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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Nice points on Sam's safebets. I think there's a fic out there that also explores that concept. A pretty good one actually, but I like your take on it as well.

    I think I got my first inklings of Sam/Daniel between Fallen and Moebius. I thought the scene in Fallen was really sweet, but then Moebius kind of shows us how it could be. And then they go and ruin it.

    Like the banners... That scene is priceless. I need to cap that and use it in my vids. I was going to in one where I used AU clips, but I didn't... Weird...

    Sorry, got off on a tangent.

    Loved the steamy pic... Oh, that it really was S/D.

    Eek... I did not just get a fic idea. I didn't. *covers ears and starts humming* I can't hear you, pygmies, I can't hear you...
    The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


      hello! *waves*

      S: So is this how you spent all those months without me?
      D: *g* I made it to one thousand and fifty five uninterrupted bounces last week!
      S: *smile* I've missed you
      D: *smile at Sam* I missed you too... *smile gone* I'd rather that I wasn't on my way to a bouncing record. *g* But at least you're back
      S: *g*

      : )
      (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



        *whine* Is everyone lurking again?

        Ok, yes, I have no life... but we've been over that. Meh. Here's some Daniel hotness.

        spoilerised for size... and laziness:

        *beep-beep! beep-beep!*

        D: *reads text message* 'Pick up diapers for Jake' *composes text message* Y-o-u... dammit, how do I get an apostrophe? Oh right. 1. 'You've told me ten times already. Stop wasting messages.'

        D: *groggy* Sam... come on, it's late... and you could've just woken me up without ringing me... Why would you even ring me?! We live together *sigh* Look, I already got the diapers... they're in the bathroom. *groan* Fine...

        D: *groan* Stop sending me phone messages! *shouts towards the door* I'm coming!

        D: Sam. Why do you keep ringing me? We live in the same house. Are you pissed at me for something? And why do I have to look in here for?

        D: *grumble* She could've woken me up herself, but no... she has to ring me because she wants to know how high the timer on her cell will go. I had to marry a multi-talented Astrophysicist...

        D: You didn't want diapers, did you?
        S: *g* No
        D: And getting me out of bed was a good idea?
        S: We'll wake Jake up if we do it in our room
        D: *sigh* Ok, but I am so gonna beat you at Jenga this time

        *the next day*

        D: *grumble* Again?! That woman cannot take defeat, can she? *g* Still, win or lose, the aftermath is fun.

        : )
        Last edited by DrGemini2405; 17 September 2008, 08:44 AM.
        (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



          Still no-one? The CamVala thread is more regular than this... *sigh*

          Ok. Here's some Ark of Truth cuteness...

          ... as rare as that was... so rare that some of it's implied here. Seeing as AoT was pretty lame, let's have some fun.

          Innocent walk to the gateroom?

          Nope. Look at Sam's smile -- and follow Teal'c's eyeline. Vala looks perturbed and Daniel looks as though he's trying not to smirk. Not sure what Cam's thinking here... maybe he's a trifle amused at Sam's smile.

          D: Okay honey, I'll have the garden done before you get back
          S: Baby, it's okay... I'll help when I get back from the store
          C: Jeez, guys... get a room
          T: *thinks* DanielJackson will not perform any gardening tasks at an appropriate speed now. Perhaps ColonelCarter should have threatened him with violence as an incentive. *smirk* Or perhaps not.

          D: I'm dreamin' of a white christmas...

          S: Cam, do you hear White Christmas?
          D: *pout*

          S: Huh. Maybe I just imagined it. Daniel?
          D: Huh, uh... it wasn't me. No.
          S: *amused* Liar

          S: How are you feeling, honey?
          D: Much better, snugglebunny
          S: Aww, that's good, babylicious...
          C: *guffaw*
          T: *smirk*
          V: *eye-roll* Oh, get a room!
          L: *clears throat* Doctors Jackson?

          S & D: Yes? *exchange look*
          S: Sir?
          D: Why are we here anyway?
          C: Hey, why are any of us?
          D: Yeah, whatever, Jack-clone...

          D: *g*
          S: *g*
          T: *smirk*
          C: *clenched teeth* Agh.
          S: Cam?
          C: Please tell me that's your hand on my butt. *Sam-glare* Grossly inappropriate, I know, but not as inappropriate as the other option. *rest of the team look at T*
          T: Indeed

          heh. act. I think may have done that last caption before now, or at least something similar. *shrug* there's just something about that family shot.

          : )
          Last edited by DrGemini2405; 15 September 2008, 05:59 PM.
          (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



            oh yes, another thud-worthy, steamy scene from Continuum...


            S: *sigh* Daniel, we've got work tomorrow...
            D: *g* I can't help it. Come on, you can build technology in your sleep... *raises eyebrows suggestively*
            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



              *looks at tumbleweed*


              Hmm. I'll leave some ficcage for ya:

              One Weekend
              Cassie and her boyfriend are staying with Sam for the weekend, and so is Daniel. Sparks fly after a misunderstanding. Epiphany challenge set by EventHorizon7. SamDaniel, CassieOC

              : )
              (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                D: Jack? Jack? Speak to me. Come on. All I said was that Sam and I are getting married...
                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                  lol! Look at Daniel videoing Sam... always thought he had a touch of mischief about him. I wonder why Teal'c's bald though if Cam's there. Weird.

                  (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                    Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                    lol! Look at Daniel videoing Sam... always thought he had a touch of mischief about him. I wonder why Teal'c's bald though if Cam's there. Weird.


                    That is weird with Teal'c's hair though. Maybe the sculpture didn't feel like making the Season9-10 Teal'c mold with hair. He/she had jad enough witht he hair. Molding a bold Teal'c would be waaaaay easier. Just my guess though . . .


                      Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post

                      That is weird with Teal'c's hair though. Maybe the sculpture didn't feel like making the Season9-10 Teal'c mold with hair. He/she had jad enough witht he hair. Molding a bold Teal'c would be waaaaay easier. Just my guess though . . .
                      lol, yes... always come down to laziness... and the knowledge that Teal'c would sell no matter what he looks like. lol.

                      : )
                      (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                        Hey guys. I'm such a bad shipper, aren't I? *hangs head in shame* I said I was going to catch up more here and I didn't get a chance. Work held me hostage for two weeks. Insane amount of field work, 8am to 5pm or later just about every day. Thankfully it's finally over.

                        Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                        I'm afraid to go there. Jess was telling me about the trouble she has over there. Plus venturing to a new forum -- took me a long time to even consider posting here.

                        Though talking about the hotness that is Michael/Daniel can't be all bad...
                        I haven't had much trouble over there recently... maybe 2 or so years ago, but the thing that's kept me away from there is the fact that it's all the same ol', same ol'. Same people posting the same pics over and over. Plus there are a few individuals who engage "unscrupulous behavior" from time to time. If any of you want more info, email me. Don't really want to get into it here.

                        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                        I'm trying my hand at more difficult signatures. Here's a Sam/Daniel Moebius one:


                        What do you all think?
                        Love your Moebius sigs, MerryK! Very nice I thought Geek!Sam and Geek!Daniel were so cute. I wish they didn't have to kill off Geek!Daniel. I read a nice fic or two about them some time back.

                        Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                        Why is it that the best SD happened while Sha're was in the background? I like Sha're don't get me wrong, but why did the writers have to diminish the friendship between Sam and Daniel after Sha're died? IMHO, it seems like they thought that they'd have to diminish the friendship and the closeness of SD to make room for SJ.

                        You know what I think might be a good fic? One that takes place in FiAD and have Sha're tell Daniel it's okay that he loves Sam. He probably won't tell her until he descends, but it has potential. I can't write it though because I have like a zillion WiP's already. Not to mention I don't think I could write Sha're for ****e. I have a hard enough time with Teal'c.
                        As someone else said, there was a theory out there that they had Sam and Daniel be really friendly toward each other because Sam kind of latched onto Daniel since he was "safe" (aka with Sha're). And then after Sha're died, Daniel was suddenly available and it scared her, so she went to Jack who was another "safe" bet, being that he was also military and it was against regs.

                        I was planning on doing something like what you mentioned in One Final Gift, my sequel to Thanks for the Memories. It starts off during Secrets and Sha're is killed then instead of in FIAD. It's a little hard to get into all the details, but Daniel would speak to Sha're's "spirit" (or whatever I end up having it be) near the end and she'd inform him that she gives him her blessing for him to be with Sam. I put that fic on hold though after my accident last year. I should pick it up again. I've got so many WIPs...

                        Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                        A steamy scene from Continuum between our favourite twosome:


                        lol! Kidding! I think it's from 24 again. Just found it on the MS/Daniel thunk thread. lol. But it could've been, eh? *forgets own name*

                        : )
                        Hee hee... very niiiiiiice I agree, it really could work


                          lol, yep, esp. with AT's hair.

                          old man: Be that as it may, Arrom, my name is not JacobCarter
                          D: Uh... no, I wasn't calling you that. I just remembered... Sam and I had him over for lunch
                          old man: Lunch? What is this strange word? Who is this Jacob Carter that you refer to? Is he your father? Who is Sam?
                          D: *shakes head sadly* I wish I knew
                          old man: That reminds me of the tale of the dancing monkeys when they encountered the hungry tigers... As much as the monkeys danced, the tigers refused to participate...
                          D: *yawn* Uh... I think I'll, uh, just poke this thing now...

                          : )
                          (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                            Hey everyone. *waves*

                            Just been playing around with a new image editor that I downloaded recently, and thought I'd resize some of the banners that I'd found on Stargate Solutions.

                            Continuum spoilers (not from Solutions):

                            And I made an icon! (fyi, first time, and rather lame)

                            : )
                            Last edited by DrGemini2405; 23 September 2008, 01:14 PM.
                            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                              Those are all lovely DrG. I was wondering do you mind if I PM you?

                              I was just thinking about Stargate because I can and it's fun.

                              Anyway that obviously led to thinking about SD. I don't understand why people get all squicked by SD. I actually think Daniel and Vala have more of a sibling-like relationship than Sam and Daniel. They bicker like siblings and not like lovers.

                              The relationship I have with my brother is nothing like the relationship between Sam and Daniel. And I get along with my brother really well. Our relationship isn't like Daniel and Vala's either, but whatever.

                              I know they say opposites attract and everything, but I really don't think their bickering is sexual tension. And I don't see the subtext between Daniel and Vala that I see between Daniel and Sam.

                              Maybe it's just me. Oh well whatever. 'Ship and let 'ship.

                              Banner made by Jess!


                                Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                                Those are all lovely DrG. I was wondering do you mind if I PM you?

                                I was just thinking about Stargate because I can and it's fun.

                                Anyway that obviously led to thinking about SD. I don't understand why people get all squicked by SD. I actually think Daniel and Vala have more of a sibling-like relationship than Sam and Daniel. They bicker like siblings and not like lovers.

                                The relationship I have with my brother is nothing like the relationship between Sam and Daniel. And I get along with my brother really well. Our relationship isn't like Daniel and Vala's either, but whatever.

                                I know they say opposites attract and everything, but I really don't think their bickering is sexual tension. And I don't see the subtext between Daniel and Vala that I see between Daniel and Sam.

                                Maybe it's just me. Oh well whatever. 'Ship and let 'ship.
                                Actually, "opposites attract" is an old wives' tale, not supported by psychology. The real phrase should be "complements attract", because if you're completely opposite, you have little chance of lasting. The same is true if you're too similar.

                                I'm not sure I want to get into the whole sibling thing...the way I ship, I could always see each pair as friends/siblings in slightly different circumstances, and even the pairs I mainly friendship I could see be shippy in slightly different circumstances. So that's not a good measure of shippiness in my case. Also, I have many siblings, and have both S/D and D/V type relationships.

                                That shippy spark is so subjective, and probably has a lot to do with your personal background (such as the couples you've known, relationships you've been in, etc.), so I'm not ever really confused if someone is squicked by something. For every other opinion there's two sides, so why not with shipping? I'll stay in my comfy threads, and they can stay away—that's what's nice about Gateworld.

                                ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                                ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal

