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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
    As for optimism... I am trying to just cling to the fact that my show is passing away, and no matter what we do, we will not get it back (however the movies, and news associated with movies, is good!). *huge sigh* I love it for more then just the ship, I love it for the stories, and concepts that they show... and the small interactions we get between my shipped couples.... s/d, c/v, v/t.... mmmmmm but mostly they are fanfic shipped....
    Yeah I watch it for more than ship too... I guess it doesn't sound like it with all the stupid things I've been saying here lately but it's true. I guess the need to have interaction (friendly of course) is such a big requirement for me though because if I see one person interacting with only one particular other person and ignoring everyone else it almost makes it seem like that person doesn't want to be bothered with the others. I guess I just miss the old days so much and I know I need to accept the fact that the show is a lot different now and I have to move on... but it's hard sometimes....

    Guess what I mean is that it seems almost like they're making one pairing canon and going "ha ha there's nothing you can do about it.... love it and live it!" I just get tired of having it forced down my throat.

    Sorry if none of this makes any sense... it's pretty late here and I'm too tired to sound very coherent, lol But hopefully you sort of know what I mean...

    Back tomorrow to catch up some more on posts. Hopefully this will distract from my mad ramblings:


      Here is the next (almost completed since I over looked one element) challenge answer... thanks again CKO

      Ah and it's a bit heavy on the S/D side.. hmmmm i wonder why?

      It's Like a Dream (1/2)
      By: Chris4Short/Christine
      Rating: NC-17
      Pairing: Sam and Daniel, Cam and Vala
      Spoilers: Ep. 200
      Summery: Even they have dreams... that come true.
      Challenge: S10 spoilers.
      1. missing scene between the pair that led to them having sex.. but forgot the protection.. heat of the moment type of thing...
      2. they talk about what happened and the feelings that are simmering
      3. c/v; s/d as secondary pairing
      4. kisses, a ring, roses, chocolates
      5. possible engagement/ wedding
      6. any rating is fine
      7. enjoy
      (once more, thanks CKO for sending those bunnies in a box to all of us who seemed to attract such thigs...)
      Disclaimer: I play with dolls. I hear voices. I don't own Stargate, no matter what the voices and dolls say.
      Last edited by rebelwriter03; 11 January 2007, 08:13 AM.
      Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



        very nice!


          Originally posted by CKO View Post
          very nice!
          Thanks! The muse had fun writing this in one day!
          Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



            Originally posted by JessM View Post

            TV Guide: Amanda, what kind of trouble will Sam get into after this crossover?

            Tapping: The funniest thing coming up is the 200th [episode]. It's the most fun I've had filming on this show. We just laughed our heads off. But for my character specifically, we're doing a story where I get shot, and through my "dying," I have to try to fix a situation by explaining it to Michael.

            Yeah, I really hope she was talking about Daniel instead of Cam.

            I was worried at first about the "fan favorites finally lock lips" - worried that it was supposed to be Vala and Daniel. But like you said, there already was a kiss there. But I've heard now that it will be Cam and Vala and it's supposed to happen in that high school reunion episode. At first I wasn't sure but a friend of mine said she saw a clip of them kissing and it looked like it was from that episode.
            One could only hope it's Daniel and Sam, but I doubt it. It would be great if it was Cam and Vala, just to make Daniel "free."

            And with the Carter shot thing, I searched some episodes to where Carter gets shot. In the episode, The Line in the Sand, Carter is badly injured. I'm guessing she is shot. However, Daniel is not in that episode.


              Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
              I'd like to touch on that for a second. It's obvious, since the beginning of the show the producers have been leaning with O'Neill and Carter as a pair, with Daniel and Teal'c getting their small sparks with Carter here and there. But when O'Neill left the show in season 9, it upset me that they didn't give Carter and Daniel a try, just to see what the fans thought of it. They obviously wanted to keep the Carter and O'Neill thing alive when he came back in 200. Why not just make a small relationship arc with Carter and Daniel? If the fans don't like it, big deal, the producers can always switch back to what they origonally had in mind. But at least give us something. They should have at least done something like this in season 9, or early season 10 with Daniel and Carter.
              I'm not exactly sure if they were leaning for Sam and Jack as a pair at the very beginning of the show, though I guess it's possible... I read an interview Amanda did around the end of S1 where she said that the producers were talking about starting something between her and Jack or her and Daniel, but they decided against it because of the regulations and because they didn't want it to jeopardize the team dynamic (think I have the quote if anyone's interested). I was wondering too if something would happen between Sam and Daniel after Jack left, but I doubted it would be possible since Vala came on board. It seemed like they had more interaction in S8 due to RDA's reduced availability and Jack being a general. I loved the stuff in Avatar, Covenant, Sacrifices, Endgame... Heck, even in Gemini, which Daniel didn't really appear in since MS was filming Prometheus Unbound at the same time, they had a scene together in the very beginning. If the situation had taken place this season, I'd bet that we wouldn't have something like this. Either Daniel would spend his one scene with Vala, or if it was Sam in the scene, it'd be Cam (not that I have anything against that friendship - but they do tend to pair them up quite a bit as well).


                Originally posted by angelfire east View Post

                #11 ahkna_graphics | #12 winterfish | #13 Icon_ascension
                "boating for beginners"... oh that is just priceless! lol... thanks for posting these!

                I like that I don't like misleads since I can be looking forward to something and it never comes.
                I agree... I'm wondering now though if they did mislead us at least once... in preparation for S10 they said that there weren't any plans to ship anyone at all. Well things like this past episode make me wonder if they lied and are doing Daniel/Vala ship... not that I really saw anything shippy myself but what if TPTB are trying to make it come across that way? I hope we're not being taken as far as that's concerned.

                In a way I can see why they didn't give Daniel and Sam a try for that reason but all they did with Jack and Sam is leave the door open, they didn't do anything either way. That is the annoying bit, well it's a little more then annoying. They should have either came out and said Sam & Jack are together or not so Sam's character can go onto other romances. It's rather cruel to leave it open so no shippers are happy.

                so yeah I agree with you

                I still think that the best time for Sam/Daniel was the early years [after his wife's death] since they didn't wrap things up with Jack/Sam and started Daniel/Vala. BUt at that point they already had the ball rolling with Sam/Jack. Funny around that time Daniel started going for blonds, well they showed it more lol
                If I were a Jack/Sam shipper I think I'd be pretty annoyed about that too. And you have a good point there as far as the best time for Sam/Daniel goes. I think they had a lot more interaction with each other back then... the friendship seemed so much stronger etc. I loved the scene in Jolinar's Memories where Sam was going through so much with her childhood memories (like her mom's death) and of course of Jolinar being tortured, and Daniel sat with her as she talked about it. He was like a shoulder to cry on. I don't know, I guess they were more "intimate" (though not in the way you may be thinking - sadly, lol ) back then.


                  Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
                  One could only hope it's Daniel and Sam, but I doubt it. It would be great if it was Cam and Vala, just to make Daniel "free."
                  Well, my friend saw a clip for an ep and is positive that it's Cam and Vala. She said it was
                  from the ep where Vala goes with Cam to his high school reunion - so sounds like it's in Bounty.
                  I'd love for it to be Daniel and Sam but if it's Cam and Vala I'll definitely take it.

                  And with the Carter shot thing, I searched some episodes to where Carter gets shot. In the episode, The Line in the Sand, Carter is badly injured. I'm guessing she is shot. However, Daniel is not in that episode.
                  Yeah, I'm betting you're right... so she said "Mitchell" rather than "Michael" I guess. *shakes fist at transcriber who made typo* *sigh* Oh well... if we don't get decent Daniel/Sam interaction for the rest of this season, one can only hope we'll get at least one shared glance or scene together in one of the movies.


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Yeah, The Quest 2 just aired in the UK last night. I wanted to stay away from the spoilers but see how that ended up, lol... I went and read a transcript with screencaps on some website. It's hard to tell from there but some who posted in the different threads mentioned it. Definitely looks to me like Sam shows some concern for Daniel but I can't tell by the transcript or pics whether he returns it. I guess that's been one of my beefs lately with this season, that the concern/care seems a bit one-sided in that Sam seems to show it more to Daniel and he doesn't really show much to her. Unless it is my imagination...
                    I don't feel like it one sided but tptb are diffenlly showing one side more then the other.

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    I don't think they mislead all that much. They're usually pretty vague, and if they end up being wrong I think it's probably just due to stupid errors, like in Memento Mori
                    they said that Cam and Teal'c would be interrogating that one guy while Sam and Daniel watch. It ended up being Daniel and Teal'c doing the interrogation while Sam and Cam watched. Not that it was a huge deal or anything but I was a wee bit disappointed.
                    I can see why you would be. You where hoping for a Sam/Daniel monemt that never came

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Cool Aww that stinks... I made a ton of icons, some of which are pretty bad in the beginning til I learned some new Photoshop tricks and whatnot. I love the ones you've been posting. I like team ones too... heck they're all good. Sure, 3 at a time is fine - whatever works for you.
                    I'm not very good with icons so I'm not even going to bother posting them. (not that I make many). 3 more coming up

                    #1, #2 #3 #4

                    #1 icon_ascension | #2 stargater | #3ahkna_graphices | #4 ladyireth (can't remember if I posted #4 so I just taged it on at the end just in case.

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    lol I know what you mean. I think it would have made a cool ending for the show had they decided to end it after S8. I guess I like part 1 a bit better than part 2 because of what happens to AU Daniel in part 2 (*sniffle*). I hope we do get something like that for the second movie. I did find some spoilers for it, just for the ideas they had and it does sound similar to Moebius.
                    I like the second better since we get some more Daniel and Sam geek love plus Rodney too; It was all just way too fun. I thought non-AU Daniel was a little rude to everyone but I think he was alittle freaked out and did see his friends killed. How weird must Daniel felt spentinghte rest of his life back in time with the AU verison of his dead friends.

                    They said the second movie will be a time travel one and as I said the spoilers made it sound almost like Moebius. Will be interesting to see how they pull it off. lol, I wonder how many movies they will end up doing... we could see a 60 year old Daniel and Sam and Cam... well except for Teal'c and Vala since they're both way past that

                    I hear that, I know some people are really upset but since I loved Moebius so much I'm not.

                    I've seen BB and CB maked to look really old in Farscape so I can just picture that. Vala would age wouldn't see, she human but not from Earth. Chris would have to have his face tapped back so he doesn't have any lines in his face lol

                    [QUOTE=JessM;6184933]Oh man, I can imagine how you must have felt. It's a shame they weren't more careful and didn't put the spoiler warning there... for something as big as that. I think they debunked that rumor that MS was approached for the new show... shame. lol, I usually get the magazine but I didn't get a chance to get the latest issue, so I'd love to hear about the Jack and Daniel thing if you don't mind.

                    It really was becuase I was freaking out for a while there. Really? Too bad, I was half hoping.

                    okay, it's not a spoiler or anything but it's something, it's more about fliming the episode. RDA was talking about some of his favorite human beings.

                    "....Audy Mikita, who directed The Shroud and is another one of my favorite human beings a confidante and friend. He had me walking around Daniel, who is all frosty white," Anderson continues. "As I'm walking around this semi-interrogatinal mode, I remember my speeches getting bigger and bigger and, I don't know, Quite probably over-the-top. Andy apparently trusted me enough - or didn't trust me enough - to say anything, so I started cutting back and cutting it back. Of course, we printed everything and some days later he came to me and said 'you know, you'd think after all these years I would have learned to trust you. You're so right. You were so right on" And he apologized.

                    Then it went on to say that at the time of this interview they where fliming the last episode so it could be too late to squeeze him it and it said that he was more then willing to be in the movies

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Yeah, too often I'll be reading something or hearing a song and instantly be reminded of something like that. I was so silly, one of my friends made this Daniel/Sam video and it was the first one I ever saw and it just about made me cry. It wasn't sad or anything, just a nice friendship video to "At the Beginning" by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis. I don't think I've seen any about unrequited love but there was a sad one that was S/D and about Meridian... quite beautiful but still sad.
                    It's not silly, I cry when watching tv and movies all the time and if a vidoe is done well it can be just the same.

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    lol, that's okay! I think Sam's is "Holy Hannah" and Jack's... I think he has more than one, but two of the most famous ones are "for cryin' out loud" and "ya think?"
                    Cool thanks. I knew Jack, at least should have but not Sam's lol

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Oh! Speaking of the movie... a friend did this AU fic about Sam meeting Daniel around the time of the movie, when he was first recruited by the Stargate program. It was pretty cool, and their interaction was almost like it was in Moebius. I think it was called the "A Shadowed Mirror" series... unfortunately I can't find it right now.
                    That sounds so cool! I'll take a look and see if I can find it but my big list of sites are consise(sp) of and gateworld lol

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    It's great you can see it every day! SciFi does that as well, usually weekdays at 6pm. I remember the night Memento Mori first aired, the 6pm showing was Singularity, which rocked IMHO, lol
                    Good timing on SciFi's part I watched Sight Unseen a day ago and I couldn't help but think that scene with the old woman who mistakenly thought Jonas and Sam where married. That that would be Daniel with Sam instead We need a fanfic witha stroy like that, that puts the idea in their heads and started the ball rolling

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Oh, that was in a TV Guide online interview with her and David Hewlett. I think I have the link... *rummages* Ah here it is... *EDIT: Okay never mind, the link doesn't work anymore But I did post the comments on my website's forum so I'll put them here in spoiler tags:

                    TV Guide: Amanda, what kind of trouble will Sam get into after this crossover?

                    Tapping: The funniest thing coming up is the 200th [episode]. It's the most fun I've had filming on this show. We just laughed our heads off. But for my character specifically, we're doing a story where I get shot, and through my "dying," I have to try to fix a situation by explaining it to Michael.

                    Yeah, I really hope she was talking about Daniel instead of Cam.
                    Cool thank you A intereview with two of my favorite people

                    I know I might be getting my hopes up but I think it's Daniel she talking about. Actors, tptb and others call the characters by actors names all the time. At least that what I see in interviews and such like.

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    I was worried at first about the "fan favorites finally lock lips" - worried that it was supposed to be Vala and Daniel. But like you said, there already was a kiss there. But I've heard now that it will be Cam and Vala and it's supposed to happen in that high school reunion episode. At first I wasn't sure but a friend of mine said she saw a clip of them kissing and it looked like it was from that episode.
                    Cam/Vala I honsetly didn't think of that. *ducks and cover from follow Farscape fans* I could see that but if that the case I don't think it'lll be romantic. i.e the start of their ship. Really I can see them going for that for the Farscape fans out there.
                    Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      I'm not exactly sure if they were leaning for Sam and Jack as a pair at the very beginning of the show, though I guess it's possible... I read an interview Amanda did around the end of S1 where she said that the producers were talking about starting something between her and Jack or her and Daniel, but they decided against it because of the regulations and because they didn't want it to jeopardize the team dynamic (think I have the quote if anyone's interested). I was wondering too if something would happen between Sam and Daniel after Jack left, but I doubted it would be possible since Vala came on board. It seemed like they had more interaction in S8 due to RDA's reduced availability and Jack being a general. I loved the stuff in Avatar, Covenant, Sacrifices, Endgame... Heck, even in Gemini, which Daniel didn't really appear in since MS was filming Prometheus Unbound at the same time, they had a scene together in the very beginning. If the situation had taken place this season, I'd bet that we wouldn't have something like this. Either Daniel would spend his one scene with Vala, or if it was Sam in the scene, it'd be Cam (not that I have anything against that friendship - but they do tend to pair them up quite a bit as well).
                      I'd love a quote please I always felt like s/j started back in season one but then again I could be looking at things in a ship way when the weren't meant to be shippy.

                      I think the reason Sam is paired with Cam more often is becuase Daniel isn't around. the Teal'c/Sam relationship has never really been fouced on much. I am bais but I want Sam to be paired with Cameron more instead of being off on her own if she can't be with Daniel or Teal'c. I don't see why she has to be alone all the time, she has a place on the term if the writters would just go into detail about it more.

                      Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
                      And with the Carter shot thing, I searched some episodes to where Carter gets shot. In the episode, The Line in the Sand, Carter is badly injured. I'm guessing she is shot. However, Daniel is not in that episode.
                      You might be right in that case.

                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      "boating for beginners"... oh that is just priceless! lol... thanks for posting these!
                      I just love the look on their faces, it just goes with the tag line so well

                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      I agree... I'm wondering now though if they did mislead us at least once... in preparation for S10 they said that there weren't any plans to ship anyone at all. Well things like this past episode make me wonder if they lied and are doing Daniel/Vala ship... not that I really saw anything shippy myself but what if TPTB are trying to make it come across that way? I hope we're not being taken as far as that's concerned.
                      Really? See I got the feeling that they are trying to ship d/v this season. Maybe they didn't have any plans but it turned out that way in my books.

                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      If I were a Jack/Sam shipper I think I'd be pretty annoyed about that too. And you have a good point there as far as the best time for Sam/Daniel goes. I think they had a lot more interaction with each other back then... the friendship seemed so much stronger etc. I loved the scene in Jolinar's Memories where Sam was going through so much with her childhood memories (like her mom's death) and of course of Jolinar being tortured, and Daniel sat with her as she talked about it. He was like a shoulder to cry on. I don't know, I guess they were more "intimate" (though not in the way you may be thinking - sadly, lol ) back then.
                      They had lots of cute monemts back in those days. Agreed about them being more "intimate" back then

                      Yes season 8 would have been a good season for s/d too After rewatching season 6, I think season 7 would have worked too because we all saw how upset Sam was over Daniel back in season 6, plus less screen time for RDA. It could have worked. Forget Pete and go for Daniel only with a happier ending.
                      Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                        Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
                        I don't feel like it one sided but tptb are diffenlly showing one side more then the other.
                        Yeah I guess it isn't completely one-sided but you're right in that they are showing one side more. I was really glad to see something coming from Daniel in Morpheus... and I guess Quest Part 1... so it's not all totally one-sided. I just hope it doesn't become that way.

                        I can see why you would be. You where hoping for a Sam/Daniel monemt that never came
                        Yep. I guess it made more sense the way they did it, but it felt like the spoilers were giving me false hope. I've learned not to totally trust them now.

                        I'm not very good with icons so I'm not even going to bother posting them. (not that I make many). 3 more coming up

                        #1 icon_ascension | #2 stargater | #3ahkna_graphices | #4 ladyireth (can't remember if I posted #4 so I just taged it on at the end just in case.
                        I've posted a bunch of the ones I've made and I have a ton of them on my website. Awww...I think it just takes practice. Thanks for posting these Again I love the geeks, and love the "wtf" in #4

                        I like the second better since we get some more Daniel and Sam geek love plus Rodney too; It was all just way too fun. I thought non-AU Daniel was a little rude to everyone but I think he was alittle freaked out and did see his friends killed. How weird must Daniel felt spentinghte rest of his life back in time with the AU verison of his dead friends.
                        That's true... can't beat the geek love and Rodney had some good lines in there. Yeah, I was a bit surprised at the way "our" Daniel was a bit rude. He probably was feeling bitter or bad about his friends being killed, and it must have been freaky. I remember his reaction when he asked where his AU self was and AU Teal'c said he shot him.

                        I hear that, I know some people are really upset but since I loved Moebius so much I'm not.

                        I've seen BB and CB maked to look really old in Farscape so I can just picture that. Vala would age wouldn't see, she human but not from Earth. Chris would have to have his face tapped back so he doesn't have any lines in his face lol
                        Yeah I think it could be interesting. The first one I'm not too sure about since I'm not a huge fan of the Ori, but it is supposed to wrap that storyline up. Yep that's how I see it too. In "Listen to Yourself" I had Vala look like she really hadn't aged at all despite being 20 years older.

                        It really was becuase I was freaking out for a while there. Really? Too bad, I was half hoping.

                        okay, it's not a spoiler or anything but it's something, it's more about fliming the episode. RDA was talking about some of his favorite human beings.

                        "....Audy Mikita, who directed The Shroud and is another one of my favorite human beings a confidante and friend. He had me walking around Daniel, who is all frosty white," Anderson continues. "As I'm walking around this semi-interrogatinal mode, I remember my speeches getting bigger and bigger and, I don't know, Quite probably over-the-top. Andy apparently trusted me enough - or didn't trust me enough - to say anything, so I started cutting back and cutting it back. Of course, we printed everything and some days later he came to me and said 'you know, you'd think after all these years I would have learned to trust you. You're so right. You were so right on" And he apologized.

                        Then it went on to say that at the time of this interview they where fliming the last episode so it could be too late to squeeze him it and it said that he was more then willing to be in the movies
                        Yeah, they put a statement by him on the Michael Shanks Online site that the rumors of him being approached for the third series are completely unfounded.

                        Thanks for posting that! (spoilers for Shroud)
                        Sounds like there will be some good Jack and Daniel scenes there. I'm looking forward to it.

                        It's not silly, I cry when watching tv and movies all the time and if a vidoe is done well it can be just the same.
                        Yeah some things are just done so well that they move you to tears. I remember after Meridian, MS appeared at a con and they showed this tribute to Daniel video and he was almost crying and telling them "you guys are trying to make me cry" or something like that in a sort of joking way.

                        Cool thanks. I knew Jack, at least should have but not Sam's lol
                        No prob. lol it seems that Sam got "Holy Hannah" from Jacob. I remember him saying that in Tok'ra 2 after he became host to Selmak

                        That sounds so cool! I'll take a look and see if I can find it but my big list of sites are consise(sp) of and gateworld lol
                        Hope you can find it! I think I found a site that it was supposed to be on, but the link didn't work I'll try looking again, hopefully I saved it to my computer too...

                        Good timing on SciFi's part I watched Sight Unseen a day ago and I couldn't help but think that scene with the old woman who mistakenly thought Jonas and Sam where married. That that would be Daniel with Sam instead We need a fanfic witha stroy like that, that puts the idea in their heads and started the ball rolling
                        Very good timing Oh yeah, I remember that scene. I was thinking that too, the second time I saw it. Yeah I'd love to see a fanfic like that!

                        Cool thank you A intereview with two of my favorite people

                        I know I might be getting my hopes up but I think it's Daniel she talking about. Actors, tptb and others call the characters by actors names all the time. At least that what I see in interviews and such like.
                        You're welcome! Yeah that's what I was thinking all along but now I think she said Mitchell and they made a typo As MasterPower said, (spoilers for Line in the Sand)
                        looking at all the spoilers for upcoming eps, the only one that sounds like Sam might have gotten shot is Line in the Sand, and Daniel isn't going to be in that one. Sam spends a lot of time with Cam there so maybe she did say "Mitchell" and they got it wrong. *sigh* Oh well I still hold out a little bit of hope that they were talking about something else...

                        Cam/Vala I honsetly didn't think of that. *ducks and cover from follow Farscape fans* I could see that but if that the case I don't think it'lll be romantic. i.e the start of their ship. Really I can see them going for that for the Farscape fans out there.

                        LOL I'm not optimistic about a ship being started between them either. Maybe it'll be a kiss like the one between Sam and Daniel in 2010. Either way, as long as it isn't Daniel and Vala (well...again)
                        Last edited by JessM; 12 January 2007, 04:12 PM.


                          Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
                          I'd love a quote please I always felt like s/j started back in season one but then again I could be looking at things in a ship way when the weren't meant to be shippy.
                          Okie doke... it's from a Dec. 1997 article called "No Nookie on Stargate" lol:

                          "When we first started the series, there was talk of starting up something between Jack [Anderson's character] and Sam, or Sam and Daniel [Michael Shanks's character], and we all nixed that," Tapping says. "Richard and I right away said, 'Never.' A, it could never happen because he's her superior officer, and B, we don't want it to kill the show. I think the beauty of the relationship between the four of us on the team is this great friendship that we have, and this wonderful respect and admiration for each other. Adding anything into that mix would be silly, because I think right now it works as a team of really good friends."

                          It's interesting because I think her quote rings true this season especially... well IMHO of course... and is a bit sad how we don't get to see much of the great friendship between all the team members.

                          I think the reason Sam is paired with Cam more often is becuase Daniel isn't around. the Teal'c/Sam relationship has never really been fouced on much. I am bais but I want Sam to be paired with Cameron more instead of being off on her own if she can't be with Daniel or Teal'c. I don't see why she has to be alone all the time, she has a place on the term if the writters would just go into detail about it more.
                          Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the reason too. I'd love to see more Teal'c/Sam friendship though from her recent interview it sounds like we'll get something at the end (wish same was true for her and Daniel but I repeat myself ). I think I'd rather have her paired with Cam more instead of being on her own all the time. It does make her look like a fifth wheel, and I can definitely see why Amanda would feel that way.

                          I just love the look on their faces, it just goes with the tag line so well
                          It does... it's very clever

                          Really? See I got the feeling that they are trying to ship d/v this season. Maybe they didn't have any plans but it turned out that way in my books.
                          Yeah that's what I'm thinking... in that case I wish they hadn't said anything at all... again it was like more false hope, at least to me. It's silly but there have been times during this season where I wondered if rooting for Sam and Daniel's friendship was a waste of time if it's not going to be shown at all. I can't bring myself to root more for the other friendships or ships even if they are popular but I have wondered sometimes if it was worth it to like S/D when we get nothing. I still love it in my heart but sometimes feel so discouraged.

                          They had lots of cute monemts back in those days. Agreed about them being more "intimate" back then
                          Yep it was really nice. Think I might have mentioned it before but about a year ago there was this rumor on the Spoilergate group (on Yahoo) that Sam and Daniel would have a huge fight in season 10, driving them further apart. I was so saddened to hear that and I hoped it wouldn't happen...after the nice friendship that they've had.

                          Yes season 8 would have been a good season for s/d too After rewatching season 6, I think season 7 would have worked too because we all saw how upset Sam was over Daniel back in season 6, plus less screen time for RDA. It could have worked. Forget Pete and go for Daniel only with a happier ending.
                          Yeah I agree with that. I think it would be cool to have an AU fic where Pete never came along and Sam went for Daniel. My friend Jocelyn (fishyone on this site...she hasn't posted here in quite a while) was writing a fic where Pete was killed during Chimera and Sarah didn't survive because Osiris killed her, I guess released the poison or whatever it was. So Sam and Daniel both experience a painful loss but they help get each other through it. She only has 4 or 5 chapters written though and I hope she will write moer.


                            quick post with new caps... love these

                            (hmm wonder what he's saying in the second pic? )


                              I agree. The early season 8 episodes had Sam and Daniel moments in just about every episode. Such as Avatar, Covenant, Sacrifices, Endgame, and even Gemini. Good times ...

                              Here are some caps for the heck of it.






                                Thanks for the pictures, those are some great ones!

                                I agree, those were some good times... "golden years" (or "year" I guess) I'm writing episode guides from a Sam/Daniel point of view for my website and I think I'll have lots of material for the first half of S8. So many little moments that stand out... Daniel asking Sam if she'll join him and Teal'c for lunch (think it was in Zero Hour?) and seeming a bit concerned that she wouldn't pull herself away from her computer.

                                Back to the pictures, I love the looks they share in the beginning of Covenant. There is such an understanding there between them (though in the second one they may be trying to decide if they have enough time for a brief venture to the storage closet before the briefing ).

                                I also love how they stand together like that in Sacrifices, with Daniel's arm around Sam and she holds onto his hand. They're just so comfortable with one another, so relaxed and at ease.. no problem getting into each other's personal spaces.

                                *happy sigh*

