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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Also, can I point out that it's not that the technophiles want to show off. It's called having a credible fleet that is realistic within the stargate universe.
    Right people, you have until 6pm GMT tomorrow to get your specs in.


      yes, but you can go too far with all the technical stuff, which is being done....

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        Where is it being done?


          all the counting of Jules and such

          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


            well that's all been done for you, you can choose to put the energy quota in your specs or not.


              I agree, these details are rarely used in the prose stories, they arent neccisary for storytelling. The number of fighters, missiles and guns are, plus a rough estimate of how powerful a ship should be is all you need to write a battle.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
              Original Starship DesignThread
              Sanctuary for all |
              11000! green me


                Well the energy quota bit is just an extra bit for me and Killman to look at, it's not really necessary, it's something I like to put in.


                  well, it does make me feel like I understand to few of it, besides I hardly see differences in specs only. I am more of a visualized person so I usually look at the designs only


                  Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                    i use energy quota to calculate the damage it can do, so i can see if it's overpowered or not, and the last system i add is the reactor, which is based upon my calculations


                      Originally posted by loc
                      well, it does make me feel like I understand to few of it, besides I hardly see differences in specs only. I am more of a visualized person so I usually look at the designs only
                      I suppose that has been the downside of disconnecting the spec'ing and modeling processes.


                        my problem with the original is because, the best modeller often wins, not the best specs, let alone the best model/specs for the job.
                        i perfer individualism because it stimulates creativity.

                        also by posting our specs early, people get a look at eachother's specs and often modify accordingly.


                          ^ The point I've been making all along. Why do we need to have teams of people against each other when everyone has the opportunity to critique everyone's specs before the vote.


                            Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                            Class Name: Agean
                            Model names: Achiles, Hector, Paris, Ajax, Agamemnon, Patroclus
                            Class: Cruiser
                            Technology base: Advanced human/Asgard
                            Users: UNEC, NATO, HS,tAE, SGC

                            Size: 230mL 130mW 60mH
                            Hull material: Trinium/Carbon/Titanium alloy ~ Aprx £18 Billion
                            Crew: 80 Human

                            Cost: £32 Billion

                            1 x Mark II Naquadah reactor ~£3Billion
                            3x Mark I Naquadah reactor ~ £2.5Billion

                            2x Main NPP engines ~ £4Billion
                            4x Ion thrusters ~ £6billion
                            2x Earth/Asgard/Goauld Hyperspace nodes. ~£2 Billion per node (Standard, price is flexible)
                            2x Reverse manouvering thrusters ~ £30m

                            1x Mark II Asgard Shield ~ £6 Billion

                            1x Rotary 150mm Rail gun (180 degree arc) ~£12M
                            2x Mark I Pulse Cannon ~200m
                            8x VTOL Missile Silos w. Mark 8 20x 4x KNaqSM ~£ 1.6 Billion
                            1x Spacemine Hanger and deployment system (250 spacemine) (Usually deactivated and refitted as additional cargo bay) ~£600m
                            5x100mm Rail gun ~£230m
                            12x 20mm point defence rail gun ~£40m

                            Secondary craft:
                            8x Fighter (TBC)
                            Space for: Up for 6 additional Teltak sized craft or 1 Alkesh internally, Mag clamp and Hyperspace capability for an additional 6 Fighter craft externally.

                            Asgard scanners and beaming technology
                            Ancient/human medical equipment
                            Human subspace comms
                            ~Usual equipment~

                            History and detail:
                            Designated the Agean class, after setting of the epic poems of tragedy (the Iliad and Odyssey) containing many of the great heroes of the Greek world in their war against Troy, this class stands as the successor to a class named by the superstars of this war. The Daedalus class was Earth's finest ship for almost a decade, the flagship of our expansion in to a power spanning the galaxy. This ship, of which 6 will initially be built takes heed of this reputation, and builds upon it, its flagship the Achilles is the last great hero to be honoured in our fleet along with other important heroes in their own right. Honoured in being the successor to the Daedalus class, a Cruiser as opposed to the battleCruiser/Carrier role of the Daedalus. These ships will carry a smaller number of fighters but the majority of our fighters will be stationed on dedicated Battlecarriers, a split in the formation of our fleet, creating two classes to replace the single function provided by the Daedalus. The Battle-carrier class, in essence the sister program to the Agean, will be covered later.

                            The Agean class is a more compact, faster and notably cheaper Daedalus class, the design takes its profile from the Daedalus but its technology is much more advanced. The uses of this ship are designed to be both effective in combat but versatile in peacetime. As such it has a great balance of function allowing it to be an effective contributor to the Tauri expansion. The ship is designed to be fast, as such the composition of its hyperdrive has been revamped. Instead of a single engine, it has two "fin's" which are self contained hyperdrive nodes which are networked to provide twice the speed of a conventional engine. These can be used separately to save power, or together to provide additional speed, whilst providing great redundancy. Each node is not as fast or expensive as a single larger deadalus class hyperspace, but together are faster overall. Indeed, these nodes can be augmented in a plug and play style to provide a range of options in terms of repair and upgrade, the design allows them to host cheap hyperdrives from Alkesh, reducing cost and speed, or more advanced Daedalus or other Asgard based engines, but increasing cost. The standard hyperdrive costs 2billion, and is an newer, more compact version of the Alkesh upgraded engines used on Promethius prior to Asgard upgrade. These are cheaper to source, build and repair as Alkesh parts are readily available throughout the galaxy and even Teltak crystals and components are compatible with the design, making them both the cheapest and through our human interfaces a very fast and robust hyperdrive system. Sublight propulsion is delivered through two engines, advanced NPP for acceleration and battletime speed, and Hebridan contracted Ion engines. Combined they provide fast and efficient propulsion allowing the ship to be fast and nimble in both hyperspace and in battle.

                            The shield is a standard Daedalus class shield, giving it very good protection for a ship of its size, being made in the same factory cuts down costs for this component, and the lesser power output compared to the Daedalus does reduce shield strength but the relative area needing protection is less giving the ship in theory very dense and solid shield relative to its size. This is worthwhile because while armed with some very powerful weapons, its offensive capacity is not its primary function, this ship is designed to cover a range of options as the Daedalus did, in a more compact way. The main weapons are 24 Mark 8 Nuclear warheads, with 4 warheads of K/Naq and an advanced trinium shell and sheild modulation technology. These are very advanced warheads, capable of bypassing a number of shielding systems including those of Hatak motherships, enough to be a serious threat in a small stand-off and effective as a final blow within a larger fleet battle. The other missiles are more than enough to provide effective offensive power when not equipped with these expensive additions. There is also a compliment of Coil guns, 2 large and 5 medium calibre forward firing, besides a turreted 150mm Coil gun which is the most important for fighter defence in conjunction with a smaller number of point defence manned conventional cannons.

                            The craft comes with a number of spaces by which the Agean class can be modified for different purposes. Most importantly are the two hangers which can at maximum contain 16 craft of Teltak size. These craft are not always stocked with fighters. In fact peacetime use generally favours cargo ships, or a variety of other smaller dropships and exploration vessels. These allow more flexibility, trade, exploration and people to engage in activities related to the peacetime purposes of the craft. The most important of which is to explore, expand and facilitate the economic and political objectives of the Tauri. Much of which would be hindered by the inclusion of Fighter craft, as would be the case in wartime when on solo missions. In fleet conditions these hangers are usually used as gunship carrier and can hold 4 as standard with space for a more if the cargo bay is also used. The cargo bay is an important tactical and functional space, a large bay which can be modified/originally intended to be used as a mine deployment system but rapidly became retrofitted as multifunction cargo bay, able to store ships, artefacts and technology in great conditions. While also if needed it can be converted in to an additional hanger for craft which do not need a take-off space (such as cargo ships or Alkesh, as opposed to fighters) This space can fit a single alkesh or up to 6 additional Teltaks or a very large amount of cargo making the ship an effective courier and trade ship for the fleet.

                            This ship is designed to replace the Daedalus class, taking over many of its roles, while diverting the Carrier function to a newer class it takes over and delivers on many of the cruiser roles the Daedalus provided to our fleet in an unofficial capacity. This ship is a more compact form for these roles, it is large enough to cater as an effective exploratory and diplomatic vessel. But is versatile enough to become an effective combat vessel. Able to pack an unexpected punch with some advanced fire-power but robust enough in combat to survive a battle and supply effective combat support through its fighters, gunships and other armaments. The total cost of the entire range will be just over £300Billion. Making this class a range of affordable, effective and multi-purpose vessels; a fantastic replacement for the Daedalus and important refurbishment of our fleet in this new age.


                            Cruiser revision of the Agean class and my submission for the Cruiser class. Please be aware that it was formerly a Battlecruiser and the specs/cost may need to be revised further to fit the new role. Im happy to do this because i want this ship in the fleet. The size is about as small as this ship can be, in its present state its more like a Light BC rather than a cruiser but the general idea behind the two ships is solid, dividing the the Cruiser and Carrier functions of the Daedalus in to two classes with the "Battle" part being lessed or strengthened depending on which of the new ships we go to. The battle carrier will have more rail guns for fighter defence and the cruiser will be faster but more missile based. The hangers on this craft would more likely be used to carry gunships, dropships and bombers as opposed to fighters in a fleet situation so do have a function.

                            Changed some bits like adding some energy weapons, and revising the cost down. Final submission for the Agean to Cruiser role.
                            Last edited by immhotep; 15 July 2010, 01:01 PM.
                            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                            Stargate : Genesis |
                            Original Starship DesignThread
                            Sanctuary for all |
                            11000! green me


                              Final submission:


                              Andromeda class Cruiser – CR-100
                              -Designation: CR-100
                              -Type: Medium hyperspace capable starship
                              -Role: Cruiser
                              -Users: Earth and its colonies
                              -Builders: Tauri

                              -Length: 150 meters
                              -Width: 70 meters
                              -Height: 45 meters
                              -Thickness of Armour: 10 metres
                              -Volume: 470,000m3
                              - Material: Naquadah/Trinium
                              - Hull Cost: $2.35 billion
                              -Skeleton material: Trinium weave
                              -Skeleton cost: $800 million
                              -Mass: 65,800 tonnes

                              ~Crew: 200
                              ~Maximum Capacity: 800

                              -Powerplant: 1x Mk II Capital Naquadah generators – $2.5 billion

                              ~ 2x large advanced VASIMR/Hebridian Ion engines - $100 million
                              ~ 6x medium Ion advanced VASIMR/Hebridian engines - $150 million
                              ~1x Advanced Gaould based Tauri hyperspace window generator - $1 billion

                              ~2x Mk I beam Cannons - $80 million
                              ~ 2x Mk I pulse Cannons - $70 million
                              ~10x Mk. II rail guns - $480 million
                              ~ 6x Mk II coilguns - $280 million
                              ~ 4x Mk I gatling guns - $220 million
                              ~ 20x Mk. III naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles (10 silos) - $290 million
                              ~ 12x Mk VI naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles (6 silos) - $270 million
                              ~ 4x Mk VII naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles (4 silos) - $364 million

                              ~1x Mk II advanced Hatak-type shield – $5.0 billion

                              -Additional Technology:
                              ~Astrometrics/Science lab - $150 million
                              ~Asgard beaming technology – $1.5 billion
                              ~ Rings - $500 million
                              ~Asgard sensors - $3 billion
                              ~Advanced Targeting systems - $100 million
                              ~ Laser guidance system - $30 million
                              ~CON - £30 million
                              ~ Sensor Jamming - $50 million
                              ~ Networked Defence System - $400 million
                              ~ Decoy Technology - $100 million
                              Total cost for Andromeda class cruiser: $19.7 billion

                              Technical Notes/Mission Profiles

                              With the Tauri expanding into the galaxy post-disclosure, a cruiser escort was required for the fleet. Its main role is to protect the larger capital ships in a battle due to its superior manoeuvrability. The Andromeda class Cruiser can also double as an exploration vessel thanks to the Asgard sensors. The Andromeda class ship was first devised before disclosure by the IOA and the first design was put forward by the British designers. The advanced gaould hyperdrive was designed around the Andromeda class and so will work best on this ship. The top speed of the Andromeda class ship is 0.6c and can accelerate to 0.5c in 20 seconds. It would take the Andromeda class 30 days to travel from Earth to Atlantis. So the Andromeda class is predominately a interstellar ship only rather than an intergalactic ship.
                              For sublight propulsion, the Andromeda uses advanced VASIMR/hebridian hybrid ion drives which are common throughout the Tauri fleet. The price for the Andromeda class fits well within its budget, so there are variations that can be made with the Andromeda class. In fact, a science lab that doubles up as an astrometrics labs has been installed on ship because of how much the ship is in budget. The Andromeda has 36 naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles ranging from 100 Megaton nukes to 10 Gigaton nukes, although the 10 Gigaton nukes are used as a last resort. The Andromeda class also use the new gatling guns that the Chinese were the first to develop and new coilgun technology from the Americans. The ship uses a defence system which ties all the defences together which allows them to synchronise their fire with each other, this system is called the Networked Defence System or NDS. The Andromeda class is also able to be used as a guinea pig for new technology before it goes onto the larger capital ships. The shield generator is based on a hatak shield that has been rigorously upgraded. This means that the shield’s peak power is around 330 Megatons per second. However, the Andromeda runs at 300 Megatons per second and has 270 Gigatons in a 15 minute battle. This leaves 280 Megatons per second to be used for other systems. This is also the first ship to test bed a new type of technology based on Caius’s phantom vessel generator. These are called decoys. Once launched, they can misguide enemy sensors into thinking that there are multiple Andromedas and so the enemy will attack these fakes, while the Andromeda can escape or defeat its enemy if it is possible.

                              Energy quota:

                              Defences(in 15 minute battle):
                              Shield: 270 Gt
                              Hull: 600 Mt
                              Skeleton: 225 Mt

                              Offensive(in 15 minute battle):
                              Missiles: 224 Gt
                              Railguns: 47Kt
                              Energy weapons: 133 Mt


                                Valkyrie class Cruiser
                                -Designation: CG-340
                                -Type: Hyperspace capable Missile Cruiser
                                -Role: Cruiser/Destroyer
                                -Users: UNEC
                                -Builders: UNEC
                                -Cost: 12,000,000,000

                                -Length: 180 meters
                                -Armor Plating: Nickel/Titanium/Chromium superalloy
                                -Hull: Trinium Superalloy
                                -Skeleton: Trinium Superalloy

                                ~Crew: 120
                                ~Maximum Capacity: 150

                                ~Modified Mark I Naquahdah Reactor, limited to 400KT/s (Max. output 1MT/s)
                                ~2x Mark I Generator backup.

                                ~3x VASIMR-type Plasma Drive
                                ~IDS (Inertialess Drive System)
                                ~1x Tau'ri hyperdrive (10 ly/min)

                                ~6x Missile Launcher Turret
                                ~30x Mark IV
                                ~7x ELS
                                ~42x Mark I Nuke
                                ~28x Mark II Nuke
                                ~14x Mark III Nuke
                                ~2x Dual-barrel Augmented 200mm Railgun Turret (32Kg, 4.44 GJ, Mach 50, 60 RPM)
                                ~8x Plasma Cannon Turret(variable energy, from 10KT/5BPS to 200Kt/15BPM)

                                ~Electronic Warfare Suite
                                ~4x Goalkeeper CIWS (space-modified, tied into CON)
                                ~Tau'ri Shield Generator (200MT/s max absorbtion, buffer size: 20Gt. Recharge time: 5 hours)

                                -Additional Technology:
                                ~Targeting Systems
                                ~1x Ring Station
                                ~1x Beaming Node
                                ~4x AC-401 Docking Point (think "destiny")
                                ~CIC (no bridge, not wise with this kind of nuclear firepower)
                                ~12 Tactical Deployable Ring Platforms
                                ~Multi-purpose rooms *can be used for labs etc*


                                per railgun per second: 8.3 Tonne TNT equivalent
                                total railguns: 4.
                                Total energy per second: 33 tonne TNT equivalent

                                Plasma: 50KT/s, 8 turrets = 400Kt/s

                                energy per sec:

                                400.033 Kt/s = 24 MT/minute


                                ~42x Mark I Nuke___50MT_______25 million
                                ~28x Mark II Nuke__80MT_______28 million
                                ~14x Mark III Nuke_100Mt______29 million
                                ~30x Mark IV_______250MT______32 million

                                Total: 114 missiles, 13240Mt, 3200 Million

