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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    They are on their secret honeymoon... *shhhh* you can send them congrats when they come back.... heheh
    Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



      Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
      Agreed. Don't the actors have any influence on the producers of the show? They should at least have some say. Hopefully we'll see some developement in their friendship during the second half of season 10. It'll be hard for that to happen, I think, because MS will be missing two episodes, and AT will be missing one. That's 3 episodes with no Daniel and Sam in it.
      Yeah, I think they should. AT said at a con last summer that she, MS and CJ tried to get little looks and stuff between each other in the episodes and she hoped that they would stay on film. She asked the producers for more moments between them, as I remember. I guess they don't want to listen to her though, because they either don't think Sam/Daniel or Sam/Daniel/Teal'c interaction is "popular" or it's not as fun writing it as what they're doing now.

      I'm not really optimistic about any friendship stuff in the second half of this season. Someone posted on the Daniel Discussion & Appreciation thread that there was a moment of caring and concern between them in The Quest Part II... guess we won't know till we see for ourselves, though. And AT said something vague about a future ep where
      Sam gets shot and has to explain how to do something to Daniel
      ... but from what I've heard about spoilers I don't know if we can trust that.

      Oh well, maybe we'll get a nice little surprise, if not in the second half of this season, then in either of the two movies. After all we didn't expect much from S9, and then we had Arthur's Mantle.

      It's hard to be optimistic sometimes but I'm going to really try.


        Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
        They are on their secret honeymoon... *shhhh* you can send them congrats when they come back.... heheh
        Heehee.... yep, I... oops... sorry, won't say anything more Instead I'll distract with some more cute pics.



          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Thanks so much I love them all, esp. #3 - it's so cute! And of course the "think you're an idiot" icon, lol... The hug in the last icon? That's from Forever In a Day (season 3). That was a sweet moment.
          My favorite are #1, #6, #7, and #8. Note Sam spabs Danny int he heart and in that season Sam gets engaged to Pete. *hint* hint* <- sorry couldn't help myself.

          I can't believe I forgot that episode

          #6 #7 #8 #9 #10

          #6, #7, & #8 ahkna_graphics | #9 samjack_girl |#10 ladyireth - All LJ usernames

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          That is a good point actually... I guess I see the difference in the way TPTB did things between then and now. I like to think that ideally they would remain close after SG-1 disbands. I really like to think that, but I'm just worried about the way TPTB will portray it, that will make us think that they won't be. It makes me sad to think Jack doesn't spend much time with them either. I miss the old team stuff, but I guess you are right that Cam would probably keep everyone close. I do hope that we won't be robbed of a goodbye at all, if not in the final episode, then in the movies.
          True but I'm putting on my rose colored glasses for now about this. That might change when the next episodes start up. I agree I really hope we not being going to be robbed of a goodbye. They haven't started flaming the movies yet as far as I know so AT might not be commenting on the movies just the show.

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Yeah, I do miss the Jack/Daniel friendship, and it would be nice to see more Daniel/Teal'c and Daniel/Cam. I've whined in other threads about Vala and Daniel being attached by the hip all the time, and it's good to see them interact more with the team than with each other (a reason why I liked The Quest more too). I know the writers love putting Daniel and Vala together, but I think they're overdoing it a little. It's almost like The Daniel and Vala Show, With These Other People. Okay maybe not that bad but I really want to see more team stuff, especially between Daniel and Sam and Teal'c. Those 3 are the last original members of SG-1 so it would be nice to see something special between them. But from what AT said, looks like it'll only be between Sam and Teal'c. I really hope there'll be something in the movies.
          They are over doing it a little. As do I.

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Yeah I'm trying to figure out how I could word something like that. I sent 2 letters to TPTB already, one last year and another this past summer about the S/D interaction and also about Sam/Daniel/Teal'c. I felt the same about that, that it probably wouldn't do any good but I didn't think it would hurt either.
          I'd word it somethign about the old term scenes that way you get more people then just Sam/Daniel fans

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          LOL I know, I was joking in my reply too It's the same with me, even though S/D friendship is a big reason I mainly watch for the whole team. Yeah I guess you are right. I shouldn't let it bother me so much... I guess I operate under the notion that if we don't see it onscreen it doesn't exist... like I need proof or something, which I guess is stupid.

          I just made this wall... sorry about it being depressing but I saw the lyrics somewhere and I kinda thought they fit:

          Great wall Sad words but true.

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Heehee... yup! You know the way Daniel first greets Catherine when she finds him in her house? The way he looks at her and says kindly "Hello!" I thought it was funny how much it was like the time he said "hello" to her the second time he saw her in the movie. It's little things like that that are cool.
          Really Cool

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Aww that stinks. Yeah, I think it's under SciFi Pulse or something like that. There are deleted scenes and interviews for a lot of the shows there.
          I'll check it out and see if I can somehow download them. Thanks

          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Thanks I guess I just thought everyone was tired of listening to my crazy ramblings, lol. I usually don't obsess over things this much, I just miss the old days and feel bad about how the show has changed. But I'll try not to let it get me down too much.
          I'm not, cause it's a different opinon and brings up soemthing to talk about.

          Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
          Agreed. Don't the actors have any influence on the producers of the show? They should at least have some say. Hopefully we'll see some developement in their friendship during the second half of season 10. It'll be hard for that to happen, I think, because MS will be missing two episodes, and AT will be missing one. That's 3 episodes with no Daniel and Sam in it.
          I think they do a too a point but if tptb want to do something I don't thinkt he actors can stop it. I heard MS wasn't in 2 episodes but he's already missed one.

          I could be wrong but I've pretty sure the episode MS isn't in is a AU episode that a heavy Sam episode.

          What episode is Sam not going to be in?

          Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
          They are on their secret honeymoon... *shhhh* you can send them congrats when they come back.... heheh
          Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


            Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
            My favorite are #1, #6, #7, and #8. Note Sam spabs Danny int he heart and in that season Sam gets engaged to Pete. *hint* hint* <- sorry couldn't help myself.

            I can't believe I forgot that episode
            Heheh... that is a very interesting coincidence I have to say!

            Nah, no worries.

            #6, #7, & #8 ahkna_graphics | #9 samjack_girl |#10 ladyireth - All LJ usernames
            Wow, thanks again! I like #8 a lot with the little smiley faces at the end, as well as #9 and I think #10 is kind of sweet

            I just made an animated one myself...

            They just have some funny expressions in that ep!

            True but I'm putting on my rose colored glasses for now about this. That might change when the next episodes start up. I agree I really hope we not being going to be robbed of a goodbye. They haven't started flaming the movies yet as far as I know so AT might not be commenting on the movies just the show.
            I guess that is the best thing to do for now, trying to be positive about it. I think she probably is just commenting on the show. I think I almost have the first movie figured out but the second one sounds interesting and hopefully we will get a decent goodbye in that one.

            They are over doing it a little. As do I.
            Yeah hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm thinking. I tried to stay away from spoilers but it didn't work lol... and some bits and pieces I've read about The Quest Part 2 suggest that (some quite vague spoilers)
            there is some nice Daniel/Cam stuff, and maybe even a little moment between Daniel and Sam.
            So maybe things are not as bad as I thought and the friendship thing is still there.

            I'd word it somethign about the old term scenes that way you get more people then just Sam/Daniel fans
            Thanks yeah, that would probably be best. On another thread some of us have been referring to Sam, Teal'c and Daniel as "The Big 3". If I mention them maybe it'll be better... After Morpheus aired some people made an online petition to TPTB saying that we loved the ep because of the great team interaction and would like to see more like it. I don't know what became of it but hopefully it did just an ounce of good.

            Great wall Sad words but true.
            Thanks! I think I go overboard sometimes lol, but sometimes you just get inspired in strange ways. On one occasion I'd heard Mariah Carey's "Can't Let Go" and then Whitney Houston's "All At Once" and thought they would make good songs for music videos like that... but I'm not good at doing those and it'd probably just depress me more lol

            Really Cool
            Yep, it's also where Daniel's "I have no idea" catchphrase originated from.

            I'll check it out and see if I can somehow download them. Thanks
            No prob, good luck with it! I think some of them are up on YouTube actually... there's a deleted scene from Sacrifices of Bra'tac having lunch with Sam and Daniel that's kind of nice.

            I'm not, cause it's a different opinon and brings up soemthing to talk about.
            Okay just making sure... I'm glad to hear it

            I think they do a too a point but if tptb want to do something I don't thinkt he actors can stop it. I heard MS wasn't in 2 episodes but he's already missed one.
            Yeah that's pretty much what I think. It all comes down to TPTB in the end, which kind of stinks. Thinking about the great team interaction in the early days, there were some good eps made by a variety of writers, now they just have only a few different people doing it so they're kind of stuck in a rut I think. It's a shame they can't get back some of the old writers. Yeah, MS was out for 2 eps so far, and he's out for 2 more in the second half. I thought AT was supposed to be out for 5, but as far as I've heard she's only out in one. I don't know what the others are.

            I could be wrong but I've pretty sure the episode MS isn't in is a AU episode that a heavy Sam episode.

            What episode is Sam not going to be in?
            *sigh* Yeah, I've heard that too. I wish I knew what AT was talking about when she said Sam gets shot and through her "dying" she has to explain something to Daniel... the way she said it though she said "my character gets shot and has to explain something to Michael." I wonder if it was a typo and she really said "Mitchell"... Eh, guess there is no way of really knowing...

            The ep that she's not going to be in is called "Bad Guys." From what I hear, Daniel will be paired up with Teal'c and he keeps letting his good guy persona slip out and Teal'c has to remind him that he's supposed to be bad, lol. Vala and Cam are paired together doing something else as well. Should be interesting.


              One more Moebius pic


                hmm did they see the missing footage of closet time that their AU selves had?
                Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                  Originally posted by JessM View Post
                  And AT said something vague about a future ep where
                  Sam gets shot and has to explain how to do something to Daniel
                  ... but from what I've heard about spoilers I don't know if we can trust that.
                  We can always hope, I guess. That is definately not in The Quest Part II, because they are showing scene by scene pictures of the episode in the season 10 forum. I'll take a look at the upcoming episodes during the second half of the season and see if anything similar pops up.


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Yeah, I think they should. AT said at a con last summer that she, MS and CJ tried to get little looks and stuff between each other in the episodes and she hoped that they would stay on film. She asked the producers for more moments between them, as I remember. I guess they don't want to listen to her though, because they either don't think Sam/Daniel or Sam/Daniel/Teal'c interaction is "popular" or it's not as fun writing it as what they're doing now.
                    *rolleyes* the tptb are stupid if they think it's not poplar anymore. Their relationship are part of what made the show last 10 years. It's what I watch the show for.

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    I'm not really optimistic about any friendship stuff in the second half of this season. Someone posted on the Daniel Discussion & Appreciation thread that there was a moment of caring and concern between them in The Quest Part II... guess we won't know till we see for ourselves, though. And AT said something vague about a future ep where
                    Sam gets shot and has to explain how to do something to Daniel
                    ... but from what I've heard about spoilers I don't know if we can trust that.

                    Oh well, maybe we'll get a nice little surprise, if not in the second half of this season, then in either of the two movies. After all we didn't expect much from S9, and then we had Arthur's Mantle.
                    I'm starting not to be as optinistic about the friendship stuff too. Really?! I hope so. I know The Quest part 2 has or is about to air outside the US and Canada so it maybe true.

                    So SG1 does the mislead with spoilers like some other shows? I'm still new to the Stargate online fandom so I don't know much about spoilers for the show.

                    Really? Cool, I have a little more hope now

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Heheh... that is a very interesting coincidence I have to say!

                    Nah, no worries.
                    LOL Indeed

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Wow, thanks again! I like #8 a lot with the little smiley faces at the end, as well as #9 and I think #10 is kind of sweet

                    I just made an animated one myself...


                    They just have some funny expressions in that ep!
                    I love #8 too, I used #5 in my sig and on my LJ for a long time till I found the little smiley faces and I couldn't pick between them lol. I have antoher 5 more to post. I've lost a lot of my Moebius icons *sobs* but I'm going to keep looking other wise my other Daniel/Sam icosn have others [like Jack or the term]. If you guys don't mind other people in the icons I can post some of those too. Maybe I'll post 3 at a time and let my icons last longer. What do you think?

                    That they did Moebius 1&2 are still my favorites episodes, I like part 2 best out of the two of them. Like I said before I could go on all day about allt he things I loved about the episodes but I won't bore you guys. I still think it made brilliant ending for the show so I'm hoping we'll get something like that with the movies.

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    I guess that is the best thing to do for now, trying to be positive about it. I think she probably is just commenting on the show. I think I almost have the first movie figured out but the second one sounds interesting and hopefully we will get a decent goodbye in that one.
                    She could be. I have clue about the first movie beyond
                    the Ori storyline will be wrapped up [mostly]
                    I hope we do just incase we don't get a thrid movie.
                    I heard they are willing to do a movie every year as long as the movies do well. The actors all want to do a movie every year so I'm happy and hoping

                    [QUOTE=JessM;6182176]Yeah hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm thinking. I tried to stay away from spoilers but it didn't work lol... and some bits and pieces I've read about The Quest Part 2 suggest that (some quite vague spoilers)
                    there is some nice Daniel/Cam stuff, and maybe even a little moment between Daniel and Sam.
                    So maybe things are not as bad as I thought and the friendship thing is still there.

                    I really tried to stay away from all spoilers till I mistaken opened a thread that didn't have any spoiler warning and Daniel big stroyline was ruined for me. I was so pissed off and
                    scared they where going to kill Daniel off. Since at that time I didn't know what order the episodes where in only that the show was ending. I kept thinking that be sucha curel way to end the show. Then I read a interview by MS and heard the rumors that they want Daniel for this new show the planing so I started getting more hope that he'll live. Then I gave up and read the spoilers since chances are I'd get spoiled again anyway. Now I can't get enough, I'm so bad that way once I start I can't stop. Plus I started getting Stargate magzine which has spoilers in it all over the place. Which reminds me I found a small spoiler ragrading Jack and Daniel if anyone wants to know

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Thanks! I think I go overboard sometimes lol, but sometimes you just get inspired in strange ways. On one occasion I'd heard Mariah Carey's "Can't Let Go" and then Whitney Houston's "All At Once" and thought they would make good songs for music videos like that... but I'm not good at doing those and it'd probably just depress me more lol
                    I know what you mean. Sometimes you get hear a song or see something and you think "that's it excatlly" Things just click. It might just a little lol I can't watch music videos so I know nothing about them sadly.

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Yep, it's also where Daniel's "I have no idea" catchphrase originated from.
                    Cool I know this is a little off topic but what's Sam and Jack's catchphrase?
                    Cam has "now that what I'm talking about", Teal'c has "indeed" [lol] so what's everyone elses?

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    No prob, good luck with it! I think some of them are up on YouTube actually... there's a deleted scene from Sacrifices of Bra'tac having lunch with Sam and Daniel that's kind of nice.
                    Cool! Man I've got to get looking. I'm thinking of trying to get my brother to download them all onto a disc for me (since he has highspeed internet)

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Yeah that's pretty much what I think. It all comes down to TPTB in the end, which kind of stinks. Thinking about the great team interaction in the early days, there were some good eps made by a variety of writers, now they just have only a few different people doing it so they're kind of stuck in a rut I think. It's a shame they can't get back some of the old writers. Yeah, MS was out for 2 eps so far, and he's out for 2 more in the second half. I thought AT was supposed to be out for 5, but as far as I've heard she's only out in one. I don't know what the others are.
                    Every weekday I rewatch the early days. Space is reruning the show. ti's at season 6 right now so no Daniel but still fun

                    5 episodes *eek* I hope not I hate to sound horrible but isn't MS out for at least 2 episodes almost every season?

                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    *sigh* Yeah, I've heard that too. I wish I knew what AT was talking about when she said Sam gets shot and through her "dying" she has to explain something to Daniel... the way she said it though she said "my character gets shot and has to explain something to Michael." I wonder if it was a typo and she really said "Mitchell"... Eh, guess there is no way of really knowing...

                    The ep that she's not going to be in is called "Bad Guys." From what I hear, Daniel will be paired up with Teal'c and he keeps letting his good guy persona slip out and Teal'c has to remind him that he's supposed to be bad, lol. Vala and Cam are paired together doing something else as well. Should be interesting.
                    Where did she say that? Did I miss somethign when I read her interview with Gateworld? Now I'm going to go back a check.

                    Could be Mitchell but it could be Daniel. Stupid names having such close spelling. I'd love it either way but I am hoping more for Daniel then Cameron.

                    I wonder if she gets shot in the Shound(sp). I know this is a lot of guessing but there a spoiler that "two fan favorites will finally kiss", J ack's coming back for a episode and Daniel will be a paior. So what if Sam gets shot, Jack and Sam kiss becuase they think she going to die, she has a momnet with Daniel who heals her. ??? I know that a real long shot and the spoilers are most likely not linked in that way but it's just a idea.

                    I just don't think the Vala and Daniel will be the fan favorites who fainlly get the kiss. They've kissed already (for real; no time loop, AU or alien virus). Plus IMO it hasn't been long enough with them for a kiss between the kiss consisted "finally"

                    Well that a good and bad then, We get some Teal'c/Daniel action but not Sam action. I love Cameron to death but the high school reuion plot still doesn't sound to great to me but we'll wait and see. I am looking forward to the Teal'c/Daniel stuff that sounds like it going to be fun
                    Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                      lol - ya i mistakenly went looking for the discussion on Quest Pt. 2, and OPPS spoilers left right and sideways... I backed out quick. Usually, by this time in the hiatus - well by this time it's close to starting the second half *mutters vemently at Sci-Fi* - I am dying for spoilers...

                      SG1 is really good about "leaking" stuff... there really isn't a lot of misguiding in them, rather they like to keep em vague... So if we do stumble upon them, they don't say which ep, or a whole bunch of them and you wonder which one goes with which.... It's more fun sometimes. But am still trying to stay as spoiler free as possible.

                      As for optimism... I am trying to just cling to the fact that my show is passing away, and no matter what we do, we will not get it back (however the movies, and news associated with movies, is good!). *huge sigh* I love it for more then just the ship, I love it for the stories, and concepts that they show... and the small interactions we get between my shipped couples.... s/d, c/v, v/t.... mmmmmm but mostly they are fanfic shipped....
                      Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                        Originally posted by JessM View Post
                        Yeah, I think they should. AT said at a con last summer that she, MS and CJ tried to get little looks and stuff between each other in the episodes and she hoped that they would stay on film. She asked the producers for more moments between them, as I remember. I guess they don't want to listen to her though, because they either don't think Sam/Daniel or Sam/Daniel/Teal'c interaction is "popular" or it's not as fun writing it as what they're doing now.
                        I'd like to touch on that for a second. It's obvious, since the beginning of the show the producers have been leaning with O'Neill and Carter as a pair, with Daniel and Teal'c getting their small sparks with Carter here and there. But when O'Neill left the show in season 9, it upset me that they didn't give Carter and Daniel a try, just to see what the fans thought of it. They obviously wanted to keep the Carter and O'Neill thing alive when he came back in 200. Why not just make a small relationship arc with Carter and Daniel? If the fans don't like it, big deal, the producers can always switch back to what they origonally had in mind. But at least give us something. They should have at least done something like this in season 9, or early season 10 with Daniel and Carter.


                          #11 #12 #13

                          #11 ahkna_graphics | #12 winterfish | #13 Icon_ascension

                          Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
                          lol - ya i mistakenly went looking for the discussion on Quest Pt. 2, and OPPS spoilers left right and sideways... I backed out quick. Usually, by this time in the hiatus - well by this time it's close to starting the second half *mutters vemently at Sci-Fi* - I am dying for spoilers...
                          I'm too chickren to go into anything about the Quest part 2. I want spoilers but not how the episode ends. You know what I mean? If you find anything that is not too spoilers for how the episode ends. Apirl is way to far a way for me. I'm pretty sure the U.S air episodes so I bet we'll be a week behind again

                          Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
                          SG1 is really good about "leaking" stuff... there really isn't a lot of misguiding in them, rather they like to keep em vague... So if we do stumble upon them, they don't say which ep, or a whole bunch of them and you wonder which one goes with which.... It's more fun sometimes. But am still trying to stay as spoiler free as possible.
                          I like that I don't like misleads since I can be looking forward to something and it never comes.

                          Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
                          I'd like to touch on that for a second. It's obvious, since the beginning of the show the producers have been leaning with O'Neill and Carter as a pair, with Daniel and Teal'c getting their small sparks with Carter here and there. But when O'Neill left the show in season 9, it upset me that they didn't give Carter and Daniel a try, just to see what the fans thought of it. They obviously wanted to keep the Carter and O'Neill thing alive when he came back in 200. Why not just make a small relationship arc with Carter and Daniel? If the fans don't like it, big deal, the producers can always switch back to what they origonally had in mind. But at least give us something. They should have at least done something like this in season 9, or early season 10 with Daniel and Carter.
                          In a way I can see why they didn't give Daniel and Sam a try for that reason but all they did with Jack and Sam is leave the door open, they didn't do anything either way. That is the annoying bit, well it's a little more then annoying. They should have either came out and said Sam & Jack are together or not so Sam's character can go onto other romances. It's rather cruel to leave it open so no shippers are happy.

                          so yeah I agree with you

                          I still think that the best time for Sam/Daniel was the early years [after his wife's death] since they didn't wrap things up with Jack/Sam and started Daniel/Vala. BUt at that point they already had the ball rolling with Sam/Jack. Funny around that time Daniel started going for blonds, well they showed it more lol
                          Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                            Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
                            We can always hope, I guess. That is definately not in The Quest Part II, because they are showing scene by scene pictures of the episode in the season 10 forum. I'll take a look at the upcoming episodes during the second half of the season and see if anything similar pops up.
                            Yeah, I guess that's all we can really do. I didn't think it would be in The Quest 2. I went through all the ep spoilers I could find for the others and I can't make heads or tails out of it. I just hope that the interviewer didn't make a typo and meant "Mitchell" instead of "Michael." Thanks, you'll have to let us know if you find anything.


                              Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
                              hmm did they see the missing footage of closet time that their AU selves had?
                              *snicker snicker* Oh, I was feeling kind of down just before and that cheered me right up! (((rebelwriter))) Kudos to you!

                              LOL... it does look like it! Although I think these guys might have gotten caught red-handed not long afterwards...


                              *and yeah, I know "feigning innocence" sounds better...but it wouldn't fit on the pic and it was too late for me to go back and edit... oh well!


                                Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
                                *rolleyes* the tptb are stupid if they think it's not poplar anymore. Their relationship are part of what made the show last 10 years. It's what I watch the show for.
                                I agree. It was a tried and true formula, as well as all the team stuff. As the saying goes, "if it aint broke, don't fix it."

                                I'm starting not to be as optinistic about the friendship stuff too. Really?! I hope so. I know The Quest part 2 has or is about to air outside the US and Canada so it maybe true.
                                Yeah, The Quest 2 just aired in the UK last night. I wanted to stay away from the spoilers but see how that ended up, lol... I went and read a transcript with screencaps on some website. It's hard to tell from there but some who posted in the different threads mentioned it. Definitely looks to me like Sam shows some concern for Daniel but I can't tell by the transcript or pics whether he returns it. I guess that's been one of my beefs lately with this season, that the concern/care seems a bit one-sided in that Sam seems to show it more to Daniel and he doesn't really show much to her. Unless it is my imagination...

                                So SG1 does the mislead with spoilers like some other shows? I'm still new to the Stargate online fandom so I don't know much about spoilers for the show.
                                I don't think they mislead all that much. They're usually pretty vague, and if they end up being wrong I think it's probably just due to stupid errors, like in Memento Mori
                                they said that Cam and Teal'c would be interrogating that one guy while Sam and Daniel watch. It ended up being Daniel and Teal'c doing the interrogation while Sam and Cam watched. Not that it was a huge deal or anything but I was a wee bit disappointed.

                                Really? Cool, I have a little more hope now
                                Yeah, it can be a bit hard but I'm trying not to lose hope.

                                I love #8 too, I used #5 in my sig and on my LJ for a long time till I found the little smiley faces and I couldn't pick between them lol. I have antoher 5 more to post. I've lost a lot of my Moebius icons *sobs* but I'm going to keep looking other wise my other Daniel/Sam icosn have others [like Jack or the term]. If you guys don't mind other people in the icons I can post some of those too. Maybe I'll post 3 at a time and let my icons last longer. What do you think?
                                Cool Aww that stinks... I made a ton of icons, some of which are pretty bad in the beginning til I learned some new Photoshop tricks and whatnot. I love the ones you've been posting. I like team ones too... heck they're all good. Sure, 3 at a time is fine - whatever works for you.

                                That they did Moebius 1&2 are still my favorites episodes, I like part 2 best out of the two of them. Like I said before I could go on all day about allt he things I loved about the episodes but I won't bore you guys. I still think it made brilliant ending for the show so I'm hoping we'll get something like that with the movies.
                                lol I know what you mean. I think it would have made a cool ending for the show had they decided to end it after S8. I guess I like part 1 a bit better than part 2 because of what happens to AU Daniel in part 2 (*sniffle*). I hope we do get something like that for the second movie. I did find some spoilers for it, just for the ideas they had and it does sound similar to Moebius.

                                She could be. I have clue about the first movie beyond
                                the Ori storyline will be wrapped up [mostly]
                                I hope we do just incase we don't get a thrid movie.
                                I heard they are willing to do a movie every year as long as the movies do well. The actors all want to do a movie every year so I'm happy and hoping
                                They said the second movie will be a time travel one and as I said the spoilers made it sound almost like Moebius. Will be interesting to see how they pull it off. lol, I wonder how many movies they will end up doing... we could see a 60 year old Daniel and Sam and Cam... well except for Teal'c and Vala since they're both way past that

                                I really tried to stay away from all spoilers till I mistaken opened a thread that didn't have any spoiler warning and Daniel big stroyline was ruined for me. I was so pissed off and
                                scared they where going to kill Daniel off. Since at that time I didn't know what order the episodes where in only that the show was ending. I kept thinking that be sucha curel way to end the show. Then I read a interview by MS and heard the rumors that they want Daniel for this new show the planing so I started getting more hope that he'll live. Then I gave up and read the spoilers since chances are I'd get spoiled again anyway. Now I can't get enough, I'm so bad that way once I start I can't stop. Plus I started getting Stargate magzine which has spoilers in it all over the place. Which reminds me I found a small spoiler ragrading Jack and Daniel if anyone wants to know
                                Oh man, I can imagine how you must have felt. It's a shame they weren't more careful and didn't put the spoiler warning there... for something as big as that. I think they debunked that rumor that MS was approached for the new show... shame. lol, I usually get the magazine but I didn't get a chance to get the latest issue, so I'd love to hear about the Jack and Daniel thing if you don't mind.

                                I know what you mean. Sometimes you get hear a song or see something and you think "that's it excatlly" Things just click. It might just a little lol I can't watch music videos so I know nothing about them sadly.
                                Yeah, too often I'll be reading something or hearing a song and instantly be reminded of something like that. I was so silly, one of my friends made this Daniel/Sam video and it was the first one I ever saw and it just about made me cry. It wasn't sad or anything, just a nice friendship video to "At the Beginning" by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis. I don't think I've seen any about unrequited love but there was a sad one that was S/D and about Meridian... quite beautiful but still sad.

                                Cool I know this is a little off topic but what's Sam and Jack's catchphrase?
                                Cam has "now that what I'm talking about", Teal'c has "indeed" [lol] so what's everyone elses?
                                lol, that's okay! I think Sam's is "Holy Hannah" and Jack's... I think he has more than one, but two of the most famous ones are "for cryin' out loud" and "ya think?"

                                Oh! Speaking of the movie... a friend did this AU fic about Sam meeting Daniel around the time of the movie, when he was first recruited by the Stargate program. It was pretty cool, and their interaction was almost like it was in Moebius. I think it was called the "A Shadowed Mirror" series... unfortunately I can't find it right now.

                                Cool! Man I've got to get looking. I'm thinking of trying to get my brother to download them all onto a disc for me (since he has highspeed internet)
                                Hey, whatever works! Hope you have some luck with it.

                                Every weekday I rewatch the early days. Space is reruning the show. ti's at season 6 right now so no Daniel but still fun
                                It's great you can see it every day! SciFi does that as well, usually weekdays at 6pm. I remember the night Memento Mori first aired, the 6pm showing was Singularity, which rocked IMHO, lol

                                5 episodes *eek* I hope not I hate to sound horrible but isn't MS out for at least 2 episodes almost every season?
                                Me too. So far I've only heard of her being out of one episode. I think MS was there for every episode last season as well as S8 and S7 (though there were a few eps that he was hardly in because he was filming a Daniel-centric ep at the time as well). I know he didn't appear in a couple of eps during S4, definitely Prodigy and he was only in the beginning of Double Jeopardy since he was directing that one.

                                Where did she say that? Did I miss somethign when I read her interview with Gateworld? Now I'm going to go back a check.
                                Oh, that was in a TV Guide online interview with her and David Hewlett. I think I have the link... *rummages* Ah here it is... *EDIT: Okay never mind, the link doesn't work anymore But I did post the comments on my website's forum so I'll put them here in spoiler tags:

                                TV Guide: Amanda, what kind of trouble will Sam get into after this crossover?

                                Tapping: The funniest thing coming up is the 200th [episode]. It's the most fun I've had filming on this show. We just laughed our heads off. But for my character specifically, we're doing a story where I get shot, and through my "dying," I have to try to fix a situation by explaining it to Michael.

                                Could be Mitchell but it could be Daniel. Stupid names having such close spelling. I'd love it either way but I am hoping more for Daniel then Cameron.

                                I wonder if she gets shot in the Shound(sp). I know this is a lot of guessing but there a spoiler that "two fan favorites will finally kiss", J ack's coming back for a episode and Daniel will be a paior. So what if Sam gets shot, Jack and Sam kiss becuase they think she going to die, she has a momnet with Daniel who heals her. ??? I know that a real long shot and the spoilers are most likely not linked in that way but it's just a idea.

                                I just don't think the Vala and Daniel will be the fan favorites who fainlly get the kiss. They've kissed already (for real; no time loop, AU or alien virus). Plus IMO it hasn't been long enough with them for a kiss between the kiss consisted "finally"

                                Well that a good and bad then, We get some Teal'c/Daniel action but not Sam action. I love Cameron to death but the high school reuion plot still doesn't sound to great to me but we'll wait and see. I am looking forward to the Teal'c/Daniel stuff that sounds like it going to be fun
                                Yeah, I really hope she was talking about Daniel instead of Cam.

                                I was worried at first about the "fan favorites finally lock lips" - worried that it was supposed to be Vala and Daniel. But like you said, there already was a kiss there. But I've heard now that it will be Cam and Vala and it's supposed to happen in that high school reunion episode. At first I wasn't sure but a friend of mine said she saw a clip of them kissing and it looked like it was from that episode.

