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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I just wish I'd found out about the party a bit earlier! But I guess a sllloooooow party is better than none at all

    Don't forget someone would probably suggest a game of charades (which could get interesting if Daniel has too much beer... um..... Coke? Red Bull?).

    Made a new icon (with Chris' tutorial...thank you again hon ) and a new wallpaper...

    Wow, Sam really seems to feel bad about the invitation mix-up...


      Originally posted by debbycake View Post
      A pleas might help too...
      *puppydogeyes* Please?

      I think Sam should stop feeling so guilty about the invitations. There's clearly been some kind of mixup in the delivery process. I'm guessing someone in the SGC mailroom dropped the ball.

      So, let's help Sam and Daniel pull together a kick-ass party! I brought Scrabble! Daniel insists on allowing pharaoh names and whatnot if Sam gets to use words like naquadah.

      WOO!! Scrabble! Let the good times roll!

      In other news...there are Sam/Daniel fic updates to talk about:

      Both my Ouroboros and Thrae's Remnant have had chapters added. Enjoy!
      ~Amaranth Traces


        Oh love your icon...


        I agree, it is a mix up on the SGC's mailroom... darn mail room.

        I have Uno, and Pass the Pig, or I can teach everyone Spite and Malace... and win money for their wedding... ehehe
        Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



          *rumadges through closet*

          I have Lord of the Rings Monopoly and Harry Potter Uno. Oh, I also have A Mystery at Hogwarts. Which is a Harry Potter version of Clue that takes 5 hours to play.


            Yeah, I guess she was just hoping the party would be a real success.

            I'm all for it! I've got Yahtzee too, there's no way they can resist.

            Hmmm... how about some childhood games too, like.... Spin the Bottle

            Love your icon Chris


              Do you think we have enough games?
              Yeah, I think we might be good.
              Chris mentioned something called "Pass the Pig". Is Rodney coming?
              God I hope not. Especially not with Jess suggesting spin the bottle...
              Yeah, about that one, uh, how many guys are invited to this party again?
              Just you.
              Hoo boy.
              ~Amaranth Traces


                Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                So, let's help Sam and Daniel pull together a kick-ass party! I brought Scrabble! Daniel insists on allowing pharaoh names and whatnot if Sam gets to use words like Naquadah.

                WOO!! Scrabble! Let the good times roll!
                I, for one, would be incredibly impressed if Sam managed to play the word 'naquadah'.

                Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post
                *rumadges through closet*

                I have Lord of the Rings Monopoly and Harry Potter Uno. Oh, I also have A Mystery at Hogwarts. Which is a Harry Potter version of Clue that takes 5 hours to play.
                Never heard of A Mystery at Hogwarts. Cool. You should all talk to Amaranth about Harry Potter. Repeatedly. She loves it. <--sarcasm

                I'm considering it my mission in life to get her to read at least the first book. Any help would be appreciated.

                Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                <space spoiler>

                Do you think we have enough games?
                Yeah, I think we might be good.
                Chris mentioned something called "Pass the Pig". Is Rodney coming?
                God I hope not. Especially not with Jess suggesting spin the bottle...
                Yeah, about that one, uh, how many guys are invited to this party again?
                Just you.
                Hoo boy.
                Heh. Excellent. Both the game suggestionsand the caption. Heh. Rodney and Pass the Pig. (Mental note: Go look up the game "Pass the Pig".)

                Poor Daniel. I really feel sorry for him having to play Spin the Bottle with all of us. It's really quite mean and we should consider letting him-- Oh! Is it my turn again already?



                  There is always my favorite card game called Mau. It has just three rules 1. Plays like Uno (So either the same number or the same suit is acceptible to play) 2. You can't talk out of turn (This does not mean no talking at all just have to have specific circumstances to do so.) 3. You learn the rest of the rules on your own. (Yes more rules get added the longer the game is played which is where this could get really fun.)
                  thanks Stef

                  Thanks Wendy


                    Originally posted by Thraesja View Post
                    I, for one, would be incredibly impressed if Sam managed to play the word 'naquadah'.
                    Originally posted by Thraesja View Post

                    Never heard of A Mystery at Hogwarts. Cool. You should all talk to Amaranth about Harry Potter. Repeatedly. She loves it. <--sarcasm

                    I'm considering it my mission in life to get her to read at least the first book. Any help would be appreciated.
                    Nice sarcasm pointer. Subtle.

                    And after your high recommendation, I was actually considering finding the first book somewhere. But now that I know it's your mission in life, I'm definitely going to be more stubborn about it.

                    And I think we've already established which of the two of us is the more stubborn. Repeatedly, actually.

                    Originally posted by Thraesja View Post
                    Heh. Excellent. Both the game suggestionsand the caption. Heh. Rodney and Pass the Pig. (Mental note: Go look up the game "Pass the Pig".)
                    Yeah, I never heard of that one either. But its name immediately brought forth an image of our darling Doctor McKay... Go figure.

                    So you go look that up. And report back.

                    Originally posted by Thraesja View Post
                    Poor Daniel. I really feel sorry for him having to play Spin the Bottle with all of us. It's really quite mean and we should consider letting him-- Oh! Is it my turn again already?
                    It's not your turn...I'm not done yet. Come back tomorrow. Or better still, next week.

                    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                    There is always my favorite card game called Mau. It has just three rules 1. Plays like Uno (So either the same number or the same suit is acceptible to play) 2. You can't talk out of turn (This does not mean no talking at all just have to have specific circumstances to do so.) 3. You learn the rest of the rules on your own. (Yes more rules get added the longer the game is played which is where this could get really fun.)
                    Now that sounds like an interesting game. Are the rules made up as the game progresses by whoever is allowed to speak at any particular moment? Or are there set rules already, meaning that someone who has played before would have the upper hand, so to speak?


                    More Sam/Daniel fic updates!

                    Ouroboros by yours truly and Remant by the sarcastosnark both have new chapters.

                    ~Amaranth Traces


                      Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                      Now that sounds like an interesting game. Are the rules made up as the game progresses by whoever is allowed to speak at any particular moment? Or are there set rules already, meaning that someone who has played before would have the upper hand, so to speak?
                      Some of both. Since we're not playing I can divulge some more rules with out being give a stack of cards as a fine. Generally there are a set of base rules that the first "Mau Master" knows (that would be the dealer and should be someone who has played before) They deal as many cards as they feel like to everyone. (So more decks involved the better the game.) once some one has achieved "Mau" Like "Uno" then they become 'Mau Master" and deal and make up a new rule and this contiues untill there are too many rules to remember and people are tired of playing

                      If i ever get to a conn I'd love to teach this game to others in the evening.
                      thanks Stef

                      Thanks Wendy


                        Pass the Pig - Not a McKay friendly game apparently - involves two pigs, with dots on one side of their sides, and blank on the other. The person throws the pigs, and however they land (seperate, facing each other, on each others back...) is how many points you get. Add up the points and win. Really it's one of those games when there is nothing better to do then sip cold tea and shoot the breeze - or if McKay is there.

                        There is also another card game... gah. Mind blank. And as always there are those drinking games... We really do need to find a con and have game night! That would be too fun!
                        Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                          Wow, all these games sound great. I'm sure the party will be a big hit Spin the Bottle and Daniel... poor guy.... No wait, what am I saying??

                          I have some new icons I thought I'd share

                          I have quite a few more posted on my LiveJournal.

                          Oh, almost forgot the pic...


                            So, guys, I had another idea. I was over in the Vala & Tomin's Relationship thread, and they mentioned doing something called "500 Touches", which was basically a list of all the moments they've spent, showing them with pictures. Apparently they got the idea from the D/V thread.

                            So I figured, why not do something like that here? They don't have to be in chronological order or anything, but just showing the nice moments our cute little geek couple has shared throughout the show, with pictures and why we like them (if we even have to say that, LOL ).

                            What do you think?


                              Ooops, forgot to post another picture...


                                Sam: "With all due respect, General--I would like to know why you authorized Colonel O'Neill to change all my uniforms to jumpsuits and A-shirts. Do you have any idea how much this zipper irritates me?"

                                Daniel: "I have some lotion in my lab, Sam. I'll help you put it on."

                                Sam: "Permission to go to Daniel's lab, Sir."
                                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

