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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
    more pics...




    some of them I showed before, but I just love 'em
    Thanks for the pics! I love the last one


      Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post

      Hey, Jess!

      That did cheer me up. Love the good ol' days.
      Aw I'm glad! Yeah, I love them too... *happy sigh* So glad we always have our old DVDs to watch!

      Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
      LOL...any guesses as to where Sam's other hand is?
      Originally posted by CKO View Post
      hmmm maybe on his bum
      you guys!! You were reading my mind! I was going to ask where Daniel's other hand was too


        Thanks for the pics, SamCarterFan! Eh who cares if you've posted 'em before... I love them!!


          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Yeah, I'm crossing my fingers too, especially for the second movie. Same here, I do miss the old team. Ah yes, Revisions... Covenant... Endgame... *happy sigh*
          double that happy sigh... at least they acknowledged that they knew each other back then!

          Originally posted by Jess
          *grin* yep.... I'm looking for more now Ah, here's one!

          Daniel... tongue.
          Um, Tham, that lip gloth of yourth ith really ththicky... I think it'th ththuck.


          Uh... is that Strawberry... and Pineapple?!
          Daniel... sssh... the Colonel's looking this way!
          (offscreen) Daniel, you dog, get that tongue back in your mouth!
          (offscreen) Perhaps DanielJackson is tasting the air
          Yeah, um, yeah, that's it... (Sam stamps on his foot) Ow!
          I bit my tongue...


          Originally posted by Jess
          Wow, hope you post the second part soon!
          The impending talk has me intrigued... I like how he actually noticed the growing chasm between them. (sorry about the boldening... just a little exasperated at those two this season... oh boy, that's an understatement...)

          + =

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          To bring this thread back up...

          Family Ties really had me down for a while... (spoilers just in case - but nothing about plot or anything)

          There were scenes of Daniel and Vala sitting together in the briefing room and giving each other cute smiles.

          It's like everything he used to do with Sam he only does with Vala now. And he never even acknowledges Sam anymore. It's so depressing sometimes.

          Anyway to sort of vent over it, I started writing a fic. I'll post the first bit of it here and if anyone wants to read any more, let me know and I'll post the rest. I have about half or 3/4 of it done now, it's not that long. It's in spoiler tags for length. It takes place after Family Ties, but in this part the spoilers go up to In the Company of Thieves. Hope you like I also don't have a title for it yet, but if you have any suggestions for that let me know.

          Daniel wasn't exactly sure when it started happening. Perhaps it was not long after their journey to Atlantis, before he started looking for Merlin's weapon.

          Sam was going out of her way to avoid him.

          At first it was mostly in the commissary. He'd enter the room, sometimes with Vala tagging along, sometimes alone, and join the table occupied by his team. At first sight of him, Sam would clam up and become almost sullen. She'd excuse herself to get back to work or just leave without saying a word. Half the time, Daniel wondered if it'd been his breath or if he'd splashed on too much cologne ... before reminding himself that he hardly wore cologne at all.

          Then she declined participating in their off base activities. She attended the first few “team movie nights” that Mitchell had put together, but was far from her usual self, preferring to sit in a corner alone and be very quiet. Daniel had wanted to question her later but she'd take off before he'd had the chance.

          Finally her behavior extended to briefings and even missions. When Landry would dismiss them, Daniel would notice Sam quickly making a beeline for the door, hardly giving anyone a chance to talk to her. Sometimes during the briefings themselves, he'd notice her sneaking a glance at him, but before he could meet her eyes, she'd look away. The few times he did catch her gaze, she appeared almost sad. He didn't know what that was about, and she never gave him a chance to question her.

          Then there were the missions. He noticed she was unusually quiet and keeping to herself on the journey back to Earth from Atlantis. At first she seemed happy about scoring a partial victory against the Ori. He'd seen her in the Odyssey's commissary with Teal'c and Mitchell, smiling and talking somewhat animatedly about what happened. He'd gone there just to hear some good news himself. He was still depressed over the fact they were all alone in this fight, despite Vala's attempts to cheer him up.

          He'd stood in the doorway, watching his three teammates talk. The sight of Sam's face lit up in a content smile and her eyes nearly sparkling caused a smile to grow on his face.

          Everything changed when he decided to make an appearance. She hushed up again and her smile immediately left her face. She'd known he'd been depressed and he wondered if his being there was dampening the mood. He'd heard footsteps in back of him and found Vala also watching curiously from the doorway. He doubted her appearance had anything to do with it. Whatever the case, Sam had mumbled she had to leave and hastily left the table, not saying a word or looking at him as she brushed past him.

          Daniel never had the chance to ask her what was wrong. Her behavior during subsequent missions was more or less the same. Daniel had chalked it up to her being depressed over the loss of Dakara for the first mission, and being upset over being taken hostage and watching Col. Emerson get killed during the second mission. After the latter, Daniel had thought about talking to her, helping her vent and get things off her chest regarding that ordeal. She hadn't given him an opportunity to do so, and in the end he decided perhaps she'd be best off dealing with her emotions herself.

          Reviewing each of these instances in his mind, Daniel concluded something was wrong with Sam. He just had to talk to her. He hadn't talked to her, really talked to her, for quite some time. It was something he regretted.

          He entertained the notion that she wouldn't want to talk to him. However, he had to get to the bottom of what was bothering her; if not for herself, then for him. He cared about her too much to let it just go by unanswered.

          After searching her lab and the commissary and coming up empty, he headed for her office. Finding the door partly open, he decided against knocking and peered inside. He picked out her still form amidst the darkness, hunched over her desk and holding her head in her hands. She appeared deep in thought.

          “Sam?” he asked quietly, tentatively making his way inside.

          “Oh, geez,” she started.

          He held up his hands in apology. “Sorry if I startled you. I guess you aren't very busy now?”

          Even in the darkness he could make out the blush in her cheeks. “Um, actually, I am,” she stammered, as if still caught unawares.

          Moving to the switch plate on the wall adjacent to him, Daniel flipped the light on. “You don't look all that busy,” he replied with a little grin, hoping to inject the atmosphere with some levity.

          Neglecting a challenge to his statement she sighed, her expression becoming rueful.

          “We need to talk,” he told her bluntly, keeping his gaze trained on her.

          For a moment, Sam appeared utterly thrown, as if this was something she hadn't been expecting. Recovering quickly, her expression hardened and she shook her head. “I really don't think so.” Rising from her desk, she moved to hurry past him.

          “Yes, we do,” he countered pointedly, grabbing her shoulders and effectively stopping her. Gazing at her, his deep blue eyes pierced her blue-gray ones. “Sam, it's important. I'm not letting this go any longer.”

          Looking away in defeat, she gave a barely visible nod as Daniel eased his grip on her shoulders. “Okay,” she sighed, gesturing to the chair next to her desk, “have a seat.”

          “No, not here,” he decided, offering her a hand.. “Let's go somewhere else.” He nodded as she regarded it tentatively before slipping her own hand into his.
          Last edited by DrGemini2405; 05 March 2007, 04:14 AM.
          (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

            Aww... I'm really sorry if I brought you down We really haven't been getting much this season... I'm really really hoping they give us something in the movies. I posted again on JM's blog but I doubt he'll reply to it. I do have something to cheer you up though (well me too since I'm in need of some cheering up as well). Was going through my caps and almost forgot I had this:
            Wa hey... he looks a little upset though... maybe Sam could cheer him up

            Originally posted by Jess
            The good old days... *sigh*
            Ice cream
            Corner of your mouth... Jack's been smirking about it since we got here
            Ah, ok, um, thanks... I'll just get a tissue
            (whispers) You don't need a tissue...


            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Hey guys

            I have a little piccie here that will hopefully cheer you guys up a bit more

            Hi guys!
            (whispers) Sam... (clears throat) your hand...
            (whispers) Looks who's talking...
            Last edited by DrGemini2405; 05 March 2007, 06:37 AM.
            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              Aw that's all right! I appreciate the bday wishes all the same... and the yummy piccie of Daniel in of threads there, heheh

              (hmm can just wonder what's going through Daniel's mind here...)
              Oh, I love this pic!

              Yes Sir... white roses, not red, and...
              (embarrassed) Sam... I know we're doing this whole dating thing back to front, but hold up a second...


              L: So, is it true that you two have been fraternising?
              Yes Sir!
              (embarrassed) Sam... you're not supposed to say 'yes'... I thought we were going to pass off any rumours as Mitchell messing about...
              (offscreen) Oh come on Daniel, don't be embarrassed! The lipstick on your chin this morning was rather obvious, especially when you had just emerged from the supply closet, so...
              (offscreen) unless you've got a big secret that you don't have to share with us, although you aren't Air Force, so...
              (offscreen) Which part of this hypothetical secret involves the playing of footsie? (looks at Vala pointedly)
              Ah, um, Teal'c... about that...


              L: Colonel Carter, I must request you to release Doctor Jackson
              (feigning innocence) Release, Sir?
              (clears throat, and whispers, with a voice in a slightly higher pitch) I think it'd be a good idea, Sam... Mitchell's just dropped his pen so he can take a peek...
              (offscreen) FYI Jackson, I was tying my bootlace, but now that you mention it... hoo boy! Looks like you'll be using the supply closet on level 24 after all!
              Last edited by DrGemini2405; 19 March 2007, 04:13 AM.
              (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                Sam forgot that even seemingly immortal Archaeologists need their sleep, no matter how highly skilled...
                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                  Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                  double that happy sigh... at least they acknowledged that they knew each other back then!
                  I know! *sings* Memories....

                  Daniel... tongue.
                  Um, Tham, that lip gloth of yourth ith really ththicky... I think it'th ththuck.


                  Uh... is that Strawberry... and Pineapple?!
                  Daniel... sssh... the Colonel's looking this way!
                  (offscreen) Daniel, you dog, get that tongue back in your mouth!
                  (offscreen) Perhaps DanielJackson is tasting the air
                  Yeah, um, yeah, that's it... (Sam stamps on his foot) Ow!
                  I bit my tongue...

                  Good one!!!

                  The impending talk has me intrigued... I like how he actually noticed the growing chasm between them. (sorry about the boldening... just a little exasperated at those two this season... oh boy, that's an understatement...)

                  + =
                  Thanks! Yeah, sadly if we want them (or only Daniel, in this case) to act as friends, we have to do it in fanfic. I know I shouldn't grouse like this when there's only two episodes left, but right now I say chances are slim for seeing anything between and before the show ends. Not too optimistic about the movies either but it would be nice for me to be proved wrong as far as that's concerned.

                  I'm glad you liked it! I hope to finish it up soon. I think I'm one step closer to a title, too (*HUGS* for Maj_C!!). I was just pondering something... we don't know for sure the order in which Daniel decided to visit Atlantis (before Vala stopped him of course) and Sam left to go to Area 51 do we? Could it be possible that Daniel had made up his mind he was going to Atlantis even before Sam left, or would it make more sense for her to have decided to go first and leave him there? Either way I guess Daniel could have felt bad that she'd left ... maybe he'd offered her to go with him to Atlantis and she decided aganst it?


                    Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                    Wa hey... he looks a little upset though... maybe Sam could cheer him up


                    Ice cream
                    Corner of your mouth... Jack's been smirking about it since we got here
                    Ah, ok, um, thanks... I'll just get a tissue
                    (whispers) You don't need a tissue...

                    Awww yeah, he does look a bit sad there! I love that moment in that ep. I made an icon for it:

                    Hi guys!
                    (whispers) Sam... (clears throat) your hand...
                    (whispers) Looks who's talking...

                    Oh and you're quite welcome for the sig banner... I'm glad you like it!


                      Again, love the pics and captions, DrGemini!


                        not feeling good today, but ya'll know how to cheer up a girl! Love the caps, love the captions.... and dang it if it isn't this blissfully beautiful day and I am stuck inside, with no windows!!! May as well look at the internet and see the view!!!

                        I am working (with Jess's help) on a pic with Sam Icons... here are a few:

                        and.... another one which is from Quest 2 (no, I haven't seen it, yes I grabbed screen caps from it)

                        Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                          LOL!!! I love all of these Rebelwriter03! They are great!

                          Thanks for sharing them.


                            Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                              Ok I just remembered that I am a PIMP and am going to be PIMPING this new LJ community ....

                              There ya go. If you have a LJ, are on here, and are not there.... well.... let's just say TEAL'C is also a big heavy weight of a man, and will crush you. I will not hesitate to call him.

                              Oh and PIMP away... just not on my corner! *wink*
                              Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                                (((Chris))) Sorry you're not feeling too well, hon Glad the captions helped though And I loved the icons!

                                Ooh, ficathon!! Cool! I just joined the community... will have to think about signing up. I'm doing 3 stories right now as it is... guess I'll give it some thought.

                                So neat that S/D has a ficathon now though!

