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Martouf/Lantash/Jr Bourne Thunk, Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
    *raises hand* I prefer the BDUs. Might have had something do do with how sweaty he got in that episode...*whistles*
    Haha. I can so relate to that
    button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


      Originally posted by Skadi View Post
      I always like it when he smile...

      I found a place called 'Gatenoise' ( which has transcripts from all the Stargate episodes. The quote you think of is this:


      MARTOUF: Please, ah, tell me of Jolinar.
      SAM: I get the feeling you knew him way better than I ever did.
      MARTOUF: I'm sure. For one thing, he was a she.
      SAM: What? You're kidding!
      MARTOUF: Well, actually, that isn't accurate. The symbiote does not have a gender. However, Jolinar has always been in female hosts.

      But I like the whole scene, where they walk, talk, sit on the dunes, hold hands...

      Thus, I'm going to put the rest of the transcript from that scene here. I assume there is no problems in quoting a whole scene? DISCLAIMER: All this is owned and copyrighted by MGM, Kawoosh! and Stargate Productions. No infringement is intended nor implied. (Just to be safe )

      Here comes the rest of the scene:


      SAM: Well, actually, the host I found him in, her in, was a male.
      MARTOUF: Really? Must have been another method of hiding from the Ashrak. Tell me of Jolinar's last days.
      SAM: Well, it's kind of weird, it's like I'm left with these intuitions, feelings. I know this, she sacrificed herself to save me. That speaks a ton about her character as far as I'm concerned. [Pauses] I'm sorry, are you okay?
      LANTASH: I'm sorry, Martouf is having a more difficult time handling this than I am.
      SAM: So you're his symbiote, Lantash, right?
      LANTASH: Yes. Martouf is the name of my host.
      SAM: Yeah, I knew that. I seem to know pretty much everything about you. When I'm with you, I feel a different sort of, I don't know, recognition, than I do with the other Tok'ra. Is there something different about your relationship to Jolinar?
      LANTASH: Jolinar and I were together for nearly... 100 of your years. She was my mate.
      SAM: Oh. How does that work? She was whose mate? Martouf, or Lantash?
      LANTASH: Both.
      MARTOUF: Now let me attempt an explanation. As I said before, ours is a truly symbiotic relationship. So what I feel, Lantash feels. And what Lantash feels, I feel.
      SAM: So when one of you is in love, you both feel it.
      MARTOUF: Yes, we love as one. And, and we mourn as one.
      SAM: I'm sorry.
      MARTOUF: Don't be sorry. We want you to truly comprehend this so that you'll better understand us.
      SAM: Okay, well, I am curious. What was Jolinar's host like?
      MARTOUF: Jolinar's host, Rosha, was very beautiful. She had eyes like the oceans of Marloon, hair was the colour of Abydos, and her smile was, was as infectious as laughter. In fact, Rosha looked very much like you Captain Carter. You are very beautiful. You'd make a lovely new host for Selmak.
      Sam turns away.
      MARTOUF: I'm sorry, I've said something to upset you.
      SAM: No. Yes! It's difficult enough with just the remnants of Jolinar in here. The last thing I need is another person - symbiote - whatever.
      Sam sits down on the edge of the ridge. Martouf stands a little way away.
      MARTOUF: I didn't mean to upset you so.
      Martouf walks over to Sam and crouches down next to her.
      SAM: It's just the thought of going through that again.
      MARTOUF: Don't give it another moment's thought. It was an inappropriate suggestion. Please understand that it came from a deep desire to have Jolinar back in my life in some form.
      SAM: This must be what it feels like to be schizophrenic.
      MARTOUF: What is schizophrenic?
      SAM: It's a mental illness humans have. It's like a split personality. Two people in one brain. I mean, there's me, Samantha Carter, and then there's this leftover part of Jolinar that feels things like...
      MARTOUF: Like...?
      SAM: Like some pretty deep feelings for you.
      MARTOUF: Jolinar left this imprint on your mind?
      SAM: Yes.
      MARTOUF: I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but...
      SAM: No! It's just... what you had, you and Jolinar, you were in love longer than I've been alive! Hell, longer than I will be alive!
      MARTOUF: She left this feeling with you? You can feel how she felt for me?
      SAM: Yes. And it's confusing the hell outta me.
      MARTOUF: Why?
      SAM: Because it's not just in my mind like a memory, I feel it. Like I've had this relationship with you for 100 years. I don't know if I can describe it with words. What Jolinar felt for you, I don't even think I'm capable of comprehending.
      MARTOUF: Maybe there's another way you can communicate it. Perhaps in a way other than words.
      They interlock their hands and gaze into one another's eyes. Then Daniel, as usual, runs up and interrupts her.

      I so wish Daniel hadn't interrupted them!

      Anyway, I especially like the part were he tells her that the Tok'ra love as one, and the symbiote and host both feel the same. It's so very sweet (yes, I'm a softie).


      THAT'S IT!!!!! *hugs and grins* that's EXACTLY what i was thinking of! *sighs* marouf can be such a sweetie sometimes! i'm a softie too, skadi, but we gotta be if we're thunkers, right?
      I am NOT slashing these two!!
      beautiful pic made by Luciana


        Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
        No problem! Wish I could remember what I gave you it for A lot's happened since then! (Like for instance, me meeting Kavan Smith and Paul McGillion - it's enough to send anyone crazy )
        I'm officially so jealous! lucky you, firefly

        Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
        The first tie we see him.. his Tok'ra outfit.. LOVE IT!!

        Okay girls, i looked into smilies for us.. the only one's out there are Jacob ones to be found Here and Here. I've not had any luck for finding someone to make them for us....
        thanx for tracking down the jacob smilys - like'em. especially the glowy eyes-selmak ones!

        skadi - do make some martouf smilys, would be awesome! -and that quote from Tokra epi is wonderful! so sweet! I need to go see that epi again very soon. Martouf is so very lovable in that one - never understood how Sam could avoid totally melting at the scene on the dunes!
        button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


          Originally posted by CaptJanson View Post
          I'm officially so jealous! lucky you, firefly
          Well this time last year I was telling everyone who went to Pegasus 2 how jealous I was of them, who knows, maybe you'll be able to go to Pegasus 4? Or there's an SG-1 convention in November. But they're UK cons, there are ones in Vancouver, Germany and the US too I think.


            Originally posted by Skadi View Post
            Thanks for the Jacob smilies. So...I just copy them to photobucket or something, and use them? (...and tell the creator I'm using them, I guess )

            I've never tried making smilies, but I might look into it, to get Martouf smilies, or symbiote smilies. Anyone know how it's done? Special software or just photoshop and lots of talent?

            Yup, just pop them into your photobucket account and use them from there!

            Originally posted by Skadi View Post
            I always like it when he smile...

            I found a place called 'Gatenoise' ( which has transcripts from all the Stargate episodes. The quote you think of is this:


            MARTOUF: Please, ah, tell me of Jolinar.
            SAM: I get the feeling you knew him way better than I ever did.
            MARTOUF: I'm sure. For one thing, he was a she.
            SAM: What? You're kidding!
            MARTOUF: Well, actually, that isn't accurate. The symbiote does not have a gender. However, Jolinar has always been in female hosts.

            But I like the whole scene, where they walk, talk, sit on the dunes, hold hands...

            Thus, I'm going to put the rest of the transcript from that scene here. I assume there is no problems in quoting a whole scene? DISCLAIMER: All this is owned and copyrighted by MGM, Kawoosh! and Stargate Productions. No infringement is intended nor implied. (Just to be safe )

            Here comes the rest of the scene:


            SAM: Well, actually, the host I found him in, her in, was a male.
            MARTOUF: Really? Must have been another method of hiding from the Ashrak. Tell me of Jolinar's last days.
            SAM: Well, it's kind of weird, it's like I'm left with these intuitions, feelings. I know this, she sacrificed herself to save me. That speaks a ton about her character as far as I'm concerned. [Pauses] I'm sorry, are you okay?
            LANTASH: I'm sorry, Martouf is having a more difficult time handling this than I am.
            SAM: So you're his symbiote, Lantash, right?
            LANTASH: Yes. Martouf is the name of my host.
            SAM: Yeah, I knew that. I seem to know pretty much everything about you. When I'm with you, I feel a different sort of, I don't know, recognition, than I do with the other Tok'ra. Is there something different about your relationship to Jolinar?
            LANTASH: Jolinar and I were together for nearly... 100 of your years. She was my mate.
            SAM: Oh. How does that work? She was whose mate? Martouf, or Lantash?
            LANTASH: Both.
            MARTOUF: Now let me attempt an explanation. As I said before, ours is a truly symbiotic relationship. So what I feel, Lantash feels. And what Lantash feels, I feel.
            SAM: So when one of you is in love, you both feel it.
            MARTOUF: Yes, we love as one. And, and we mourn as one.
            SAM: I'm sorry.
            MARTOUF: Don't be sorry. We want you to truly comprehend this so that you'll better understand us.
            SAM: Okay, well, I am curious. What was Jolinar's host like?
            MARTOUF: Jolinar's host, Rosha, was very beautiful. She had eyes like the oceans of Marloon, hair was the colour of Abydos, and her smile was, was as infectious as laughter. In fact, Rosha looked very much like you Captain Carter. You are very beautiful. You'd make a lovely new host for Selmak.
            Sam turns away.
            MARTOUF: I'm sorry, I've said something to upset you.
            SAM: No. Yes! It's difficult enough with just the remnants of Jolinar in here. The last thing I need is another person - symbiote - whatever.
            Sam sits down on the edge of the ridge. Martouf stands a little way away.
            MARTOUF: I didn't mean to upset you so.
            Martouf walks over to Sam and crouches down next to her.
            SAM: It's just the thought of going through that again.
            MARTOUF: Don't give it another moment's thought. It was an inappropriate suggestion. Please understand that it came from a deep desire to have Jolinar back in my life in some form.
            SAM: This must be what it feels like to be schizophrenic.
            MARTOUF: What is schizophrenic?
            SAM: It's a mental illness humans have. It's like a split personality. Two people in one brain. I mean, there's me, Samantha Carter, and then there's this leftover part of Jolinar that feels things like...
            MARTOUF: Like...?
            SAM: Like some pretty deep feelings for you.
            MARTOUF: Jolinar left this imprint on your mind?
            SAM: Yes.
            MARTOUF: I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but...
            SAM: No! It's just... what you had, you and Jolinar, you were in love longer than I've been alive! Hell, longer than I will be alive!
            MARTOUF: She left this feeling with you? You can feel how she felt for me?
            SAM: Yes. And it's confusing the hell outta me.
            MARTOUF: Why?
            SAM: Because it's not just in my mind like a memory, I feel it. Like I've had this relationship with you for 100 years. I don't know if I can describe it with words. What Jolinar felt for you, I don't even think I'm capable of comprehending.
            MARTOUF: Maybe there's another way you can communicate it. Perhaps in a way other than words.
            They interlock their hands and gaze into one another's eyes. Then Daniel, as usual, runs up and interrupts her.

            I so wish Daniel hadn't interrupted them!

            Anyway, I especially like the part were he tells her that the Tok'ra love as one, and the symbiote and host both feel the same. It's so very sweet (yes, I'm a softie).

            Thanks for that snippit Skadi!! I love that part a lot!!

            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
            Well this time last year I was telling everyone who went to Pegasus 2 how jealous I was of them, who knows, maybe you'll be able to go to Pegasus 4? Or there's an SG-1 convention in November. But they're UK cons, there are ones in Vancouver, Germany and the US too I think.
            *squees ridiculously loud over mention of Vancouver...* ... So FF, I need to know your style.... how do you get such great hugs??!! I've got 6mts to learn how before I meet Cliff, Corin, Gary and RDA!!!

            Made by Me!


              Uh oh.. I got to that part in my screencaps that we all dread... so let me get through them quickly!!!

              I still like to think this scene never really happened....

              Made by Me!


                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post

                I still like to think this scene never really happened....
                Scene? What scene? Didn't happen in my universe. Martouf/Lantash is alive and well.

                Smilies made by Roeskva (

                "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                  Originally posted by Marie C. View Post
                  THAT'S IT!!!!! *hugs and grins* that's EXACTLY what i was thinking of! *sighs* marouf can be such a sweetie sometimes! i'm a softie too, skadi, but we gotta be if we're thunkers, right?

                  Smilies made by Roeskva (

                  "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                    Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                    Scene? What scene? Didn't happen in my universe. Martouf/Lantash is alive and well.

                    haha My sentiments exactly!! Those pics were from a scene they scrapped!

                    Those pics happened though.. right before he actually killed the president but they didn't prosecute him b/c he's so dang loveable!

                    Made by Me!


                      Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                      haha My sentiments exactly!! Those pics were from a scene they scrapped!

                      Those pics happened though.. right before he actually killed the president but they didn't prosecute him b/c he's so dang loveable!
                      I admit that he looks very good in those. He looks kinda dangerous in the last one, but very sexy and attractive - yes, I know how bad it sounds

                      Anyway. The reason they didn't prosecute him for killing the president was of course that he knew it wasn't the real president, but an imposter, sent by the Goa'uld to mess up the signing of the treaty - fortunately, our hero saved the day That's what happened in my universe

                      Smilies made by Roeskva (

                      "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                        Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                        Uh oh.. I got to that part in my screencaps that we all dread... so let me get through them quickly!!!

                        I still like to think this scene never really happened....
                        why'd you have to do that?! oh well...

                        Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                        Scene? What scene? Didn't happen in my universe. Martouf/Lantash is alive and well.

                        same here!

                        Originally posted by Skadi View Post


                        Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                        I admit that he looks very good in those. He looks kinda dangerous in the last one, but very sexy and attractive - yes, I know how bad it sounds

                        Anyway. The reason they didn't prosecute him for killing the president was of course that he knew it wasn't the real president, but an imposter, sent by the Goa'uld to mess up the signing of the treaty - fortunately, our hero saved the day That's what happened in my universe

                        that's the best version i've heard of that ep in forever! great alternate ending!
                        I am NOT slashing these two!!
                        beautiful pic made by Luciana


                          Originally posted by Marie C. View Post
                          that's the best version i've heard of that ep in forever! great alternate ending!
                          There is another ending to the episode? Not that I remember.

                          Anyway, here is a few happier pictures:



                          Regarding the smileys - it's slow going. I don't know how people make smilies that have a more 'real' looking skin tone (they somehow varies it over the face) and they also get many of them to be recognizable as that person. Oh, well. Back to my feeble attempts If and when I get something reasonable done, I will post it here.

                          Smilies made by Roeskva (

                          "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                            my point exactly, skadi! you're the first!
                            I am NOT slashing these two!!
                            beautiful pic made by Luciana


                              Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                              Scene? What scene? Didn't happen in my universe. Martouf/Lantash is alive and well.

                              Thanks, Skadi - just my words! It didn't happen in my universe either. Martouf/Lantash are just fine

                              sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                              Favorite love-dodecagon:


                                Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                                I admit that he looks very good in those. He looks kinda dangerous in the last one, but very sexy and attractive - yes, I know how bad it sounds

                                Anyway. The reason they didn't prosecute him for killing the president was of course that he knew it wasn't the real president, but an imposter, sent by the Goa'uld to mess up the signing of the treaty - fortunately, our hero saved the day That's what happened in my universe

                                I love that version of the ep, someone, please write such a story

                                sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                                Favorite love-dodecagon:

