeded, though there were a few times I veered over into ship. Heh.

      Part 1: I Knew I'd Like You.

      Part 2: Sha're's Death to Daniel's Descension (Both Times)

      Part 3: Season 9 and Beyond

      Part 4: The Whole Brother-Sister Thing

      Any questions/comments/suggestions to add, let me know.

      Aww, such a cute pic


        Happy New Year everyone!!!!


          Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
          Aww, such a cute pic
          Thanks! It's a cap of Michael Shanks from a movie he did last year called Under the Mistletoe. I just PS'd the Sam/Daniel wedding piccie in there The bit of long blonde hair and polka dot top you see in the upper corner is Sam bending down to tell Daniel to come to bed (hey she has long hair in the wedding pic!)

          Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
          Happy New Year everyone!!!!
          Thanks!! Happy New Year to you too!

          I see a certain couple rang in the New Year in a certain way:

          (and here's an icon to go with it, lol)


            Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a happy one. Sorry that I'm a little late. ::sheepish::

            Love the new icon and manip Jess. That makes the new year start out good. ::grin::

            Banner made by Jess!


              *digs way up through desk covered in support letters, draft budgets, and keyword lists*

              *cough* *gasp* *wheeze*

              Made it here a little late, but I wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year! And now...back into the fray I go!

              *dives into pile of documents on her desk*

              ~Amaranth Traces


                No problem for being late. Better late than never. And thanks, I'm glad you like them! Nothing fancy - but I wanted to start off the New Year with something S/D...

                I'm in a wallpaper mood again (really need to get back into fic ) so I should have a new wp done soon.

                Till then here's a cap...


                  Did a bit of experimenting with this wallpaper... just a nice lighthearted one.

                  Not sure how many people have seen Ark of Truth yet... but wanted to share a few things... I won't get too specific but will put comments in spoilers anyway:

                  No Sam/Daniel interaction whatsoever. There were group scenes at the very beginning and the group was reunited near the end, but that was all. Sam spent most of the time with Cam. Daniel was off with Teal'c, Tomin and Vala most of the time.

                  Only things that sounded pretty good to me were Vala/Tomin scenes.

                  It's a big disappointment IMHO. I don't think I'll be buying it. Here's hoping Continuum is better.

                  Has anyone read any comments by JM (Joe Mallozzi) recently? I've been told he'd said at one point that Sam/Cam are like brother and sister, as are Sam/Daniel. I'm guessing he said this on his blog? If anyone else has seen this quote please let me know about it.


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Did a bit of experimenting with this wallpaper... just a nice lighthearted one.

                    Not sure how many people have seen Ark of Truth yet... but wanted to share a few things... I won't get too specific but will put comments in spoilers anyway:

                    No Sam/Daniel interaction whatsoever. There were group scenes at the very beginning and the group was reunited near the end, but that was all. Sam spent most of the time with Cam. Daniel was off with Teal'c, Tomin and Vala most of the time.

                    Only things that sounded pretty good to me were Vala/Tomin scenes.

                    It's a big disappointment IMHO. I don't think I'll be buying it. Here's hoping Continuum is better.

                    Has anyone read any comments by JM (Joe Mallozzi) recently? I've been told he'd said at one point that Sam/Cam are like brother and sister, as are Sam/Daniel. I'm guessing he said this on his blog? If anyone else has seen this quote please let me know about it.
                    Grr....this saddens me . What is wrong with TPTB?


                      I like the wall Jess. Nice and lighthearted like fluffy SD fic.

                      The movie(s) sound terribly disappointing. I have to get them because I can't have an incomplete set. I mean I have all ten seasons on DVD and the original movie. I just don't think the movies will be up to par just like the final seasons of SG1.

                      Banner made by Jess!


                        Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
                        Grr....this saddens me . What is wrong with TPTB?
                        I don't know. They did S/D interaction so well in the early seasons and even S7 and 8 but it's like they don't know how to write for them anymore... or they don't want to. Grrrr....

                        Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                        I like the wall Jess. Nice and lighthearted like fluffy SD fic.

                        The movie(s) sound terribly disappointing. I have to get them because I can't have an incomplete set. I mean I have all ten seasons on DVD and the original movie. I just don't think the movies will be up to par just like the final seasons of SG1.
                        Thanks Kitty! Glad you liked

                        I think the only stuff that sounded pleasing - least to me - was some Vala/Tomin scenes. I'm not very interested in the Ori. I'll have to rely on you to let me know how it is

                        I'm hoping we'll see something in the second movie but I'm not too optimistic. They did post a thread with promo photos for it, though... Continuum - Promotional Photography

                        There is one that has Daniel and Sam in it, but Cam is between them Hope we see some more pics from that one soon...


                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          Not sure how many people have seen Ark of Truth yet... but <snippage>
                          It's a big disappointment IMHO. I don't think I'll be buying it. Here's hoping Continuum is better.
                          Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
                          Grr....this saddens me . What is wrong with TPTB?
                          Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                          The movie(s) sound terribly disappointing. <snipperoonie>
                          Okay, folks. I think we all need to resign ourselves to the fact that we're in a Sam/Daniel famine as far as the show/movies go.

                          So, instead of moping around feeling all glum about it, why don't we just wave a dismissive hand at the whole thing and say, "Pooh-pooh! You're all wrong, and we're right. And we all feel very sorry that you can't see the forest for the trees! Pooh-pooh!"

                          The only way for Sam/Daniel to live on is in the stories we write and the art we create. So let's all get creative and show those crazy people what *real* romance is! Let's show them what actual UST looks like! And the true definition of a lasting relationship!


                          : *sigh* It's so upsetting that we'll never be together.
                          : Oh, Daniel. Just 'cause TPTB don't write it that way, doesn't mean it can never happen!
                          : Oh?
                          : Definitely. In fact, I've heard that Amaranth's beta is back-in-action and is looking at her latest story as we speak.
                          : As we speak, you say. Anything interesting happen in that story?
                          : Well, historically, she tends to put the two of us in ships.
                          Amaranth: Uh, actually, Sam, I "'ship the two of you". It's a bit different.
                          : What does that mean, exactly?
                          Amaranth: Oh, for crying out loud. Go read Playing Gods and get a clue, will ya?
                          : Is this next story similar to Playing Gods? 'Cause that was just...weird.
                          Amaranth: Actually, the story Thrae's helping me with right now is the sequel to Tortured Soul.
                          : *shudder* I didn't like that one.
                          : Aw, Sam, honey, I don't blame you. C'mere. *snuggles Sam and scowls at Amaranth* Mean ole Amaranth...
                          Amaranth: Oh, Daniel. You have no idea...
                          : Say, is that ominous music I hear?
                          ~Amaranth Traces


                            Originally posted by JessM View Post
                            I think the only stuff that sounded pleasing - least to me - was some Vala/Tomin scenes. I'm not very interested in the Ori. I'll have to rely on you to let me know how it is

                            I'm hoping we'll see something in the second movie but I'm not too optimistic.

                            There is one that has Daniel and Sam in it, but Cam is between them Hope we see some more pics from that one soon...
                            Well nothin' wrong with Vala/Tomin, but it won't make up for the lack of SD.

                            S'okay, if you want to rely on me. I won't sugar-coat as you should know. But uh do you know when the movies will be out? Are they coming out simultaneously?

                            Just 'cause Cam's between them at least it's a snippet of SD. Besides if I can take Teal'c out of a picture for manipping I could take Cam out, though Daniel has got a stupid expression on his face (so no manipping). Sam looks great! Mandy justs gets prettier it seems. Age treats her well.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                            Okay, folks. I think we all need to resign ourselves to the fact that we're in a Sam/Daniel famine as far as the show/movies go.

                            So, instead of moping around feeling all glum about it, why don't we just wave a dismissive hand at the whole thing and say, "Pooh-pooh! You're all wrong, and we're right. And we all feel very sorry that you can't see the forest for the trees! Pooh-pooh!"

                            The only way for Sam/Daniel to live on is in the stories we write and the art we create. So let's all get creative and show those crazy people what *real* romance is! Let's show them what actual UST looks like! And the true definition of a lasting relationship!

                            Woot! (((Go Amaranth!))) You're absolutely right. And you're a hoot and a half.

                            Gotta say I agree with Sam about Playing Gods. That was just weird... but funny.

                            Banner made by Jess!


                              Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                              Okay, folks. I think we all need to resign ourselves to the fact that we're in a Sam/Daniel famine as far as the show/movies go.

                              So, instead of moping around feeling all glum about it, why don't we just wave a dismissive hand at the whole thing and say, "Pooh-pooh! You're all wrong, and we're right. And we all feel very sorry that you can't see the forest for the trees! Pooh-pooh!"

                              The only way for Sam/Daniel to live on is in the stories we write and the art we create. So let's all get creative and show those crazy people what *real* romance is! Let's show them what actual UST looks like! And the true definition of a lasting relationship!

                              Woo!!! Preach it, sister!

                              Here Sam and Daniel are thinking you're onto something... don't you just see them starting to get some ideas? *points to pic, specifically Daniel's expression* See? See???

                              But seriously - I think we all need that little nudge every now and then. It's so tempting to wallow in our S/D famine and feel sorry for ourselves. But hey, we're not alone, remember? There are the Daniel/Sha're, the Daniel/Janet, Daniel/Weir, Jack/Sara and fans of other pairings that are in drought season right along with us. And I'd hazard a guess they are dealing with it the same way. With lots of feel-good thoughts coming out of their fanfiction and art!

                              So thanks for the little nudge! You've just reminded me I need to get cracking on one of my fanfics. *grin*

                              Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post

                              : *sigh* It's so upsetting that we'll never be together.
                              : Oh, Daniel. Just 'cause TPTB don't write it that way, doesn't mean it can never happen!
                              : Oh?
                              : Definitely. In fact, I've heard that Amaranth's beta is back-in-action and is looking at her latest story as we speak.
                              : As we speak, you say. Anything interesting happen in that story?
                              : Well, historically, she tends to put the two of us in ships.
                              Amaranth: Uh, actually, Sam, I "'ship the two of you". It's a bit different.
                              : What does that mean, exactly?
                              Amaranth: Oh, for crying out loud. Go read Playing Gods and get a clue, will ya?
                              : Is this next story similar to Playing Gods? 'Cause that was just...weird.
                              Amaranth: Actually, the story Thrae's helping me with right now is the sequel to Tortured Soul.
                              : *shudder* I didn't like that one.
                              : Aw, Sam, honey, I don't blame you. C'mere. *snuggles Sam and scowls at Amaranth* Mean ole Amaranth...
                              Amaranth: Oh, Daniel. You have no idea...
                              : Say, is that ominous music I hear?
                              *huge, lopsided grin* Hah! That was just perfect. Way to give my S/D shipper brain the warm fuzzies


                                Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                                Well nothin' wrong with Vala/Tomin, but it won't make up for the lack of SD.

                                S'okay, if you want to rely on me. I won't sugar-coat as you should know. But uh do you know when the movies will be out? Are they coming out simultaneously?

                                Just 'cause Cam's between them at least it's a snippet of SD. Besides if I can take Teal'c out of a picture for manipping I could take Cam out, though Daniel has got a stupid expression on his face (so no manipping). Sam looks great! Mandy justs gets prettier it seems. Age treats her well.
                                Yeah, that's it exactly. The story itself just doesn't interest me so much, and even the fact that I'm supposed to be a Daniel fan (and he's supposed to play some big part in it) doesn't have me running over to Amazon to pre-order it. I've gotta save my money right now anyway.

                                Thanks. I dont need no sugarcoating, hon. Ark of Truth is supposed to be released on March 11th. I'm not sure when Continuum comes out. I think either by Summer or Fall.

                                Yeah I was wondering what was up with Daniel's expression... I'd guess it was to some comment Cam made - 'cause it looks like he's looking at him. *shrugs* No clue. AT does look great. I like the longer hair on her.

                                : Sam, what's the face for?
                                : Heh.... I was just reading this fic someone wrote about us.
                                : Oh, not another one where you're badmouthing me constantly while--
                                : No, it's a S/D ship fic. Rated NC-17.
                                : *whew* Ah. Is it good?
                                : If I didn't know any better I'd swear some of these people know exactly what goes on here sometimes...after hours of course.
                                : .... You did disable that security camera, didn't you?

