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Will Ra have Jaffa or Humans in Mobeus

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    Will Ra have Jaffa or Humans in Mobeus

    Do you think Ra will have human guards like the movie or Jaffa?

    Originally posted by system lord nu
    Do you think Ra will have human guards like the movie or Jaffa?
    I think he'll have both. Check the pics if you want.



      and a few humans for decoration


        I think his human First prime Anubis from the movie was on steroids sind he punched his staff weapon and snapped it while he was fighting O'neil


          Originally posted by system lord nu
          I think his human First prime Anubis from the movie was on steroids sind he punched his staff weapon and snapped it while he was fighting O'neil
          I sooooo wanna see Anubis Guards again!


            Yah. There will be plotholes between SG-1 & Movie.

            Ra should have 95% Human Warriors in this past. If he did, then there would be more continuity between the SG-1 and Movie.

            Most of us just assumed that he had a few Jaffa (in the movie) but prefered to keep Human warriors, so he can jump into another body if an assassination took place (b/c he is the Supreme System Lord).

            But the presence of Jaffa Guards in the past does not make much sense. The history of Jaffa, in my opinion is this.

            1. Jaffa are created. They are given special status in society and have great value. They are DemiGods. (Should be Ra's Time)

            2. Usefulness in Blending is seen. Jaffa are created in Mass Numbers as they could compose an entire army instead of just being the commanders of a human army. Value decreases.

            3. Jaffa are everywhere. They have little value. (Current Time)

            They could have shown a few Jaffa, like an Anubis Jaffa Guard. And then rest, Human Warriors. That would have been extremely awesome, because they could have shown other humans bowing down to the DemiGod. And then clearly shown the status of Jaffa change through 10,000 years.

            However, they probably do not. It seems that Ra from the past seems just like Apophis from the present. Full with Jaffa Guards.

            Its depressing b/c we dont even get to see a change in Jaffa Guard outfits. They DEFINITELY did not have the same armor as before... *sigh*


              Originally posted by Calicto
              Yah. There will be plotholes between SG-1 & Movie.

              Ra should have 95% Human Warriors in this past. If he did, then there would be more continuity between the SG-1 and Movie.

              Most of us just assumed that he had a few Jaffa (in the movie) but prefered to keep Human warriors, so he can jump into another body if an assassination took place (b/c he is the Supreme System Lord).
              No, because that's not the reason Ra has mostly human warriors in the movie; it seems to be because he no longer has a queen, and thus no prim'tah to put into a Jaffa, and so the humans are the only ones able to live long enough to serve as his warriors on Abydos.



                Is it not possible that the warriors they fought on Abydos were Lesser-Goa'uld? There's no external way to tell, but there strength and flanged voice could have been clues. Maybe Ra was such a powerful system lord by then that he used other Goa'uld as his first primes instead of Jaffa?

                "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                BAD WOLF!!!


                  Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
                  No, because that's not the reason Ra has mostly human warriors in the movie; it seems to be because he no longer has a queen, and thus no prim'tah to put into a Jaffa, and so the humans are the only ones able to live long enough to serve as his warriors on Abydos.

                  he's the upper system lord, maybe he even had multiple queens


                    In one of the pictures I think I saw Ra with a hand device on each hand....


                      You all know they'rwe fgoing to complete screw up contiunity with the movie and He'll proeprly have Jaffa. We know from threashold he used Jaffa. We also know from Rules of Engagemnt that Gao'uld falling on hard times which leads me to beleive the leading fanon theory. At the time of the movie Ra was getting his ass kicked by the other system lords who wanted the Supreme SL spot. All his kick ass Jaffa were fighting battles elsewhere and Ra was going to a peaceful planet so he only brough humans.

                      As to 'were they lesser goa'uld?' the answer is no, They didn't flash their eyes their voices WEREN'T flanged and even if they didn't eye flash and flange as a sign of submission to their overlord. When Ra HD his man devoce they guys eye didn't glow in dead like every other time we've seen a Tok'Ra/Gou'ald die.
                      Banner By JME2


                        Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
                        No, because that's not the reason Ra has mostly human warriors in the movie; it seems to be because he no longer has a queen, and thus no prim'tah to put into a Jaffa, and so the humans are the only ones able to live long enough to serve as his warriors on Abydos.

                        In my honest opinion, I think that's a poor reason. If you're trying to say that he had no Jaffa with him because he ran out of them, then why was he Supreme System Lord. Apophis could have arrived and literally ravaged him easily if he didnt have a single Jaffa with him.

                        Also, he would definitely not just go with Humans to even a bad planet. If you're that valuable (the strongest Goa'uld at that point), you're going to carry the absolute BEST with you. Unless, you use humans to quickly jump hosts.

                        The theory with them being Goa'uld seemed plausible. But CrazedWraith proved it incorrect.

                        Maybe they have skin protection around the pouch area, like a piece of invisible cloth that hides the pouch!

                        I really dont mind him having humans as guards, but the show is going to show him with jaffa guards that look the same as present. Atleast they could have changed costumes.

                        5000 yrs. ago: Ra w. Jaffa Guards
                        8 yrs. ago: Ra w. Human Guards


                          i think hell make both, i mean hes got a horus and he seems to have human slaves.

                          And i hope i see one of my brothers in it!
                          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                            Originally posted by IMForeman
                            Is it not possible that the warriors they fought on Abydos were Lesser-Goa'uld? There's no external way to tell, but there strength and flanged voice could have been clues. Maybe Ra was such a powerful system lord by then that he used other Goa'uld as his first primes instead of Jaffa?


                            I totally totallly totally agree... That's the best idea yet!!! He was so darn powerful he didn't use Jaffa as Jaffa but Goa'uld as his Jaffa... That way he would have not just Goa'uld playing ashrak but also Goa'uld playing soldier... Talk about super soldiers aye? Thus the Goa'ulds that were being warriors for him would have the deep voices and all that and also those "humans" did as well... At least his first prime did from time to time... hehe...


                              Originally posted by Crazedwraith
                              As to 'were they lesser goa'uld?' the answer is no, They didn't flash their eyes their voices WEREN'T flanged and even if they didn't eye flash and flange as a sign of submission to their overlord. When Ra HD his man devoce they guys eye didn't glow in dead like every other time we've seen a Tok'Ra/Gou'ald die.
                              That hasn't happened all the time a goa'uld/tok'ra have died; some of the ash'raks we've seen didn't glow their eyes when they died. That indicates that it's not automatic, but something conscious that they do, as defiance or a last attempt to hold on, or something like that; and could even be similar to flippin' someone the bird after they've shot you. One last attempt at a display of superiority, because that's the goa'uld's M.O. So that doesn't disprove I.M. Foreman's idea, and in fact his idea makes the most sense.

                              Originally posted by Calicto
                              In my honest opinion, I think that's a poor reason. If you're trying to say that he had no Jaffa with him because he ran out of them, then why was he Supreme System Lord. Apophis could have arrived and literally ravaged him easily if he didnt have a single Jaffa with him.
                              Apothis was owning Ra at the time. I always assumed from the way it's portrayed in the movie that Ra was hitting on hard times because of all his rivals, was actually in a sense stranded on Abydos (why else not go on much more of an offensive against his rivals? This could also be due to goa'uld ships once being much slower at getting around, to be honest), and his queen (at least one of them) was trapped in a sarcophagus on Earth. All of these could've contributed to not having the regular Jaffa around, or at least not enough of them to make up a home-base army if regular Jaffa he did have were fighting off-world. But I actually like the idea that he was also powerful enough to have minor goa'uld fill out the ranks of his Jaffa; it makes sense for how they're revered as gods by the Abydonians as well, and makes a lot of sense for why Ra was considered the supreme system lord. When he had regular Jaffa was when he was just like any other system lord. What might make even more sense is that he was such a powerful goa'uld that he had other goa'uld serving as his personal guard, and those were the "Jaffa" he had back at his home-base, and his true Jaffa would've been fighting his battles for him.

                              And besides, he might not necessarily have automatically lost to Apophis if he had absolutely no Jaffa; Jaffa aren't always much better fighters by humans. SG-1 gives evidence of that, on a weekly (if not daily) basis. Jaffa's perk are just that they heal easier.

                              The theory with them being Goa'uld seemed plausible. But CrazedWraith proved it incorrect.
                              No he didn't; he just cited evidence he believed to be an absolute, when it actually hasn't been portrayed as an absolute. I.M. Foreman's theory still fits, and fits the best given the evidence.

                              Maybe they have skin protection around the pouch area, like a piece of invisible cloth that hides the pouch!
                              Considering the goa'uld were trying to learn the trick of invisibility in "The Nox", this one's unlikely.

                              I really dont mind him having humans as guards, but the show is going to show him with jaffa guards that look the same as present. Atleast they could have changed costumes.
                              The goa'uld aren't exactly known for innovation. They're just scavengers, not inventors, so their civilization is one that's going to remain stable for the long-term w/o experiencing much flux; much like our own human civilization when we were just scavengers (our technology may've been lower, but we were still capable of much higher innovation once we left the scavenging phase of our existance, when we started building many more tools). They've also got genetic memory, which doesn't add much to innovation either, because it makes them want to do things the way they've already been done. So the goa'uld civilization remained pretty constant until Anubis came onto the scene, w/ all those Ancient advancements; so basically, until very very recently.


