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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Well, here's my suggestion for our back-story if anyone wants to hold a vote or something. It's rather detailed in some areas, but open-ended in others (especially the ship/tech question; we can decide on that when we vote for the fleet). Naturally, the overall storyline is what's important; minutia and details can be quibbled over and changed based on people's preferences.

    Fleet Back-story
    (Lt. Col. Mcoy’s Version)

    1997 – 2010: All of SG-1, SGA, Ark of Truth, Continuum, and SGU (season 1) happened exactly as portrayed in the show(s). Atlantis returned to Pegasus somehow. (We can fit the Atlantis movie in here, if-and-when it airs.)

    2011: The Pegasus Asgard (hereafter referred to as the “Jotnar” in this overview) have been forced to evacuate the planet they had been living on due to the toxicity of the atmosphere. They wander from planet to planet until they stumble upon a world with an amazing prize; an unfinished Ancient city-ship like Atlantis and the city in The Tower. The Jotnar find that the intergalactic hyperdrive is functional but unpowered, so they begin construction to repair and finish the ship.

    The Hebridians have begun rebuilding their home world, and the Free Jaffa have fragmented into several non-warring states which resemble the German states before unification. Events relating to Earth in this time period should be left vague so that we can retain SGU continuity as long as possible.

    2012: The Jotnar complete their work on the city-ship, which they call the Jotunheim. They take the city back to Ida to search for any technology left behind by their brethren. They still harbor a deep grudge against the Wraith.

    The Jotnar locate a Daniel Jackson-class starship, the Ithavoller, drifting in the Othalla system, far from the planet. From it, they find that the Asgard capital was moved to Orilla, and they decide to investigate (remembering that Doctor Jackson had told them their brothers were dead). They also discover that this ship is a fail-safe against the destruction of the Asgard race: it contains copies of the last-downloaded consciousnesses of the Asgard leadership so that they can be revived in the case of a disaster. It was recalled to Orilla along with all other Asgard ships before the events of Unending, but its hyperdrive malfunctioned and it didn’t make it.

    The Jotnar travel to the remains of Orilla, and determine what happened based on the available evidence. They deduce that their brothers committed mass suicide, though they do not know the exact circumstances. They also find a record noting that an Information Core and several advanced technological upgrades were transferred to the Earth Ship Odyssey before the planet’s destruction. They are puzzled that their brethren would give a young race such technology, and they want to get it back so they can get their revenge on the Wraith.

    To get information about Earth (including its location), the Jotnar attempt to extract information from the consciousnesses on the Ithavoller. The system’s encryption is too difficult for them to crack, but they think of another method to get the information. They revive a few of the Asgard: Thor, Freyr, and Heimdall are among these, though their memories only extend to the end of the Replicator War (the last time their consciousnesses were uploaded to an Asgard computer). The Jotnar are also surprised to find Loki (whom they recognize as an agitator for their movement from millennia ago) locked away in the system; part of the memory was used as a prison for high-ranking Asgard who were sentenced to long periods of disembodiment as punishment for crimes. (The Asgard did not use capital punishment.)

    Small wars break out between some of the Jaffa states, allowing smaller domains to be absorbed by larger ones and creating various alliances. Once again, events relating to Earth during this period can be left vague so that SGU can continue in our continuity as long as possible.

    2013: Thor and most of the other revived Asgard refuse to give the Jotnar any information, but Loki is all too willing to cooperate. He tells the Jotnar everything he knows about the people of Earth (whom the Jotnar call “Midgarders”). The Jotnar decide to trick the IOA into giving them the Asgard technology by pretending to be surviving Asgard, so they take the Ithavoller to Earth.

    The Jotnar show up in orbit and contact the IOA. They inform the representatives that they are Asgard who survived the destruction of Orilla in specialized stasis equipment. They say that they wish to retrieve the Core and related technologies that the Asgard had entrusted to Earth, explaining that we need no longer keep their memory alive because they have miraculously found a way to halt their genetic degradation.

    The IOA protests, but ultimately they can do nothing to stop the Jotnar (whom they believe to be real Asgard). They allow the Jotnar to dismantle the Core-related technologies from the 304’s, but they do rotate them through Jotnar hands so that Earth doesn’t have all her ships out of commission at once. Because of this, the process takes several months. Some elements in the IOA are suspicious of the Jotnar (especially those in the SGC who had known the Asgard), but they do not have any incriminating evidence that the Jotnar are deceiving them, just suspicions.

    After the Jotnar dismantle the last of the Core-related technologies, they leave Earth and return to Ida to meet up with the Jotunheim. However, Thor and several of the other Asgard manage to break out and sneak into an escape pod just before the Ithavoller jumps into hyperspace. The Odyssey detects the pod, and retrieves it from orbit. They are shocked to find the Asgard inside, and beam them down to Earth when they request to speak with the IOA. Thor, acting as leader, explains what happened and expresses his regret that they were unable to stop the Jotnar from stealing the technologies the Asgard had entrusted to Earth. The IOA is incensed at the deception, but they can do nothing about it now.

    Thor provides the IOA with the coordinates of a planet on the edge of the Milky Way that houses a secret Asgard facility, and asks that he and the escaped Asgard be taken there. He tells the IOA that he and the other Asgard will try to come up with a way to recover the lost technology and perhaps rescue the other revived Asgard. The one good thing that has come from this debacle is that he and the other Asgard now have bodies which are not degenerate, thanks to the Jotnar, and Heimdall is confidant she can reproduce the techniques. The Asgard will survive.

    The IOA approves Thor’s request, and the Asgard are taken to their secret base (named "Thrudeim" in honor of Thor).

    The Jaffa states have stopped their warring (for the most part) and have coalesced into four or five major nations, with various minor regions remaining independent. The largest of these nations, the Republic of Free Jaffa, is the most direct descendant of the original Free Jaffa nation. The other nations are feudalistic or democratic to varying degrees.

    2014: With the Asgard Core-technologies gone, Earth has moved back down the galactic food chain. The Lucian Alliance, sensing an opportunity, begins to make overt moves against Earth forces, even going so far as to attack one of the off-world bases. They had become more unified during the Jaffa’s infighting, and a new leader rises to power (possibly with Aschen or Shrin’yar influence). Commanding a large fraction of the Lucian Alliance’s resources, he (or she) sends a Ha’tak to Earth to test our defenses.

    The Ha’tak appears in Earth orbit, and is immediately spotted by the Odyssey and another of our 304’s (possibly an unnamed one; there should be at least five more by now). They engage the Ha’tak and manage to blow it up, but the pieces rain down into the North Atlantic in full view of the world.

    With no way to cover up the incident, the IOA is forced to reveal the existence of Earth’s space forces. The US pushes to keep the Stargate a secret at the very least, but Germany announces the Stargate’s existence as a maneuver to put itself ahead in the game. A period of geopolitical upheaval ensues. France’s government is forced to step down, as is Russia’s. The US senate demands that certain technologies be removed from military control and handed over to the general government, including hyperdrive technology and the Stargate. The UK and Australia manage to remain mostly stable, though police crackdowns occur in some areas.

    There is a squabble over what will happen to the Stargate, but eventually the various nations agree that Cheyenne Mountain is (for now) the best place for it to be. However, the mountain is declared to be international territory and a multi-national base is set up on the surface to monitor the ’gate.

    In Pegasus, the Jotnar return and begin a war with the Wraith. Todd asks the Atlantis team to help his faction, but they are wary and do nothing. The chaos on Earth also lessens their capacity to help human worlds caught in the crossfire.

    2015-2020: Civilian corporations that are able to bargain for access to extraterrestrial technologies begin constructing hyperspace-capable starships for civilian use, as do various non-military government firms. Colonies are established off-world, and trading deals are struck with some of the more advanced planets in the Milky Way. The Hebridians are especially congenial to the expansion, and several Hebridian firms begin operating on Earth. Business deals with companies like the Tech Con Group help several Earth corporations to acclimate quickly to the interstellar business climate. The various Earth militaries help to defend and set up colonies established by their nations.

    The Jotnar continue their war with the Wraith, but Todd figures out how to use his last ZPMs to create a pair of Superhives that can survive against the Jotnar ships. Many of the Wraith rally around his banner, and the Atlantis expedition worries that he may eventually turn on them.

    2025: Earth has sixteen-or-so colonies in the Milky Way, and relations between Earth and the Hebridians are very warm. The Asgard haven’t been heard from in a while, but intelligence indicates that they are simply being reclusive. The Lucian Alliance is still a threat, though Hebridian and reverse-engineered Goa’uld weaponry has lessened the danger. With Asgard shields (which the Jotnar left), typical Earth ships can stand up to an Alliance Ha’tak in a normal fight.

    The Jaffa nations are still in the formation they reached a decade ago, and show few signs of instability. Rumors of a rising Aschen Confederation have been heard, but they are so far unsubstantiated. On Earth, the IOA and UN have reformed into the United Nations of Earth (UNE). The UNE is often referred to as “the new UN” or just “the UN”, though the latter term is strictly inaccurate because the organizations are not the same.

    In Pegasus, the Atlantis Expedition has also expanded slightly, establishing a pair of major off-world bases. The Wraith and the Jotnar have reached a stalemate, thanks to Todd, and are in a state of cold war.

    Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 03 June 2010, 09:37 AM. Reason: grammatical tidbits

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      Damn, man you put a lot of intelligent thought into that. One question, and I'm pretty adamant on this for the timeline technology point of view. In that period say 2013-2016 my guess is that the SGC and the IOA would be relying soley on the 304's for defence. If canon was followed into SG1 season 11, I can guarantee they would be introducing a small but powerful intermediate sized ship into the mix. They have the tech now to go it alone and with only missiles, rail-guns and maybe a plasma cannon and decent shields, that's all they'd need to boost the 304's limited capabilities.

      Thanks to Commander PJOZ for the siggy


        That's fine by me. One of the main points of the fleet is introducing new ships; I just left specifics of that open because we usually vote on them once we get started.

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          I like that history Mcoy, I like it alot as it allows us to keep the roots of the star gate franchise but just enough room to let us make the history of the galaxy for ourselves as well as keep the Asgard around but in a much weaker form which I really like
          Vote Anubis for President in 2012
          A Face you Can Trust
          So whats the worst that could happen?
          Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
          It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


            By the way I also wrote a history for my failed "The Other Gateworld Fleet" (oh, memories...) but I wouldn't say we should use it entirely but maybe parts of it

            Now the history

            In 2008 the Ori were finally defeated with the help of the Ark of Truth. After the Ark was used the priors agreed that they would return to their own galaxy and try to build up their people to a great people instead of the worshipers of the Ori. So they took their religion, their ships, their armies, and any form of their technology that they had brought and left as they knew it was for the best. They took the Tegalus satelite and the plans with it to make sure no one could use it for harm. They then went back to the supergate and left. After leaving all the Milky Way powers agreed to destroy the supergate in hopes that the Ori or any other force to use it against them. Now with the Ori gone the Tau'ri for once had a stable galaxy, or at least they thought they did.

            The galaxy started to rebuild itself slowly. Many weren't sure what happened in the war or how it could have happened. Few actually knew of Daniel Jackson and what he had done to bring the ori to the galaxy but those who did knew they were waiting for the right time to use it against Earth. So many races jaffa, tok'ta, Langara, Hebridian, and many others.

            The jaffa were in the worst shape as after the ori left many were accused of working for the ori. Those who were accused often didn't get a trail but instead a beating that led to a brutal death. Most of these death happened on jaffa worlds to jaffa and at first it was only the guilty. Soon however it turned into a witch hunt. So the jaffa reformed their empire. The disbanded from the Republic and set up a feudal system where each planet was self run. This led to an alliance system between planets and this led to a war between jaffa planets who fought for trade, ships, and Naqahdah, but more importantly it opened up wounds from when jaffa served the Goa'uld. This is when a jaffa named Ra'ca took power over thirty worlds. He became the most powerful jaffa in the new order. Ra'ca was a fundamental traditionalist who believed that humans should serve the jaffa as labor and miners and the jaffa protect them. He also brought the worship of the old Goa'uld gods (not the Goa'uld but the figures they represented. He believed that because they didn't stay true to the worship of their gods the Ori came to punish them. So Teal'c knew he needed to end this horrible killing spree and war. Teal'c knew it was his time ti unite the jaffa into one nation again. So in 2010 Teal'c left Earth and went to Chulak and called a meeting of over fifty worlds. He called to remake the Republic but this time making sure it was strong enough. Out of the fifty planet leaders that came only thirty four stayed to ratify a new constitution. So now Teal'c was voted Prime Minister of the New Jaffa Republic. With Teal'c the leader the NJR has started to build up science and trade while Ra'ca has focused on building heavy industry and mining. The two groups haven't declared War yet as they are both are trying to gain more of the independent worlds to their jaffa nations. So far in terms of military and numbers Ra'ca has the advantage but Teal'c is gaining ground with his policy of development and interstellar diplomacy.

            Now after the Ori the Tok'ra decided it was time to settle down on a planet of their own. So they found a planet of their own and focused on their work with genetics, chemistry, and biology hoping to solve their problems. So they settled on a world not known to the jaffa or tau'ri or any race for that matter. They have embassies with Teal'c's jaffa nation but look at Ra'ca as a tyrant. Also the tok'ra after asking the tau'ri for help set up a new research station in the Pegasus Galaxy. So the Tok'ra are trying to rebuild them numbers and their new power in the milky way.

            Both the Langaras and the Hebridians were orbitaly bombed by the Ori so they home worlds were destroyed. However the Langaras had either escaped off world or they used their numerous bomb shelters for some sort of protection still they lost over 2/3 of their population. But since then they have rebuilt their homeworld and are now able to produce ships that are crude version of the F-302 based on technology from Anubis and the Ori that was left over. Also the Hebridians have rebuilt their position as many of their off world colonies were left untouched. So they are once again rebuilding their star empire.

            After the fall of the Ori the tau'ri were the ones who were sitting the best. The US government were pumping out BC-304s reinforce their fleet. However the IOA was getting a little cocky at this time and sent their entire fleet of 304s to the Pegasus Galaxy hoping to take out the remaining hives of the Wraith. This turned into a horrible mistake as instead of picking the hives off one at time they united into a single force that attacked Atlantis after Todd was tortured into telling the wraith. So a fleet of wraith cruisers and hives attacked the city. The six BC-304s counter attacked unfortunately the Odyssey was destroyed and with the Asgard computer core. Luckily for Earth the core had been downloaded into a sever. Still only shields, hyperdrives, beam, sensors, the entire history of the Asgard, and a few other information was taken out. So that meant that the Asagrd Plasma weapons could no longer be produced to the efficiency that they once had been. So as of 2009 no more asgard weapons were made as they became way to unstable to use without the core checking to make sure the weapons worked. Still the City was saved and so were the Daedalus and the Apollo survived the attack. So Earth was down to two ships again. Also this is when new ship designs were first thought of. The IOA took heat for this so to get more world support they allowed several more countries to join the IOA. With these new countries led to a new treaty to be signed and a new UN system set up.

            So after losing the Asgard Core the IOA knew their new focus had to be to master and reverse engineer as much of their current off world technology as possible. So they set up a new research facility in New Mexico. So they started to move out technology from Area-51 so more scientist could work on the projects. Then the next strike against the tau'ri came in 2011 when the Ark of Truth was being moved to a new research station in New Mexico code named "Area-52". So on the journey to the new lab the convoy was attacked by members of the trust in a last ditch effort to gain an upper hand. So the convoy was losing and badly so the chief scientist knew she had no choice and destroyed the ark with C4. With the destruction of the device the Trust agents left.

            So after the destruction of the Ark the IOA knew they had to be more careful with transporting any and all off world technology. So soon they set up their new research center. So in 2014 Area-52 had over 1,000 Scientists from every country of the IOA and this number increased exponentially. Only Asgard technology and information was held by the US so the US gave out the plans to the F-302 to all nations hoping it would lessen the tension. So all Goa'uld technology was the focus of Reverse Engineering at the new Area-52. So research and development started to increase more and more as time went. Each nation wanted more and more of their scientists to be in the program. Even Rodney McKay left Atlantis to work at Area-52 for a few years before getting angry that the US wouldn't allow him technology of the Ancients and Asgard. So Rodney McKay went to Canada and made his own research center so that Canada could reap the rewards. So more and more countries started pulling their scientists out of Area-52 and built their own programs while putting new rookie scientists into Area-52. So after four years the first non-USA ship was built by Russia in 2015 with designs and research that was done at Area-52. The following year the United Kingdom’s made their first ship interstellar ship. Then other countries started following suit. Of course the technology was all Goa'uld based as Ancient and Asgard were off limits to other then the USA. This brought much resentment but America wanted to keep its dominance as much as they could. So soon enough all major powers knew of the stargate and had access to Goa'uld level technology.

            So each nation in the IOA started to build up their fleets of transport ships and small battleships. This is when the first off world colonizes started. Well kind of, the IOA members with ships started setting up mining and off world R and D sites. The program was working great. Little improvements would be slipped into the general public and no one would know. It was pretty small stuff at first. Just an intar to start with for police forces, then new medicines that they had formed, then they started to release little stuff like food processing and growth. Everything was going great for the world. Still that’s when the worst case scenario came. A leak from the IOA came. Soon the whole world knew of the stargate and everything that happened over the last few decades. Now the countries in the IOA didn't react to strongly other than a few of the citizens demanding to know everything and a few getting guns and storing up on supplies fearing an invasion to occur and even a few riots here and there but nothing major. For the most part they didn't react badly at all. However the countries not in the IOA flipped. Government were toppled and riots broke out. The people demanded that they receive the technology that the countries in the IOA had. The IOA didn't know how to respond and sent in troops to calm the people down. It was a big mistake as many of the governments who the IOA tried to protect were just as angry. So after a year of trying to calm the world the IOA gave the lowest form of Goa'uld technology that they could to the non-IOA countries. So these countries started to build their fleets up the best they could but they lacked vital off world materials like trinium and Naqahdah. So they demanded these materials and the IOA shut them down not trusting them. So then in 2021 the non-IOA countries gained whatever fleet they could and left with as many people as they could to numerous worlds where they could mine the materials they needed. The IOA told them that they wouldn't protect them. Still they left and didn't tell anyone where they were going. So for the first time in Earth's history most of the radicals had left in search of their own world. Those who remained joined the IOA as junior members and weren't given much more privilege then that.

            So over the next four years the Earth prospered. It started to grow out wards. Many small colonies were built. America dominated as they had the superior technology but others were catching up and soon there were twenty six colonies. Most of them were just small mining or had a lab on them. Still five of these worlds were made into Fortress worlds where fleets were kept. Then in 2025 Earth's off world Colonies were attacked by an unknown enemy. The enemy raided the worlds never allowing a counter attack to come. They only attacked the small colonies and usually took resources and technology. So the Tau'ri didn't know what to do. So the first Milky Way Strike force was made. It was composed of every country that had a colony at risk. So Earth now doesn't know who its new enemy is but they are trying to build up and stop them. So in the year 2026 and the tau'ri are expanding in the Milky Way as well as the Pegasus Galaxy
            Vote Anubis for President in 2012
            A Face you Can Trust
            So whats the worst that could happen?
            Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
            It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


              the only thing I do not like is the Asgard I think they should be just dead and we never got the core because the Asgard did not give use the shields and engines they gave use the plans to build and with the jothar is the fact is I was earth the first thing I would do is download as much of the important technologies as I could on to normal storage systems their for we would retain the tec.

              The fact remains that the Asgard should be destroyed I have a idea if we are still using the Ori that when the oddacy arrives they find the Asgard home world destroyed and several Ori ships in orbit look for any technology’s or survivors we very quickly make a hasty retreat then we blow up the super gate with their being no more Ori and the fact they the Priers have no idea how to construct another one they are cut off from the ones in the milky way and we manage to construct a new missile they can penetrate Ori shield form Atlantis and we destroy the ones hear but this modification will have no affect on Goauld ones


                Originally posted by guppy338 View Post
                the first thing I would do is download as much of the important technologies as I could on to normal storage systems their for we would retain the tec.
                I did think of that, and it makes a possible plot point for later. What would happen if a rouge US faction did keep some of the stuff and used it in secret, like the rouge NID. (It needn't be US either.) But the idea is to get it out of main-stream use.

                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                  you know a cool tech they shoulda introduced from the asgard is some kinda mind control device to help fly the fighters or somthing like that


                    Originally posted by guppy338 View Post
                    the only thing I do not like is the Asgard I think they should be just dead and we never got the core because the Asgard did not give use the shields and engines they gave use the plans to build and with the jothar is the fact is I was earth the first thing I would do is download as much of the important technologies as I could on to normal storage systems their for we would retain the tec.

                    The fact remains that the Asgard should be destroyed I have a idea if we are still using the Ori that when the oddacy arrives they find the Asgard home world destroyed and several Ori ships in orbit look for any technology’s or survivors we very quickly make a hasty retreat then we blow up the super gate with their being no more Ori and the fact they the Priers have no idea how to construct another one they are cut off from the ones in the milky way and we manage to construct a new missile they can penetrate Ori shield form Atlantis and we destroy the ones hear but this modification will have no affect on Goauld ones
                    The Asgard are central to and the core of Earth's tech. It overtook Goa'uld tech in prominence.

                    Mind control can be done without Asgard tech, they would only have to adapt the Keepers device for direct control rather than as a game function.
                    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                      Experiment 442 mentioned this and I think it is a good idea, we shouild focus now on weapons for ground troops, transports for same troops, and also supply types and even (worse!) the whole political spectrum, which i'm not exactly good at

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        As someone who is majoring in political science, the whole political spectrum of anything is complicating

                        My question for Earth is how long until it is united? And I mean really united
                        Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                        A Face you Can Trust
                        So whats the worst that could happen?
                        Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                        It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                          Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                          As someone who is majoring in political science, the whole political spectrum of anything is complicating

                          My question for Earth is how long until it is united? And I mean really united
                          Do you mean when China owns everything or when there's a centeral system and everyone works together for a common goal?

                          By the way i'm mostly joking about the first though in some countries Chinas owns pretty much everything, so far they own most of Florida USA and half of (I think) NYC

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                            Mind control can be done without Asgard tech, they would only have to adapt the Keepers device for direct control rather than as a game function.
                            you know i mean like a device to control the fighter not to control a person right.


                              if you mean Mind Control as in the Jedi Force Power, then no idea, however the communications stones might be a usible way of doing that, only, transffering ones personal to a machine, has someone wrote that?

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                no i mean as interfacing with a vessel and controlin it wit ur mind kidna like a puddle jumper but more primitive cuz they have to wear a head peice.

