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Baal/Sam Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    (set as sg1 watch ba'al falldown a LONG tube *with his gravity tech installed*) Carter: We're gonna save him. Daniel: Jack won't like Carter: Jack's not here.


      ooh!!! weeeeeeeee!!! plot bunny!! plot bunny!! hmmm... *thinks* can i put that in MY fic, i wonder... hmmm...


        She could save him WITH the justification of needing his there's something only Ba'al can do, like the dial-all-the-gates thing.

        But maybe it turns out he runs out on them, or for some other reason isn't around to do whatever it is, and it turns out Sam knew how to figure it out all along, and really just did it to save Ba'al...which Jack of course does not need to know.


          hehe!!! brilliant!! ooh, these are great plot bunnies!! *wonders how much of this can be added to current fic!*

          do you think sam would let him escape or try to keep him on earth in a safe spot?? especially knowing that the jaffa are after him... would she save him only to let him go and die again??? would she let him escape if someone in the air force or government wanted him dead???


            If it was the NID, yeah. If it was Jack, or the Pentagon, or the President, I doubt it. Same allegience issues she had in Unnatural Selection, I don't think she'd let Ba'al go against orders just because she liked him, or they owed him, any more than she did for Fifth. I think she feels her highest moral allegience is to the SGC; while she might save Ba'al's life when she knew Jack wouldn't approve but she hadn't specifically been ordered to kill him, I doubt she would violate a direct order or break him out of prison or anything.

            It might be interesting to bring the NID or some other enemy into it though, so you end up with all of (the former) SG1 on the same side of some lovely civil disobedience; Jack reluctantly, Sam perhaps somewhat less so, Teal'c because he doesn't care what Ba'al does and would rather see Ba'al go crawling away helpless than dead and made a legend, and Daniel because it's necessary, or something...


              i think she'd try to protect him at all costs... cuz who knows perhaps she secretly loves him


                Originally posted by yasureubetcha
                If it was the NID, yeah. If it was Jack, or the Pentagon, or the President, I doubt it. Same allegience issues she had in Unnatural Selection, I don't think she'd let Ba'al go against orders just because she liked him, or they owed him, any more than she did for Fifth. I think she feels her highest moral allegience is to the SGC; while she might save Ba'al's life when she knew Jack wouldn't approve but she hadn't specifically been ordered to kill him, I doubt she would violate a direct order or break him out of prison or anything.
                good point... if it was NID, though, trying to kill him, do ya really think jack would say "no, don't kill him"... i doubt it... he'd probably sit back and let them do it... however, methinks, even if he told sam he wasn't gonna stop them, she would save baal, even if just on principle, but also cuz methinks she really cares... i don't think she'd want to see him die, partly at least cuz he was willing to help them and did in fact do so!! plus, he's a flirty devil...

                that begs the question: what would BAAL do to try and stay alive?? try to convince sam???

                It might be interesting to bring the NID or some other enemy into it though, so you end up with all of (the former) SG1 on the same side of some lovely civil disobedience; Jack reluctantly, Sam perhaps somewhat less so, Teal'c because he doesn't care what Ba'al does and would rather see Ba'al go crawling away helpless than dead and made a legend, and Daniel because it's necessary, or something...
                ROFL!!! daniel! LOL!!

                but yeah, it would be interesting to see what happened if the NID and the jaffa were BOTH after baal, and see how many people at the SGC would be the only trying to SAVE him.... sounds kinda odd saying it like that, but, well... methinks it would be interesting to have them save baal for whatever reason!


                  OK, here's a situation in which Jack might be willing to help Ba'al escape: the NID is going to use Ba'al (the snake) to clone some symbiotes for their use! Or maybe the SGC finds out Ba'al has knowledge the NID can use to further their evil plots and take over the Earth...and that they have some Tok'ra memory devices to extract the info. I think there are situations in which Jack would not want Ba'al in the NID's or others' hands...but it would probably take some contriving, I admit.


                    ooh, didn't even think of that... good point... but it would definately take something that would NEGATIVELY affect, like, the whole galaxy or planet for baal to save baal from the NID, or anyone for that matter... in fact, somehow i think HE would be willing to let the jaffa get him, even if the rest of SG1 wouldn't... i think sam cares enough about him, even as a goauld, to not want him to just be killed for the sake of destroying the last system lord.... but even beyond that, i think sam and daniel, and probably even teal'c (having been on earth so long for one), would see the value in having baal alive...

                    wow, i was just thinking, and wouldn't it almost be WEIRD to see baal imprisoned! or even just seeing him without all the goauld power he normally has!... some great baal whump for sure!!!

                    well maybe if the earth folks DO eventually catch baal, well get that great baal whumpage!!! not to mention baam!!!


                      Then again, will what Jack thinks even be an issue in S9?

                      Though it would be a better setting for the Ba'al dilemma to have him around, with the whole Abyss-issue between them.


                        well, this is all hypothetical anyway, and since we have nothing about the NEW co to base anything on, i just figure stick to jack since he could hypothetically come back for a baal ep as a guest spot

                        ok, some of this might be spoilers, so i'll tag it just in case:

                        speaking of which, and this is a little less baam and more baal, but it's all good... considering methinks it's a safe bet to assume baal will show up again at SOME point in season 9, how do you think the new people on the show will react to him?? i mean, he got away with a lot with jack there, but at the same time DIDN'T get away with some stuff because jack was there... so with this new commander who has likely never even gone up against a goauld, let alone dealt with baal, but having sam and daniel and teal'c around who HAVE, yet another team member who hasn't, how do you think the dynamic will change between baal and SG1?? and particularly with sam, as she's supposedly not the head of SG1 and there's a new member of the team there and also with HIS newfound near-defeat situation.... how do you think this will add up to a change in their interaction, if any???


                          Hmmm...maybe that will end up making him look to Sam automatically as an advocate anyway, as the one who might feel indebted to him out of the four.


                            ooh... good point! not to mention, she may be the only one he would trust and think would give a damn out of the five...

                            so do you think if he's
                            being hunted down by jaffa, which i think he would find out about, or even by the tok'ra or the NID or whatever, would he turn to sam for help?? methinks she'd be the ONLY person we've ever seen him with who he could even BEGIN to hope for help from... jack, despite knowing him best, would more likely just tell the jaffa where to find him and i'm sure baal would know that... as the last time he asked for help jack blew him off, yet sam asked him for help and did indeed help him in a way by defeating the replicators and taking the weapon away from anubis as he'd asked... that and just the fact that she was actually NICE to him...

                            so anyone else think he'd go to sam if he ever needed help as opposed to just going to the SGC????


                              Perhaps...I still don't think she'd keep it secret though. Come up with some justification (to the SGC people) for keeping him alive, even one she believes herself, perhaps. But I doubt she'd defy the SGC for him solely out of altruism, or even SOLELY from 'shippage. It just doesn't seem like something Sam would do...


                                I say Ba'al can get away with more because Jacob is dead and Jack has been reass'ed to Homeworld Security. All those things she couldn't get away with before, hehehe.
                                'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.

