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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    As I told you in the review on, I loved this fic, ShimmeringStar! You did a beautiful job
    Thanks! Hope you got my PM back.

    Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
    I finally finshed this fic last night and I loved it!! I hope there's a sequel
    Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
    Oh my!!! ShimmeringStar - was being a total butt head yesterday and not letting me do reviews - but I spent all day between PR faxes (distainfully looking at them as they were delived into my inbox) and tapping my resouces at Court, reading this AWESOME fic!!!

    One request - you have to give us more!!!! it was just .... left there... hanging.... *sniffle* Amazing S/D fic (like yours!!!) is hard to find somedays... please? please? *offers chocolate walnut cookies as bribe*
    LOL! Between all of you and my beta bribing begging, how can I say no???!!! So, yes... since Monday morn, I've been scribbling story arcs, plot notes, and some scenes already (thanks to 3 days in a row of *horrendous* traffic on the commute to work) (bad for getting to work on time, but *wonderful* for letting the plot bunnies distract one from the fact it took 20 minutes to go a quarter of a mile!). Can't give an ETA since S8-10 are a little *less* fun to play with than S1-8, but I'm going to try to get these scribbles typed up and committed to the lappie while the first fic is still fairly fresh in the old noggin' and do as much as I can while the muse is humoring me.

    No bribery needed, but I'll take a cookie, thank you! *nibbles on chocolate walnut cookie*
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
      Terrific icon, Jess. You should use it as your avatar.

      Back to my fanfics, I need everyone's brilliant minds to help me. I'm coming up in my Lost Season of SG-1 when I will be pairing Daniel and Sam. However, I'm stumped how I will get it started. Sam and Daniel have known each other for ten years, but what will start the spark?? I need help.
      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      Thanks MasterPower I just might do that... I think 60x60 or something like that is the limit for avatar size though so I'll have to shrink it a bit... will see what I can do.

      It's probably very cliched but maybe something happens during a mission that throws them together, like they're stranded together somewhere. Spending a lot of time with each other could get them to realize their feelings for each other.

      That's about all I can think of right now... I'll see if I can come up with anything else.
      The loss of someone very special to them? (Janet or someone else?)

      Being in a crisis situation ('course when weren't they?) on a mission where they come to question what they really each mean to the other?

      Just some ideas...
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Thanks for the ideas.
        If anyone has more please feal free to share them.
        I will consider all of them.


          Originally posted by MasterPower View Post
          Ideas? Err.... Let's see, the classic thrown together and forced marriage is good. The on a mission and feelings happen is good. Or you can do a near death experance (channeling Maridian) and when Daniel (or for a real twist, Sam) get's better, they tell each other they love each other.

          Um... could do the AU theme where in an AU S/D is togheter and the world is right and they slap our S/D around to see that they are ment together. I don't know... does that help a bit? I'll think of more later on I'm sure.
          Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
            Thanks! Hope you got my PM back.
            You're welcome! Yup, I got it back. I've been insanely busy the past couple of days so didn't get a chance to reply. But I will!

            LOL! Between all of you and my beta bribing begging, how can I say no???!!! So, yes... since Monday morn, I've been scribbling story arcs, plot notes, and some scenes already (thanks to 3 days in a row of *horrendous* traffic on the commute to work) (bad for getting to work on time, but *wonderful* for letting the plot bunnies distract one from the fact it took 20 minutes to go a quarter of a mile!). Can't give an ETA since S8-10 are a little *less* fun to play with than S1-8, but I'm going to try to get these scribbles typed up and committed to the lappie while the first fic is still fairly fresh in the old noggin' and do as much as I can while the muse is humoring me.

            No bribery needed, but I'll take a cookie, thank you! *nibbles on chocolate walnut cookie*
            *grin* It worked! Um...I mean... *cough* But it sounds promising, can't wait to see what you come up with!


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
              The loss of someone very special to them? (Janet or someone else?)

              Being in a crisis situation ('course when weren't they?) on a mission where they come to question what they really each mean to the other?

              Just some ideas...
              Those are both good ideas... I can see how the loss of someone special might bring them close - or maybe one of them gets seriously hurt or ill and the other takes care of them? I think that one's been done a lot but that's about all I have.


                First picture...

                Daniel: Sam, did you just...?
                Sam: Uh......nope, not me....

                Yeah, really obvious, I know

                That's one of my favorite later season eps too. It was great to see them working together again since we didn't get much of that in S9. It was a cool little birthday present too (yeah my bday was the day before it aired, lol!).


                  Have another silly caption for ya. Yeah I know it's S1 but just think of it as AU lol


                    last pic:

                    sam: uh Daniel, why are you looking like you want to kiss me?
                    Daniel: because maybe I am thinking about it.

                    great caption as ususal Jess


                      LOL - aww they are all good!!! helps keep me awake... that and this stack of newly arrived "Dear Santa" letters... they make me feel better about my spelling... no matter that they are in the 2nd grade and I'm um.... *cough* not. keep em coming!!

                      Oh and I finished a small fluffy kinda fic yesterday, I may post it later if ya'll want.
                      Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                        I like the new signature, rebelwriter.


                          Ooh do post it Chris we like ficcys


                            I'm Only in it For the Tax Breaks
                            By: Christine/Chris4Short
                            Spoilers: none
                            Season: S8 since Jack's in charge... sorta
                            Summery: Sam and Daniel talk about why they risk life and limb doing what they do.
                            Disclaimer: I don't own em. Never will. If sued, talk to the closet, and pick your outfit - that's all I have. Oh maybe your name in the article I write about you suing me. If you're lucky.


                            Under the spoiler cut for length only...
                            Daniel hunched over his desk, tapping a pencil on a stack of papers as if the words he needed would magically spring out. He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes. The artifact before him and the rotating glyphs of text on his computer screen were suddenly looking like gibberish to him.

                            He drained the last of his coffee and then looked at his clock. He blinked at the hands that pointed toward the 2 and the 40. 2:40a.m. his mind screamed. Glancing at the empty cup and the computer screen, he decided
                            to leave his office; it seemed to help to look at it anew later on in the day. Locking his computer and then his office door, he walked to the elevators,
                            stifling a yawn.

                            Daniel never second guessed his occupation; honestly he could not see himself doing anything else. He had grown up destined to be an archeologist and a linguist. As a child he found the pick-ax and chiseled the fascinating tools found in his father's box. He would sit at his mothers feet, amazed at the words he did not recognize flow off of her tongue. To be doing his job was almost like a homage to them, long dead and mostly forgotten.

                            Rounding the corner, he pushed the commissary doors open and went to the sink beside the coffee pots.

                            "Trish just made a fresh pot," Sam said, coming up behind him. "She left to over see the stocking of the new shipment."

                            Daniel smiled, shaking the last drops of water from the cup. "After that fake memo Jack pulled on us, she still is paranoid that the shipment will be wrong."

                            "She takes her job seriously. Your not joining me for a cup?"

                            "No; it's already," he glanced at his watch, squinting. "Five till three. I'll sit up with you, though. What project are you working on?"

                            "No project, expense reports."

                            "That is a project."

                            Sam stirred some milk into her cup and smiled. "Some days I canâ??t remember what I am doing, let alone why I bought a box of band-aids when I have full access to a medical facility."

                            Daniel sat down opposite Sam and watched her for a moment furrow her brow and tap her pencil. He smiled and placed a hand over hers. Sam looked up sharply and smiled sadly. "Sorry. Just been pushing myself I guess."

                            "I have an idea, let's go. Let's just leave everything here, and go up top. Leave a note for Trish - she can look after your stuff - and let's just... go."

                            Sam studied Daniel for a moment, wondering what was wrong with her friend. Daniel gave a frustrated sigh and reached over and pulled her to her feet, dragging her down the hall. "I need some air, you need some air." He gestured something with his hands and looked at Sam.

                            "Let's just go?" Sam supplied.

                            Daniel broke into a smile and nodded. "Exactly."

                            They rode the elevator up and got off, swiping their badges to open the escape hatch they used to climb to the top of the mountain. Slowly they climbed the ladder and as Daniel got to the top, he helped Sam open the metal hatch. Silently they walked to a nearby stump and fallen log, each sitting and looking up at the stars of the early morning.

                            "Why did I think I wanted to stay below doing expense reports?" Sam asked quietly, moving closer to Daniel as a sudden breeze tickled her cheeks.

                            "Because if we don't get them done Jack will have our hides?"

                            Sam gave a small chuckle. "More like someone with have his hide. I have so much paperwork to do," Sam said, slumping her head down further and pushing her fingers through her hair.

                            "Well let's not think about that. Let's just enjoy the nothing, and the stars, and the company." Daniel wrapped an arm around Sam, pulling her in closer. "We can figure out why we do what we do later."

                            "I already know why," Sam said, resting her head on his shoulder.


                            "It's the Christmas parties."

                            Daniel paused before breaking into laughter. She had said it with such seriousness and conviction that he was not sure what to make of the statement at first.

                            "I think Jack does it for the cake on anniversaries and birthdays."

                            "Teal'c does it for the discount candles," Sam said, now joining in with her laughter. "Why do you do it? I mean why risk life and limb for something that no one knows about. For something you can't ever tell your peers you were right?"

                            Daniel looked up at the stars and watched how the horizon was being tickled by the first light of the sun.

                            "Don't you know, I do it for the tax breaks and death insurance policies."

                            Sam covered her mouth as she leaned forward, laughing hard. Daniel joined in and soon they were wiping tears from their eyes, trying hard not to continue laughing.

                            "We better go in," Sam said, when she caught her breath. "It's already 6:14."

                            "You can tell the time by the sunrise?" Daniel asked, helping Sam up.

                            "Well I could, but I looked at the watch your tax break, and death insurance money bought you."

                            Jack spent the morning wondering why Sam and Daniel were giggling during breakfast, briefing and as they walked into the gate room. He shrugged it off until he heard Daniel shout to Sam as he ran back to pick up an extra gun, "Hey with the tax break we receive, we can spare a few more of these." Followed by Sam holding her side and giggling as they walked through the event horizon.

                            Maybe, just maybe, he did not want to know.
                            Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                              ohhhhhhhh me liked short and sweet

