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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
    Thanks! I'm glad you liked it

    I was just subjected to my first flaming UGH!...this is what they said..."Sam/Daniel? Please give me a bucket, I'm gonna be sick!" That makes me Kristen angry
    (((hugs))) I saw that... I'm sorry someone did that to you. And look how gutsy they were to leave an anonymous review so you couldn't reply to them.

    I've gotten that before too....something like "Sam and Daniel? Gross!" from a S/J shipper. I don't care who other people ship as long as they're respectful. And you said what the pairing was before the story so they have no excuse like "well I didn't know what the pairing was before I started reading!"

    Seems like some idiot just wanting to cause trouble. I made a note on my profile that I'm a S/D shipper so my stories are S/D and if people don't like that just don't read them. Like it'll do any good

    But don't listen to that idiot... I love the story and the pairing


      Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
      Daniel: Everything's all set. Our private plane is waiting to take us to our secluded honeymoon spot.
      *GRIN* I LOVE all the captions you guys have been doing! And this last one could really inspire a fic I think


        yes it could...... but we have fics to keep us happy... although a current rp i'm doin w/ a online buddy has SD ship.. what can ya say.. its addicting... like chocolate.


          I was doing some screen caps last night and I thought you S/D shippers when I saw this clip.

          It's not very clear, they were moving too much.

          from a Sam/Daniel friendshipper.


            Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post
            Yeah, I was pretty bummed about that. Well, they say friendships could always lead to something more

            I just got home from Burbank about an hour ago. I'm so tired and I almost lost my voice. I should have pics and a report up soon. I need at least a week, mybe two to recover. I'm a huge pile of gue, right now.

            My brain totally went blank when I asked Michael the question too!!! Gosh, I'm such a fangirl (and lovin' every minute of it!)!!!!!
            Aww well at least you went up there I don't think I'd have the guts to do that...maybe if someone came with me but I'm not sure even then.

            Yeah I know what you mean... but I gathered that he was saying they were more like brother and sister than even friends. I dunno but that didn't sound too positive to me. You know the saying "you can't choose your relatives"? I know some people who are siblings and don't like to bother with each other much, and if they weren't related they wouldn't bother with them at all. I don't get the whole brother/sister thing... I guess it's cause I don't have siblings though...

            If I was there I'd ask him if Sam and Daniel are still friends and will we see any moments between them. I think I know what the answer is though

            Anyway sorry to get you down - I'm not in a good mood and had a horrible weekend... I do look forward to your pics and report though.


              Ohhh thats a very nice cap


                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                yes it could...... but we have fics to keep us happy... although a current rp i'm doin w/ a online buddy has SD ship.. what can ya say.. its addicting... like chocolate.
       true. TGFF - Thank Goodness For Fics


                  Originally posted by Terrah View Post
                  I was doing some screen caps last night and I thought you S/D shippers when I saw this clip.

                  It's not very clear, they were moving too much.

                  from a Sam/Daniel friendshipper.
                  Love the cap Terrah, thanks!


                    Another pic


                      *rambles in* Howdy from the Burbank sleep deprived Con goer!

                      A) glad you made it safely home Nicole - Thanks for putting up with our randomness... welcome to the ClubRandom... wear your pass at your own risk.

                      B) Whoo hoo - 2 pgs to catch up on!! And we are on the 1st page Great posting ya'll!

                      C) Pics! *melt* Oh they are great captions too guys - made me a bit perky as I laughted!

                      D) Fic!!! *runs around and collapses* I loved the fic. sorry about the flame - I have had my fair share of interesting (and anomous) reply/flames... most are not as kind as we are to them.

                      E) Walls! Whoo hoo!!

                      F) I am downloading my pics - dude they look much better on my tiny screen on my camera... what gives? But am downloading and trying to clean them up. I hope to type the written con report sometime within this month... Like Nicole (aka Spacemonkey_Jackson) said, give us a few days to just sop ourselves up *goooo*

                      Er... i think that's it. If not, I'll post another comment. Sorry, got in to bed at 4am this morning and came to work at 8:15am. I am a good soldier.... *collapses on desk again*
                      Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                        Hey folks,
                        I have posted my latest fan fic on the website forum..go check it,second chapter to come next!
                        A well respected member of:

                        Check out my newest made forum!



                          Originally posted by Rottie View Post
                          Hey folks,
                          I have posted my latest fan fic on the website forum..go check it,second chapter to come next!
                          Aww, I just read your fic...I love it...I can't wait for the next chapter...


                            AQOEDC: What's so funny, Sugar Plum?
                            AQOEDSam: You in a jumpsuit.


                              Hey there all on the S/D thread - just wanted to add my view for the first time ever on this board!

                              I was sorry to hear that you guys get flamed for your right to ship whoever you want - I can only feel it is insecurity as some ship feels more forced than others in my opinion...

                              However rather than get into a fight with anyone I just wanted to say I'm a through and through S/Der, I saw it from the start and it seemed so natural to me. Anything else is too much of a reach - I'd rather have no canon ship at all than something that just isn't right!

                              As for the sibling thing, I have two brothers. Let's just say they're not siblings like in our family. Siblings very rarely fit as well as they do or there'd be a whole lot more incest in the world!

                              They click. There's something else and whether it was deliberate or not it's just there.

                              I'm glad to ship it whether it materializes or not.

                              that is all


                                Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
                                Aww, I just read your fic...I love it...I can't wait for the next chapter...
                                I am writing the second chapter as I post this message lol.
                                A well respected member of:

                                Check out my newest made forum!


