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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    I don't know about the personal army. Using humans and Jaffa (and Serakkin, et al.) is fine, and maybe she could unveil a few new Kulls for dramatic impact at some point, but all these "platoons" and "overlords" don't seem to fit.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      it's not like she will grow an army overnight.

      how many is a platoon anyway?


      Kull Warrior = basic guy that shoots.
      Kull Lord = controls groups of Warriors (around 5-10). if she ever captures ships, these guys would be on the bridge.
      Kull Overlord= leads the Lords. only a handful of them are around anyway and would be the commander of a ship if she gets them

      i'd guess that by 2025, there would be a few hunderd Warriors, a dozen or so Lords and 3-4 Overlords. her followers would probably be brainwashed just to be sure, and perform all kinds of tasks, compare to Michael's hybrids. (but brainwashed).

      i expect her followers to be in the hundreds to thousands. Kull can be made quite easily (relatively), so followers would be buisy producing Kull, producing armor etc.


        Happy 21's Fugi, you should live in NZ though, been knocking them back since 18 Don't over do it bro.

        So guys what are we discussing? Enemies?


          The last thing I saw... A pass key that said Guest Pass for Starcraft 2. :@

          Kull 'Lord' just has a big impact behind it to say it would be better than it is on paper. It doesn't fit the Kull you're talking about. A Kull Overlord imo would be a Kull Lord. Kull Warrior could just be Kull, and Kull Warrior a Kull Lord. If that makes sense...
          Last edited by Experiment 442; 28 July 2010, 12:11 PM.
          Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


            also, I suggest the Orbanians to have developed a Jump/flash drive instead of a hyperdrive.


            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


              Ok here's the tie over (as I said please forgive the uberness and the lack of explanation for the various races and characters):
              I'll set the scene, the events of this story happens about a year after the end of the civil war, so about 2/3 years after where we got upto in 3.0. Hope you enjoy.


              A forceful change

              “Ladies and Gentlemen”, said Admiral Shelton, “Welcome to New Mars and welcome to the Cheyenne class Fortress ship”.
              A schematic of the ship comes up on 2 screens to the side of Admiral Shelton.
              “This is the biggest and most powerful ship, the Tauri have built and it has been built together with our allies: the Asgard, the Navos and the Vasnalok, says Shelton. “It has taken, over 2 years to build and will allow us to police the Milky Way galaxy single handled. It can easily wipe out a medium sized shield fleet with only minor hull damage, when it is powered by a cor terra stone. The shield is no longer one organised entity, this means that the Cheyenne should be able to police the Milky Way with ease. The completion of the Cheyenne means that the original mantra set out at the start of the Reaper war has been completed. With this mind, it is with great sadness that I have to report the end of the Andromeda Alliance project. <Shocked faces look on at Admiral Shelton and the council members> Considering that the great alliance has already moved to another place in the universe that we do not know about, it was kind of the Asgard, Navos and Vasnalok leaders here to continue with us until the project was complete. We have learnt a lot from each other, but unfortunately, shield put an end to any hope of long lasting status as the fifth race. The reaper war and civil war have cost us dearly, our reputation is in tatters and our fleet is weak. With this in mind, it has been decided that the Tauri will leave Andromeda and move the fleet back to Pegasus, in every way, shape and form. New Mars will be handed over to the Navos and this will allow them to rebuild. The Asgard and Vasnalok will move on to join the Ancients, the Nox and the rest of the Asgard in the secret location they have decided upon. As far as the orbital defence network goes, the Navos will hold on to the Halen platforms, while we’ll take the standard orbital cannons. I ask everyone to start packing, we leave in 3 days. This is all I have to say, there will be no question and answer session.”
              Admiral Shelton and the other council members walk from the stage amid questions being shouted from journalists.
              “You did well Admiral”, said Kvasir.
              “Thank you Kvasir, thank you all for your hardwork and dedication over the past years”, said Shelton. “It’s a shame it has to end like this”.
              “Indeed it is”, said Kvasir, “But the high council has decided that we can no longer help you”.
              “I just can’t believe one group has destroyed the dream, it’s still hard to understand”, Shelton replies.
              “I know”, said Kvasir, “You need to undo the damage that has been done; it is no t going to be easy”.
              “Indeed it won’t “, said Shelton, “This project will continue though, under a new form, when we get back, I am taking a proposal straight to the new Pegasus government, regarding a massive pool of resources towards research and development”. “In fact, Commander Navier, I was going to ask you for something”
              “What would you like, we will try to accommodate”, said the Navos commander.
              “One Vacuum Energy Generator to study, if it isn’t too much to ask”, said Shelton.
              “I think we can allow this”, said the Navos commander.
              “Thank you”, said Shelton.
              “On one condition”, said Navier
              “Go on”, said Shelton
              “It can only be used within the research group you have in mind, no one else must know about it”, said Navier.
              “I can agree to that”, said Shelton, “But why the secrecy?”
              “I trust you Admiral, to use it as a energy source”, said Navier, “I don’t trust a government that could turn it into a weapon.”
              “The Pegasus government is nothing like the Shield, Navier”, said Shelton.
              “At the moment they aren’t”, Navier replied, “But, a huge shadow is falling over the Tauri. Darkness is descending. The long night has been predicted for many years and we all fear that it is drawing near. Admiral Shelton, I charge you with the task of keeping at least some of the Tauri moving forward in attitude and technology.”
              “But, why not Admiral Richardson?” asks Shelton.
              “He is not part of your future, Admiral”, Navier replied, “His time within this universe is ending soon”
              “What do you mean?” asks Shelton, “Is he going to die?”
              “I don’t know”, said Navier, “It’s only what the halen have shown us”.
              So three days later, the entire Andromeda military and civilian fleet leaves the confines of New Mars’ orbit. The Cheyenne leads the fleet away from the planet and they enter hyperspace, leaving Andromeda for the foreseeable future. Shelton looks out at the hyperspace tunnel, he knows that the Tauri have missed an opportunity, but there is nothing he can do. The Andromeda Alliance will live on in the form of a new entity. But, what effect that will have on the Tauri as a whole, he doesn’t know and to add salt to the wound, he has to do it without his mentor.
              6 months later.... circa 2070...
              Admiral Shelton is in his office on the Cheyenne, filling in some paperwork for the Pegasus government when his first officer and friend for so long Commodore Nerli enters the room
              “Admiral Shelton”, said Commodore Nerli, we are ready to test the new hyperdrive system with the vacuum energy generator.
              “Good work Nerli”, replied Admiral Shelton, “we will use the Valiant to test the new system out, has the defence ministry been told that we are doing a hyperspace test”?
              “Yes sir”, said Nerli, “the crew required for this test is already on board installing the new systems, we should be ready to launch by 1300 hours tomorrow”.
              The next day...
              “Sir, we are ready to begin the test”, said Nerli.
              “Ok”, said Shelton, “Lieutenant, prepare to engage engines, ahead full at 100kph”
              “Aye sir”, the helmsman replied
              The majesty of the Valiant class battleship is seen as it leaves drydock, with the Cheyenne in the background. Not much has happened since the Andromeda fleet returned to Pegasus. Admiral Shelton has had some run-ins with the government with regards to research funding and the Valiant current has the Vacuum Energy Generator that the Navos gave to him as a gift. His wife, Laura, got a job as a research scientist on this new hyperdrive project, with one of his daughters, Sarah doing her PhD research on directed energy flows in vacuum energy generation. His sons, James and Chris, have completed their second post-doctoral work and are on vacation with their family. They have hyperdrive expertise and are helping their mother in the engine room. His other daughter, Samantha, has followed in her father’s footsteps as a theoretical astrophysicist but working for the military, she was recently promoted to captain and works on the Valiant as the weapons officer.
              “Lieutenant”, says Shelton, “Bring us about to 221 by 52 by 16 and prepare to activate standard hyperdrive mode”
              “Aye sir”, replies the helmsman, “activating standard galactic exit speed of 100 ly/min”
              “Before we try out the new hyperdrive, I want a complete stop just outside Pegasus”, orders Shelton.
              The Valiant leaves the area around New London and the typical blue glow of the hyperspace window is seen, which the Valiant enters.
              30 minutes later the Valiant exits hyperspace, in the background, Pegasus can been seen, to the left, Andromeda in the distance and straight on, the Milky Way can just be seen.
              “Nerli”, said Shelton, “How long do we need to do the tests for?”
              “We will need three tests sir”, replied Nerli, “a short range 20 minute test, a medium range hour test and a long range two hour test. However we will need to do a set of tests with and without the VEG”.
              “Does the test start once we arrive at the dedicated speeds?” asked Shelton, “If so, that’ll put us very close to the Milky Way”.
              “500,000 light years to be precise sir”, replied Nerli, “We expect to be testing the hyperdrive for 12 -15 hours”.
              “Ok Nerli”, said Shelton, “the bridge is yours, I will be in my office, please report the findings to me as and when they come”.
              “Aye sir”, replied Nerli
              Several hours later...
              Nerli walks to Admiral Shelton’s office and Shelton signals for him to enter.
              “What are the results then Chris?” asked Shelton
              “The standard NIG results show exciting progress, the new hyperdrive worked well with the NIG and took us easily to 1,500 ly/min”, Nerli replied, “We will begin the next phase with the VEG in 30 minutes”.
              “Ok thanks for the report”, replies Shelton
              Nerli leaves and 30 minutes later, Shelton looks out of his window and sees the rapid acceleration to hyperspace speeds and the usual blue coloured tunnel.
              Several hours later, the Valiant exits hyperspace and Nerli comes in with the latest report.
              “Sir, we’ve had to put an extra 10 minutes on the cool down as we have had heating problems”, said Nerli. But we’ve travelled 2 million light years in the past 12 hours.
              “Chris”, said Shelton, “How bad is the heating problem? Is the hyperspace tunnel unstable?”
              “We’ve not seen any problems with the hyperspace tunnel sir, and we noticed a 5 Kelvin increase in temperature, still within safety regs”, replied Nerli
              “Ok, I’ll be coming up to the bridge for this final test”, said Shelton
              Both men walk to the bridge and take their positions.
              “Lieutenant, are we ready for this final test?” asks Shelton
              “Yes sir”, replies the helmsman, “Engineering report that they are using liquid helium to try and keep the hyperdrive cool”.
              “Ok, helm, prepare to engage the hyperdrive, engage at 1,500 ly/min”, ordered Shelton
              “1,500 light years per minute set sir”, replies the helmsman
              “Engage (I’ve always wanted to say that)”, says Shelton jokingly, to which the bridge crew laugh a bit
              The Valiant again enters hyperspace and quickly reaches the set speed.
              “Lieutenant, raise the speed by 20 light years per minute every second till 6,000 and then half the acceleration”, orders Shelton.
              The Valiant increases its speed to its maximum hyperspace speed. Nearly two hours later....
              “Admiral, we are ready to shut the hyperdrive down”, reports Nerli
              “Lietenant, bring us down to sublight speeds”, orders Shelton
              “Errrr sir that might be a problem”, replies the helmsman, “the hyperdrive won’t disengage”.
              Shelton is shocked and walks over to the helm and then runs over to the command table at the back.
              “Laura”, said Shelton, “what’s going on?”
              “The generator is stuck and is fuelling the hyperdrive, in fact the hyperdrive power is increasing”, replies his wife.
              “Eject the drive”, orders Shelton
              “Can’t”, replied Laura, “the ejection system is fried”
              “Sir”, says the helmsman, “I’ve lost helm control”
              The valiant moves erratically around the hyperspace tunnel and impacts the side causing explosions over the entire ship.
              “Sir”, says Nerli, “we are detecting a rip in the fabric of space time, we are going through”.
              “Sir, we are exiting hyperspace but entering some sort of void”, reports the helmsman.
              “Deceleration drive?” asks Shelton
              “Offline”, replies the helmsman
              “Great so we’re f***ed”, replied Shelton, “Once we get into normal space everyone get to the escape pods, we are abandoning ship”.
              Most of the crew run to the escape pods and Laura runs to the bridge.
              “Sir we are coming into normal space above a planet, with a stargate”, reports the helmsman
              “Ok, lieutenant, everyone get to your escape pods”, orders Shelton
              “Daniel, everyone else is in their escape pods”, reports Laura, “S***, we’ve just lost the hangars, they’ve been ripped off”
              “We need to get off the ship, I’m going to miss this ship, the ship is heading for a small moon”, says Shelton
              “Daniel, the ship will explode when it impacts that moon”, says Laura, “let’s get out of here”.


                Part 2:

                Shelton and Laura run to the escape pods with bulkheads falling down behind them, they reach the pods and launch them. As they launch towards the planet, the fiery Valiant can be seen on fire. They land with the crew, on the planet, by the stargate and everyone looks up at the fiery blaze across the sky and then see the blast.
                “Dial the gate”, said Shelton, “This planet will be hit soon”.
                One of the crew members dials the gate to any Milky Way address they can remember and everyone runs through. Shelton and Nerli let everyone through first as thousands of meteors start to hit the ground. Shelton and Nerli run through the gate just as a meteor heads towards the gate.
                Shelton and Nerli fall through the gate, they look up and see guns pointed at them.
                “Sir, they aren’t shield personnel”, said Nerli.
                “My name is Admiral Daniel Shelton, commander of the Pegasus fleet, I need to talk to your superior officers”, said Shelton
                The men holding the guns look confused at what Shelton said. Just then the doors of the gate room opens and a shadow starts to walk towards the door. The person walks through the door, into the gate room. It’s Samantha Carter!
                “Admiral Daniel Shelton, ay?” says Carter, “well that can’t be possible, since Brigader General Sheppard is the commander there”.
                “Sheppard?” queries Shelton, “General Carter, what is the year?”
                “The year is 2025”, Carter replies.
                The crew of the Valiant stand there shocked.
                While he is shocked, Shelton runs through the events that caused the crash of the Valiant and then it hits him.
                “The Valiant hit the hyperspace tunnel, which caused a rip in space-time, that’s when we went back in time”, says Shelton.
                “The Valiant, back in time?” asks Carter “Where are you from, or should I say when?”
                “We have come from 2070, General”, replies Shelton, “Is there somewhere, we can discuss this, I don’t like guns being pointed when we are talking”.
                Carter and Shelton go off and discuss things and the rest of the crew start talking to the soldiers in the gate room.
                “Admiral Shelton, my superiors would like to know, if we ever get the Asgard core back”, says Carter.
                “What Asgard Core?” asks Shelton
                “Did you never have the Asgard core?” asks Carter
                “Nope, when did you get this Asgard core?” asks Shelton
                “2008/2009, the Asgard gave us a core of all their knowledge and installed plasma beams on the Odyssey to fight the Ori”, Carter replies. “The Asgard then committed mass-suicide after the core was installed”
                “Hmmm, this must be where our universes deviate”, said Shelton, “Our Asgard never committed mass-suicide, they got over the genetic defects and the Ancients got involve to defeat the Ori”.
                “So what are you going to do now?” asks Carter
                “Well I don’t think we can get back, the conditions to get here were precise”, says Shelton, “If it had just been a time problem, we might have had a chance of getting back, but it’s an alternate universe problem”. “We were doing a hyperdrive test at the time so the people we have onboard are the best hyperdrive people you could ever ask for and the crew, well they have a lot of experience and are the best crew I have ever had”. “If you could find us positions here, that would be great.”
                “I will have to discuss it with my superiors Admiral, before we can offer anything”, Carter replies, “Out of interest, you seem to understand temporal and multiverse dynamics, have you studied physics?”
                “Yes, I studied theoretical astrophysics and then completed a PhD under the supervision of Professor Rodney Mckay”, said Shelton, “In fact”, (he laughs), “I was called the mid-21st century male version of you”.
                Carter laughs, “Well it’s good to see none of Mckay’s arrogance rubbed off on you”, says Carter. “Admiral, you and your team are welcome to walk around”
                “Thank you General”, says Shelton, “Out of interest, where are we?”
                “We are on what we use to call P3X-431”, says Carter. “I need to report this to my superiors”.
                Carter walks off and Shelton returns to the crew. It doesn’t take long for Carter to come out and explain to Shelton, that although the technology between the two universes are different, her superiors are happy to give them all senior posts and Admiral Shelton will take command of the 3rd sector fleet once each of them has been interview they understand current technology and the political landscape. The current commander of the 3rd sector retires in mid 2026 and so the aim is to have Admiral Shelton up to speed by then. Nerli, will continue as Shelton’s first officer and Shelton has asked for a r&d hub to be built on the planet where he will be living. The scientists of his time will lead this hub, with a purpose of producing the most advanced technology that the Tauri can build.


                  why a tie over? I am not at all familiar with 3.0


                  Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                    Well the reason why I wanted to do a tie-over is because the other fleets tied into each other and it felt weird to have the GWVF 4.0 without some sort of tie over with the previous one. So I've done something similar to how Star trek described the transistion from the TNG/DS9/VOY universe to the alternative pre-original series universe.


                      Interesting, but I think there might be too much potential for uberness.

                      The story was pretty good, though.

                      EDIT: If you really want to pull a Star Trek, you should have the Valient drop into Ida at the end of the Replicator War and crash into the facility that would have solved the cloning problem. So Shelton actually creates the new universe. Then they spend the next couple decades trying to get enough power to gate back to Pegasus or the Milky Way Galaxy.

                      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                        I didn't like the film as a trekkie, so I didn't want to steal anything from it: hyperspace tunnel crashing, is much better. Unfortunately, there was a bit too much uberness, but that is what 3.0 was like. This was the end of the uberness and it went up in flames.


                          Don't you EVER use somethng from St XI, that film is not worth the name Trek!


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            My thoughts exactly Locutes, the whole concept was stupid!


                              Gentleman, of all the members here I have received only about half the vote count. I suspect there a some who are wiating to see which way it's going and then post 11th hour turning votes. So I will withold any further updates of the count and publish the final result at the end.
                              Without the medical corps, there would be no SG teams left

                              wonderful Signature by my Daughter RogueRanger aka Melanie


                                Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                                I didn't like the film as a trekkie, so I didn't want to steal anything from it: hyperspace tunnel crashing, is much better. Unfortunately, there was a bit too much uberness, but that is what 3.0 was like. This was the end of the uberness and it went up in flames.
                                I meant with all those (relative) super-geniuses working to build advanced technology, things might get uber fast. Plus, they already know and have seen what they're trying to build, so it'll be even easier. They aren't reverse-engineering; they're rebuilding.

                                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database

