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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    I tend to agree with Tep. I feel that unique combat philosophies can't be maintained in a forced team building structure. If people want to work in groups that is fine, but I feel that an option to submit an individually inspired design should also be allowed. I know for myself, when I conceive a design, I'll usually generate it in my mind in its entirety, including all aspects such as the logical gathering of components, innovative applications of technology, interesting ship applications and finally a physical model. I even visualize the final product in operation. That is my personal design process. Some of the concepts I will naturally tend to won't be compatible with another person's, let alone a group, but I'd still like the freedom to share those concepts in exactly the form that I conceived them.


      Let me ask you this Blacky, if you're going to buy a ship say a Destroyer for your Navy, would you want one man to do the whole lot, or a shipyard? Will he be able to design the entire project from keel to antenna array on his own in a contracted timeline and budget? Indiiduality is great and it helps with perfection in the long term I agree, but I'd rather work together with say you, than try and compete against you, that does not bode well for teammanship in the end.

      Tom here is the prelimary rough draft for the AC401's

      Tornado class AC401 Model Variants

      Production Information
      -General Dynamics Corporation
      -Northrop Grumman Corporation Australia
      -L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.
      -Boeing/ BAE Systems

      Class: Tornado
      Cost: $250,560,000

      -AC401 A Model
      -AC401 B Model

      Technical Specifications
      Ship Length: 26.5 metres
      Ship Width: 20.4 metres
      Ship Height/depth: 9.7 metres

      Engine unit(s):
      -2x VASMIR Mk3a Sublight Engines
      -4 Vertical Maneuvering Thrusters
      -Reduced for size Asgard Hyperdrive

      Fuel: Naquadah/ Water
      Hyperdrive system: Limited Intergalactic
      Power plant:
      1 Naquadah Generator

      - Al’kesh derived Cloaking Device

      Hull: Titanium/Trinium alloy

      Sensor systems: 360 degree Sensor Array
      Targeting systems: Rayethon ASQ-36 MK4
      Navigation system: Computer Navigational Systems

      -Venting System

      -6 Wing-mounted missile launchers (AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles-Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile)
      -Twin turret mounted Plasma pulse cannons
      -A single 25mm x 7 barrelled GE gatling gun maybe mounted in the bomb bay for selected missions.

      -Other Missiles
      -Various Bombloads up to 8,000kgs

      -Supplies (if transporting)
      -Vehicle(s) (if transporting)
      -Crew: 4 to 6 crew members
      -Passengers: 24 troops A model, 36 B model

      Other systems:
      -IBM Contracted Mainframe

      Usage/ Role(s):
      -Cargo Transport
      -Patrol-Scout Ship
      -Medium Attack Ship
      -Light Bomber

      Year Introduced: 2012-16
      My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
      sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


        PJ are you sure you're not a Judge or something, maybe a JAG lawyer? You have me convinced, and yes team work is the only way we can do this as if we were building a real virtual fleet.

        Thanks to Commander PJOZ for the siggy


          PJ I would agree with you in the real world but in a virtual fleet where all the resources we need are a love of stargate and a lot of imagination I would go with one guy and one design because I know I loved making my fighter and yeah I got pissed but I wouldn't want it any other way
          Vote Anubis for President in 2012
          A Face you Can Trust
          So whats the worst that could happen?
          Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
          It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


            Ok Fuji here's an idea. Copy down the specs above^^^ for the AC401 and see what you can do with it. Here are some preliminary pics of the A model



            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              Fujiman, now there is an offer you can't refuse, I've read a couple of fics where PJ's AC401 has been used...awesomely

              Thanks to Commander PJOZ for the siggy


                But the whole point is that I would want to make my own and not use someone else's specs and modify them how I see fit
                Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                A Face you Can Trust
                So whats the worst that could happen?
                Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                  Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                  But the whole point is that I would want to make my own and not use someone else's specs and modify them how I see fit
                  Boy you really know how to offend someone don't ya. Guys I've thinking of joining in with you, but what is with all the bickering and self serving attitude, don't y'all know how to work together? I mean seriously, there is what ten or twelve of you, and you ALL want your own ship!!!! By that token, you'll be hair until doomsday still debating over stuff.


                    i say to make a ship yall decide on a certin section of the specs ie: one of you work on weapons another on engines another on size and another on power that way yall can work on the ship and contribute to it and stop with the whiny and bickering and actually work on ships a hell of alot faster also that way the voting thing wont really be much of an issue.


                      Originally posted by blackluster View Post
                      I tend to agree with Tep. I feel that unique combat philosophies can't be maintained in a forced team building structure. If people want to work in groups that is fine, but I feel that an option to submit an individually inspired design should also be allowed. I know for myself, when I conceive a design, I'll usually generate it in my mind in its entirety, including all aspects such as the logical gathering of components, innovative applications of technology, interesting ship applications and finally a physical model. I even visualize the final product in operation. That is my personal design process. Some of the concepts I will naturally tend to won't be compatible with another person's, let alone a group, but I'd still like the freedom to share those concepts in exactly the form that I conceived them.
                      personally i agree completely with this. I too visualize a design to fit my combat style, attack retreat, repeat. I have always been fascinated wit ancient naval battles but also with guerilla, but the thing is, a fleet of big ships that go head long into battle fire weapons only, to me seems as if they are forgetting allot of things. Why not use all, the tech at our disposal, why not head in attack, cloak and attack again. I moved away from big ships for they do not cut it in the long run... In my opinion, and what I see here is doing just that.

                      Also PJ, I agree that if we do not work together we will never get anywhere, and allot of people never get their ships into the fleet and we will only end up with what has been voted in. Is it not true that in RL allot of different classes of warships are in use? That there are multiple vessels for single duties?
                      This then goes back to the still fractured Earth, Earth still is not united under one banner, yes you've got the UNEC, but in reality it is still same old same old Earth politics that acts like they are somewhat united towards the rest of the galaxy. ANd those countries, like Germny, the Netherlands, the UK, China, Japan and all will not accept something like we all must use that ship for that role. Since each nation's got a different way of waging war and still have their autonomy I cannot see them actually all doing just what we are trying...

                      To me it seems illogical to try to make everyone use one type of ships since that is against what I think nations would want to do.


                      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                        Jesus, guys, just pick a spec and move on. ****.....137 pages of this bickering and all we accomplished is what? Come on guys, this is getting ridiculous......its like reading a BAD fic with 10 pages of technical information and like 3 sentences of plot.


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                          Originally posted by colbmista View Post
                          i say to make a ship yall decide on a certin section of the specs ie: one of you work on weapons another on engines another on size and another on power that way yall can work on the ship and contribute to it and stop with the whiny and bickering and actually work on ships a hell of alot faster also that way the voting thing wont really be much of an issue.
                          Pretty much what some of us have been saying Colby, yes that is the way to go
                          Originally posted by locutes View Post
                          Also PJ, I agree that if we do not work together we will never get anywhere, and allot of people never get their ships into the fleet and we will only end up with what has been voted in. Is it not true that in RL allot of different classes of warships are in use? That there are multiple vessels for single duties?
                          This then goes back to the still fractured Earth, Earth still is not united under one banner, yes you've got the UNEC, but in reality it is still same old same old Earth politics that acts like they are somewhat united towards the rest of the galaxy. ANd those countries, like Germny, the Netherlands, the UK, China, Japan and all will not accept something like we all must use that ship for that role. Since each nation's got a different way of waging war and still have their autonomy I cannot see them actually all doing just what we are trying...

                          To me it seems illogical to try to make everyone use one type of ships since that is against what I think nations would want to do.
                          Pre 2000 yes Loc, that was Naval thinking, but now as you can see with the development of littoral warfare Navies are buidling more multi-role ships and reducing the size of their fleets, the US is a good benchmark for that. As well, with the UNEF, your capitol is pooled, so no one nation will have the upper hand, and ship technology/design will be shared. You might for example have a BB310 with a crew made up of a crew with a Chinese Captain, a Dutch XO and and a US Squadron Commander. That is how it will work, and the same with the ships, less variety, but some with multi-role capability. The AC401 is a good example. A gunship/dropship and grunt carrier/light cargo ship.
                          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                            Unfortunately Amann, I must totally agree. I though, when we were at like 50pages, finally we're getting somewhere, but no I am wrong. There is no major plot yet, we have not even started writing and it is turning my head upside down with tecdhnical **** I don't understand jack off.

                            Just get started on writing I want to have fun writing and reading, not blow up my fracking head with technical stuff I try to understand and fail miserably at!

                            If this way of writing everything with jules that megatonnes that and so on, I will end up leaving... I just get the fealing I'm being pushed out and not wanted nor needed. Just go start on the stories please!


                            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                              Pretty much what some of us have been saying Colby, yes that is the way to go

                              Pre 2000 yes Loc, that was Naval thinking, but now as you can see with the development of littoral warfare Navies are buidling more multi-role ships and reducing the size of their fleets, the US is a good benchmark for that. As well, with the UNEF, your capitol is pooled, so no one nation will have the upper hand, and ship technology/design will be shared. You might for example have a BB310 with a crew made up of a crew with a Chinese Captain, a Dutch XO and and a US Squadron Commander. That is how it will work, and the same with the ships, less variety, but some with multi-role capability. The AC401 is a good example. A gunship/dropship and grunt carrier/light cargo ship.
                              I am still 2010 thinking! I am still thinking in this age for I know no better... But do you think that in 2025 we can all hapilly work togewther like none of our past greevances have happened?! I think not... Also we've still got the language thing to discuss, for on one side everyone sais, no we will not make any nation give up their language but on the other hand everyone is united, and we will have to speak ether Mandarin, Spanish or English... It will just not work...

                              Besides, everyone comes from a different navy/airforce/spaceforce/army/what ever with different docterines and they are used to doing it in THEIR OWN language mindset and culture... merging that will not work in 15 years seen from now. That will take ages, especially with the likes of Wilders, me and and other radicals who want to keep their own nation their own...

                              Navies building more multirole ships, only logical, yet some people in that verry US you are talking about are still not innovating their ships, I mean, the American navy is the mightiest on the planet, yet their ships need more manpower and are less advanced than European ships. They have different systems and the US navy's got to decrease the size of its fleet for it is too big for this world...

                              nations like the Netherlands and Belgium are for one talking about ENLARGING the fleet... and airforce, and army...


                              Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                                I think the problem is the technophilles (can that be a word) just want to show off with all their grand knowledge and guys like you and a couple of others just want to get on with it.

